Unprofound Thoughts on Fracking 466

I hope I don’t pretend to have expertise on everything. On fracking I have none. My entirely amateur views on the subject are that the major risk appears to be pollution of aquifers. The UK seems too seismically stable for earthquakes or volcanoes to be a serious concern. I am not terribly worried about the local environmental consequences of the installations – human activity of all kinds detracts from the natural environment in a sense. This spot was doubtless a great deal more pleasing aesthetically before Dundee was built upon it. But then Dundee has a great deal more human utility.

It is also plain to me that humans are going to have to burn fossil fuels for a while yet, despite the very obvious fact that we also need to put much more energy and resource into developing renewable alternatives.

So I am not opposed to fracking in principle, which I know will upset some people. But nor can I understand the hurry. Fracking is being undertaken on a very large scale in the United States and elsewhere. Onshore fracking is not actually a new technology at all, but its widespread use is new. Given concerns especially about the effects on underground water supplies, why don’t we just wait for thirty years and see how it turns out elsewhere? That should give time for a good accumulation of evidence.

The hydrocarbons are not going anywhere – they will still be there in thirty years time and I predict will be a good deal more valuable. So my entirely unprofound, non-fundamentalist and dully pragmatic view on fracking is that there should be a thirty year moratorium. Then we can think about it.

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466 thoughts on “Unprofound Thoughts on Fracking

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  • geomannie


    If a fault were to move enough to cause two permeable layers to connect then it would not be a negligible 3 magnitude quake, but of a much more significant event. Fracking does not typically generate large events. You would only get large displacement if you were to frack into highly stressed zones. Believe me, that is the last place anyone would consider fracking for hydrocarbons.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    Stop playing around and answer the justified question which your post raised – are you saying that Christophe de Margerie was murdered?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    You see, your words were a little ambiguous, a little vague, a little allusive, they hint rather than affirm, they are a little limp-wristed:

    “In my opinion the story is rather flimsy, someone wanted Christope de Margerie, removed.”


    So, as you’re usually a plain speaking man who doesn’t mince his words, will you please say whether you believe Christophe de Margerie was murdered?

    A simple “yes” (or “no”) would be pleasingly clear.

  • Johnstone

    When living in the Little Miami river valley in Ohio it was novel to discover that the river terrace upon which my house was built was being used as a gigantic biological filter for all of the 1,000 homes in subdivision which had septic tanks ..being used as cesspits mostly. The valley was beautiful but in the sparkling water there were the tell tale strings of sewage fungus and the humming odor that was all too familiar and the children in the village frequently developed ear infections after swimming or canoeing in the river.

    Surface water pollution in the US in urban areas is the norm, it somehow accepted so its really not possible to extrapolate from the US experience and accepted standards to Europe.

    CBA is a one dimensional analysis that fails to measure any functions that would indicate levels of social justice…

    Whats your evidence for this sweeping statement?
    –This, in turn, benefits our own economy. For the USA economy lifts or lowers the economies of other countries–

    Sam the UK is a small and densely populated country…do you have the slightest idea about its highly complex hydrogeology?

  • Ishmael

    Just where the hell do Americans get their overdeveloped, blind, hypocritical sense of self from?

    White Americans who especially don’t belong much in that country. Robbers and thieves. Yet they all gather in large halls, dressed up to the nines. Not a hair out of place. Make grand sounding speaches.

    I’d say Frank Zappa was correct, they are heading straight down that puppy. In fact they are well along the road. What’s the world going to do with the USA.

  • Sofia

    Dad! 8:21 pm


    Stop playing around and answer the justified question…bla…blather…bla…”

    How about you practice what you preach.

    I’ll ask for a third time.

    What do you have to say about this statement by the president of a small middle eastern counrty.

    “The time has come to admit that Israel is a sick society, with an illness that demands treatment.”*

    We’ve all seen your uncanny ability to sniff out and denounce anti-semitism in drops of distilled water water.

    If it makes it easier, imagine I said it. I agree 100% so let me tell you, the time has come to admit that Israel is a sick society, with an illness that demands treatment.

    *From Monday’s Jerusalem Post,


  • Ishmael

    Sorry for the language. But screw you USA, and screw you all the UK politicians who support this genocidal racist creed.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “My dear Habb, you know fine well we don’t use the “M” word, we use neutralised or removed, or negated, or even eliminated.”

    I don’t know why you’re saying “we” since you’re not of “them”, you’re the fearlesss Republicofscotland who’s not afraid to speak truth unto power. Well, on this blog at least.

    So there’s no reason for you not to use plain English.

    So tell us if you are saying that Christophe de Margerie was murdered.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “What do you have to say about this statement by the president of a small middle eastern counrty.

    “The time has come to admit that Israel is a sick society, with an illness that demands treatment.”*”

    I disagree with that statement.


    Having cleared up thhat little diversion, Republicofscotland, how about answering the following : are you saying that Christophe de Margerie was murdered?

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Just where the hell do Americans get their overdeveloped, blind, hypocritical sense of self from?”

    From self-described ‘exceptionalism’ as leaders of the free world of purloined democracy, that’s where. ‘Do as I say, not as I do’.

  • Sofia


    What do you think could have caused the President of Israel to make a statement like that?

  • Johnstone

    We get a bad impression looking across the Atlantic at it but its an amazing country and they are great people.. excepting the oligarchs Gates, Buffet, Soros and the like who indeed rule the World with the help of their puppet politicians.

  • CanSpeccy

    Do virtually all the habitués of this blog suffer from ADHD, or what.

    The topic is fracking for frack’s sake (five-letter word chosen in deference to all the more refined persons here, whether on topic or otherwise). And there ain’t no fracking in Isael and the Gurudian certainly has nothing of interest to say on the topic since it nevers says anything of interest about anything and one wonders why anyone, even a person with ADHD, would read such a rubbish rag, let alone post comments about it here.

  • Ishmael


    I was going to say the typical, ‘I know, great people’ etc. But reflecting it’s a generalisation I don’t like. I’v links to ‘family’ in Virginia so i’m under no illusions what many Americans are like.

    Myself i’d have said the same thing about India. One of the many places i’d rather be frankly. Even in Canada you get that feeling of awkwardness that comes with colonial society’s who have yet to come to terms, and still live of those fruits. It does not sit well.

    I know there are a lot of nice people, but it seems a very lost as a society imo.

  • Ishmael

    “The topic is fracking for frack’s sake”

    Is it? I thought it was just something Craig posted on yesteday. That’s a long time.

    I was kind of enjoying that this isn’t Guardian like. And if it is off, well so is talking about topics.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    ADHD id both over-diagnosed and over-medicated. It’s a poor metaphor for off-topic jaunts. But such topics dove-tail with a lot of world -wide issues. I don’t hear Craig’s disapproval.

  • Johnstone

    Ok Ishmeal its a generalization that tends towards meaninglessness
    and yes, some distinction between the type of society and the individuals that make up that society would be more meaningful..but nowhere have I received a warmer welcome, nor better hospitality.

  • Ishmael

    Ordinary, I don’t see why anyone should veto a conversation. I get online things can go far off, but who cares. If people don’t like it they could always try and persuade, or ignore.

    Ie “look this fracking business is really important to me, can we stay on that? ”. It’d get my attention better. Thought I made my feelings quite clear already.

    Time to paint some propaganda I think. I did some pictures for the last protest. Maybe it’d be good to prepare in advance this time.

  • mike

    So the Total CEO wasn’t averse to trading oil in euros. And then he died. Whoopsy!


    Press TV’s Serena Shim dies in a car accident in southern Turkey this week while investigating that country’s active support for ISIS. At least her car didn’t burst into flames like Michael Hastings’ did. Double whoopsy!

    Let’s be careful out there people. Stay away from complex machinery, ya dig?

  • Ishmael

    Well tbh Johnstone I don’t have that much experience. And it’s good to hear yours that sounds like more. ++

    Didn’t someone say to generalise is stupid? I know for many India would be a nightmare so i’m including myself in that.

    With my limited experience i’d say India is not that hospitable in a way, and maybe why I liked it. People don’t put much effort in and it maybe seems more natural and relaxed. Anyway i’m sure a lot of it comes down to the attitude or disposition of the guest.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Ref natural gas Can Speccy did you know that Israhell has stolen the Palestinians’ gas?”

    That is a lie, Mary, and I challenge you to back up your lying claim by referring to reputable sources*.

    Thank you.


    * reputable sources do not mean “globalresearch”, “voltairenet” “northerntruthseeker”, etc, etc.

  • Ishmael


    Danny Jowenko was also a suspicious death. But it seems wrong to speculate, in a certian way, at least in public. Thinking of the families.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    How about the Beeb Hab. They seem to have your nuts in a jar for study.

    Sofia: I hope you’re adopted. The gene pool has some problems.

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