Reply To: Please move 'Elections Aftermath' thread/s to 'Still Discussing' section

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback Please move 'Elections Aftermath' thread/s to 'Still Discussing' section Reply To: Please move 'Elections Aftermath' thread/s to 'Still Discussing' section


Yes, SA, I saw your earlier comment requesting this move, and I noted that the Mods had ignored it. They did, though, suggest to Kim that she start a new thread, which she has done. Unfortunately, this means that the starting comments, and therefore the first part of the discussion, is now sinking down the page with the weight of new threads above it.

The Mods did once say that they would respond to a polite request (to facilitate the display of an image in a comment), I did say ‘please’ in my request. Perhaps then, Mods, you would consider this request again, and note the value of it.

We are ‘Still Discussing’ “Not forgetting the al-Hillis-continued”, “Disappearing Aircraft”, and “Blair Miles”; surely the Elections Aftermath will continue to be discussed for a long, long time, given the calibre of the people we now have in government and the tricks they will undoubtedly continue to pull.

May I suggest, if this is a technical problem, that it might be something that Darth, or Squonk, or Clarke could facilitate.
