NEW thread – Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged? #TORYRIG2019

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Elections aftermath NEW thread – Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged? #TORYRIG2019

Kim Sanders-Fisher

The other day I experienced great difficulty during multiple attempts to post my latest comment, but the fault may lie with my lengthy rants and the links I include to elaborate on the supporting information. Although this thread has grown to the point where it is slow to load, there is no reason why a brief comment might experience a similar problem. A huge wealth of information and links remain on this thread and I hope it will still attract visitors in future, but it might be best to consider posting replies elsewhere. So where?

On the advice of Moderators I have decided to launch a new thread with a connected title that captures the main thrust of what we have tried to accomplish here, although I adnit that may have altered slightly since it was started as a discussion forum. I wanted to raise awareness about the extreme vulnerability of our Electoral Services in the UK and how this might potentially have compromised the 2019 General Election and earlier votes.

Occasionally there might be links from the new thread to the material posted here as I will continue to push hard for an urgent nationwide investigation into the recent election. However, it will be less problematic to post new replies on a fresh, uncluttered discussion thread.

I must sincerely apologise to SA for monopolising your Elections Aftermath thread with my passion for this cause. I am very grateful to you for launching this important discussion and I really appreciate the input from yourself and other who have contributed evidence and information along the way. I want to thank the site Moderators, SA for starting this thread, and all those who have contributed their input so far.

I hope you will all follow and contribute to the new thread entitled: Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged? #TORYRIG2019. I am attempting to launch two new Hashtags: #TORYRIG2019 & #TORYWARPED2019 to help publicize this important issue, but I must admit I am a little clueless on how to go about accomplishing this task; I could use some tech savvy assistance.

Please also read, sign, share and Link to this Petition on AVAAZ:

W.A.R.P.E.D. Withdrawal Against the Rights of People’s Electoral Decision – #TORYWARPED2019