I approached Day 2 with trepidation. It was not so much being accustomed to having hopes dashed, as having lived so long without hope that it was hard to know what to do with it. At 5:30am I stopped work for a while on writing up Day 1 and went out to walk down the Strand to the court. There was a slightly bigger crowd than had been there the day before at the same time, and happily it included the heroic volunteers saving my place.
A freezing Easterly wind was bustling down the Strand having come express from Siberia, driving before it what felt like a fair chunk of the North Sea, penetrating through layers of clothing with the ease of a ghost through the walls of St Paul’s. I gave the volunteers my opinion of the case so far and what I hoped was a rousing 6am pep talk. They were just astonishingly cheerful in the circumstances. There is a human goodness which can warm from within – I do wish I had some.
Having explained I wanted to publish as much as I could before returning to court, I went back to my Airbnb, where I needed to change all my clothing and even my shoes. I then got back to writing, and dashed off a good few more paragraphs before court, then pressed publish.
I was a little worried that this might be the day I was arrested – my appearance the first day might have thrown the authorities off guard, and I had always thought they would likely think about it a little before acting on the “terrorism investigation” nonsense. But in the event I had no problems at all, and police and court officials continued to be very friendly towards me.
Taking our position in the courtroom, there were still fewer seats available to the public. This is because there was a much larger presence of the “court media”, meaning those London-based journalists with permanent accreditation to the court. They had largely ignored Day 1 as that was Julian’s case; they had however turned up to report the US Government case on Day 2.
I had witnessed precisely the same behaviour at the ICJ Genocide Case in the Hague, where the Israeli arguments on the second day got massively more media coverage than South Africa on the first. The BBC even livestreamed the Israeli case but not the South African, which is a breathtaking level of bias.
So there were fewer spaces available. I was squashed up against the lady instructing the lawyer for the Home Secretary, who was actually extremely nice and kept feeding me mint humbugs as it became increasingly obvious I was struggling against cold symptoms.
James Lewis KC, who had previously led for the US government, was not present. This was unexplained; it is not usual to change the lead KC mid-way through an important case, and judges will generally bend over backwards to avoid diary clashes for them. I have to confess I had rather warmed to Lewis, as I think my reporting showed. I wondered if he had lost faith in his client; it may be of interest that his professional profile lists his most famous cases – but not this most famous case of all.
So his number 2, Clare Dobbin, today stepped up to the lead. She appeared to be on tenterhooks. For a full fifteen minutes before the appointed starting time at 10:30am, she stood ready to go, her papers carefully spread out around the rostrum. She continually looked up at the judges’ chair as though mentally rehearsing zinging her arguments in that direction. Or imagining becoming a judge; how do I know what she was thinking? Ignore me.
It particularly seemed futile that she was standing there all ready to go while we were sitting around her heedlessly chatting, given that we would all have to stand up too when the judges came in, before resuming our places with a fuss of coughing, turning off phones, knocking over files, squashing sandwiches etc. Anyway there she stood, staring earnestly at the bench. This gave me time to remark that she had notably longer hair than the last time she appeared in this case, and the long blond fibres fell completely straight and evenly spaced, ending in a line of hair across the back of her legal gown that was not only perfectly straight but also perfectly horizontal, and remained so no matter how she moved.
It was the most disciplined hair I ever witnessed. I suspect she had shouted it into submission. Ms Dobbin has an extremely strong accent. It is right out of those giant Belfast shipyards that only ever employed Protestants and which produced great liners that sank more efficiently, and in a more Hollywood-friendly manner, than any other ships in the world.
Someone in the shipyard had taken Ms Dobbin’s accent and riveted on a few elongated vowel sounds in an effort to make it posher, but sadly this had caused cracks of comprehension below the waterline.
However, something had happened to Ms Dobbin. She had been stentorian – I had previously described her as Ian Paisley in a wig. But now it took me several minutes to realise she had started speaking. This did not get better. The kindly Judge Dame Victoria Sharp came up with about eight different formulations in the course of the morning to ask her to speak up, like a school teacher encouraging a shy child at a carol concert. All to no avail.
One thing was very plain. Ms Dobbin had lost her faith in the case she was presenting. She hardly tried to argue it. That was not only in terms of volume. Ms Dobbin made very little effort at all to refute the arguments put by the Assange team the day before. Instead she merely read out large chunks of the affidavit provided by US Deputy Attorney General Kronberg in support of the second superseding indictment.
As judges Johnson and Sharp presumably can read, it was not plain what value this exercise added. Ms Dobbin is not so much in danger of being replaced by Artificial Intelligence, as being replaced by a Speak Your Weight machine. Which at least may have a more pleasant accent.
I should explain “Second Superseding Indictment”. The indictment, or raft of charges on which Julian Assange was first held for extradition, was an obvious load of nonsense flung together and scribbled on the back of Mike Pompeo’s laundry list. However, before the hearings started the US Government was allowed to scrap this and replace it with an entirely different set of charges, the “First Superseding Indictment”.
The rendition hearings started with five days of opening argument at Woolwich Crown Court, in the course of which the First Superseding Indictment was torn to shreds by the defence. Therefore – and please read this three times to overcome the disbelief you are about to feel – after the hearings had started and gone through the important opening argument phase, the United States Government was allowed to drop those charges, change them completely and present the Second Superseding Indictment with an entirely new bunch of charges based on Espionage and Hacking.
The Defence did not get to change their opening arguments to reflect the new charges, nor did they get the break of several months they requested to study the new charges and respond to them. Nor were they allowed to change their defence witness list, which consisted of witnesses called to rebut the charges now dropped, not the entirely different charges now faced.
Yes, you did read that all right. No, I can’t really believe it either. Now, let us continue. This is my very best effort to reconstruct, with occasional help from the kind lady from the Home Office, what Dobbin may have mumbled.
Dobbin opened by saying that the defence had made much of evidence being unchallenged. This was a mischaracterisation. All of the defence evidence was challenged. None should be taken as accepted.
Judge Baraitser, said Dobbin, had shown very considerable leniency in allowing evidence to be heard of dubious relevance. Furthermore there was a nexus of relationships between several of the witnesses, and between some of the witnesses and Julian Assange. Some, including one lawyer, had been previously in his employ. The status and expertise of the witnesses individually and collectively is challenged. Their evidence was directly contradicted by the prior evidence which is contained in the witness affidavits of US Deputy Attorney Generals Dwyer and Kronberg.
This case is not about journalism. It is about the bulk disclosure of classified materials. It is about the indiscriminate publication of unredacted names. That is what distinguishes Wikileaks from the Guardian or New York Times. Judge Baraitser had rightly rejected outright that Assange is a journalist or akin to a journalist.
This is not a political prosecution. The US Administration had changed during these proceedings, but the prosecution continues because it is based upon law and evidence, not upon political motivation.
In Superseding Indictment 2 (which sounds like a very bad franchise movie) the hacking charge is added but the accusations in Superseding Indictment 1 are incorporated. What is alleged bears no relation to the Article X ECHR Freedom of Speech cases submitted by the defence. This case is about stolen and hacked documents, about a password hash hacked to allow Wikileaks and Manning to steal from the United States of America, and about the subsequent publication of unredacted names that had placed individuals at immediate risk of physical harm and arbitrary detention.
The indiscriminately published document files were massive. They included over 90,000 on Afghanistan, over 400,000 on Iraq and over 250,000 diplomatic cables. Assange had encouraged and caused Chelsea Manning to download the documents. The Wikileaks website actively solicits hacked material. “The suggestion Miss Manning is a whistleblower is unrealistic. A whistleblower reveals material legally obtained in the course of employment”. Manning however had illegally obtained material.
Assange cracking the password hash “goes far beyond the position of a journalist”. Judge Baraitser was therefore fully entitled to give full weight to that aspect of the case.
The United States had been obliged to go to great lengths to mitigate the danger that arose to its sources after their names were revealed, Many had been resettled, forced to move. The allegation is that the defendant knowingly and deliberately published the names of the informants.
As pointed out by Deputy Attorney General Kronberg, the charges had been approved by a Federal Grand Jury, after very careful independent consideration of the evidence.
Although this prosecution may indeed be unprecedented, it proceeded along long-established principles. There is no immunity of journalists to violate the criminal law. There is now a specific law against the intentional release of the names of intelligence officers and sources, and it has been ruled that this does not breach the First Amendment. The only material for which Assange is being prosecuted under the Espionage Act is that containing names. That is the difference between this and earlier instances which were or were not prosecuted.
Kronberg stated in his affidavit that there is evidence of people having to leave their homes or even their countries as a result of this disclosure. Several had been arrested or interrogated, and some had disappeared.
The material released by Wikileaks had been useful to hostile governments, to terrorist groups and to criminal organisations. Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban had requested and studied some of the disclosed material.
The judges at this stage were looking much more comfortable than they had the day before. They sat back in their chairs visibly relaxed and smiling. Yesterday they had been discomfited by members of their own class saying things about US war crimes to their faces, which they preferred not to hear. Today they were getting a simple recital of Daily Mail clichés and trigger words that reinforce the Establishment worldview. They were back in their milieu, like plump tropical fish in a tank whose heater had failed yesterday but just been replaced.
Dobbin continued that there was no question of any balance of public interest exercise being required. “The material that Assange published unredacted carries no public interest whatsoever. That is at the heart of the case.”
Judge Johnson asked whether Dobbin accepted the evidence given yesterday that others had published the unredacted material first. Dobbin replied that it was Assange who bore the responsibility for the material being available in the first place.
On the question of political extradition, the 2003 Act had transformed extradition law and had deliberately removed the prohibition on extradition for political offences which had been contained in Section 6 of the 1989 Extradition Act (shown here).
By contrast, Section 81 of the 2003 Extradition Act said this:
The phrase “political offence” had obviously been deliberately removed by parliament, said Dobbin.
Judge Johnson asked if there was any material published by government or anything said by ministers in Hansard which explained the omission. Dobbin replied that this was not needed: the excision was clear on the face of Section 81. If a Treaty contains a provision not incorporated in UK Domestic Law, it is not for the court to reinstate it. The political offence exclusion on extradition is not customary international law.
An unincorporated treaty can give rise to an obligation in domestic law, but cannot contradict the terms of a statute. Article 4 of the US/UK Extradition Treaty of 2007 contradicts the terms of Section 81(a) of the Extradition Act of 2003. That Article of the Treaty therefore falls in the United Kingdom, even though enforced in the United States where it does not contradict domestic legislation. Whereas extradition treaties are supposed to be mutual and interpreted the same way by both sides, that does not preclude an extradition by one party in unilateral circumstances.
At this point Judge Johnson was looking at Ms Dobbin with some concern, like a home supporter at a soccer match which his team is unexpectedly losing 3-0, who cannot quite work out why they are performing this badly.
At this point I thought I might introduce a panel so the reader can isolate this vital argument. The question is this. Is this provision of the 2003 Extradition Act at Section 81 (A):
… incompatible with this section of the subsequent US/UK Extradition Treaty of 2007:
… so as to render the latter null and void? That is a fundamental question in this hearing and the assertion made by Dobbin.
If Judge Baraitser’s acceptance of this argument was correct, it of course means that the Home Office lawyers in 2007 drafted a treaty, approved by the FCO lawyers, which neither set of lawyers noticed was incompatible with the legislation the same lawyers had drafted just four years earlier.
It would also mean that the very substantive mechanisms for ensuring the compatibility of treaties with domestic legislation, involving a great round of formal written interdepartmental consultation, all failed too. I have personally worked those mechanisms when in the FCO, and I don’t see how they can fail.
Crucially, Dobbin’s argument depends on the notion that the Extradition Treaty gives a broader definition of what can be a politically motivated extradition, than the Act. So while Assange’s extradition would be barred by the Treaty, it is not by the Act.
But that is obviously nonsense. The entire purpose of the much longer provision in the Treaty is plainly to limit what counts as political under the very broad definition in the Act. It reduces the ground for denying extradition as political; it does not extend it. The fact that even this lengthy list of exclusions does not exclude Wikileaks’ activity is extremely telling.
OK, that’s the end of the panel. Let us return to the hearing.
Dobbin continued that Abuse of Process arguments do not enable the incorporation of unincorporated international treaties. As an example, alleged obligations of the UK under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child have been found by the courts not to be enforceable in domestic law. It is not accepted by the United States that this is a political offence. But even if it were, Swift and Baraitser are correct in law that there is no bar on extradition for political offences.
The defence had claimed the prosecution purported to be for a criminal offence but in reality was political. This argument must be treated with great caution, because any criminal could argue their offence was politically motivated.
The starting position must be the assumption of good faith on the part of the state with which the UK has treaty relations on extradition. The United States is one of the UK’s longest standing and closest international partners.
The Yahoo article was not fresh evidence. It had been properly considered and rejected by Swift and Baraitser. It was internally inconsistent and included official denials of the conduct alleged. The court must consider the nexus between those making allegations of impropriety and the appellant. Ecuador had rescinded his claim of political asylum and Assange was properly arrested by police invited into the Ecuadorean Embassy. There is simply no evidence that any harm would come to Assange were he to be extradited.
Even accepting the Yahoo article as evidence, that does not affect the objective basis of extradition proceedings. It states that kidnapping was rejected by US government lawyers as it would interfere with criminal proceedings.
It is not journalism to encourage people to break the Official Secrets Act or to steal information. Miss Manning is not a whistleblower but a hacker. Protected speech is therefore not engaged and that entire line of argument falls. Baraitser rightly distinguishes between Wikileaks and the concept of “responsible journalism”. No public interest could attach to the indiscriminate mass release of information.
There are many reasons why the title of whistleblower does not attach to Chelsea Manning. There is no evidence Manning had any specific information she wished to impart or any specific issues she wished to pursue.
Julian Assange did not have to disclose the unredacted material. It was not a necessary part of his publication. The New York Times had published some of the material responsibly and redacted. Assange by contrast arrogated to himself the role of deciding what was in the public interest.
The defence was mistaken in its approach to Article X on Freedom of Speech. The approach in England and Wales is not to consider whether a particular publication is compatible with Article X, but whether a particular criminal charge is compatible with Article X. Plainly the charge was compatible in this case with Article X restrictions on grounds of national security. There was no error in law. In this jurisdiction Assange could also be charged with conspiracy.
Johnson then asked a very careful question. If, in this country, a journalist had information on serious governmental wrongdoing and solicited classified material, and published that material in a serious and careful way, would that not engage Article X?
Dobbin replied that following the decision in the Shayler case, he should have pursued internal avenues.
Johnson pressed that he was not talking of the whistleblower but of the journalist. Would the journalist have Article X protection?
Dobbin replied no, but there would have to be a proportionality test before a prosecution was engaged. (You will recall Dobbin had stated earlier that in this case there was no need for any such balancing test as Manning was not a whistleblower and the material was not in the public interest.)
Dobbin said the USA was at pains to distinguish this unprecedented prosecution from ordinary journalism. This was indiscriminate publication of material. The Rosen case was important because, although in a lower court, it explains why you prosecute Wikileaks and not the New York Times. (This case has come up repeatedly throughout the hearings. Of current interest, it was about AIPAC receiving and using classified information.)
While it was the case that the United States could argue that Julian Assange was not entitled to First Amendment protection due to his nationality, it was not saying it would do that. This was merely noted as an option. This could not therefore be a block to extradition due to discrimination on grounds of nationality under Section 81a.
Johnson interjected that in the affidavit we have the prosecutor clearly saying that he might do this. Dobbin replied that this was “tenuous”. Even if the prosecutor did it, there was no way of telling how it might work out. The judge might reject it. This argument could fall flat in court. This possibility did not offer sufficient foundation to exclude extradition on the basis of discrimination due to nationality. Further this would be about Convention rights that lie outwith the jurisdiction of this court.
At this point Judge Dame Victoria Sharp was looking at Dobbin with great concern, as Dobbin prattled on with a kind of stream of consciousness of meaningless phrases. Judge Johnson attempted to bring her back to reality. Do we have any evidence, he asked, that a foreign national does indeed have the same First Amendment rights as a US citizen?
Well, yes, replied Dobbin. Or perhaps, no. One of the two. She would find out.
With that, Dobbin sat down with a look of great relief. She had got to the end, and spoken so softly that not many people heard what she had said. So not too much damage done. The judges looked even more relieved that she had finished. Prof Alice Edwards, the redoubtable UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, was in court. I wanted to ask her whether listening to Dobbin for more than 15 minutes could in itself be construed as cruel and unusual punishment, but sadly she was seated too far away.
The next KC for the USA now stood up, a Mr Smith, who had been promoted from Number 3 to Number 2 in the absence of Lewis. Smith, from his manner, had no doubts at all about his client’s case, or at least he had no doubts about his fee, which amounts to the same thing. He also had no problem being heard. They heard him in Chelsea.
He said that he wished to address the mosaic of complaints brought by the applicant under Articles IV and VI of the ECHR, relating to fair trial, the rule of law and abuse of process. In the written submissions, the appellant had referred to the system of plea bargaining as enforcing guilty pleas by threatening disproportionate punishment, thus interfering with fair trial. But this argument had never been accepted in any extradition to the United States. In some matters, such as jury selection, the defendant had better rights than in the UK.
With regard to the system of sentencing enhancement with reference to other alleged offences not charged, this could not be abuse of process or denial of fair trial. It was “specialty or nothing”, specialty being the principle in international law that a person extradited could only be charged with the named offence.
As the appellant had noted, the US trial judge could enhance the sentence on the basis of whether the applicant was guilty of further offences, on a “balance of probability” judgment. But this does not mean the defendant is convicted of those further offences. The conviction is solely for the offence charged, enhanced by other conduct. The specialty argument then falls. This was not dissimilar to the UK, where aggravating or mitigating factors might be taken into account.
This could come nowhere near the threshold of a “flagrant” breach of the rule of law required to bring the ECHR into operation. Article 6 (2) would only be invoked if the procedure involved an additional conviction on a new charge. The appellant had also raised the possibility of sentencing enhancement from the information in classified material that would be shown to the judge but not to the defendant or his lawyers. But there was no evidence before the court that showed this would happen in this case.
We now come, said Smith, to the question of grossly disproportionate sentencing, which the defence first raised in relation to Article III of ECHR and they now relate also to Article X on Freedom of Speech. But it is not the norm to impose UK sentencing standards on foreign states. The test is whether a sentencing decision is “extreme”.
The defence had given the estimate of 175 years, as the maximum sentence for each charge, running consecutively. But the defence’s own expert witnesses had given different estimates, ranging from 30 to 40 years to 70 to 80 months.
In his affidavit the Deputy Attorney General had stated that avoiding disparity was a key factor in sentencing guidelines. Miss Manning had been sentenced to 35 years and was eligible for parole after one third of that sentence under military law. Kronberg had given other possible comparators ranging from 42 months to 63 months.
Assange stood accused of very serious conduct, for which sentence could be upped by significant aggravating factors. In the UK, Simon Finch had his sentence increased to 8 years for leaking a document which had put national security at risk. By comparison Assange’s alleged offence was not just grave but entirely unprecedented.
Assange and others at Wikileaks had recruited Chelsea Manning and other hackers, encouraged them to steal classified information, had published unredacted names thus putting lives in danger and causing relocation. So none of the range of sentences which had been placed before the court would be grossly disproportionate, from 60 months to 40 years.
Article X could only be applied in these circumstances to a flagrant breach of Freedom of Speech rights. That was not the case. This was neither a whistleblower case nor responsible journalism. It does not engage Article X at all.
Judge Johnson asked for a copy of the sentencing remarks of the court martial in the Manning case.
Ben Watson KC now stood up to address the court on behalf of the UK Home Secretary, although on recent form he could not be sure if that would still be the same person when he got back to the office. He stated that the Secretary of State has no role in supervising the extradition treaty, The substantive decision is for the judges.
He said that it was worth noting that the bar on political extradition had been removed from the European Framework Agreement between EU member states. It was a doctrine “on the wane”.
There was no basis for the court to infer that Parliament was not aware of the difference between section 81 of the 2003 Extradition Act and the bar on political extradition at section 6 of the 1989 Act. See for example the contribution of Prof Ross Cranston MP in the debate on the act (Cranston was both an MP and a former High Court judge).
I suspect that Watson threw this out with confidence that nobody actually would see the contribution of Prof Ross Cranston MP in the debate. But then Mr Watson has never met me. I did decide to see the contribution of Prof Ross Cranston MP in the debate, and this is what he had to say on the subject of political extradition, in the debate on 9 December 2002.
Clause 13 refers to extraneous circumstances. We shall not extradite people where they might be pursued for political or religious opinions. That is a good thing. There is, of course, the question of definition. In the Shayler case, the French court refused to extradite Shayler to this country on the ground that it was a political offence, so there can be disagreement about what extraneous circumstances might entail. However, there is a valuable barrier that will operate in our domestic law.
That rather conveys the opposite sense to what Watson claimed Professor Cranston was saying. Cranston says political offences will still be banned, and it will be for the courts to define them. That is plainly not the same as saying the Act is removing the bar on extradition for political offences.
Judge Johnson now asked Watson a question. The treaty bars extradition for a political offence. So does this mean that if the US receives a request for extradition for a political offence from the UK, it can refuse it, but if the UK receives an extradition request for an identical political offence from the US, it cannot refuse it, and the Secretary of State cannot block it even if they consider it contrary to Article IV?
Watson replied yes, that is the position. He seemed to find nothing troubling in that at all. Judge Johnson, however, seemed to find it a strange proposition.
Watson moved on to the death penalty. Chelsea Manning had not received the death penalty. There was nothing to suggest the applicant faced the serious threat of the death penalty. The fact that the United States had said that Assange could serve his sentence in Australia could be taken as an assurance against the death penalty. So there was no need for the Secretary of State to seek assurances. The United States had suggested Assange faced a maximum penalty of 30 to 40 years.
Judge Johnson then intervened again, and asked if there were anything to prevent the United States from adding offences of aiding and abetting treason or other counts of espionage which do attract the death penalty? Watson replied there was nothing to stop them, but that would be contrary to the assurance received on serving sentence in Australia. There must be a threshold of possibility of the death penalty before the Secretary of State was obliged to seek assurances against it.
Edward Fitzgerald then rose for rebuttal. He was in much more commanding form today, on the attack, scornful of the arguments he was dismissing with a broad sweep of rhetoric.

Edward Fitzgerald KC
The United States had failed to address the point of arbitrariness. Of course it was arbitrary to lock somebody up under an extradition treaty, while deliberately ignoring a major provision of that very treaty that specifically says they should not be locked up. Even if we did ignore this vital provision in the treaty, Assange was still being punished for his political opinions contrary to Section 81 of the Extradition Act.
It had been suggested that the removal of the phrase “political offence” from the 2003 Act was an “express omission”. But there was no evidence produced of that. “You are saying that silence provides by inference the provision of the Act, that disapplies a provision that plainly is actually in the subsequent Treaty”.
It is ludicrous to say the bar on political extradition is out of date. It is not out of date. The UK continues to sign extradition treaties containing this exact same provision. It is in all but 2 of the UK’s over 150 extradition treaties. It is in all US extradition treaties. It is in many major international instruments. Plainly this is abuse of process. As stated plainly by Bingham and Harper “it is abuse to disentitle someone to the protection of the treaty”.
The United States had come nowhere near to meeting the point on the discrimination by nationality, if Mr Assange were not given First Amendment protection because he is not a US citizen. For the US prosecutor to say we may or may not apply this discrimination was no answer, any more than if they said they reserved the right to torture somebody but may not do it.
On enhanced sentencing, this point also had not been met. There was a clear danger Assange would be sentenced for offences with which he was not charged.
Judge Sharp asked Fitzgerald if this point could not block every extradition to the USA. Fitzgerald said no, it should be judged on a case by case basis on the likelihood of this occurring. In this case the court had evidence that the prosecution had not been motivated by the offences charged, but by other alleged conduct. Judge Sharp asked if he meant the CIA Vault 7 leaks. Fitzgerald confirmed that he did.
Mark Summers KC then stood to continue the rebuttal. It was remarkable, he declared in a tone of barely suppressed rage, that counsel for the USA had spoken for hours and never once acknowledged the massive evidence of criminal state-level behaviour by the United States revealed in the leaked material. They never mentioned or acknowledged the war crimes revealed. There had never been any challenge in the court to the witnesses who testified for days that the material exposed state-level crimes.

Mark Summers KC
Summers said that a key United States argument seemed to turn on the notion that what constituted a political act and political persecution under section 81, and the standards of evidence required in judging them, were different in an extradition hearing than applied in consideration of political asylum cases. This was wrong, They were the same. The protected categories in Article 33 of the Refugee Convention of 1954
on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
… were in practice identical to the protected categories of the 2003 Extradition Act Section 81:
on account of his race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or political opinions
There was a reason for this. The protection to be given under the Extradition Act and under the Refugee Convention is identical, and for identical reasons, and to be judged by the same standards.
When you prosecute for the act of publishing evidence of war crimes, the nexus that made this political persecution was entirely plain. Publication of information which exposes a state’s crime is protected speech. The state you exposed cannot prosecute you for that.
We had heard much about Deputy Attorney General Kronberg, but he was not the initiator. This was all ordered from way above his head. The prosecution had been decided at the very top. You cannot discuss the sheep and ignore the shepherd. The prosecution had noted that Trump had praised Wikileaks a couple of times as though that ruled out the possibility that agencies in the United States were plotting to kill Assange. That plainly did not follow.
We had clear evidence both from the Yahoo News article and from Protected Witness 2 that there were plans laid by US authorities to murder, kidnap or poison Assange. What does that tell us about the intentions of the US government, as opposed to the bland claims of Mr Kronberg?
The point of foreseeability had not been countered. There was no effort made to counter it. In 2010 it could not have been foreseen that publication would bring espionage charges against the publisher. It had never happened before. Encouraging a whistleblower to produce documents was definitely not unprecedented. That was an absurd claim. It was everyday journalistic activity, as witnesses had testified. No witnesses had been produced to say the opposite.
Of course it was illegal for journalists to commit criminal acts to obtain material. That had not happened here. But even in that case, it does not render the act of publication illegal.
The release of unredacted names was by no means unprecedented. Daniel Ellsberg had testified in these very hearings that the Pentagon Papers he released contained hundreds of unredacted names of sources and officers. The Philip Agee case also released unredacted names of sources and officers. Neither had resulted in an Espionage Act prosecution, or any prosecution aimed at a journalist or publisher.
The information released revealed war crimes. Article X is therefore unavoidably engaged by protected speech. The Shayler case was being misapplied by the prosecution. That judgment specifically excluded the press from liability for publication. It was about the position of the whistleblower. Assange is not the whistleblower here, Manning is. Assange is the publisher. There is no suggestion whatsoever, in any of the Strasbourg authorities, that the press are to be regarded the same way as the whistleblower. What Strasbourg does dictate is that there must be an Article X balancing exercise with the public interest in the disclosures. No such exercise was undertaken by Baraitser.
The prosecution refused to acknowledge the fact, backed up by extensive and unchallenged witness evidence, that Assange had undertaken a whole year of a major redaction exercise to avoid publication of names which might be put at risk. This year was followed by one of the media partners publishing the password to the unredacted material as the chapter heading in a book. Then Mr Assange made desperate efforts to mitigate the damage, including by phoning the White House. This did not accord at all with the prosecution narrative: “At best, Mr Assange was reckless in providing the key to Mr Leigh”.
Several others had then published the full, unredacted database first, including Cryptome. None had been prosecuted, yet more evidence that this prosecution was unforeseeable.
There was, however, no evidence given of harm to any individual from the disclosures. What had been created was a risk. You had to set against that risk the proposed sentence of 30 to 40 years in jail suggested by the prosecution. The guidelines say “rest of life”. Chelsea Manning was given 35 years. Evidence had been given that 30 years was a “floor not a ceiling”. A sentence like this for publication “shocks the conscience of every journalist around the world”.
For what? For revealing state-level crime including torture, rendition, waterboarding, drone strikes, murder, assassination, strappado. Strasbourg regards revelation of these state-level crimes as extremely important. The court has ruled revelations of such abuses as clearly covered by Article X. Leaks had the capacity to stop such abuses, and in some cases actually had. The exposure of major international criminal wrongdoing outweighs the risk created by revealing the names of some of those involved in it.
Dame Victoria interjected that some of the names were of people not involved in criminal wrongdoing. Summers accepted this but said “it is just not tenable to argue, as the prosecution does, that there is no public interest whatsoever in the publications”.
Turning to the issue of capital punishment, the Home Office contended that there was “no real risk”. But it was admitted that Assange could be charged with a capital offence. This exercise is not a risk assessment. The law says that in circumstances where the death penalty might be imposed, there must be an assurance sought against it. “We don’t understand why there is no routine assurance against the death penalty provided in this case. If there is no risk, then surely there is no difficulty in providing the assurance”.
Then, all of a sudden, the hearing was over. The judges stood and left through the door behind them. Five minutes later they were back and reserved their judgment, asking for various written materials to be provided, with a last deadline of March 4. Then they left and it was over.
I am conscious that this account flows less well and reads much more bittily than the account of day one. That is simply how it was. On the first day, Assange’s legal team set out a planned and detailed exposition of the case. On the second, the USA and Home Office responded, and did so in rather disjointed fashion, essentially just reiterating the accusations. There was little legal argument as to why Baraitser and Swift had been right to accept them. The rebuttal was thereafter a series of quickfire returns on individual points.
It was impossible not to note that the judges were distinctly unimpressed by some elements of the prosecution. The possibility of discrimination by nationality over applying the First Amendment appears to be an argument to which the judges were searching in vain for an adequate answer. They were also plainly dissatisfied with the lack of an assurance on the death penalty.
But the British security state is never going to accept that the publication of state secrets is justified where it reveals state crimes, and the judges were desperate to hang on to the ruse of avoiding that question by saying this is only about the publication of names of innocent sources. They are also never going to entertain the wider criticisms of the US system such as sentence enhancement.
So my prediction is that a further appeal will be allowed, but only on the narrow grounds of discrimination by nationality and the death penalty. If their hand is thus forced, the Americans will produce an assurance against the latter and the appeal will be on discrimination by nationality.
That appeal will be scheduled for the Autumn, and its result dragged out until after the US election to avoid embarrassment to Biden. That is my best guess of what happens next. Of course all the time the Establishment has achieved its objective by keeping Julian in a maximum security jail for longer.
The point in the whole proceedings which struck me most strongly, was that in the initial hearings the US was keen to downplay the possible sentence, continually emphasising 6 to 7 years as likely. Now an earlier decision has removed considerations of US prison conditions and Julian’s health from the case, they have radically changed tack and were emphasising repeatedly 30 to 40 years as the norm, which is in effect a rest-of-life sentence. That shift, together with the refusal so far to rule out the death penalty, gives a measure of the ruthlessness with which the CIA is pursuing this case.
My apologies for the delay in producing this report. I caught quite a serious chest infection, I think from the cold and wet in London those days, and was really very ill.
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Mr Murray, we all wish you a prompt recovery, under sunny skies if possible.
Thanks for your report of the second day of the recent hearings.
Like you, I tend to think the decision will grant a final appeal on limited grounds. And if it takes place after the US election, anything is possible.
If that’s a reference to Craig being in Greece, your wishes are otiose – it’s hissing down here at the moment.
I agree with Mr Murray that a narrow final appeal will be allowed. But solely for the purpose and hope that Assange, either by maltreatment and neglect or other causes, dies in the meantime, thus saving the UK and US further embarrassment of continuing this farce.
If the death penalty is an option for an offence it means any sentence will be significantly greater. Therefore the death sentence plays a part, so the whole extradition should be voided. Assurances of no death penalty are therefore meaningless.
In Mr Assange’s current state of health, any lengthy prison sentence would probably cause him to die in captivity. Moreover, death might well be preferable to spending the rest of his life in an American dungeon.
Profuse thanks and kudos for this superb account of the second day. It is in no way less compelling and magisterial than the first, and stands head and shoulders above any comparable reporting I have ever seen in the mainstream media. I very much hope you have recovered from your illness – judging by the tone of this article, all your usual spirit and verve are back with a vengeance.
A propos the regular claims of the USA as to Mr Assange’s rights and likely treatment should they get their hands on him, I think it’s very necessary to bear in mind at all times the exceptionally and surprisingly truthful public admission of Mr Pompeo:
‘“When I was a cadet… what’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” Pompeo boasted as the audience laughed and celebrated the statement’.
Right from its inception, those have been the distinctive characteristics of the CIA. Although Mr Pompeo was too modest: he could have added, “we overthrew legitimate governments, we launched unprovoked wars of aggression, we murdered, we tortured”. Which is exactly what Mr Assange is being prosecuted for revealing.
Mr Murray put his finger on the key aspect of this whole business:
“When you prosecute for the act of publishing evidence of war crimes, the nexus that made this political persecution was entirely plain. Publication of information which exposes a state’s [crimes] is protected speech. The state you exposed cannot prosecute you for that”.
Unfortunately, it can and does. It shouldn’t, but when a state is wholly under the control of people who are evidently remorseless psychopaths it does behave that way.
Moreover, the USA’s claim that many of the people named were “innocent” rings hollow when the context is precisely the waging of an illegal unprovoked war of aggression – in fact, several of them.
To my mind, what is being decided here is whether the UK is still a state ruled by law – or whether, like the USA, it has become a totalitarian dictatorship in which the trappings of “democracy”, impartial justice, and journalism are purely decorative.
From my viewpoint, what is being decided here is whether the UK is an independent, sovereign state or whether it is just a de facto American outpost ruled and controlled by Washington. To deny extradition would give me, a little, hope.
More support for Assange from EU MPs, and reported in the US MSM
This is more evidence that things are changing little by little!
Sorry Steve, don’t indulge in hope, this is a hopeless situation.
If we were a sovereign country we would not got ourselves involved in the Ukrainian civil war and Assange would have been protected by us from the start.
References to “national security” on the part of Western governments and their “intelligence agencies” (i.e. secret police and spies) are mostly insincere nonsense. Ironically, those same governments cynically brush off statements by their designated “adversaries”, “antagonists”, and “enemies” (i.e. competitors) about their legitimate security concerns.
Ever since he became President, Mr Putin has been explaining Russia’s national security requirements – which are laughingly dismissed by Washington and its catamites. Yet those requirements are absolutely real and legitimate. Russia has increasingly been threatened, not only by NATO thermonuclear weapons, but by an ever-tightening ring of military bases, naval and air forces, reminiscent of Poe’s frightful story “The Pit and the Pendulum” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pit_and_the_Pendulum.
Meanwhile Washington, London, and various other “Western” governments go around the world destabilising and overthrowing legitimate governments and replacing them with complaisant dictatorships (“… but he’s our son of a bitch”), systematically destroying economies and sucking out wealth, launching wars whenever they feel like it, and murdering literally millions of people.
Apparently those activities are essential for the USA’s “national security”, which has actually never been threatened even slightly. (Until now, that is – as Washington ratchets up its pressure against Russia, China, Iran and other nations, it is becoming vulnerable to those countries’ powerful weapons, against which it has no defence). The case is the same with the UK, which frankly has very little that anyone else would want, apart from those national resources that are generously and unsparingly given to anyone who wishes to immigrate and to selected reckless murdering dictators.
What “national security” means in the West is the continuing freedom of wealthy elites to go on repressing their own citizens and plundering the entire world – without let, hindrance, or retribution.
Well said Mr Welsh!!!!!
Of course ‘the elites’ don’t want to upset the USA because that’s where they all eventually head to. Like Blair, Sunak will be off to the ‘land of the free’, and his banker mates, as soon as he’s removed.
Money rules OK. In large quantities, it corrodes everything human. Especially once the supply of honest, brave people like Ms Manning and Messrs Assange and Murray dries up.
The American justice (sic) system never has been about justice. In Julian Assange’s case this is simply about payback for their enormous criminality and hubris being shown to the rest of the world. Regrettably, the British justice (sic) system is like Britain itself, merely a lapdog to the American bully. I see no hope for Mr Assange avoiding extradition to the USA. The ridiculousness of the entire situation is risible, after all we have an Australian citizen being tried in a British court for charges of espionage levelled by America. If it were not so sickening in its hypocrisy it would make for an interesting work of fiction.
Thank you again for this report, which demonstrates by their comparative absence just how depraved the MSM has become. Especially when those who should know better don’t even seek informed commentary from people like yourself with a consistent record of actually being in the court and thoroughly reporting what actually went on there.
I do question the wisdom of accepting any liquid or edible item from someone assisting the Home Office, however well natured they might seem from the outside. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
An excellent account – much better than the shorter one I wrote for South-American readers. My presence in court was on line which meant that parts of Clair Dobbin’s argument were inaudible as was practically all of Ben Watson. I came away with an impression – perhaps not dissimilar to yours – that the courtroom arguments would not play a very significant role in the judgement. Rather they would be used to buttress whatever the judges decide on the basis of their own independent reasoning coloured by awareness of state pressure on one side and public pressure on the other. In the background, I fear, will be an establishment hope that the harsh conditions of Julian’s incarceration will lead to his death before the legal processes come to an end.
a trial like this is not meant to establish guilt or innocence and sentence accordingly, it is to demonstrate to the public that revealing state crimes will not be tolerated
I muss confess spilled coffee and laughing out loud while reading this. Quite a good piece, notwithstanding the dim underlying case.
Why, Mr Murray, you might almost think your reporting was that of an old-fashioned, highly competent journalist.
Perhaps you should apply again for accreditation to the NUJ (or whatever they call themselves) again.
Nobody else in the mainstream seems to have tanken the effort. I looked for days for a thorough article on Day 2’s proceedings. Your’s is the only one I’ve seen to date.
Pleased that the Old Bill didn’t try and grab your collar on your trip.
What a wretched little country we now are, does the deep state not realise we are greatly diminished by their petty, grubby and vindictive actions?
Of course they realise it and diminished is exactly where they want the majority to be.
The NUJ has few, if any, members who could combine accurate information, relevance, cogency, and humour so well without compromising any of those qualities. Not to mention a truly delightful sense of humanity – what used to be called “charity” – and charming modesty.
Reporting for the ages, about a case for the ages.
Take care of yourself, you’re more important than you realise.
If it looks like a Kangaroo, jumps around like a Kangaroo and boxes like a Kangaroo it is a Kangaroo – a Show Trial designed to scare journalists, publishers and anyone else from revealing state crimes.
Very pleased to see that you are up and back on your feet once more.
Not that I am trying to be trite but so far as the salient legal points that weigh. heavily in Assange’s favour are concerned – the response, broadly stated, from the other side is ‘duck and dodge and obfuscate’.
I truly hope.
So do I. But let’s remain cautious : no later than yesterday, a very savvy commenter was considering such hopes foolish.
Whatever their motives, the 2 judges will probably grant the final appeal, and subsequently Assange will regain his freedom in a few months.
Of course, the long years he spent in jail will never come back, nor the justice system recover its respectability.
Thank you for another detailed coverage of this case. I wish I was clever enough to comprehend some of the more complex legal wording. It is good to hear the defence having a confident approach, and the prosecution lacking some drive and conviction, but as we know by now this will not influence the outcome too much. Get some well earned rest.
Thank you Craig for this detailed report. I hope you are feeling better now. As you say it looks likely that the judges will come down on the side of USA, and Assange’s unjust ordeal will continue.
In other words, if you are convicted of one crime, you can be sentenced for another crime of which you have not been convicted. Mr Smith KC was describing the situation under US law. Is the same true under English law?
Yes, the principle seems to be that once you have been shown up as a Bad Person, you deserve everything you get. No skin off our noses, as we are Good People.
Roughly speaking, 4-year-old thinking.
It must be remembered that in the USA, in a criminal trial, the verdict belongs to a jury (and not to a judge) unless the defendant himself makes the choice of a “bench trial”.
Sentence is later determined by a judge (and not by a jury) unless the death penalty is within sentencing guidelines.
So the judge might “enhance” the sentence based on other factors, but not beyond the federal guidelines for the crime for which the defendant was convicted.
I think the substantive issue in this case is not publication of leaks. It’s the allegation that Assange helped Manning to break into a computer by hacking a hashed password. Manning had the hashed password. (A hashed password enables one to check whether a given password is correct, but does not reveal what the password is.) It’s alleged that Assange either cracked the hash, revealing the password, or at least attempted to, which is also a crime under US law. Details here.
But is it a crime under English law and if not, can one be extradited for something that’s not a crime in the jurisdiction where proceedings are taking place?
More to the point, can anyone prove that allegation? I think not – probably because it isn’t true.
Manning had security clearance and authorisation to access the systems because of his job. There never was any hacking, it’s complete BS. Stop spreading this nonsense please.
It isn’t nonsense at all. At Manning’s trial, evidence was presented that Manning had asked Assange if he had experience cracking hashed passwords.
We don’t know whether there is, or is not, evidence that Assange replied. It wasn’t needed at Manning’s trial.
Capability to access a system is not the same as capability to read everything on that system. You could access a system, but be blocked from accessing some data on it.
On older systems, hashed passwords could be read by anybody who had access to the system. Then to get access to whatever the password protected, if you didn’t know the password, you would have to crack the hash.
Read the evidence from Manning. Manning had full access rights, geddit?
Pseudo technical rambling does not negate the facts. Manning had full access rights.
The hashed passwords is a distraction technique used by TPTB. Manning didn’t need it for classified materials, and It is assumed by many to relate to hacking video games passwords.
US prosecutors claim that Manning wanted the hashed password cracked so that he (now she) could download the highly classified war logs from a sys admin account, Stevie, with the aim of reducing the chances that his identity as the leaker would be uncovered:
Anyone expecting the yanks to back down because of bad optics needs to check out Gaza.
Speaking of Gaza, let us hope George Galloway wins his by-election decisively today.
Thanks, once again, Craig. More surreality and another farce of ‘justice’. So the US and the UK know in advance that they will take a pounding on their case, which the defence have comprehensively demolished. So they are mysteriously and conveniently allowed to draft a new case, unknown to the defence which avoids engaging with the arguments put forward by them. What an absurdity, and plainly a rigging of the case to avoid having to admit the defence is sound. The ‘new’ case is simply a rehash of the old lies, speculation, rumour and unproven allegations – as far as i know no-one has ever been identified as being at risk from the Wiki revelations, and if they have it should be David Leigh and The Guardian in the dock. Further, the whole B movie plot about hacking has again been ridiculed and to claim that Manning wasn’t a whistleblower, or concerned with what the US was illegally doing, is downright fabrication. The plan seems to be to keep Julian incarcerated, in such filthy and unhygienic conditions that he may be so weak that his survival is in doubt. What a convenient, if not utterly barbaric, way of behaving. Julian has never merited a maximum security jail of course, but the aim seems to be to degrade him beyond rehabilitation. The cynicism and sadism is shocking, if now entirely unsurprising.
The fact that a tissue of lies, deceit and false claims may sentence Julian to extradition and probable death behind bars is a savage indictment of our absurd justice system which has strenuously fought to rig everything in order to carry out its mandate from Big Brother.
At least you have kept a sense of humour about the circus of the court system, which lightens the darkness, but of course it is a slim compensaton for such blatant manipulation and the cowardice of most of the judiciary – who seem tragically uninformed and disengaged from the whole procedure.
It occurs to me that to expect a psychopathic bully to respond to reasoned arguments – even when voiced by leading KCs in the defence of a patently wronged man – will rarely result in the bully graciously accepting defeat. And behind the bully, as usual, stands the UK establishment sycophantically running his errands in the hope of a few crumbs from the top table. They are beneath contempt.
I fear that Mr. Assange may be imprisoned for some time yet while his sadistic torturers continue their nasty, brutish plans.
Hats off to you for this piece. And nothing in the Guardian about this important case, since 24th February.
Well, the Guardian has every reason to want it hushed up and forgotten. After all, it was one of their employees who published the access codes for all the data – which is now being blamed on Mr Assange, who did everything in his power to prevent that.
Two excellent accounts, and our collective gratitude to you.
I read quite a lot of historical newspaper accounts of trials in the C19th. I suppose, from the style of journalism, that you may have done the same! The reports are primarily dispassionate, heavy on verbatim quotes with a few framing remarks. Strikingly different from contemporary court reports.
The supine relationship of the UK to the USA is now nothing more than an historic fact. The deal was that the UK was permitted broad discretion in its internal affairs in return for complete compliance in the FCO and the sole area the US found of actual use – in the intelligence services, especially in regards to acquisition of high risk high value HUMINT. It was to the benefit of both parties that this vassal state relationship was at least somewhat concealed. The equally supine media have signally failed to report this major trial in other than the most superficial detail: I would suggest this is part of the policy of concealment.
And yet, something seems to have changed.
The USA, at least since Brexit (or perhaps it was the weak performance of UK troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, or both), seem far less bothered about concealment than heretofore. They almost seem to delight to be seen a ‘rubbing our noses in it’.
” They almost seem to delight to be seen a ‘rubbing our noses in it’.”
We are being gradually habituated into accepting serfdom.
It seems like little common sense was spoken until Edward Fitzgerald stood up to speak pointing out that crimes were committed and reported upon. The power of your coverage of this case, especially with reference to arguments with which I am convinced you disagree, is sterling and shows a very sharp mind. I thank you on behalf of those who like myself could not be there in support.
Changing laws, to the detriment of those who need the protection of the law is getting worse than ever. I observed it when YGL Tony Blair called for an Inquiry into the death [murder?] of Dr David Kelly when his death should have been lawfully investigated by the coroner for his locality. It was illegal when Blair did it. Then they changed the Coroners Act to make an Inquiry legal in individual cases when it was normally reserved for multiple deaths (as in Hillsborough and Lockerbie). Our government was very ready and willing to move to an Inquiry when two coroners were at different times taken from the Litvinenko case – never satisfactorily dealt with. And today we have the Snoopers’ Charter (investigatory Powers Act) to remove even more of the freedoms our forefathers and mothers fought for.
I despair!
John, just to add that the farce of Inquiries continues apace. Afaik; we are still awaiting an inquiry into the death of Ms Dawn Sturgess whom you may recall was killed by the much touted, sinister and deadly Russian concoction, Novichok that was contained in a bottle of perfume, stolen/recovered from a Charity Shop bin, by her boyfriend as an intended gift. It is further alleged that this perfume was not disposed by the shop’s staff, but by two Russian spies, it being, so to speak, surplus to requirements. Also, to add further insult to our intelligence this poisonous perfume was, despite numerous searches of Ms Sturgess’s flat by the Police and Security services it was after some time, conveniently discovered in plain sight on her kitchen table. I strongly suspect we may be waiting some time, along with, sadly, Ms Sturgesses family, friends and associates.
And where are the Skripals, Pyewacket? No journalist of the day interviewed them to get their points of view. And just to make sure no enterprising investigative reporter sneaked into the hospital, where they were admitted with Fentanyl poisoning, they were each given a tracheotomy to ensure they could not speak in such an instance. Then they were vanished!
The fact that the prosecution cannot give assurances that Assange will not receive the death penalty if extradited means he cannot be extradited, since other charges with the death penalty could be added once in the US.
Extradition can only be prohibited if: the person could face the death penalty (unless the Secretary of State gets adequate written assurance that the death penalty will not be imposed or, if imposed, will not be carried out)
Harry, might I respectfully add that imo, a written assurance from the US is, in all probability, not worth the paper it’s written on.
This report is certainly worth waiting for. What I find most depressing is the idea that Julian Assange could be extradited for anything other than political reasons. It is so self-evident and has been from the beginning that the rest is just legal and other kinds of hogwash. His request for political asylum was presumably made and accepted on political grounds because he was being persecuted and prosecuted for his moral and political beliefs. The USA and UK governments were not acting other than politically when putting pressure on the changed Ecuador government (in which the CIA no doubt had a hand in the change) to remove his asylum status and obtain his arrest. There is absolutely nothing that is non – political about what has happened to Julian Assange and the suffering that he has and is enduring for his political beliefs.
It is obvious, to me, that the UK legal system is totally outdated, corrupt and essentially a private schoolboy debating club. The chances of an ordinary person receiving justice is small.
From Mr Murray’s reports on Assange and his own brushes with the judiciary we observe the ridiculous circus of fat, overpaid Clowns in victorian costumes performing to their learned mates in gothic buildings that should probably be condemned or turned into museum pieces. This clown show is the perfect accompaniment to the shitshow in Westminster.
The world has moved on, but not in the UK.
In Scotland, it’s even worse!
The heavily political showtrial of Megrahi and Fhima was a bloody disgrace to the name of “justice”.
As Professor Robert Black declared, it was one of the most flagrant miscarriages of justice in Scottish history.
Thanks so much Craig. Hope you are well on the road to recovery now.
This is a wonderful addition to your enormous collection of reports on this never-ending travesty. I roared with laughter as you got going, but felt quite blue as you wound your way to your sad prophecies at the end – prophecies with which I sadly agree,
I think the one hope is that if this is all strung out – in the UK – until after the US elections, there could then be a new president in the White House who will put an end to this case, once and for all. That is where the real hope lies, not in the UK (or US) Injustice systems, IMHO.
If your hope for a “new” POTUS means “not Biden, nor Democrat”, then I hate to break it to you but neither Trump, nor Haley, or any other Republican will do the right thing by Assange.
NTF: October is still a long time away, and as far as a US Election is concerned there may well be developments of a geopolitical nature or other extenuating circumstances unattractive to TPTB that result for some reason in no Election being held at all. Not exactly sure how; martial law maybe, widespread civil unrest etc, but imo it’s certainly on the cards. Different reasons admittedly but we in the UK have had a succession of leaders who haven’t been elected at all, by popular vote anyway.
Thanks yet again for your excellent coverage, Mr. Murray. Hope you are feeling better.
The date the judges chose for the deadline to announce their judgement coincidentally happens to be my birthday; a most generous and unexpected gift from the UK Establishment this year, since as a bystander to Assange’s persecution since I was barely a teenager and now his prosecution as an adult, I of course greatly look forward to finding out what sort of injustice the judges’ judgement will bring against my favourite journalist while I celebrate my birthday this year.
It is truly mad that this has gone on for as long as it has. It continues to amaze me how the incredible length of time Assange spent in arbitrary detention in the Ecuadorian Embassy is also, of course, never considered in any way at all. Of course he never committed a crime and is innocent to begin with, but if the system had any justice in it, then he should rightfully be considered to have already served the time for any crime of which he is
confusedanyway. It is all so obscene and ridiculous.[I meant “accused” and do not know why I wrote “confused”, but clearly my subconscious picked the more appropriate word that I only noticed after clicking “Post Comment”!]
What goes in the heads of these persecutors and prosecutors? How do they not see the obvious of the process itself being a deliberate punishment inflicted on Assange? Something is not right with their heads, and their backbones all appear to have been replaced with wishbones.
Anyone catch the Rochdale by-election coverage? The GB News meltdowns are particularly funny.
Saw a rando Labour skinsuit talking about how horrible it would be if George Galloway wins the seat. Then give a laundry list, about how utterly screwed Rochdale is in depravation indicators. Whilst complaining Gaza has now’t to do with us guv, all while ignoring the fact that his mob had held the place for generations.
I imagine, it’s rather like watching some horrible Brezhnev-era, Soviet tankie. Admitting to the horrible socioeconomic state of the U S.S.R circa 1985. Without musing at all, on just who’s been in charge for decades.
Also haha tories! Fourth or fifth place “also-rans” where you rightfully belong you buggers.
I was watching the count on the BBC News Channel from around 2.00am onwards, and the first thing that happened after the coverage finally returned to the studio (after George’s speech etc), was the presenter reading out a statement by the CAA in relation to George winning. Yep, the Zionist propagandists wasted no time in getting their fascist oar in!
Then there were the claims by Richard Tice (at the count to the BBC reporter), and at some point to GB News, which I just this minute came across:
Perusing the morning news channels, as I do, this morning I literally leapt out of my my chair and did the fist pump in the air thing and yelled YESS!
This is for Gaza.
Well said, that man.
Huh, of course we can’t have the public pearl cluching over a genocide that the UK is actively supporting, in every material way to the point individual & state complicity.
That’d be ever so beastly even anti-semitic, we have to remember Oct 7 forever & ever.
Oh, and the Holocaust too! Even though some materials related to the Bandera-OUN role in same has been quietly removed in Israel.
Funny that. Guess we only remember whats congruent to the current party-line.
As for Tice, I don’t much care what the
two-faced, puppet-head of a “party” crudely stiched together from the dismembered half-rotted carcasses of UKIP, EDL and the Thatcherite Tories has to say.
Particularly not when “his” candidate was a Blairite turncloak, who got flung-out of Labour for being a nonce.
After all the Reform UK vitriol over Muslim grooming-gangs. You almost have to wonder if tgat was a perverse joke.
I’d forgotten that George did a stint on TalkRadio:
TalkRadio fined £75,000 over ‘impartiality’ failure with George Galloway’s comments on Salisbury poisoning and antisemitism
Ofcom rebukes former MP for calling listeners ‘gutless cowards’ over differing political views
Would you mind repeating that, please?
You are saying that Ofcom fined someone – other than the BBC – for a failure of impartiality?
The Tories came third in Rochdale, UF, beating Labour (or the candidate listed as representing them on the ballot paper) and the Lib Dems. Also, Leonid Brezhnev died in 1982.
Regarding your subsequent ‘nonce’ comment: the person Simon Danczuk sexted was 17 at the time; the age of consent in the UK (where no one is in a position of trust) is 16. For comparison, some of the victims of the grooming* gangs were as young as 11.
Enjoy the weekend.
* For what it’s worth, I’ve never thought that ‘grooming’ is the right word, since it implies that all the gangs were doing was brushing girls’ hair etc.
Yeah, well I was being optimistic about the Tory outcome. I’ll grant you. They certainly deserved utter abject defeat, or to even lose their deposit.
Moving on, Andropov & Chernenko were both Brezhnev-ite mainstays, as were most members of CCCP/Central Committee. It was a lot of those type of people representative of existing failure, that opposed any reform or change to the decaying Soviet system.
It was only the poor state of the Politburo & U.S.S.R that gave Gorbachev an opening to take power in 1985 & even attempt his ill-fated reforms. Which was the wider point I was making.
As for Simon Danczuk, falling back on “technically legal” defence, doesn’t make a 40+ year old man sexting 17 year olds particularly less noncey. It’s also a bad look for a party that campaigns on a platform of “down with this sort of thing”.
Thanks for your reply UF. Whatever Andropov & Chernenko’s political views were in their decrepitude, the Brezhnev era is defined as 1964-82. Towards its end, accounting for inflation, Soviet GDP per capita was similar to what it is now in Russia (and much higher than in Ukraine – even pre-war), and wealth was much more evenly distributed.
The term ‘nonce’ specifically apples to people that have been imprisoned for sexual offences (particularly against minors). Since that doesn’t apply to Danczuk, describing him as such constitutes defamation. In the past, UK blogs have been successfully sued for tens of thousands of pounds (plus legal expenses) for libel by former Labour MPs for anonymous defamatory comments made on them. Not least in view of his current financial woes, I’m sure that our host would appreciate it if you didn’t make such comments on here.
As for Labour campaigning on a platform of being against child sexual abuse, this is a party in which a senior Blair-era cabinet minister had actively campaigned that people be legally allowed to have sexual relations with their *ten-year-old daughters* FFS, and another that hardcore child pornography only be illegal if it could be proven beyond reasonable doubt that the child had suffered harm (this at a time when hardcore featuring consenting adults was itself illegal). And as if that wasn’t bad enough, they were both women: Patricia Hewitt & Harriet Harperson. At least, Hewitt had the decency to apologise later on.
On a related note, despite thankfully no children being involved, I think it’s also worth mentioning that the current ‘forensic’ leader of His Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition is on record as stating that a judge directing a jury to find someone guilty of GBH, for inter alia nailing someone’s scrotum to a piece of wood, constituted the ‘unrepresentative’ judiciary imposing its morality on the general public, rather than His Honour Judge Rant (good name for a judge) instructing jury members to correctly interpret the law of the land – whether he agreed with it or not. In spite of there having been over 30 subsequent years of sexual revolution amongst the lower socio-economic orders (i.e. the majority of people in Britain), it’s currently illegal even to view such things (except in special circumstances such as a court trial), let alone perform them: