Now is the Winter of our Disinterment 699

The researchers had a hunch he was there. ATOS pass Richard III’s skeleton as fit to work.

Joking aside, the discovery of Richard III’s body is fascinating and wonderful. Aside from Shakespeare’s brilliant play (which is evidently not as physically inaccurate as we have been told for years), and the question of who killed the Princes in the Tower, there is a romance about lost dynasties which appeals to a deep human yearning for a golden age when things were somehow better, and for “lost futures”. What might have been, had those evil Stanleys not turned on Richard at Bosworth and put their miserable Welsh accountant on the throne?

Richard is described in today’s newspapers as the last English King. The Plantagenets were of course Angevin. The last English King – indeed the only English King of all England – was Harold Godwinson. Now there’s a lost dynasty for you.

We now know that Richard’s “Claim of Right” was almost certainly true and Edward IV a bastard, as his father was nowhere near his mother for months around the purported conception. But the so-called Royal line is, I am quite sure, sprinkled with bastards and no line at all. Not to mention that George I was 39th in line to the throne when given it 300 years ago, but the first Protestant.

Monarchy is bollocks, and something we should have outgrown a long time ago. Nice to see that today’s Prince Harry retains the tradition of remorseless homicide though.

Leicester University deserve congratulations on a genuine achievement. I hope Richard can now be reburied as soon as possible – as a Catholic, which is what he was. He was a human being. The degradation and display of his fresh corpse were horrible; but there is a danger of repeating it with a po face and feigned serious intent.

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699 thoughts on “Now is the Winter of our Disinterment

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  • Uzbek in the UK

    There seem to be wider conspiracy in turning Central Asian republics and Uzbekistan in particular into shield against militant Islam. Thus it seem that secular regimes in Central Asia will be supported at all costs. Long are gone days of concerns with Human Rights and political freedoms or call for economic reforms in Central Asia. Western policy in Central Asia is entering final neo-colonial stage which is culmination of concerns with liberal ideas hypocrisy and indirect oppression of local population by terrorising (but secular) regimes.

  • Cryptonym

    @ Uzbek: Seems to be a case of playing both sides against the middle, militant Islam itself being largely a creation of western states terrorist security services and western-backed absolutist monarchies, trading under the islamic banner themselves. The grandaddy of them all, the muslim brotherhood being very much willing and able to supply ‘islamic’ would-be regimes on demand, to western or zionist order. It seems more like the stage is being set for conflict, inevitably a backlash against the western backed terrorising secular regimes will ensue, facilitating their eventual replacement with western backed islamic regimes.

    This see-saw between extremes thwarting any real social or political progress anywhere.

  • Ex Pat


    How did MI5 infiltrate one-man band Robin Ramsay, editor, publisher and sole bottle-washer of Lobster Magazine? Rather cleverly! –

    – See ‘Denounced by a former IRD head’ –

    Don’t miss anything by Peter Dale Scott and the free FULL ISSUES #58 to #65. It’s _very_ informative on ‘deep politics’ and ‘parapolitics’.

    What are ‘deep politics’ and ‘parapolitics’? What a good question! ; ) Peter Dale Scott’s definitions – @ 0:20. ‘Deep politics’ @ 0:40. ‘Parapolitics’ @ 1:00.

    – 29th July 2012 – Deep Politics Intro by ‘ComingtoJakarta – Youtube –

    Peter Dale Scott – One man anti-Muppet Stream Media disinformation army. Aged 84 and _still_ running rings round them. Go PDS! ; ) –

  • Rob Royston

    I heard Chris Evans on the BBC this morning making lots of jokes about this horsemeat. It seems that they want to play this criminality down in the usual manner.
    How many quality meat processors have been closed down while these criminals fed the masses on cheap meat? Findus must be closed down immediately and their owners arrested, if that does not happen, then it’s plain that we are indeed cattle ourselves.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict


    MI5 penetrate a one-man-band ie ‘you’ or me by:

    1. Becoming a ‘friend’ on Facebook – most people click ‘add’ without thinking.
    2. LinkedIn business information
    3. Twitter following
    4. Rarely from GCHQ HUMINT – most people send/receive plain language emails
    5. Very rarely from accessing your device via mobile network or directly intercepting the packets on your IP address with an analyser
    6. Very rarely by intercepting your wifi on WEP or WPA from the street (WPA2 is still secure I believe)
    7. Very rarely by a honey trap*

    * A pretty girl sitting under a walkway bridge had ‘lost’ her doorkeys and was panicking because she had left her dinner cooking in the oven. The keys were lying a few feet away from her. The target picked up the keys and handed them to the girl who beamed with delight and offered the target a place at the dinner table.

    The target refused gracefully and continued on the walk…

  • Habbabkuk

    I should be very happy to be corrected, but I’m under the impression that nobody here on this blog – none of the Eminences, not even that indefatiguable poster Saint Mary – has posted a link to the matter of the recent assassination in Tunis of one of the leading secular opposition politicians.

    Could the reason possibly be that it has been impossible, for once, to lay this heinous act at the door of those incarnations of pure evil the British State, the US, Israel, MI5, MI6, Mossad, the French, President Obaama, David Cameron, Uncle Tom Cobbley, etc, and that fundamentalist Islamists are generally believed to have been responsible?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    BTW – splendidly thought-provoking article by Chris Mullin in today’s “Times” on Mali and what to do with failed states. Highly recommended!

  • Mary

    This is very sad. The woman who gave evidence in the trial of the paedophile and his wife, which I mentioned before, killed herself afterwards. She was a violin teacher. Brewer certainly messed up her life. I have always said that child abuse is one of the worst crimes next to murder and rape.

    A friend of mine has two musical grandsons. One of them is in the National Youth Choir and went on a foreign trip with the choir when Brewer was in charge. God knows how many more children he has abused over the years.

  • Fred

    “I should be very happy to be corrected, but I’m under the impression that nobody here on this blog – none of the Eminences, not even that indefatiguable poster Saint Mary – has posted a link to the matter of the recent assassination in Tunis of one of the leading secular opposition politicians.”

    That’s a matter for the Tunisians isn’t it?

    Here we tend to talk about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians, what Britain is doing to the Afghanis, what the French are doing to the Malians and what America is doing to just about everybody else.

    Like the UN we don’t tend to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. We don’t have the time to discus every event in every country and it would be wrong to single some one out just because they were Muslim.

  • Mary

    Crap review of a crap programme.

    Silent Witness

    There’s an extraordinary moment in tonight’s series finale when Leo Dalton suddenly sees the world of Silent Witness in the same way that viewers do.

    “We don’t live in the real world,” he tells Nikki ­Alexander. “This is the real world!”

    The trio are still in Afghanistan, poking about in bone fragments, insect remains and ballistics trying to find out who killed a British soldier.

    But exactly what they hope to do with this information when they find out is, frankly, anyone’s guess.

    Last night, the death of a Taliban prisoner and seeing Leo beaten up drove Nikki (Emilia Fox) into a froth of self-righteous indignation.

    And tonight, she’s still clinging to her idealistic notions of universal truth and justice while Leo and the local security guy are both at pains to point out to her that she’s not in London now.

    Actually, a woman whose main concern is getting a water supply to a village puts it best when she says: “I’m sorry to be blunt, but who gives a s***?”

    This brilliant double episode written by Dudi Appleton is packed with big ideas, philosophical arguments and awkward truths of the kind that you really don’t expect to find in Silent Witness.

    Even the christening which kicked off last night’s episode saw Nikki rubbishing love and marriage.

    Jack has had a go at soldiers, and the unexpected presence of a British man who has joined the Taliban becomes the flashpoint tonight for a ­brilliant bit of rhetoric from Leo (William ­Gaminara).

    It’s a series finale you absolutely won’t want to miss.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Fred : “That’s a matter for the Tunisians, isn’t it?……We don’t tend to interfere in the internal affairs of other counrtries…”

    You mean like Julian Assange’s extradition is a matter for the Swedes? You mean like there haven’t been entire threads here on Sweden and its legal system?

  • Fred

    “You mean like Julian Assange’s extradition is a matter for the Swedes? You mean like there haven’t been entire threads here on Sweden and its legal system?”

    I didn’t know Julian Assange was Swedish or I wouldn’t have said anything.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Fred, don’t be silly. The Swedish legal system is calling for JA’s extradiction and there have been hundreds of comments on that system.

    Another example : there have been many posts here on the internal situation in Uzbekistan. So why not on the internal situation in Tunisia?

  • Cryptonym

    Quatari royals those murderous despots that arm and fund the Libyan, Syrian and other operations are crazily granted planning permission for their “Falconry Centre” (terrorist training camp) from Scottish Borders Council, be prepared for some false-flag incidents, probably attributable to the Al Quaeda franchise, now they have a new branch ‘in the North’.

  • Habbabkuk

    @ Fred : could you explain why you’re against comments relating to the internal situation in Tunisia but for comments relating to the internal situation in Uzbekistan?

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    Continuity of Government (COG)

    In America in the early 1980’s under President Carter and then after an executive order by Reagan, COG described how the government would confront and respond in the event of a nuclear attack. At the center of the original set of plans were HW Bush, Oliver North, Cheney and Rumsfeld. These plans were partially implemented after the attacks on the WTC and on a pocket-sized scale after the London bombings.

    This led to a situation where these plans formed part of the ‘exercises’ carried out before the actual attacks. The plans minuted the point-by-point dismantling of the written constitution and in Britain the uncodified constitution or statutes and Royal perogatives by the deep State. Without boiling too many frogs I shall describe ‘deep State’ in Britain by presenting evidence of how it operates with a statement by Carne Ross:

    and a video from my friend Annie Machon:!

    The National Security Council (NSC) set up by agent Cameron in consultation with Mr Antony Blair is the very British window front for Britain’s ‘hidden’ government. The NSC has massaged a bill the ‘Justice and Security Bill’ which has had its second reading in Pairliament.

    The bill provides “for oversight of the Security Service, the Secret Intelligence Service, the Government Communications Headquarters and other activities relating to intelligence or security matters; to provide for closed material procedure in relation to certain civil proceedings; to prevent the making of certain court orders for the disclosure of sensitive information; and for connected purposes.”

  • Jives

    Anywaysss…point being:

    This ubiquitous horsemeat narrative is not really about outrage and shock etc…

    This is about the powers that be normalising the new direction.

    Get used to horsemeat yah?

    It’s what they’ve decided is good for us.

    Profit margins?

  • thatcrab

    If anyone is interested in an assasination in Tunisia, who has stopped them commenting on it here? — Fred hasn’t and couldn’t.

    So what has happened there anyway?

    How are we involved? What should we do? Why should we have been discussing it already?

    Quit the gnawing on straw Hab, submit a convincing case.

  • karel

    Mark Golding

    rather amusing how the otherwise fearless Cameron is intimidated by Hezbollah flags seen through binoculars. It would be a nice experiment to plant a Hezbollah flag at a place that Cameron could comfortably see with binoculars (I hope he has a pair) from No. 10 and wait for the reaction.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ ThatCrab (02h46) on the assassination in Tunis of a secular opposition politician by Islamic fundamentalists :

    “How are we involved? What should we do?”

    Very good point, ThatCrab, so good in fact that one could well apply it to 90% of the posts on this blog. Uzbekistan – how are we involved? What should we do? Irael/Palestine – how are we involved? What should we do? Etc.

    If this were an Israeli assassination I’ve no doubt there would already have been 100 hysterucal posts on the subject.

    But since it’s by Islamic findamentalists, not a peep!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Very good sense of humour, Karel and an excellent schoolboy jape! I think you should take time off from your Italian lessons (remember, it’s “amico degli amici”!) and do it.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Saint Mary at 08h07 : “Why does Agent Cameron clench his lips so often?”

    Why do you post pointless trivia so often?

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