Only Sweat the Small Stuff 922

I was called by a journalist yesterday who told me that in Dewsbury six years ago I shared a platform with Baroness Warsi’s now husband at a meeting against the persecution of Muslims. Sadly I couldn’t really help him as at the time I was doing hundreds such events and have only the dimmest of recollections of that one.

It is not merely amusing that Cameron refers Warsi for investigation for allegedly pocketing a couple of thousand quid while protecting Hunt who tried so hard to shepherd the Murdoch BSkyB bid past the winning post, while pretending to referee the event.

Nor is the lesson just that a Muslim woman will always be expendable while a fully paid up member of the ruling class will be less so.

The truth is that to trip up an MP over a little cash does not threaten the system. To tackle the massive institutional corruption by which corporate interests control the British state is a different question altogether.

Hunt is of course not the only case not to be referred. Nor was the Adam Werritty debacle, where rather than the proper investigative procedures Cameron organised a tidy little stitch-up by Gus O’Donnell which omitted almost all the key facts and particularly did not say what the entire scheme was about – the promotion of the interests of Israel. The Murdoch Empite, the Israeli lobby, these are amongst the interests that actually run the exploited citizenry of this poor wracked old country. Every now and then glimpses of truth emerge.

But must not be pursued.

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922 thoughts on “Only Sweat the Small Stuff

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  • Mary

    Quite correct.

    I cannot read the whole thing as Ha’aretz now have a paywall.
    Palestinian activists ‘occupy’ their own little piece of land in London
    Palestine Place in central London employs the Occupy movement’s techniques to promote an anti-Zionist agenda.
    By Anshel Pfeffer 06.06.12
    Most Britons used the long weekend and national holiday celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee to indulge in street parties and other royal-themed events, or to depart the rainy island for a little sunshine. But a small group of activists used the opportunity to take over an office block in central London and establish Palestine Place, a center for pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel themed activities.

  • Dave and Nick suck bankers cock

    Mr Coulson? Not a problem. Mr Fox? Not a problem. Mr Hunt? Not a problem. Female Moslem visits Pakistan? Oy Vay, now we have a problem.

  • stephen


    What do you think of the uzbek relation with russia and china, is the SCO powerful enough to counterbalance nato while uzbekistan is playing to the west agenda?

  • Giles

    Not sure her expendability has anything to do with being a Muslim woman but your following point is a very good one. Sweat only the small stuff?

  • Kim

    Craig’s right about this being small stuff. However, Warsi is there to serve her purpose as a sop to the reactionary religious element within the Tory party, while showing how “inclusive” Dave’s party now is. Warsi is an ignorant, arrogant bigot. She was unable to win the parliamentary election in Dewsbury – Shaheed Malik, who Warsi hates, and will not speak to, wiped the floor with her.

  • Komodo

    Never been sure about Warsi. She’s never won an election, and on the whole does not seem to have brought much to the Tory table. Yet she was ennobled and made co-chair of the party. There are (it grieves me to admit it) more able members of the party who spend their lives on the back benches failing to obtain preferment of this kind. So, was she the token Tory Muslim? Is Dave preparing to adopt neocon opinions on Islam openly now?
    I wonder if Warsi will spill a few beans as she heads down the road?

  • Tris

    I have always had the impression that the not very impressive Warsi was a coup for the cabinet because she ticked 4 boxes at one time: Woman; Muslim; Northern; Working Class.
    Hunt, on the other hand, ticks all the ‘other’ boxes, in that he went from Charterhouse, “up” to Oxford.
    Neither seems very competent, although Hunt has the legitimacy of having been elected to be a tosser.
    Something that I read (in the Guardian) intrigued me: (a) her job was to make contact and foster relations with the grass roots of the party, and (b) that she had made no less that 17 trips abroad in the last two years.
    Where do grass roots Tories live?

  • Komodo

    Warsi may have been asked by an MP on behalf of one of his constituents to find out who was funding CFoI….maybe she tried too hard to oblige…

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Of course some recollections are dim, some not so dim, like this one:
    “these are amongst the interests that actually run the exploited citizenry of this poor wracked old country.”
    I recall a meeting of grass-roots Liberals in Milton Keynes, in a community hall I think. Some wept, some were visibly shaken when I recounted the terrible tragedy in Iraq, the orphaned children, the maimed babies, the distraught families.
    These liberal folks are the exploited citizenry whose leader I call ‘nodding Nick’ – a leader who not only deserted his grass-roots causing near mutiny, failed to distinguish himself Tory policy; actually caved in, rolled over and succumbed to Tory destruction of our ‘wracked’ country.
    But wasn’t that obvious from the beginning?

  • Komodo

    What You Must Believe:
    The tribal area of Baluchistan is filled with al-Qaeda’s finest, whom the pure and decent Americans kill (surgically) using remote-controlled aircraft.
    What You Must Not Believe:
    The tribal area of Baluchistan is home to a secessionist insurgency against the Pakistani government, strongly promoted by the USA to destabilise the areas marginal to Iran.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Very true Komodo – but Pakistan is dummied up, money talks – Lets print another trillion filthy dollars from thin air – after all building nations means stealing from everyone else and/or using slave labor.

  • Mary

    Whose Games?
    Whose City?
    12 noon, Saturday 28 July, Bow, East London
    (place of assembly and route to be decided)
    Called by: Counter Olympics Network Supported by: Haringey Trades Council, Islington Trades Council, Waltham Forest Trades Council, Drop Dow Now, Blacklist Support Group, Counterfire
    Two million free tickets for the rich. Corporate sponsors that profit from sweatshops, poison local people, and pollute the planet. Roads turned into exclusive highways for VIPs. Ground-to-air missiles
    on rooftops. Public spaces taken over, small businesses sidelined, local residents evicted. Police harassment of young people.
    Our rulers have turned the London 2012 Olympics into a showcase for class privilege, corporate power, and their so-called ‘war on terror’.
    While cutting welfare, privatising the NHS, and bailing out
    the banks, they plan to use the Games to trumpet the message that austerity Britain is content and open for business.
    The Olympics have been hijacked by an arrogant elite of career politicians and millionaires. They have spent £12 billion of our money to broadcast their vision of a neoliberal world run by the
    corporations and the rich.
    We do not consent. We do not sign up to austerity, privilege, and profiteering.
    We do not endorse Cameron and Coe’s corporate Games.

  • guest

    Cameron must be the second Mafia boss in history who did not know he was running a criminal enterprise.

  • Gadfly

    Many are expendable for Mr Cameron and nothing is too costly to protect Murdoch and similar interests. He’s been causing a lot more damage to that end.

    Institutional corruption and the shills (and this is fact) who collude in it are sacrosanct to Cameron & Co. The rest can get stuffed.

  • Mary

    45 years ago tomorrow, Israel viciously attacked USS Liberty in International Waters and 34 Americans died and 170 were injured.
    On June 8, 1967 USS Liberty, an American auxiliary technical research ship, a military vessel specialised in gathering intelligence, was attacked by the Israeli forces. It was subject to an 18 hours combined air and sea raids that left 34 American crew-members dead (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian) and 170 injured. The attack also severely damaged the ship. Like the Mavi Marmara, at the time of the attack, the ship was in international waters, north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 50 km northwest from the Egyptian City of El Arish.
    This horrendous story has been silenced for decades, but not anymore. What Phillip Tourney saw that day was just a glimpse into the magnitude of Western immorality and barbarism. Since then many Americans soldiers lost their life in Zionist global wars. Millions of Muslims and Arabs have been slaughtered in wicked interventionist conflicts.


  • Giles

    I take it you aren’t in the highest-paying of careers, Highest Paying Careers. It doesn’t inspire much confidence.
    (sorry Giles I deleted that spam and nullified your witticism – Craig)

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Ambassador Rice has told Russia and China and other members of the Security Council that if they do not go along with Western plans for more stringent sanctions and other actions against Syria, the US and its NATO allies reserve a right to act outside the Security Council as they did with Yugoslavia 13 years ago and launch military actions against Syria.
    Amnesty International said at the time that NATO violated international law in its bombing war over Yugoslavia by hitting targets where civilians were sure to be killed.
    The human-rights group said NATO’s bombing of the Belgrade headquarters of Radio Television Serbia on April 23, 1999, “was a deliberate attack on a civilian object and as such constitutes a war crime.”
    We are acutely aware an unauthorised attack on Syria is still part of a ‘New World Order’ and the imposition throughout the World of a uniform neo-liberal policy agenda under IMF-World Bank-WTO supervision.
    Behind these organizations – which routinely interface with NATO – are the powers of the US and European financial establishments and the Western military-industrial complex.
    I have written to Amnesty advising that the threat of a large-scale NATO air campaign to destroy the Syrian military infrastructure from high altitudes is real with NATO planes already based in Turkey.
    A serving Naval officer who I knew in Gibraltar and offered me a job years ago at the Woomera Test Range has spoken of ‘end-game’ – a US-NATO military operation launched against Syria is strategically planned to be an extended regional war extending beyond the Eastern Mediterranean to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border with China.
    It seems to me the doctrine of mutually assured destruction has been ripped up and I believe stealth bombers like the B2-Spirit will be loaded with MOP and 1.2 Megaton nuclear bombs (B83).

  • T Woolf

    It’s not like you to miss the point to such an extent. To a leader, everyone is ultimately expendable. However Osborne and Cameron are heavily implicated with Hunt, they are not at all with Warsi. That’s why Cameron has shown such amazing loyalty – his own neck would be on the block along with Hunt’s. And just maybe, if Hunt was forced to go, more information would come out that would show even more clearly how much Cameron and Osborne were involved.

  • Mary

    Googling Werritty produces many links to pieces on Warsi!
    Where are you Werritty? Can Foxy tell us?

  • Jay

    NickY Cambell this morning..

    “its a complicated world”

    No Nicky

    Eat drink sleep shit and if your lucky you work.

  • Mary

    It’s a complicated world within the BBC. Two arms of the state broadcaster cannot agree on Syria, Jon Williams the World News Editor and Jim Muir who pumps the propaganda out from Beirut but always adds that what he is saying ‘cannot be verified’. His words enter the consciousness of the viewer though so the job is done.
    Read the comments on Jon Williams’ piece about Syria. Most are critical of the BBC coverage. They see through the lies.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    Flame Virus – A potential to steal data…
    The virus uses Windows Update to enter your computer. The virus program looks for ways to collect data. It can record, compress and send audio via your computers microphone. It can identify mobile phones and other devices and collect data via your computers bluetooth if available and it will collect data from your network if your computer is a workstation or client.

  • Passerby

    The heat on Syria will not somehow cool the ire of the Saudi protesters, that has now reached Riyadh.
    Furthermore, Bashar lived in UK, has a British wife, and knows the principles of do war through gossip, and is not likely to fold over and play possum. Who gets these so called “analysts” advising the frat boys of bullingdon club? where do they find these “analysts”? , and how much do these fuckwits get paid for their wisdom on tap so prevalent in the “media”?
    July is upon us, Spain is going into convulsions, Greeks have gone down the pan along with the Portuguese, the whole Euro economic zone is facing implosions, and the directive of the übermensch from tel aviv, by the self selected chosen ones: boycotting the Iranian oil, with the embargoes coming into effect in this month. You cannot make this shit up.
    Pure genius

  • Clark

    Mark Golding, what I’ve seen about the Flamer virus is that it installs a package-management system, something like Debian apt. The package manager can then be invoked remotely to install any software package; whoever has been controlling Flamer has been adding GNU/Linux software libraries to the infected systems, for instance.
    This has a number of advantages for the attackers. Firstly, they don’t need to write their own modules, they can just draw from the vast body of free and open source software. It is highly versatile; they can make the target systems do anything. And they gain camouflage; there is no point in examining the software (apart from the original Flamer virus itself) for clues about who wrote it, because everything Flamer installs is legitimate software available from public repositories.
    PS: Iran first detected this virus, and named it “Flamer”, so I’m sticking with the original name rather “Flame”, which was assigned later, in the West.

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