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758 thoughts on “Cui Bono?

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  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    I think she probably supports Arsenical. Certainly not Queen of the South.

  • Sofia (Otiose and Proud)

    Mary. 9 41am

    Great cartoon!

    RD. 9 27 and 9 47am

    A very good morning to you.

    I’ve been called many names but the only other person to have called me otiose, ever is Dad. Thanks!

    Is the old fool dragging you off to his debating classes too? Re Lesson 89. I don’t think that was for you, but as they say, God loves a tryer.

    As for my “little game” and your grand challenge, “Perhaps you point out what violence was occurring in Eastern Ukraine BEFORE the arrival of the little green men from Russia and Putin’s Chechen puppet, or the tanks, armoured troop carriers, SAM missiles etc. Only the otiose would expect no action in response from the Ukrainian govt to such a covert intervention.”

    So, are you really trying to suggest that the US sponsored slaughter in Eastern Ukraine by Right Sector Neanderthal Guard, mercenaries, oligarch funded private gangs, and those elements of the Ukrainian Army who can be fooled or threatened into action is simply a defensive response to “Putins game”?

    In your narrative it seems you can’t spit in Novorussia without hitting one, but, so far the Nuland Junta has not been able to capture a single “little green man” to parade before the cameras.

    All I can say is thanks Uncle Vlad. You are a mighty clever man.

    Maybe the EU should wake up and join the EaEU instead of being the puppet of a bankrupt pathalogically violent and terminally declining US empire.

    In the meantime I take my hat off to the Russian people for their restraint in the face of the disgusting attempt to terrorise and demonise their brothers and sisters in Ukraine. If Americans were undergoing an onslaught like that another Lybia-style blitzkrieg would have already happened and you know it.

    Remember, Russian people play chess in the street and have seen off two of the Europe’s greatest armies. When was the last time the US really won a war?

    Here’s another “disgusting website” explaining why Banderites like Yatsenyuk ae not very nice. Enjoy, but keep your blood-pressure pills handy!

    BTW. I couldn’t be bothered to find out what Dad’s mumbling or why you agree with it.

  • Mary


    ‘le football’ is a beautiful game using physical and mental skill but which is now in the hands of corrupt owners and managed by a corrupt international federation.

    No club supported.

    I love my country.

    Do one why don’t you.

  • Anon

    Interesting to see the fruity ‘Moonofalabama’ on Sofia’s reading list. So high up there with Aangirfan in the crackers stakes that even the blog intellect, Comrade K*modo, denounced it the other day, and we know how you hang on to his every utterance, Sofia, like a young Ed Miliband listening intently under his father’s table. I will ask the great educator to issue a further edict on Monday once he has finished his weekly period of solitude and contemplation, and see if he will guide you towards more suitable readings.

    You see the trick is to link to sites not openly anti-Semitic, but suggestively so. Ones which talk of “Zionist-controlled”, not “Jewish-controlled”. Anyway, the Wise One will show you.

  • A Node

    Mental exercise for Resident Dissident

    Think of someone/something.
    Is she/he it perfect?
    Do you hate he/she/it for not being perfect?
    There you go then.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Remember, Russian people play chess in the street and have seen off two of the Europe’s greatest armies. ”

    Remember half my family is Russian – you are confusing the Russians with the Putin regime just like your forbears confused them with that of Stalin. I notice how it is now Uncle Vlad who has replaced your previous Uncle.

    You have still not provided the evidence requested or corrected your dreadful smear of Yatsenyuk.

    We all know your game – Vineyard Saker has told us what its is.

  • Resident Dissident

    And to be honest Sofia – although you see many chessboards in public parks in Russia nowadays it is increasingly rare to see anyone playing at them.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Interesting to see the fruity ‘Moonofalabama’ on Sofia’s reading list. So high up there with Aangirfan in the crackers stakes that even the blog intellect, Comrade K*modo, denounced it the other day, and we know how you hang on to his every utterance, Sofia, like a young Ed Miliband listening intently under his father’s table. I will ask the great educator to issue a further edict on Monday once he has finished his weekly period of solitude and contemplation, and see if he will guide you towards more suitable readings.

    You see the trick is to link to sites not openly anti-Semitic, but suggestively so. Ones which talk of “Zionist-controlled”, not “Jewish-controlled”. Anyway, the Wise One will show you.”

    Excellent post, Anon! You have captured the essence (or as General Jack D. Ripper might have put it, “the body fluids”) of Captain Commode and the Middle Aged Celtic Poetaster perfectly.


    I note, en passant, a certain agitation in the Middle Aged Celtic Poetaster’s latest comments – did Resident Dissident get under his skin THAT MUCH? 🙂

  • guano

    “I normally skip past Rehmat’s posts”

    Really, you trolls skip past the commonsense and concentrate on supporting one sausage short of a picnic habbatroll?

  • John Goss

    “Remember half my family is Russian –”

    I recall some debate between myself and both you and ESLO about Russian and Russian family connections which was one of the things that first aroused my suspicion.

    “I’m not sure if your useful idiot classes reached that level of duplicity however.”

    My useful idiot classes helped expose you and your other identity as being the same person when you mistakenly answered for one another, not the first time you had been exposed. I can find no greater example of duplicity. Ergo:

    “Your lying and propaganda techniques have been thoroughly exposed – an apology is now well overdue.”

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Goss

    You once assured us that you are not, and have never been, a member of the Communist Party.

    But you are obviously – and I don’t think you’d deny it – an example of what Orwell called “transferred nationalism”. In your case this consists in finding no good in anything your own country (and, by extension, the West/USA) does and no evil in anything Russia does. Now transferred nationalists are quite common on this blog, but somewhat rarer in the real world.

    In the spirit of scientific enquiry (if you will),I am genuinely interested in the processes and life events that turned you into a transferred nationalist of this kind. Would you consider sharing with us?

  • Sofia (Otiose and Proud)

    RD and Anon

    When the denunciations of Moonofalabama started I have to admit my heart sank and I thought I must have made another monumental cock-up.

    I was already planning how to lie my way out of it with some cock and bull story about Jemand and hoods and stuff.

    But with uncharacteristic thoroughness I thought I’d check out the “disgusting” site I’d found in the small hours with a search for “Yatsenyuk + sub-human”.

    Here’s the homepage,

    Can anyone tell me what all the fuss was about?

    So Jemand is in the clear and I’ll swim off happily down my sewer.

    My (stolen) parting shot is this.

    “I deny the allegation and I resent the aligator.”

  • guano


    Deep state, yes, Gladio, yes, but what is all this leading to?

    Israel lost the temple of Solomon because of their practise of black magic and blood-sacrifice, They had got into Demeter worship and fertility rites. Not good for the keepers of the religion of the One God.

    Later they rebuilt it again on the back of import-export over their little tract of land between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. And Jesus peace be upon him was around at the time and he called them back from their repeat of practising the polytheism of their contacts, the Romans and Indians. The temple was destroyed again.

    So what can possibly be scary about deep state and Gladio when Allah consistently destroys the pathetic achievements of those who do not worship Him? The Western world is still on the brink of economic extinction because they have no solution to their economic problems other than to borrow from the countries who make things. Cameron has borrowed twice what Gordon Brown had borrowed, but the Zionist Banksters wanted a Tory party to return.

    Every single sausage of what you said to your partner in bed has been recorded by GCHQ but they are not going to use it against themeir own people. They are going to try to pretend that only you naughty bloggers possess what my father used to call ‘nasty human passions’.

    The internet has destroyed that power. We no know that the UK created the trouble in Northern Ireland, or that Cameron sent his snipers to start the war in Syria for Al Qaida. No amount of handwringing will result in anything but ” pull the other one – it;s got bells on/

    Governments were stupid enough to think that new technology would only be harnessed by themselves. Muazzam Begg went to Syria to gain evidence against our governments Rendition program. He is in prison but the whole world knows that the UK paid Assad to torture Muslims. Alhamdullilah the bread and circuses of the world cup have failed to deliver the distraction from the painful truth that USUKIS have an agenda against Islam, even down to fabricating an alternative Islam under our noses in Al Qaida.

    We are not talking about the 19th Century, we are talking about now and the whole plan is totally exposed!

  • Mary

    Yes indeed Dreoilin RIP Gerry Conlon to whom and to others this state was exceedingly cruel. His life has been foreshortened without a doubt. Imagine spending all those years in jail for something you had not done.

    A long time after the event, I happened to come across one of the Surrey police involved. He is no longer alive. Ex military and I had a confession about what went on. It still haunts me and I wish I has been told.

    If it had not been for a decent man, Alistair Logan, a solicitor, those people would still be languishing in jail, or even hung if the death penalty had still existed, such was the determination of HMG to go after the Four. Then there were the Maguire Seven and the Birmingham Six. What a catalogue of injustices.

    November 1993
    A sewer runs through it
    Alastair Logan on British Justice

    Wilson PM at the time is buried in St Mary’s on the Isles of Scilly. I saw his grave a few years back.

    (Tempus Imperator Rerum)’Time commands all things’. Indeed. How true.

  • guano


    ‘transferred nationalism’ cross=dressing in plain English. You can talk! Underneath your Union Flag shorts and grimy string vest you’ve got your Zionist shorts. Specially designed with a hole in the front and the back for easy access to brown nose Israel.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “In the meantime I take my hat off to the Russian people for their restraint in the face of the disgusting attempt to terrorise and demonise their brothers and sisters in Ukraine.”

    Wow, Resident Dissident’s comments must REALLY have got under the Middle Aged Celtic Poetaster’s skin.

    Why, he’ll be saying “Sirs, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability” next! 🙂

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “My (stolen) parting shot is this.

    “I deny the allegation and I resent the aligator.””

    Such insouciance!

    Reminds one of the insouciance shown by the Middle Aged Celtic Poetaster when he was caught out sock-puppeting many moons ago.


    ““Interesting to see the fruity ‘Moonofalabama’ on Sofia’s reading list. So high up there with Aangirfan in the crackers stakes that even the blog intellect, Comrade K*modo, denounced it the other day,”

    Yeah, Ba’al forgot, since he was engaged with your missives, to actually read the link before doing so. He promptly reversed himself, however we don’t expect you to read anything which disturbs your bubble-blowing. so there’s that.


    Eminently predictable, RD is the dog who is compelled to return to his own vomit.

  • Resident Dissident


    The fuss is about yoor link to here

    Which then directly links to here (link already posted)

    Which makes it clear that Yatsenyuk was not labelling all Russians as sub-humans – before making such allegations you should check their sources rather than relying on their dubious authority. An apology on your part for spreading the smear is now well overdue.

    As for Mr Goss – I know where my family come from – so please stop using your pathetic smear tactics to avoid answering the original challenge. If you are not careful I will start to employ your tactics of playing the man rather than the ball – my guess is that you will not find it at all pleasant.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Eminently predictable, RD is the dog who is compelled to return to his own vomit.”

    Not as eminently predictable as yourself I’m afraid. Don’t you think that the smear against Yatsenyuk should be corrected – or just covered up by further smears against myself?


    “So what can possibly be scary about deep state and Gladio when Allah consistently destroys the pathetic achievements of those who do not worship Him? ”

    Oddly enough, Jews and Muslims have the same roots in Abraham, and their Yahweh?Allah has greater animosity for the hypocrites who claim allegiance, than he does for streetwalkers and tax collectors who make no claims on his promises. That same deity has no interest in politics, but he does enjoy watching them make plans. They propose, he disposes.

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