Reply To: 9/11 Building 7 UAF engineering report continued.

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Paul Barbara

@ Clark March 23, 2020 at 11:28
‘..If that’s Stubblebine, he’s a real character! “Men Who Stare at Goats”….’
But you do not address the fact his last job was as head of Military Photo-reconnaissance.
And may I take it you don’t believe in telepathy, by your dismissal of Stubblebine?
Thanks for links, I’ll check them out.

By the way, if you think Stubblebine is odd, what about General Patton?:
Patton who famously said he loved war told of a number of past lives in the military.

He described being a Greek Hoplite fighting the Persians under Darius. He helped smash the Persian navy and then laid siege to Tyre. The walls fell after five months as Patton and his fellow Hoplites stormed the city in 332 BC.
Patton died fighting for the Roman Republic in the Middle East killed by a number of arrows in his neck.
The general also remembered being stationed in Langres, France — as a Roman legionnaire in Caesar’s X Legion.
When Patton was a young adult, he was kicked by a horse, who broke his leg in three places. Close to death from his wounds, Patton had a vision of his death as a Viking raider — where a vision appeared to him on the battlefield, offering to take him to the Viking afterlife.
Many times in World War I and then in World War II, Patton would claim to know his way around towns and battlefields which he had never been before. Patton believed that this came from his time as a French knight fighting the English under Edward III, most notably at Crecy. The 1346 Battle of Crecy saw the English crush the French in a very lopsided fight. He died when he was impaled by an English lance.
As a child, Patton claimed to have fought alongside John the Blind of Behemis, who also met his death at Crecy in 1346.
During the Hundred Years’ War he fought with King Henry V at Agincourt in 1415.
Patton once described fighting on ships as he freed captured slaves or prisoners of war, fired into the enemy at point-blank range during a storm, or even was hanged as a pirate or privateer, describing feeling a rope around his neck as the red deck (presumably blood-stained) was set aflame.
Again pitted against the English, though this time his loyalties were less to a nation than to the House of Stuart. Patton was a Scottish Highlander during the third English Civil War, around 1650, supporting the Stuarts after the death of Charles I.
Patton described “riding with Murat”. Joachim Murat was one of Napoleon’s marshals. Murat was one of the most capable cavalry officers and leaders in service to the French Emperor. He doesn’t specify his role with Murat, but the marshal was pivotal at battles like Jena and the invasion of Russia in 1812. When the Allies left North Africa to invade Sicily, British General Sir Harold Alexander told Patton that if had been alive in the 19th Century, Napoleon would have made him a marshal — to which Patton replied: “But I did.” (Quora).