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michael norton

There is some talking going on in Baku

Mikdad stressed that the terrorist war and the repeated aggression on Syria will not divert it from its inalienable right to fully restore the occupied Golan by all means guaranteed by international law and in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions, especially the UN Security Council Resolutions Nos. 242, 338 and 497 .

He emphasized that Trump’s Declaration on the Golan does not change anything regarding the legal status of Golan; “it is a Syrian Arab land and will return to the Syrian national sovereignty sooner or later.”

i fully agree that Israel has no rights over the Golan.
They want it for several reasons, one if internationally accepted it would increase the size of Israel,
two it allows them to get fresh water, three it allows them to spy and bomb its neighbours – Lebanon – Iraq and Syria,
three there is untold Hydrocarbon wealth awaitng exploitation in the Golan.
I am assuming that the Syrian War was encouraged by France, U.K., Saudi, Israel , Australia, Canada and U.S.A.