Exit Obama in a Cloud of Disillusion, Delusion and Deceit 776

I had promised myself and my family that on this holiday I would do nothing but relax. However events have overtaken my good intentions. I find myself in the unusual position of having twice been in a position to know directly that governments were lying in globe-shaking events, firstly Iraqi WMD and now the “Russian hacks”.

Anybody who believes the latest report issued by Obama as “proof” provides anything of the sort is very easily impressed by some entirely meaningless diagrams. William Binney, who was Technical Director at the NSA and actually designed their surveillance capabilities, has advised me by email. It is plain from the report itself that the Russian groups discussed have been under targeted NSA surveillance for a period longer than the timeframe for the DNC and Podesta leaks. It is therefore inconceivable that the NSA would not have detected and traced those particular data flows and they would be saved. In other words, the NSA would have the actual hack on record, would be able to recognise the emails themselves and tell you exactly the second the transmission or transmissions took place and how they were routed. They would be able to give you date, time and IP addresses. In fact, not only do they produce no evidence of this kind, they do not even claim to have this kind of definite evidence.

Secondly, Bill points out that WikiLeaks is in itself a top priority target and any transmission to WikiLeaks or any of its major operatives would be tracked, captured and saved by NSA as a matter of routine. The exact route and date of the transmission or transmissions of the particular emails to WikiLeaks would be available. In fact, not only does the report not make this information available, it makes no claim at all to know anything about how the information was got to WikiLeaks.

Of course Russian hackers exist. They attack this blog pretty well continually – as do hackers from the USA and many other countries. Of course there have been attempted Russian hacks of the DNC. But the report gives no evidence at all of the alleged successful hack that transmitted these particular emails, nor any evidence of the connection between the hackers and the Russian government, let alone Putin.

There could be no evidence because in reality these were leaks, not hacks. The report is, frankly, a pile of complete and utter dross. To base grave accusations of election hacking on this report is ludicrous. Obama has been a severe disappointment to all progressive thinkers in virtually every possible way. He now goes out of power with absolutely no grace and in a storm of delusion and deceit. His purpose is apparently to weaken Trump politically, but to achieve that at the expense of heightening tensions with Russia to Cold War levels, is shameful. The very pettiness of Obama’s tongue out to Putin – minor sanctions and expelling some diplomatic families – itself shows that Obama is lying about the pretext. If he really believed that Russia had “hacked the election”, surely that would require a much less feeble response. By refusing to retaliate, Russia has shown the kind of polish that eludes Obama as he takes his empty charisma and presentational skills into a no doubt lucrative future in the private sector.

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776 thoughts on “Exit Obama in a Cloud of Disillusion, Delusion and Deceit

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  • Republicofscotland

    The Defense for Children International (DCI) – Palestine Branch, claim that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed 35 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem in 2016. The figure sess a rise on 2015’s number which stands at 26.

    Israel grants immunity to the soldiers, who commit these crimes in absolute disregard for the basic rights of children.

    Add to that, the Israeli judiciary system, is also involved in this by announcing the acquittal of the Israeli police officers and soldiers, who commit such crimes although there is evidence that the children were directly killed, without posing any kind of danger to the Israeli soldiers.


    Article III of the United Nations Code of Conduct stipulates, that every possible effort must be made to avoid the use of firearms, especially against children.

    • Loony

      This just shows how inept the Israeli’s are. All that effort all that publicity and the bending of the judicial system to accommodate policy and they still only 35 children. Let me introduce you to some expert child killers. USA, USA, USA here we are – read our stats and weep

      Pakistan – 172 to 207 cumulative child deaths in drone strikes from 2004 onward.
      Yemen 8 to 9 cumulative child deaths in drone strikes from 2002 onward,
      Yemen 26 to 28 cumulative child deaths in other covert US military operations 2002 onward
      Somalia 0 to 2 cumulative child deaths in drone strikes from 2007 onward.
      Afghanistan 6 to 23 cumulative child deaths in drone strikes from 2015 onward.

      The is a much better strike rate than the Israeli’s have managed, with a much wider geographical spread. This record does not constitute a home run and Israel could respond, but hey look the US has the winning ticket and here comes none other than Madeleine Albright to read out the winning numbers.

      This is all so boring and all so repetitive lets move on to issues of real importance to the world like gender neutral public lavatories.


      • Republicofscotland


        Israels “strike rate” as you eloquently call it, dates back to 1948.

        Looking at it from that perspective, puts it on a whole new level.

        • Loony

          The USA backs down to no-one when it comes to mass slaughter – and Israel is but a joke compared to the US (USA, USA, USA).

          The Israeli’s have probably killed less than 100,000 Palestinians/Arabs since 1948. See this as an example


          Things connected to Israel always seem to be politicized, so let us assume that these numbers have been underestimated for political purposes. Suppose they are out by a factor of 10 and that Israel has in fact killed 1,000,000 Palestinians/Arabs.

          No contest the US probably killed a minimum of 3 million people in Vietnam. Vietnam is not even important and the US has long since moved on to other enemies and its kill rate remains impressive – ask any Iraqi. It is true that the US does not bother counting the people that it kills, but it kills in vast numbers. If we were talking about a 100 meter race then the US would be Usain Bolt and Israel would be a 3 legged tortoise.

          You attempts at disparaging US kill rates is frankly insulting to all those brave drone operators sitting in air conditioned sheds in Nevada wreaking destruction around the world.

          • Winkletoe

            Loony …all those brave drone operators sitting in air conditioned sheds in Nevada…

            Yes, Nevada… and USA operators sit also in branch offices in

            Italy, Niger, Djibouti, Cameroons, Burkino Faso, Mali, Morocco, Tunisia, Philippines (probably to be evicted soon), Turkey, UAE, Qatar, KSA, Poland (I hear), Seychelles and perhaps Diego Garcia. The charming USA operators co-rodinate their burgeoning African offices from Germany.

  • Silvio

    NATO chief auditor, Yves Chandelon, tasked with investigating terrorism funding and associated money laundering was found dead in mid December with a single gunshot to the head. Post-911 FBI translator and then whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and the Newsbud team seem to be sceptical of the official explanation of suicide, in part due to the fact Chandalon was left handed but the gun was found in his right hand, and when the body was found the gun was still held in Chandelon’s hand as opposed to having been ejected from his hand due to the recoil. Reportedly before his death Chandelon also gave his son, Xavier, some so far undisclosed information and told him to hang onto it in cases “something happened to him” (i.e. Chandalon).

    (30 min video)

    • Alcyone

      Thanks for highlighting. commiseration with his family. Separately, I find Sibel Edmonds quite attractive (in case you’re reading.)

  • Timmy Morgan bka Timmy Seventy-five

    When the darkened version of Elmer Gantry clenched the nomination in 2008, I exclaimed; “Ah . . . but the Emperor has no clothes.” We must then credit Mr. Obama for having the uncanny ability to start from nothing, and reduce it to something that is far less than that. And sadly, the same can be said of his most ardent admirers. In the words of the late, great Gertrude Stein, when asked by an interviewer of her overall thoughts on the city of Los Angeles, she replied; “There is no ‘there’ . . . there.”

  • philw

    I dont think Craig is saying that at all – I sincerely hope not!

    In the matter of divide and rule, it is clear that the US policy is to set Sunni against Shia. You only have to look at what they did in Iraq, especially in Baghdad. Stoking sectarian conflict, leading not just to killings and ethnic cleansing, but potentially generations of hatred and conflict, is in my book the most heinous of the US’s many crimes.

    • Macky

      “Stoking sectarian conflict, leading not just to killings and ethnic cleansing, but potentially generations of hatred and conflict, is in my book the most heinous of the USā€™s many crimes.”

      Just following our great example, from Ireland, to India, to Cyprus, to Israel, etc, etc.

  • Rattlebone

    DISAGREE> I am a progressive who praises Obama. You, on the other hand, are a propaganists looking out for your own interests. Good luck on that Crimean vacation.

  • äŗŗč€…ä»ä¹Ÿ

    Mackey posted this link on a previous comment of mine:

    The video adds some context to the claims made in this post, but I’m still left with a few questions:
    1. Why not mention that the author himself was the recipient of the leaked emails? The purpose of the post was to discredit the published “proof” of Russian hacking. Wouldn’t it be pertinent to say, “It couldn’t be Russian hacking because it was ME. I personally went and met an intermediary in DC who had obtained the emails from a disgruntled DNC employee with legal access to the emails.” If Mr. Murray was willing to say that to The Daily Mail (a bastion of journalistic integrity), why not restate it on his own site?
    2. What makes Craig Murray more believable than anyone else?

    I see some commenters have a penchant for conspiracy theories, so here’s one for you:
    Mr. Murray never went to D.C. and met an anonymous intermediary in the woods. He never received any flash drives with the DNC emails. He’s a close associate of Julian Assange helping perform disinformation to protect Wikileaks’ and Assange’s credibility. When the US government published information purporting to invalidate Mr. Murray’s claim, he was concerned enough to write a post debunking the DHS “proof” (despite being on holiday). His intention was not to show Obama is lying about the hack to sabotage Trump, but was actually an attempt to preserve whatever credibility he may have. Credibility, which would be utterly irretrievable if it were proven Wikileaks obtained the DNC emails from a state sponsored hack and that Craig’s spy ops mission to the US was, in fact, fiction.

    Guess what? I just made all that up, but it seems just as plausible as some of the other rubbish being bandied about. I bet I could even make a half decent YouTube video out of it. Scary music, dark innuendos, lots of questions, no answers.

    Show of hands, who thinks Seth Rich was assassinated by the Clinton clan?

      • Habbabkuk

        And of course congratulations to the poster with the Japanese moniker for that very convincing** conspiracy theory. His post really shows up conspiracy theories and their ! LOL


        ** well, good enough to convince Macks, anyway šŸ™‚

        • äŗŗč€…ä»ä¹Ÿ

          Technically it’s Chinese, but the Japanese originally got their script from them, so in a way you’re not wrong either.
          My area of expertise is China, so this Russia stuff has been a fun little learning opportunity.

          • Habbabkuk

            Sorry about that (and it was gracious of you to offer partial exculpation šŸ™‚ )!

            Anyway , you will already have realised that the ardent and tireless defenders of the current Russian govt and its policies (Macky and Mr Goss in particular) are just a sub-set (or sect) of the wider anti-USA and anti-West orthodoxy on here. Orwell would have described them as “transferred nationalists”, I think.

          • Habbabkuk

            No. You have obviously not read the Orwell essay in which he uses the term and explains what it means.

        • Republicofscotland

          “And of course congratulations to the poster with the Japanese moniker ”


          It’s a Chinese moniker not Japanese, you need to brush up on your espionage skills, if you want to cut it in here.

          It means, “Person who is benevolent.”

          Though I rather think the person with the Chinese moniker is a bit of a å–œå‰§ę¼”å‘˜.

          I’m sure you’ll decipher it eventually. ?

          • äŗŗč€…ä»ä¹Ÿ

            I don’t deny I was curious what reactions the moniker would provoke. It’s an interesting group here in these comments.
            I just found Craig’s post regarding the Chinese seizure of the US navy drone. Too bad comments are already closed.

    • Macky

      @N.Chen, no, no need to thank me for pulling you up to speed, but I see that nobody has yet had the courtesy to address your questions !

      1. Craig had dropped enough heavy hints here before he went to the media, and now that’s done, what’s the point of repeating something that’s known & on record.

      2. Not so much as Craig is more believable than anybody else, more that the CIA couldn’t tell the truth simply because nobody would ever believe them ! šŸ˜€

      Oh, as to Seth Rich, well it would explain why Craig has provided as much as he has, considering how Wikileakes’ paramount concern is to protect the anonymity of their sources, so a dead source would allow a little indiscretion of Craig’s part.

      No, no need to thank me, but a serious response would be nice.

        • Macky

          “Seth Rich was murdered in July. Craig went to D.C. in September.”

          Ok, I think the first emails were released later in July by Wikileakes; did they not released more stuff just after Craig’s visit, and remember that he has stated that he never met the original leaker, just a go between.

          • Habbabkuk

            Back-pedalling furiously like a circus clown (and it’s all free, no admission fee!) šŸ™‚

          • Macky

            “Back-pedalling” ?!

            LOL ! You better add it to “plagiarism” on your look-up list !

            There’s only one real clown on this blog, my term for you from your very first days ! šŸ˜€

  • DEFCON 1

    Apart from the “everybody take a deep breath” tweet, Oprah still continues to sit on the fence, and the very canny billionaire operator judges the wind in America perfectly all the time. We just stocked up on enough carbs and protein to last for 6 months, the deep state that did 911 are not about to give up, standby by for a final even more ludicrous pronouncement from the WH.

    • Babushka

      Oprah, the woman who, in the lead-up to the 2008 US election famously proclaimed her belief in Obama as being “The One”

  • Becky Cohen

    “Obama has been a severe disappointment to all progressive thinkers in virtually every possible way.”

    To be fair, he’s done a lot for LGBT rights in the USA (the denial of medical treatment to Chelsea Manning being the blot of shame on that, though). Unfortunately, when Putin’s agent Trump gets in come January 20th him, and the evangelical religious fanatics, will repeal all those laws. 2017 will be Putin’s year as with the break-up of both the USA, the EU and the consequent weakening of NATO he will be the most powerful leader in the world. Unfortunately, for the LGBT community worldwide this is a bad news.

    • Loony

      You are right. I understand that the latest generation of US drones are so advanced that they do not kill anyone who self identifies as a member of the LGBT community. Children, too young to form (or at least to enunciate) such views as naturally enough fair targets.

      You show remarkable insight as I have only just finished reading a Washington Post article that proves beyond all doubt that the Russians are developing missiles specifically designed to only target LGBT people.

        • Loony

          Thank you for your informed response.

          What is so special about LGBT people that is not special about the uncounted millions of people murdered by Anglo American foreign policy? Could it possibly be that LGBT people serve the role of useful idiots in diverting attention away from the crimes committed against the mass of humanity of which LGBT people are a constituent part.

          Your feigned outrage and disgust comes as little surprise given your slavish devotion to the role of lickspittle to the powerful.

          I think you are confusing me with the people that actually write for the Washington Post.

          • Shatnersrug

            Obama’s plan was never to help LGBT rights for everyone, it was LGBT rights for rich people. Mainly rich men. In the media.

            Sure hay marriage couldn’t come a moment too soon but “here have some gay marriage, don’t mind me whilst I blow up this family” wasn’t really quite what we were getting at.

          • Habbabkuk

            For the Loony

            “Thank you for your informed response.”

            You’re very welcome

            ” Could it possibly be that LGBT people serve the role of useful idiots in diverting attention away from the crimes committed against the mass of humanity of which LGBT people are a constituent part.”


            “Your feigned outrage and disgust comes as little surprise given your slavish devotion to the role of lickspittle to the powerful.”


            There is nothing feigned about the disgust you arouse in me (in general, I mean, and not only iro your distasteful jibes at LGTBs i order to make some cheap “political” point or other.


            “I think you are confusing me with the people that actually write for the Washington Post.”

            The confusion is all yours – as so often.

            An now, be off with you!

          • Habbabkuk

            For the Shatnersrug

            “Obamaā€™s plan was never to help LGBT rights for everyone, it was LGBT rights for rich people. Mainly rich men. In the media. ”


            That is a good example of the sort of “comment” which makes it impossible for any normal person to take people like you seriously.

            Someone comes up with an example of where Obama has probably done some good. But you and your fellows are so determined to find nothing good in the Obama presidency that you won’t even give him credit for that.

            AllLIBGTs will benefit whether rich or poor and your assertion that it was only done for the rich remains just that – a silly effort to dish more dirt into the Obama presidency.

          • Loony

            On reflection the concern of both yourself and your masters for LGBT people is obvious.

            Take the example of one Chelsea Manning and consider how she has been treated – what with all that long term free accommodation, and free food. Just think of the cost of having specially trained torturers attend to her every need.

            Your disgust could not be more feigned if you had the word “feigned” tattooed on your head. Now get back to reading more fake news in the Washington Post.

  • Republicofscotland

    Netanyahu’s (alleged) corruption, investigation ti be updated to a full blown criminal investigation says the countryā€™s attorney general, Avichai Mandelblit.

    Over 50 witnesses have been questioned including the US billionaire and president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, questioned over gifts he (allegedly) gave Netanyahu and (alleged) spending on trips for him, Israeli media reported.

    Netanyahu has acknowledged receiving money from the French tycoon Arnaud Mimran, who was sentenced to eight years in prison over a ā‚¬283m (Ā£241m) scam involving the trade of carbon emissions permits, and the taxes on them.


    • Habbabkuk


      That’s what I meant, a while ago, when I wrote that Israel is a state governed by the rule of law.

      I doubt that such investigations and possible criminal action against leading politiicans holding the reins of power would be possible in Mr Putin’s Russia or “President” Assad’s Syria or “President” Nicolas Maduro Moron’s Venezuela.

      Bu they would of course be more than possible against opposition leaders in those countries (insofar as there are any such still alive or not in gaol).


      Reminder for friend Macky : have you looked up Mr Berlusconi yet? šŸ™‚ )

      • Loony

        It is hard to know if are so delusional that you actually believe any of the things that you write.

        There is no rule of law either in Israel or any other US vassal state. Take a look at this:


        Now take a look at this:


        Here is a story of a UK teacher who was jailed for “eloping” with a 15 year old pupil


        Here is a story about how sometimes migrants to Europe are allowed to live unmolested by the law with child brides


        Have you ever heard of something called due process? Do you understand that it is a central tenet underpinning the rule of law? Do you know that due process requires that all people be subject to the same laws of justice. Do you know what the word “all” means? Is it possible that you know all of these things but find it expedient to pretend that you don’t in order to advance your nihilistic anarchist agenda?

        Now recall the words of the Nobel laureate for literature “Don’t it make you feel ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game”

        • fred

          “Have you ever heard of something called due process? Do you understand that it is a central tenet underpinning the rule of law? Do you know that due process requires that all people be subject to the same laws of justice. Do you know what the word ā€œallā€ means? Is it possible that you know all of these things but find it expedient to pretend that you donā€™t in order to advance your nihilistic anarchist agenda?”

          But different cultures require different laws. Before 1929 it was legal in England for a girl to marry at 12 years with parental consent. In Scotland they didn’t even need the parental consent. That’s within living memory. I don’t think it would be fair for us to judge our ancestors by our standards any more than it would be fair to judge people from different cultures.

        • Phil the ex-frog

          “your nihilistic anarchist agenda?”

          Hang on. Who? Habbabkuk??!

          Wether you intended to be so funny or fortuitously used words you don’t understand, thanks.

          • Habbabkuk


            Don’t worry, the aptly-named Loony knows perfectly well what “nihilist” and “anarchist” mean.

            He’s just returning to the silly gig he was on some time where he uses the words as an insult because he is unable to rebut my points using argument and reason. And probably thinks that those who are watching this blog will put me down as a nihilistic anarchist. If only he knew! šŸ™‚

        • Habbabkuk

          You know perfectly well what is meant by the rule of law, Loony.

          One of the many things it means is that if a state has laws against misdemeanors in high office (as Israel does in the case under discussion) they apply to everyone in high office even if that “everyone” happens to be the serving PM.

          Think about it.

          • Loony

            Is there any non malevolent reason why you seek to dis-aggregate the definition of the rule of law?

            Just go back to the words of the Nobel laureate for literature – “the ladder of law should have no top and no bottom” These words simply reaffirm the concept that for the law to have meaning it cannot be selectively applied. You need to focus on particular examples because you are afraid to view matters in their aggregate whole – for to do so would force you to recognize that there is no longer any such thing as the rule of law.

            It is your persistence in so doggedly defending those that are determined to undermine the rule of law, and your absolute refusal (irrespective of evidence) to recognize that the rule of law is being undermined that qualifies you as a nihilistic anarchist.

            Your comment to Phil “If only he knew” betrays the ultimate tragedy of your position. In all likelihood you have brainwashed yourself so successfully that you actually believe the opposite to be true. No mate, you are a nihilistic anarchist in the true sense of those words – and your every utterance serves only to undermine your own sense of self.

            At some level you know this to be true – hence your periodic petulant outbursts of childish ad-hominem insults (for example calling someone a nasty little shit) which you later seek to redefine as “argument and reason” Who could possibly consider you to be a serious person?

      • Republicofscotland

        “Thatā€™s what I meant, a while ago, when I wrote that Israel is a state governed by the rule of law.
        I doubt that such investigations and possible criminal action against leading politiicans holding the reins of power would be possible in Mr Putinā€™s Russia or ā€œPresidentā€ Assadā€™s Syria”



        Okay, I’ll give you that one, however, Israel is in my opinion, a state of law unto itself. Israel, if you’re honest with yourself, is oppressing Palestinian’s whilst ignoring international laws.

        I find that rather bemusing that you can laud one action of law, but not condemn the blatant bypassing of other international laws, by Israel.

        You claim in here regularly that the likes of Macky, John Goss etc, are pro-Russia, by their comments, but you are blind to your pro-Israel comments, which are plain for all to see.

    • Laguerre

      So what? It’s been known for a long time that Tunisians are a major source of jihadis to ISIS and similar organisations.

  • Laguerre

    I have to admit that I still have no idea what Trump is going to do once he is in power. Nearly all his announced policies are contradictory with one another. I suppose that he is going to do a Treeza (in Sharp Ear’s expression), but in a Trumpian fashion, of loudly bellowing support for all his aims, even while deciding for one. Did he even have a policy in advance, or did he just listen to the last voice in his ear?

    • RobG

      There’s a strong likelihood that Trump will be assassinated between now and 20th January.

      These are sitting Presidents who have been assassinated:

      Abraham Lincoln
      James Garfield
      William McKinley
      John F. Kennedy

      Six presidents have survived assassination attempts:

      Andrew Jackson
      Theodore Roosevelt
      Franklin Roosevelt
      Harry Truman
      Gerald Ford
      Ronald Reagan

      The role call of presidents in waiting who have been either assassinated or survived assassination attempts is too long to list here.

      It’s not the ‘United States of America’, but rather ‘Crime Inc.’

      • Laguerre

        I wouldn’t count on it. Trump employs his own security, not the Secret Service. And may well remain in Trump Tower, and not the White House.

      • Habbabkuk

        Careful now, Rob.

        Remember Lysias’s dark mutterings about Greville Janner being likely to meet a premature and unnatural end (needless to say he was still alive a year later and finally died of natural causes).

      • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

        Only one former president reporedly showing up for inauguration. Trump’s really got the Bushes’ goat

      • Hmmm

        Old Rough and Ready had a dodgy endind too… Not proven assassination. Buy a nice little conspiracy theory :0)

      • D-Majestic

        Agree, RobG. To be followed by a pre-planned succession in terms of carefully selected Neocons. I guess we already know their names.

  • RobG

    This 25 second clip from RT (that’s Russia Today)…


    … formed the basis of the CNN reporting on the Istanbul nightclub shooting (well, the injured guy who doesn’t look very injured just happens to be an American)…

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RO-pJKZMko (1 min, 30 second clip)

    This is all against the backdrop of numerous recent ‘terror events’ in Turkey, including the extremely high profile assassination of the Russian ambassador, and the total defeat of the USA and its poodles in Syria.

    • Laguerre

      On that event, I noted that most of the dead were Middle Eastern, and the majority Saudis. Not surprising. Saudis always want to get out of their benighted country, to drink and look for prostitutes in Beirut or Istanbul. They were caught here. But then they go back home and obey the rules. They don’t protest.

  • RobG

    For Habba & Co here’s Putin’s annual New Year address (it ends with the Russian National Anthem, which I know Habba particularly enjoys)…


    There’s a story behind Putin’s New Year address, but I won’t get into that here. Instead, in light of my previous post about assassinations and assassination attempts on American presidents, I will ask how many Russian/Soviet presidents have been assassinated over the last hundred years?

      • lysias

        Goremykin was murdered in a robbery in 1917, after the Bolshevik Revolution, therefore after he had left the office of prime minister. Boris StĆ¼rmer died of disease in 1917 after the February revolution while under arrest in a hospital. Golitsyn was killed by the Cheka in 1925 after he had been convicted of a fabricated crime. Lenin’s death, like Stalin’s, may have been the result of medical malpractice inspired by people in power (Stalin in Lenin’s case, Stalin’s lieutenants in his own case).

        • lysias

          And of course Tsar Nicholas II and his family were murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918.

      • RobG

        lysias, thanks for your great (and quite true) historical perspective.

        I’m obviously looking at the USSR/Russia post-1917 revolution.

        What happened back then was quite extraordinary: while millions of working class people were bamboozled into ‘going over the top for King and Country’, and huge numbers of them were butchered, the Russians said “feck this for a laugh”.

        Amazingly, a few decades after the ‘Last Great War’, when we had the next great war, Russians sacrificed themselves in the millions to defeat invaders/fascism. WW2 is known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia. They lost a huge number of people.

        This is the mindset you still have in Russia today.

        It’s a mindset that’s totally alien to the American people, who have never experienced total war; which is probably why many Americans totally scream for war all the time.

        They are children, who have no idea.

        • Habbabkuk

          “What happened back then was quite extraordinary: while millions of working class people were bamboozled into ā€˜going over the top for King and Countryā€™, and huge numbers of them were butchered, the Russians said ā€œfeck this for a laughā€.”


          And having had their laugh, millions of them were killed in the Stalinist purges and sent off to a somewhat slower death in the Soviet GuLag.

          Feck it indeed.

    • Kempe

      Well if you’re going back to Lincoln’s time Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881 and Stalin had at least five of his Prime Ministers executed on the usual trumped up charges whilst he was Head of State.

  • John Welch

    Obama is a malignant moron. A former community organiser who couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery. Yet the media here lap him up and exhibit a slavish, slavering devotion to him. He’s so handsome, charming, witty, intelligent, civilised, urbane, blah, blah, blah. One newspaper columnist (I forget who because I normally pay little attention to these idiots) even admitted that he was in tears at the thought that Obama was about to leave the public stage. “I shall miss him,” simpered the half-wit.

  • Lisa

    Everyone that I know except for one person that voted for Obama still support him an say he would have won if he ran again. Don’t know if they really believe this or no ..but..they believe the Russian hack story. An that he was a great an honest president an wish he was still in office.

    • Alcyone

      America being ‘great’ (not in a superpower sense) and Obama being great are two different things. America has become one of the most unloved nations on Planet Earth; and, I don’t think Obama has helped much. I club him together with GWB–Act I of the 21st century. He also oversaw the birth of ISIS and played midwife. That’s quite a legacy. Let’s hope Trump can take a different direction. exterminate those barbarians and section and sanction the hell out of Saudi Arabia and their cohorts, Qatar et al. Bastards!

      • Babushka

        “…Trump can take a different direction. exterminate those barbarians and section and sanction the hell out of Saudi Arabia and their cohorts, Qatar et al. Bastards!”

        This attitude of yours can only result in Gandhi’s eyeless and toothless world, which today is the nuclear winter most decent humans are striving to avert.

    • Shatnersrug


      You obviously only know democrat voters. The grand denial that well off liberal democrats have spun themselves into over this deserved loss is really quite pathetic to behold.

      I suggest they familiarise themselves with the 7 stages of grief.








      Although seeing as liberal denial has been what the last 8 years of Obama have been I wouldn’t count liberals being able to get beyond two.


      • bevin

        “I wouldnā€™t count liberals being able to get beyond two.”
        They certainly seem to find it hard to get angry about anything political.

    • Alcyone

      You’re obsessed with this sideshow, but you are not alone.

      The 2-billion-people-question NOBODY is asking is: Who is going to bring/legislate Islam into the 21st century?

      • Alcyone

        Two friends, one of them a bishop, die in a car crash. They go up to heaven and meet St. Peter. Neither of them has sinned too much, so he lets them in. And he says to them, ā€˜If you have any special request, tell me now, and Iā€™ll see to it that it gets done.ā€™ The bishop, a religious person, asks to see God. St Peter is startled by his request and tries to dissuade him, ā€˜Seeing God is a sensitive affairā€”itā€™s very shocking. Few people can stand it. If I may advice you, please donā€™t insist on this.ā€™ But the man is adamant and insists on his wish. Finally St Peter gives in and tells him, ā€˜Very well, if you insist. Just donā€™t blame me afterwards. Go that way and follow the signs: ā€™Godā€™. And donā€™t forget to come back here.ā€™ Off he goes to see God, while his friend wait with St Peter for his return. It takes ten to fifteen minutes before he returns. He is a mere shadow of himself, as pale as a ghost, and staggering about in deep shock. His friend is concerned to see him in this state and says, ā€˜By Jove, whatā€™s happened to you? What was He like?ā€™ But the man can only moan, ā€˜Sheā€™s black.

  • bevin

    “…the ardent and tireless defenders of the current Russian govt and its policies (Macky and Mr Goss in particular) are just a sub-set (or sect) of the wider anti-USA and anti-West orthodoxy on here.”
    In fact they are proponents of the Balance of Power- or multipolarity- theory of International Relations which was very widely held in British history. It is normally considered-as is Putin- a conservative idea.

    “Orwell would have described them as ā€œtransferred nationalistsā€, I think.”
    No he wouldn’t, they are quite unlike the zionists, communists etc that he used this, rather daft, term to describe in that they are protesting against imperialism rather than nationalism. In the current Imperial order states such as Germany and Britain are wholly subordinate to the imperial United States- the ‘transferred nationalists’ are, in reality, those who forget their own nationality, set aside their nations’ peculiar interests and support anything that Washington does.
    The Irish called them shoneens, what are we to call them, apart from the political class?

  • Bhante

    A few days ago Lysias published this link:

    lysias December 21, 2016 at 20:06
    That Wikipedia entry for Sibel Edmonds says that a citation is needed for a series in the Sunday Times on Gladio B having been spiked. This story can serve as a coirroboration of the story: Special Report | Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked? FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds was described as ā€œthe most gagged person in the history of the United Statesā€ by the American Civil Liberties Union. Was the Sunday Times pressured to drop its investigation into her revelations?.

    On that page there is a link to a sworn court deposition by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds as a pdf document, which is absolutely mind-boggling to read. For anybody who would like to know why there is so much terrorism in the West ever since 1998 and especially in the last two years it should be at the top of the list of mandatory reading. Everybody should know about this. Read the whole of the first section (answers to questions by Marino). The next section (answers to cross-questioning by Fein) is very tedious and has almost no worthwhile contents. The main meat is in the first section, after a rather slow start in the first 20 pages or so. Sibel Edmonds was testifying for a case related to congressional corruption and criminal lobbying activities but also testifies on FBI fore-knowledge of terrorism and protection of foreign agents hiding evidence of terrorism.

  • Bob Boldt

    I think one has to look at the motivation behind the Democratsā€™ insistence on associating the Russians with the hacking of the nefarious DNC emails. As soon as the full extent of the DNCā€™s duplicity, sabotage, and corruption was revealed they have tenaciously insisted on changing the subject by endlessly repeating that this was a dastardly attempt on the part of the Russian government to hijack our election. Of course the joke is that the DNC was upset that the Russians tried to hijack the election by revealing the DNCā€™s attempt to hijack the election for Hillary.

    Without going further into why the assertions of Russian collusion are without merit, one needs to ask what is in it for the Democrats.

    First of all there is the Democratsā€™ revival of the Red Scare. Hillary and Obama have made every attempt to demonize Putin. By doing this they hope to take the onus off the US and their foolhardy provocations of Russia in both the Ukraine and Syria. The compliant press has been all too eager to assist in this pro administration propaganda. I hope I donā€™t have to go into too much detail as to exactly how much Obama has irresponsibly provoked Russia, first by overthrowing the democratically elected leader of Ukraine and then moving NATO troops up to the very same border where the Germans invaded during WWII. Who sez Obama has no sense of History?

    The revelation that we have been arming the terrorists attacking Assad in Aleppo has been an embarrassment. I donā€™t for the life of me know why that revelation alone was not enough to drive Hillary off the ticket. There is a relentless push in the press to portray us as the good guys in Syria when exactly the opposite is true. If you want the scoop on what is really happening in Syria, Google Eva Bartlett, Canadian activist and journalist reporting on what is really going on in our attempts at regime change in Syria. The Democrats are desperate to keep intelligent analysis away from all their dealings with Russia in Syria and Russia in Ukraineā€”hence the push to demonize Putin by any means necessary.

    Something the Democrats also hope to accomplish with these baseless assertions is to create a groundswell of popular outrage against Trumpā€™s favorable disposal toward Russia. I think they are attempting to reestablish a second Cold War against Russia and a hostile standoff with China. Why? Canā€™t sell weapons without an enemy to use them on. I understand that it is necessary to separate this discussion from the real concerns with Trump and his appointment of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State and his business dealings within Russia. What the administration and the Democrats are trying to do is to slingshot the very real concerns over Trumpā€™s impending presidency into a very dangerous situation with Russia and China. That is another thing that is feeding into the assertions of the Russian hacking allegations.

    Another less direct reason for the Democrats to push back against the Wikileaks revelations (and Assange’s assertion of NO Russian involvement in the hacking) is an attempt to strike a terminal blow against freedom of information and the alternative domestic press. These hacking assertions go hand in hand with the attempt to discredit sources like Wikileaks, Showden, The Intercept, Russia Today, and a host of independent media outlets who refuse to toe the Party Line. Most people are not aware that, in addition to the Senateā€™s recent passage of the infamous ā€œNational Defense Authorization Act,ā€ there was quietly inserted a (I kid you not) ā€œCountering Disinformation and Propaganda Actā€ that is every bit as sinister as it sounds. It will censor all foreign sources of information and I assume any domestic citing of these sources by news outlets critical of the US government. This fits right into the Democratsā€™ desire to have any information damning of the DNC from ever being published. See where this is going?

    Obama could not have given the incoming tyrant a more fitting or effective present!

    • KingofWelshNoir

      Excellent post, Bob. I read about the ‘Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act’ on Zero Hedge in November and instantly understood what this ‘Fake News’ meme was all about. The choreography was transparent. We wake up one morning and the media is full of something no one had ever thought of before: Fake News. No one knew what it was but clearly something had to be done. Then a website appeared out of nowhere with a list of a hundred or so alternative media sites that were accused of peddling Russian propaganda. (Amazingly this blog was not included.) Then the Russians were blamed for hacking the election etc. Hey presto fake news i.e. all those alternative news websites that challenge the mainstream narrative are cast as disinformation agents and we now have the legal means to take them down. Very chilling.

    • philw

      Great post Bob. The only thing I’d add is that it is not only the Democrats who are pushing the ‘Russian hackers’ line. Was it not the CIA who first put it out? This election has made a number of things clearer, but nothing more than what a complete farce this ‘Democrat v Republican’ thing has become. ALL the US establishment was behind Hillary, all sorts of Republicans, including neo-cons were coming out to back her as it became evident the wheels were falling off her campaign. The Republican primaries looked like a contest to find the least threatening opponent for Hillary, and you must admit they made a pretty good job of it. They scared a hell of a lot of people into voting for HRC, just not quite enough.

  • michael norton

    I wonder what on earth this latest shooting in England, is about.
    Ministry of Truth

    A man has died in a police shooting during a “pre-planned” operation near a motorway.

    West Yorkshire Police said a police firearm was discharged at about 18:00 GMT on Monday near the M62 in Huddersfield.

    The slip roads east and west bound at junction 24 of the M62 remain closed.

    A police spokesman said more than one person had been arrested but no further details were released. The case has been referred to the police watchdog.

    Those arrested required hospital treatment for injuries “not related to firearm discharge”, the spokesman said.


    So little for us to go on, other than it was a planned operation.

    • michael norton

      ‘Firearm found’ after M62 police shooting
      Ministry of Truth
      Yassar Yaqub, 28, was fatally wounded in Huddersfield on a slip road at Junction 24 on Monday evening.

      What appeared to be a non-police issue firearm was found in the vehicle Mr Yaqub was travelling in, the IPCC said.

      Police are believed to have searched his home in the town. Armed officers could be seen outside.

      West Yorkshire Police said earlier that Mr Yaqub was shot during a planned operation.

      The weapon found at the scene is being “further examined”, the IPCC said.

  • lysias

    For those who are concerned about Assange’s wellbeing, ZeroHedge reports that a new interview of Assange will air on Fox News this evening, Tuesday Jan. 3.

        • Macky

          Oops ! It’s the Philadelphia Inquirer !

          Anyhow noticed that it come down to the like of Fox News to pull-up these imbeciles !

          Normally you would expect something like Democracy Now, but I guess they have lost all credibility over their Syria stance !

        • Alcyone

          Happy New Year Macky! The dumber, the happier apparently!! You can’t tell between the Wash Post and the philadelphia Inquirer?

          • Macky

            Guess after all your K reading, you must be perfect & never make simple mistakes ! šŸ˜€

            I’ll admit that I’ve got the Washington Post on the brain at the moment because I’m enjoying the irony that they published that Mccarthyism piece listing “Fake News” carriers, and now they are having to apologise for their own publishing of real fake news iro the non-existent Russian power plant hack ! šŸ˜€

          • Habbabkuk

            “Iā€™ll admit that Iā€™ve got the Washington Post on the brain at the moment”

            Don’t be too hard on yourself, Macks. You haven’t got The Washington Post on the brain for the very simple reason that you are brainless. What’s new? šŸ™‚

          • äŗŗč€…ä»ä¹Ÿ

            “Fake news” and poor reporting are not the same thing. That should be fairly easy to comprehend

      • Alcyone

        Well, he certainly looks better groomed than before. His tie is more or less in position, collar buttoned-up and shaven. He’s had a haircut too and his barber hasn’t slit his throat as buffoons like RobG have been fearing and inciting fear.

        Now they’ll have to wait for their next opportunity to allege again that Craig is lying.

    • lysias

      Assange To Hannity: “Our Source Is Not The Russian Government”:

      Which is why many more will pay attention to Assange’s next interview with Sean Hannity, which will air Tuesday on Fox News. According to a Fox News release, the two will discuss Russian hacking, the 2016 presidential election, and both the Obama and upcoming Trump administrations. It will air at 10 p.m. on Jan. 3, with additional portions of the interview airing throughout the week.

      • mauisurfer

        > HANNITY: Can you say to the American people, unequivocally, that you did not get this information about the DNC, John Podesta’s emails, can you tell the American people 1,000 percent that you did not get it from Russia or anybody associated with Russia?
        > ASSANGE: Yes. We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party… Obama is trying to say that President-elect Trump is not a legitimate President.


  • lysias

    Washington Post has a new front-page article retracting its earler report that the Russians hacked that Vermont utility.

  • Republicofscotland

    This is in addition to Habbs comment at 10.51am, of which I replied to. Its another facet as to why in my opinion Israel is a law unto itself, even though Habb (rightly) lauds its position with regards to Netanyahu.

    From HRW.

    “(New York) ā€“ Some senior Israeli officials have been encouraging Israeli soldiers and police to kill Palestinians they suspect of attacking Israelis even when they are no longer a threat, Human Rights Watch said today in an analysis of those statements. Other Israeli officials have failed to repudiate the calls for excessive use of force.”


  • Republicofscotland

    Britain’s top EU diplomat Sir Ivan Rogers has resigned his post. Rodgers, is thought to have been a key negotiator for Britain, in the coming debacle known as Brexit.

    The FCO refused to give a reason or reasons, why Rogers has resigned. Rogers had intimated to the BBC and UK ministers, that Brexit could take up to ten years to negotiate properly.

    As the British government stumbles from one debacle to another, whilst claiming Brexit (a economic timebomb) will be triggered soon, even though no plans have been offered up, albeit the phrase Brexit means Brexit, or a Red White and Blue Brexit, as May puts it. We the public, will be the one’s who face the consequences of the shambles known as Brexit.


  • Silvio

    Whatever happened to Trump’s initial promise when running for the Republican nomination to make the USA a fair and impartial arbiter in negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelies? That promise seemed to have been dropped by the wayside with some alacrity once the rubber hit the road. Do you suppose Trump might have been blinded by a great light and heard a voice from the heavens bringing him enlightenment on the road to Washington? At least he was not struck dumb as was the disbodient Saul enroute to Damascus.

    Pray for Trump!

    • Republicofscotland

      Thank you Tom for that link, it’s very interesting indeed. I think Israel will continue on its chosen path, of oppressing the Palestinian people, whilst further usurping lands illegally in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

      However the real solution, to the two state idea, (1967 borders), is in my opinion, in the hands of the USA. Unfortunately, no matter who becomes POTUS, they’re subject to the wills of powerful US lobbies, groups and businessmen/women, who have Israeli interests at heart.

      Meanwhile Israeli troops and guards are bestowed with plenary powers, when it comes to the fate of the Palestinian people.

      The UN, are powerless, when the US veto’s any major proposal put forward, we however did see what can be done when the US abstains, and meaningful Resolutions are passed, as in the Obama admin, abstaining, though that particular vote by the US government, was not taken, with Palestinian people in mind.

      No it was taken to sour Trump’s relationship with Israel. Which after the appointment of Freidman, by Trump looks like being in no danger whatsoever.

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