Rusbridger the Worst Editor in the World Part II 107

Good grief!! This is absolutely beyond parody!! There is yet another terrible puff piece in the Guardian – the fifteenth in the last month now I think – about how Gordon Brown will save the union and what a great and respected sage Brown is. This one claims that Brown is the only man to have perceived that the independence referendum must be about the future of Scotland.

No, really, it does, read it through.

I think Rusbridger must be on heroin. Of course I realised something is seriously wrong for anybody to wear that bad a wig in public, but I really had not quite understood just how bad things actually are at the Guardian. I do now.

Freedland is at his most execrable in this piece in the absolute lie that Brown is speaking to packed out halls up and down Scotland. Completely untrue. Actually they might be less empty were it not for the fact that these meetings are strictly no entry except by invite. Not to mention that – and the fact no questions are allowed – shows as if we did not know that Freedland has no claims at all to journalistic integrity, and is just writing pure propaganda.

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107 thoughts on “Rusbridger the Worst Editor in the World Part II

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  • Mary

    BiBiCee fail to report protest on Finnieston crane in Glasgow.

    No mention on BBC Weekend News a few minutes ago

    Posted by The (Medialens) Editors on June 28, 2014, 12:20 pm, in reply to “(no subject)”

    Of course not.

    Caroline Wyatt, BBC ‘defence’ correspondent, reported live from Stirling with David Cameron, Princess Anne, Alex Salmond and others in the background.

    Ironically, Wyatt said at one point:

    ‘There may be no politics on obvious display…’ (her emphasis)

    Well, no – not if you ignore the obvious politics that was on display not so far away in Glasgow.


  • Resident Dissident

    Tsk Anon – you just do not understand the politics of street theatre!

  • fandanfan

    The Guardian – Rusbridger,Severin Carrell,Martin Kettle etc – are desperate hypocrites.
    What they’re choosing to focus on is,of course,a side- show and a subversion of the real debate.

    The debate and referendum concern the principles of self determination and democracy.
    The clue is in the word “self” (determination).

    The interests of Westminster/the establishment/BetterTogether/Gordon Brown in his role as a “North Briton”…..are a subversion of the debate proper.

    Presenting Westminster,the Treasury,the Civil Service,and pro-union/establishment think tanks and “statistics” as impartial is part of their agenda to control the framing of the debate from an illegitimate perspective – the outside interests,as distinct from the core principle of SELF determination,democracy,and the legitimate and sole interests of the people of Scotland.

    It’s also obvious that Brown should indeed fill medium sized venues – but that these events,like most “BetterTogether” events are ticket-only shows confirm the fact that the unionist agenda is a subversive sideshow,sealed off from the real debate in order to reframe the focus to what is in fact a Unionist debate on the Union,rather than a Scottish debate held under the core principles of self determination and what is in the best interests of the people of SCOTLAND – rather than the UK Unionist vested interests.

  • Anon

    Resident Dissident

    If one of them falls off does that represent a victory against fascism?

  • Mary

    Crikey Eslo has transmogrified back into Resident Dissident! How do they do that?

  • Mary

    A great deal of energy and expenditure has gone into the production of the Scotland Decides page on the BBC website.

    They show the You Gov poll result although there is a choice of 5 others.
    The Don’t Knows range from 9% You Gov to 28% on TNS-BMRB.

  • Mary

    Thanks A Node. Good for STV and well done the White Feather women.

    The STV board


    Saw this ref Miliband. He’s moving North until Sept 18th. Good riddance and bad luck for the Scots.

    Ed Miliband’s referendum vow: I’m moving up north until Sep 18.. I don’t want to be PM without Scotland
    Jun 28, 2014 08:10
    LABOUR leader Ed Miliband yesterday announced his plan to move north of the border to support the Better Together campaign’s final push.

    He’s another (Zionist) clown and will NEVER be Prime Minister with or without Scotland.

  • John Goss

    “Resident Dissident

    If one of them falls off does that represent a victory against fascism?”

    It’s hard for people like Anon with presumably a short attention span but if he had read to the end of the article he would have seen that, despite his wishes, none of them is going to fall off. They were all arrested by the state police, who might be justifiably labelled fascists for targeting peaceful women who just wanted to make a point about war being wrong. You who glory in war and people falling to their deaths are hardly likely to understand the message.

  • Johnstone

    Offshore wind farm owners pay rent to the CE for the 1500 windmills anchored to the CEs seabed and licensing profits rose 46% last year to £15 million. There are plans to increase generating capacity by 250% by 2020. The Scottish Government hopes to wrestle half of the sea bed lease payments from the Crown Estates to benefit local communities for off shore wind development but will the CE give up revenues from the sea bed leases? The Scottish Affairs Committee criticised CEC for a “lack of accountability, transparency and communication”
    Some hope!!!

    Onshore wind is not much better. Permission was given this month for the largest turbine field yet in the Highlands. It’s the Southern Scottish Electricity Stronelairg site on the Garrogie Estate about 12 miles from Fort Augustus 63 turbines covering 35 sq km with 40 ml of tracks turning wild land into industrial waste land for the benefit of the land owner and SSE shareholders at the expense of the electricity consumer. These white elephants have nothing to do with climate change mitigation nor indeed local community benefits!

  • Johnstone

    OOOps sorry about the acronym lazy writing. For CE substitute Crown Estates for CEC Crown Estates Comission

  • fred

    “The debate and referendum concern the principles of self determination and democracy.
    The clue is in the word “self” (determination).”

    The right of the people in Scotland to determine for themselves that they want to remain part of Britain?

  • Johnstone

    The red deer are yet another curse upon the Highlands but its not their fault there’s no proper fourleg-ed predictor to control their numbers, that onerous job falls upon the the twoleg-ed land owners since they have sole rights to shoot them. But the high fee paying hunters prefer to shoot only the many pointed-racked stag while female numbers sore which results in browsing of all trees and the eroding of the valuable peat covered hillsides (valuable to the environment as a carbon sink and as a medium for the growth of plants).
    Scotland’s Land Reform bill needs serious amendments to change this status quo along with its voluntary deer control code that is currently being ignored by the majority of land owners. Its David Cameron who’s is their representative in chief..of the UK land owners association or whatever they call themselves…
    How depressing!!


    It seems the UN may be the best bad idea for Iraq, but the bureaucracy is a very ploddy one. It’s hard to respond to threats that come quickly when decisions are made by Committee. When Veira was assassinated in 2003, they just got out of the way. This time will be worse, and their military decisions (Bosnia-Somalia) are twice as bpggy as their administrative.

  • Anon

    Yes that’s right, John, the police are fascists for arresting protesters climbing a crane and endangering their own lives as well as others. What a truly awful fascist state this is.

  • Mary

    Ms Wyatt, the warmongers’ stenographer, is allowed to insert a little bit of Better Together stuff in her comment on the BBC report of the Stirling AFD gathering.

    Caroline Wyatt
    Defence correspondent, BBC News

    The parade began at Stirling Castle under stormy skies, at a place much fought over by the English and the Scots in the late Middle Ages.

    That echo of battles past and battles still to come hung in the air as Prime Minister David Cameron stood near Alex Salmond, Scotland’s first minister, as Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal took the salute.

    Mr Salmond is the man hoping to lead the country to independence this September – in a referendum that’s not the only one proving troublesome for Mr Cameron.

    During the march past, an Indian-born veteran of the Parachute Regiment, Sergeant Milton Reilly, took the chance to tell Mr Salmond, the Princess Royal and the Prime Minister in person what he thought of the referendum, and his hopes that the UK would remain united, before he was moved along gently by security.

    But most here wanted to keep politics out of a day that they say is here to remind the UK of the sacrifices of the UK’s armed forces in the past and the present, rather than debate the future.

    This afternoon, the Red Arrows will fly overhead – as well as the Battle of Britain memorial flight display, and the Royal Navy Historic flight.

    All this, an unspoken reminder that the future of defence in Scotland – from its historic regiments to the nuclear deterrent base in Faslane – is also at stake when Scotland votes in September.

    Stirling leads Armed Forces Day celebrations across UK

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Yes that’s right, John, the police are fascists for arresting protesters climbing a crane and endangering their own lives as well as others. What a truly awful fascist state this is.”

    It is indeed conclusive proof, Anon, especially for those of us who have not yet noticed that we are being ground into the dust by a bunch of war-mongering, globalising sadists aka the British govt.

    The expression Mr Goss used was, interestingly enough, “state police”. Leaving aside the question of whether he might prefer “private” police, the terminology is rather totalitarian isn’t it. Wake up John, the USSR has vanished!


    ” those of us who have not yet noticed that we are being ground into the dust by a bunch of war-mongering, globalising sadists aka the British govt.”

    Irony is a difficult concept.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    According to Mary, the New Old Lizard “Ba’al Zevul” doesn’t post at weekends.

    If that’s so, I suppose we won’t be hearing anything from his twin Afrend either.

    But isn’t it time for the Antipodean “Peter Kemp” to be putting in an appearance?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “” those of us who have not yet noticed that we are being ground into the dust by a bunch of war-mongering, globalising sadists aka the British govt.”

    Irony is a difficult concept.”

    But easier than self-awareness, Ben.

    (hope that was gnomic enough for you 🙂 )

  • Johnstone

    Will a yes vote ultimately result in an end to the feudalism, some symptoms of which I described earlier? Well its my guess that there’s more chance than with a no vote. But I can not see these oligarchic powers giving up their control without a battle but indeed with some kind of swindle’s more likely!!

  • Tony M

    It is consistent, in the past, a few, mostly harmless sorts, Urban Explorers, photographers, industrial and social history buffs, have been arrested for climbing up there, but couldn’t say if any were charged. The view, the sheer scale of it, and the nostalgic evocative statement this titan survivor makes towering still over the once thriving industrial heart of the old city and the newer redevelopments for better or worse, a reference point and landmark, unchanged through time, a link that ties the old and new Glasgow. It is highly symbolic, great to see it being put to new, relevant and important, worthwhile use again by these foolhardy but brave ladies.

    Gordon Brown, Gordon Brown, Riding through the glen
    Gordon Brown, Gordon Brown, With his band of men
    Feared by the bad, Loved by the good
    Gordon Brown, Gordon Brown, Gordon Brown

  • Richard

    I’m afraid this puffing of people or events (historical or contemporary) or policies is not unusual or recent. Brown isn’t the only one to whom it happens. It’s only a week or two since Farmer Mandleson opined that Tony Blair was a great statesman. He might even have said “the greatest”, memory fails, but it’s nauseating drivel either way. We have been putting up with this propagandistic tripe for ever, but it may be starting to wear thin even with the gullible masses. Whatever you think of U.K.I.P., the incessant “racist, homophobic, swivel-eyed loons” diatribe to which they were subjected backfired spectacularly and I notice that those pedalling it have eased up a bit since the Euro election.

    I really do wonder what, if anything, that I have ever seen on TV or read in the papers was factual or evidence-based.

  • Mary

    No show without Punch!


    I have been using my chipper today. As I have said before, using it is very therapeutic. You can feed all sorts of virtual people into it (including some of the trolls along with the warmongers) and they emerge as little chips of wood and greenery!

  • fred

    “They were all arrested by the state police, who might be justifiably labelled fascists for targeting peaceful women who just wanted to make a point about war being wrong.”

    You are aware that policing in Scotland is devolved. Nothing to do with Westminster. They work for the Scottish SNP government.

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