A Very Difficult Night 299

Quite possibly the most ungracious speech I have ever heard from Michael Gove. So much for uniting the country. Five years of vicious triumphalism and denigrating opposition loom.
The SNP vote share in Scotland is just higher than the Tory vote share in the UK. So if Johnson has just been given a resounding mandate for Brexit, then the SNP has just been given a resounding mandate for Independence.
Banff and Buchan was the constituency held by the Tories which means Johnson is now definitely over the line with a majority. One thing I can absolutely guarantee is that the duped fishing communities will be sold down the river completely when serious negotiations with the EU on trade get going next year.
I normally manage to find some sympathy for MPs who have lost their job, on a purely personal level. But it is hard to believe that their Tory replacements can actually be worse than Caroline Flint and Ruth Smeeth.
Astonishingly, after results from all kinds of Scottish constituencies, the SNP is currently at over 50% of the popular vote itself. With the news from North Belfast, it looks like Boris has got his Brexit and lost the Union. This is vital; the break up of the UK is the only way to break the weird imperialist delusion that feeds this extreme English nationalism.
The BBC, in case anyone isn’t feeling bad enough about Boris Johnson’s triumph, now bring out war criminal Alastair Campbell to lecture us.
Seeing the back of the inane Kirstene Hair in Angus was particularly welcome. Putney was cheerful and gave hope for Uxbridge. In Scotland the SNP getting swings of about 5% from both Unionist parties.

It is hard to doubt the basic accuracy of that exit poll now the Conservatives have taken the Blyth Valley. If the Conservatives sweep to power in England, then we have to move very early – and I mean within weeks – on Scottish Independence.

I am extremely sorry for all my friends in England who have no such escape route from the Conservative Party. I am much more impacted by this result than I have ever been before, because it brings a still more right wing Conservative Party to untrammeled power, and because I genuinely feel the electorate which has swung are fueled by anti-immigrant racism. I am not vehemently opposed to Brexit itself, funnily enough, but the ending of freedom of movement and single market access I view as crazed xenophobia.

I am also unhappy with the campaign itself, which seemed to take media bias to new levels in ways I have documented, particularly from the BBC. We saw the same in 2014, and the entire experience has been a reminder of how difficult to fight any new independence referendum will be.

If the SNP takes 50 seats in Scotland I shall be delighted. Scotland is of course a Remain area. I am for the next glass of Lagavulin clinging to the idea that Remain leaning areas in England may cause trouble for the Tories too.

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299 thoughts on “A Very Difficult Night

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  • bj

    I feel for you, Craig.
    Cheer up soon, there’s work to be done in areas where you are invaluable.

  • Laguerre

    In all the northern seats I’ve checked out the decline in the Labour vote corresponds quite precisely to the rise in the Brexit party vote, and that includes Labour holds. But if there’s a change, it’s a Tory gain. Hardly a new thought, but Farage has wrecked his chances to help out the Tories.

    • Laguerre

      My point was that it may not be a swing to the Tories, although that may be the overall effect.

      • Shatnersrug

        People in the north are still punishing those they consider to be up themselves liberals in London, that’s it really. That and the fact that the British like nothing more than being treated like shit. And tories like nothing more than treating us like shit. I don’t think analysis needs to go much beyond that

    • Mrs Pau!

      I gather Emily Thornbery is intending to stand for the labour leadership.. My sister tells me she is an impressive speaker and she has a sympathy evoking hard scrabble upbringing. She is also an ardent Remain supporter so should appeal to the Momentum faction. But is an ardent pro EU Remainer the ight person to win back the Leave Labour voters, of whom there seem to be many, and reunite the Labour Party?

      • Mark

        Emily Thornbury (aka Lady Nugee) comes across as a sneering hoity-toity London champagne socialist who has no appeal whatsoever in Labours once white working class heartlands. If Labour elect that thing as leader they really would be on a hiding to absolutely nothing and doubling down on stupidity after Corbyn. Her sneering behaviour towards the house in Rochester (at the 2014 by-election) draped in union flags is well remembered and I’m sure the right wing media would constantly remind everyone about it in any election. Outside of metro-sexual London she is about as electorally appealing as gonorrhoea. I’m sure Boris Johnson would be absolutely delighted to have her as Labour leader as she comes across as being more posh and privileged then he is which is quite an achievement.

  • SA

    Cheer up everybody
    Boris May have won but only by promising us a milder version of what labour wanted. He promised not to sell the MHS promised end of austerity, lots of nurses and policemen. I am sure he will honour his promises.

    • Brianfujisan

      Ok SA .. Sorry..I always got the feeling you are Genuine… Brilliant news Re Jo.Losing her seat on My River ..I was Up too late .

  • N_

    “Extreme English nationalism” – where are some references to the English nation by men and women who have this kind of motivation that support the notion that it is playing an important role (or indeed any role)? Nationalism without explicit references to the nation would be a very strange ideology indeed. Has it ever existed anywhere else? Is it that the extreme English nationalists don’t know that that’s what they are? Or are they so cunning that they conspire not to say so in public? Why would they do that? Are they oppressed by occupiers or something?

    It will be interesting to see whether or not the Scottish nationalists gain a majority of voteshare. They’re on 46.4% of the votes that have been declared so far, in 39 of 59 seats, and the Greens are on 0.8% for the Greens. So with 20 more results to come in there’s a majority for the Union at present – in other words Scots are saying no to independence, even before we discount the unionists who voted tactically for the SNP.

    • Hatuey

      Your analysis of support for independence is exceptionally flawed and characteristically vulgar, like so much else you type.

      For a start it doesn’t take account of Green Party support; the Green Party is a Pro-Indy party. It also doesn’t take account of the many other voters who, despite voting for parties other than the SNP in this election, would be likely to vote for independence.

      Interesting that leftists in England are happy to say the media influenced the election in England, but have repeatedly failed over the years to apply the same logic and understanding when it comes to Scotland. We’ve been fighting and protesting against things like BBC bias for years — if only you had listened.

      We don’t need the support or alacrity of the English left working man’s movement. Historically speaking, the biggest enemy of Scottish independence was always the Labour Party. We voted Labour for decades and ended up with the worst poverty black spots in the industrial world.

      • N_

        I stopped reading when I got to your assertion that I didn’t take account of the Green vote, because I clearly do – it’s there in black and white – so you either didn’t read what I wrote or else you were so furious at someone pointing out a home truth (i.e. today’s vote clearly shows Scotland saying no to independence) that you soon forgot it. As I type, 55 results are now in, and SNP + Greens are on 45.2% + 1.1% = 46.3%. That’s a clear “no” to independence, even before we take away the tactical voting for the SNP by unionists, which was advocated on this very blog but you may have forgotten abou. The Partei will of course ignore the message and continue on its disgusting chauvinistic and xenophobic mission of trying to gee up the population into blaming foreign influence for poor conditions in Scotland, a country in which many aspects of state administration have been under the Partei’s own control for several years now – but no, it’s always foreigners to blame. Also there is obviously a “he who smelt it, dealt it” angle (“psychological projection” in lah-di-dah language if that’s what you want), because the extreme English nationalism is totally imaginary whereas the extreme Scottish nationalism is very real. What’s the opposite to “vulgarity”? Is it sophistication? Respectability? You’re so rabid with nationalistic hatred you say the SNP isn’t nationalist and don’t realise that everyone else in the world knows it is nationalist and thinks the assertion that it isn’t is embarrassingly nuts of a cross-the-road-to-avoid-it kind.

        • N_

          Jo Swinson spoke the truth in Dunbartonshire today when she decried the rising tide of nationalism both north and south of the border – being Scottish nationalism to the north and British nationalism to the south. (Note the “Br” in “Brexit.)

          • Bones and Dirt

            I’m a lifelong independence supporter. I’m not a nationalist, I’m a separatist, amongst other things. Many, probably most, who vote SNP are anti British-imperialist, they only _think_ they are nationalists because people keep telling them so. The overwhelming mis-speaking of the name of the “Scottish National Party” is also an instance of this.

            In most cases when the leader of a UK political party misrepresents this truth I put it down to disingenuity, in Swinson’s case I think she probably believed what she was saying.

          • Mark

            She still lost her seat and I can’t stop laughing about it. She opened her election campaign with the grandiose shrill cry of running to be Prime Minister and ended up falling flat on her large posterior. Absolutely priceless, and Nicola Sturgeons enormous pleasure at the result was the icing on the cake. Bye bye Mrs Swinson we really wont miss you.

        • geoff

          we are a first past the post system genius – there will be a second referendum and that’s the end of the UK. Of course we may follow Spain with regards to this. I think the Scots might be a tad more rebellious than the Catalonians though. More fun to look forward to

        • Terry callachan

          SNP increased their seats from 35 to 49 a forty percent increase
          Tory Labour Lib Dem’s added together have 10 seats
          Looks like Scottish independence is a certainty now
          Of course the 16/17 yr olds in Scotland will vote for Scottish independence too
          Scotland has campaigned in this GE in two ways
          The Tory Lib Dem labour campaigned against Scottish independence
          SNP campaigned against brexit
          Once SNP begin to campaign for Scottish independence they will easily get a majority
          Labour in Scotland have one MP now
          England’s control of Scotland is gone
          Same in Northern Ireland

        • Hatuey

          “you either didn’t read what I wrote…”

          I’ve been telling you for months. I usually read the first 2 sentences at most. Your brand of left wing English/British nationalism bores me to tears.

    • Bones and Dirt

      Your point about the independence vote share is interesting, saddening (for me) and I must concede has some merit. You discount the left internationalists who wanted or expected a hung parliament but who may well support independence if given a choice between a Conservative brexit and an independent Scotland in the EU.

      • N_

        @Bones and Dirt – Point taken: there are certainly some among Labour voters who would vote for independence, although whether they even outnumber tactical anti-independence SNP voters yesterday is doubtful. In itself I have no particular problem with another indyref, and if there were a hung parliament in Westminster in which Labour depended on SNP support I would be fine with conceding another indyref as a price paid to the SNP for allowing Labour to run the British government and implement what’s in the Labour manifesto including holding another EU referendum. What I dislike is the whipping up of the idea that foreigners aren’t letting Scots do what they want and achieve their nation’s destiny. That idea is really ugly. It mirrors how the Leave ideology works south of the border, and it obscures what could well be big problems if an independent Scotland were to join the EU with rump Britain outside of it, even if Scotland becomes independent and joins the EU on the same day that RB leaves. Notably it hinders an appreciation of how an external EU border with a country outside the SM and CU is required by EU law to operate. Unfortunately if a Tory Brexit is a spur for Scottish independence then we won’t be in the position of Czechia and Slovakia when those two countries separated and both joined the EU. Standard SNP behaviour when this kind of thing is raised is to shout “Project Fear” and to yell that anybody who says that kind of thing is doing Scotland down. If there actually were an English government with the same remit in England as the Scottish government has in Scotland then things would be simpler because there would be an option of creating a loose federation, but that’s not the position we’re in.

        • Bones and Dirt

          Agreed in principle. We make our own destiny, and freedom cannot be given, only taken. Section 30 be damned. The gritty reality is somewhat more complex.

          Goodnight all, and may God have mercy on our souls.

        • Terry callachan

          But I suppose you could say the half a million English people in Scotland who vote Tory or Lib Dem anything to keep SNP out are not nationalists , there again you could say they are rabid English nationalists desperately trying to cling on to their colonialist feeling of superiority

    • craig Post author

      Your purblind English nationalism is on full display today. The Green Party, which you ignore, is also pro-Independence. More to the point, opinion polls have continually shown that 35-40% of Labour voters in Scotland support Independence.

    • Mrs Pau!

      It is interesting that the English seem to regard ever closer political Union with the EU as leading to an erosion of their English identity and loss of sovereignty. The Scots seem to take the opposite view.

  • Leonard Young

    What’s becoming very clear is that the advice to vote tactically for the LibDems to stop the Tories, though no doubt well-intentioned, has been a mistake and backfired. A large number of Labour seats have been lost through Labour voters putting an X next to the Libdem candidate, but nowhere near enough to deny the Tories.

    The most spectacular example, just in, is Kensington, where Labour lost its seat by barely a couple of hundred votes, almost certainly due to 6,000-odd Libdem votes which swallowed up an easy Labour victory.

    The conclusion must be that “Tactical” voting is vastly over-rated. Labour would surely have retained a lot more seats if Labour voters simply stuck to their guns. There are a few exceptions to this (Richmond – but that is all tied up with Zak Goldsmith and is an unusual case). Unless the local Labour vote is known to be hopeless the lesson is – vote for your preferred candidate.

    Labour and Tory vote continue to collapse in Scotland which surely now has a mandate to stay in the EU.

    The only thing worth celebrating is Swinson losing her seat.

        • Hatuey

          her speech was hilarious… tried to make out she fell as a hero in a noble crusade. Two weeks ago she was smiling as she said she’d be PM and wouldn’t hesitate to nuke countless millions.

          Bye, jo, you twisted freak.

  • Forthestate

    This is the result of Labour abandoning its commitment to honour the referendum, and traducing the working class vote. There can be no doubt about that. The pressure for a second referendum, and the drive to back Remain, came, initially, and primarily, from the centrists and the right wing of the party, and their intention was to inflict as much damage on Corbyn’s Labour as they could. They have succeeded. Had they followed Corbyn’s advice, this would have been a much closer call. They will now attempt to take back control of the party.

    • Wikikettle

      Forthestate. In a way I am glad that Jeremy can go back to working for his constituency and enjoy a break following the Tour. He did well winning the Leadership and inspired thousands to rejoin after the disaster of Blair. He was up against all the combined forces of The Lobby within his own party, the BBC, all the media and establishment. He showed us all how to be strong, composed under relentless attacks. He did the right thing on principle, not lying or politiking. They called him weak, yet he was strong. The likes of Ruth Smeeth prevented a Labour victory the previous election and desire for hard Brexit won it for the Tories. The irony is that Boris will not deliver hard Brexit, but a weak May style deal. He, with no principle or empathy for those new voters who voted for him, is going to celebrate along with his mates – Ladies and Gentlemen, our Prime Fucking Minister…

      • Forthestate

        Watching this man’s dignity and composure under the most sustained campaign of abuse in living memory has been astonishing, and a privilege. His policies, widely popular, are the only plausible set of proposals to confront the searing inequality in our society that lies at the heart of the protest that was Brexit. Dismissing that protest as racist, and refusing to acknowledge its economic basis, means we are in for a very rough ride, particularly under Johnson, as the poorest and the most vulnerable amongst us – and they are legion – will need defending more than ever. Calling them all racists will do as much for the left as Hillary Clinton is currently accomplishing for the Democratic Party in the US. Trump will walk the next election.

        “desire for hard Brexit won it for the Tories”

        I don’t think so. I think a disastrous betrayal of a commitment to honour the referendum – the right thing to do whichever way you voted in it – probably lost Labour the chance to form a coalition government. Corbyn cannot be blamed for that. He did everything in his power to stop it.

      • Forthestate

        ps I agree with the rest of your post entirely. And my comments on racism refer to the article, not to you.

  • David

    my suggestion is that ‘President’ Dominic Cummings looked at “a new referendum” for Brexit, but dropped that idea as he would need a 51% majority. So instead he went for “a brexit election”, under our FPTP scheme, only needs ~38% popular support to pass, so now we get “Brexit” on January 31st.

    However Boris remains a liar, and we don’t know what the bought media will sell us as “Brexit”, what Boris will actually deliver. (Scotland is now wholly ~93% Scots Nats, NI is also outside the union)

    plan-B is required

  • Sean_Lamb

    It looks like the people of Scotland are going to be spared from having a second monster in Loch Ness

    SNP – 46 seats
    Con 6
    Lab 1
    LDP 3 with only Orkney, Ross and Argyle still to call

    • Sean_Lamb

      Final tally for the SNP is 48 seats as the LDP hang onto Orkney. The long suffering people of Scotland are to be spared the sight of a naked Ruth Davidson.

      And somewhere deep in the depths, a certain monster is probably breathing a sign of relief also.

      • Cubby

        Yes that was a pretty smart move by Davidson to get people not to vote SNP. No one in their right mind would like to bear witness to Truthless Davidson skinny dipping. A smart move to get the SNP vote down.

  • SA

    The ‘centrists’ in the Labour Party have their knives out for Corbyn but do not have the decency to acknowledge their part in pursuing division in the party and their devotion to Brexit

    • Forthestate

      “their devotion to Brexit”. What on earth…? The ‘centrists’, or the right wing of the Labour party, are Remainers. They always were, from Chuka Umunna to Joan Ryan, Yvette Cooper, Stephen Kinnock, Margaret Hodge, Liz Kendall, Mike Gapes, Wes Streeting, Ian Austin – on and on. The party declared itself a ‘Remain’ party. They pressured Corbyn to back Remain. Brexit has just won Johnson a majority. Where did you get the notion?

    • Ma Laoshi

      Why take those “centrists” as a given? The Blairites are bought and paid for by the City banks and the death merchants of the arms industry–corrupt. They should have been cleaned out from the party; given that so many of them are war criminals from their Iraq vote anyway, might as well have bumped off a few just to show that you’re serious. Instead, Labour chose to muddle on, burdened by their disastrous past; seems the voters didn’t fall for it.

  • Wikikettle

    Loony. Its the 30’s all over again. Adolf got the votes of people who were told it was the Jews ! It will not be nice for foreigners when the crash comes. Jeremy and a massive National Investment Bank hope has been dashed. I fear Nationalism and all its dangers.

    • Laguerre

      A victory of populism, certainly. The revolution has to be pursued to its bitter end. (our best commentators so call it: Oborne or Sir Ivan Rogers). Or is there going to be a Night of the Long Knives, with the revolutionaries got rid of, as Johnson has a good majority? An extremist regime tracking back to the centre is not an easy thing to do.

  • Mary

    The says it all. Be very afraid especially if you are poor, without work, a roof over your head, or needing healthcare, now or in the coming years.

    Donald J. Trump
    Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great WIN! Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new Trade Deal after BREXIT. This deal has the potential to be far bigger and more lucrative than any deal that could be made with the E.U. Celebrate Boris!

    Remember ‘Daniel Blake’ and ‘The Great NHS Heist’.

  • Rhys Jaggar

    Actually, Mr Murray, it is not a given that a far right Tory government will emerge. They now have more voters in the north, whereas London rejected them in many ways.

    It suits SNP narrative to paint that picture, but more likely is big infrastructure projects in Northern England, something long overdue.

    Time will tell, but a Cabinet reshuffle late winter/early spring is likely and it is that Cabinet which will inform us what sort of administration will emerge.

    There is every justification for a second Indyref when Brexit legislation passes, as Scotland was strongly opposed to Brexit and just trounced Unionist parties in 2019. FPTP does exaggerate SNP support however, just as it amplifies Conservatve support in England. Per vote however, the SNP is the most over-represented party in Westmnster: Brexit Party got well over 50% of the votes the SNP got, but got zero seats, not 50+ seats. Not exactly fair that….

    • Laguerre

      It’s not as easy as you think to get rid of the revolutionary sectarians who are deeply implanted in the cabinet.

    • Skye Mull

      SNP line for this particular election was to block Brexit rather than vote SNP for independence.
      Half of Scotland wants the Union maintained.

  • Los

    Time to emigrate to Scotland and claim Political Asylum before Boris Johnson rebuilds Hadrians Wall to stop everyone escaping.

    Ich bin ein Berliner.

  • DGC


    Economic, political and social issues aside the UK today voted in a land slide for a party led by a man who instead of answering a question he was asked about the NHS and a picture of a sick kid on a journalist phone, stole that journalist phone hiding it in his pocket.

    That speaks volumes.

    • Los

      All down to a Compliant and Complicit Mainstream Media including the National Broadcaster supposed to be unbiased, all spreading misinformation and dowbright lies.

      Be grateful for having a few remaining unmediated uncensored channels for propogation of Information on the Internet, even if there is alot of fake information in there as well. It can be fairly readily analysed and detected,

      “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.”
      ― John Milton , Areopagitica

    • Bramble

      A definitive statement of who the English really are. They have revealed their true face to the world. (Again.)

  • Laguerre

    ‘According to the logo on the set, the government is now branding itself “the People’s Government”.’

    That’ll last about as long as Cameron’s “Greenest government ever”.

    Though I have to admit that Johnson’s lot had a better organised propaganda machine. It’s what counts these days.

  • Mist001

    So, England is mad. Mad as in insane. What I see is this: Brexit cost Labour the election. Remainers have just had their chance of a second referendum and were defeated again. Tories have been in power for nine years and will be for the next five at least, making 14 years. It’s not a one nation party, it’s now a one party nation.

    Now as to the future, England was WELL warned and well aware of what’s going to happen so please, no bleating and whining when the NHS is sold off, when there’s a sharp rise in food banks, homelessness and poverty but do remember this one single thing:

    England did this. Nobody else. ENGLAND. Don’t blame the Scots, Welsh or Irish.


  • Dungroanin

    To Craig – Thankyou for trying your best.

    Sorry – we the people failed to believe in hope

    Sorry to all the people who believed and have been crushed.

    The CITY Won the British people LOST. .

    The postwar social democratic covenant has been betrayed by its grandkids and the ancient powers finally after 40 years of relentless pressure – Thatcherism Triumphant.
    Her NuLabInc bastard children colluded. It feels like 1983 without the SDP breakaway spoilers – replaced this time by the Brexit liars instead.

    The brexit party spoiler by only standing in seats tories could win worked. and nicked deluded Labour voters who bought their lies.

    Bannons mega US billionaires and their alt- rightist Faragists have set us on a path of corporatist future – we will be owned and judged by them.

    Low turnout added to damage. The winter election ploy worked.

    The grand children and great grand children of the postwar social democratic state – destroyed their ancestral legacy.
    They bought into the prewar elitist Downton Abbey elitist worshipping idyllic lie.

    The price will be high for their grand kids.

    The Gauntlet was mighty – Pompeo promised it and they threw EVERYTHING at it.

    Propaganda and postal ballot stuffing immense – there is no way IDS could have won otherwise.

    The mudslinging stuck.

    The gaslighting worked.

    The HARD brexit is a zombie arisen.
    The Trump Trade deal will make us their 51st state.
    We will be a Singapore on Thames.
    The Tax havens will remain.
    The rich will get richer.

    The EU will not make it easy and many of their settled peoples will be packing now – their decades of being British taxpayers but not able to vote means they have been sacrificed.

    Floods of poor 3rd world refugees will be imported to do the dogsbody work. The 21st Century Windrush will be bigger as we need more younger people to look after our old – the racists voters have guaranteed their own worst nightmare.

    Sorry for us in England & Wales.

    Goodluck Scotland the battle for independence will be as ugly with all the same forces lined up against you.

    To everybody who believed – Sorry

    Sorry sorry sorry.

  • Matt

    How depressing.

    My most revealing quote (paraphrase) of the night goes to Andrew Neil interviewing someone Tory fairly early on, and digging into the cake-ism of promising a good deal with Europe and with the rest of the world. Neil said something like: we couldn’t talk about this during the campaign, but now it’s over we should talk about it.

  • Carol Archer

    Agree with all you’ve said Craig. Only wish I had somewhere to escape to from this nasty party. I really do hope Scotland get their independence from this right wing misogynist homophonic racist PM and self serving group of Conservatives who are quite happy to see ordinary people dying of poverty homelessness and the devastation of our NHS. Scottish Independence now! And a united Ireland hopefully.

  • Clark

    People gonna rise like the water,
    Gonna shut this system down,
    Hear the voice of my great granddaughter,
    Saying: Climate Justice Now!

    Power to the People! (Power to the People!)
    The People got the Power! (The People got the Power!)
    Tell me can you hear us! (Tell me can you hear us!)
    Getting stronger by the hour! (Getting stronger by the hour!)

    It’s Friday the thirteenth… For Boris.

  • nevermind

    I am weeping for those already on the breadline, the 3 million children who live in poverty and degraded housing. Five more years of opposing bigotry islamophobia racism and an end to free speech. I fear for Julian Assange’s life and that of many other truth speakers.
    Have not looked at Norwich north or south Norfolk.
    St. Ives is the last seat to be declared before we shut the door to humane politics.

    • Borncynical

      …not to mention ongoing and increasing russophobia and kowtowing to the US. The country might well cut ties with the EU but at what price – complete servility to the US. And that’s not likely to end happily. That is presumably what the electorate wanted.

  • George Burns

    Why do we suffer such evil to exist? There are times when force is not only justified, but necessary.

  • Ian Robert Stevenson

    The law of unintended consequences may apply here.
    If Scotland leaves the UK, the practicalities of re-locating the nuclear forces could see the end of them. I don’t know if that would affect the membership of the Security Council but it will make us less relevant -not ‘global Britain’!

  • Clark

    There are those who vote, and those who take action. Ultimately, which do you think have more power?

    Yes, this election’s results are disturbing, but it really doesn’t change much. Humanity is still racing to extinction, and politics was never going to stop that; international emissions negotiations began in 1990, but by 2013 emissions were over 60% higher.

    The media have misled us, and the “leaders” have done nothing to protect us. The social contract is broken, so it is
    Time to Rebel – for Life!

  • PP

    There is so much intellectual dishonesty here. Irish nationalism good, Scottish nationalism good, English nationalism bad.

    UK union bad, EU union good. These constant contradictions are never explained. To the subscribers here this obviously represents an article of faith but like a lot on the left they this is fatally flawed.

    Scottish independence is really a hidden desire to be subsumed into a ‘Greater Europe’ – that is not independence. It is substituting one surrogate for another. I use that advisedly because I think most people understand that Scotland would unable to survive in its current form as a truly independent nation. Like the Irish who gave their hard won freedom over to the globalists and the EU empire builders all within roughly 3 generations.

    The constant smearing of the ‘working class’ voting for change in the form of Brexit because they see their communities changing and the voices lost and being called racist for having the temerity to complain happens constantly on this blog. The very fact they are a minority now in London and the capital is unrecognisable from 40 years ago.

    Its valid therefore to question views that don’t appear either democratic or liberal in the truest sense of the word.

    Just as Labour have destroyed themselves over the disenfranchising of their electorate over Brexit and the constant pushing of identity politics. Corbyn has far more integrity but as the left turned its back on its once core supporters any real chance for change was also lost for the same reason. Because whatever the left represent today it isn’t what was once working class communities or people.

    • Bramble

      If the working class really wanted change, they could have had it by voting Labour. They don’t want change. They want to go back to a white England full of people born in England. They want to go back to rule by an upper class born to rule. They want the certainty of knowing their station. They want their English identity back. They don’t want to think about things or take responsibility for the consequences of what our society does. So that means voting for an openly dishonest, shallow, racist toff like Johnson. I am sick of hearing working class communities sentimentalised and romanticised – George Orwell, a romantic Liberal from top to toe, did it as well. They had their fate in their hands yesterday, and they chose serfdom, chose deliberately and triumphantly, to follow the lead of Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

  • remember kronstadt

    Congratulations SNP and Sinn Fein. England masochists vote for sadists naturally (again). While Dame Hodge increases her majority (can’t digest this so will chuck it up).

    • Rose

      My greatest sorrow over all this is for Julian Assange. Where does he figure in all this I wonder?

      • Mary

        Yes Rose. It is terrible for him and the outlook is bad. He is due for release in April next year when this lot will still be holding the keys to his cell. I am not religious but if I was, I would be praying for him.

        • Mary

          On p 2 3 hrs ago for Gove’s unpleasant contribution. What a sh*t.


          ‘Gove pays particular tribute to former Labour voters who switched to the Conservatives. In many ways, they are the best of us, he says.
          He rattles off some of the Labour seats won by the Tories.
          And he says next year both the Notting Hill Carnival and the Durham Miners’ Gala will take place in seats held by Tory MPs.’

          ‘Michael Gove, the Cabinet Office minister, is speaking at the Tory rally.
          He says today marks a victory for the British people. They comprehensively demonstrated their rejection of Jeremy Corbyn’s politics.
          And they voted to get Brexit done.
          Gove says he has a message for a special group of British people: the Jewish community. He tells them they have had to live in fear of a Corbyn government. “You should never have to live in fear again,” he says.’
          3h ago

          Boris Johnson is due to address a rally in central London shortly.
          According to the logo on the set, the government is now branding itself “the People’s Government”.

          He managed to get in one further use of the well used meme ‘Jeremy Corbyn and Labour are anti-semitic. Top marks and knighthoods for Dominic Cummings and Isaac Levido, ensconced at CCHQ for the duration. Wonder how much CTF Partners (Lynton Crosby and Isaac Levido) charge the Tory partei for their services.


          • Ian Robert Stevenson

            would Gove be able to reassure the Muslim community or the EU citizens living here of the same thing?

    • Ken Kenn

      Fair play to the Scottish.

      They did their job and dislodged Mad Swinson to boot – so congratulations.

      The gains on the night were mainly in the North as they decided to ‘lend ‘ their votes to the Tories in order to delive rBrexit.

      The problem for these Northerners (and I am one ) is that Johnson is a thief and the ‘lending ‘ of their vote will be a ‘keeping ‘ of their vote.

      They may never get it back until past the day they die.

      It will all be too late by then.

      A massive emotional spasm that will cost the poor and the poorer deeply in time.

      The price to pay for that faith will be extremely high.

      And there will be nothing they can do about it.

      Good luck with your Independence bid.

      I back it all the way.

      The problem is that Johnson with such a big majority won’t.

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