Reply To: New report released: WTC 7 was not destroyed by fire on 9/11/2001

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New report released: WTC 7 was not destroyed by fire on 9/11/2001 Reply To: New report released: WTC 7 was not destroyed by fire on 9/11/2001


You apparently have no understanding of exponential functions or you’d understand why the technical community is treating covid-19 as such a threat.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024…

10 doublings get us to over a thousand…

2,048, 4,096, 8,192, 16,384, 32,768, 65,536, 131,072, 262,144, 524,288, 1,048,576…

20 doublings get us to over a million…

2,097,152, 4,194,304, 8,388,608, 16,777,216, 33,554,432, 67,108,864…

26 doublings get us to the population of the UK…

134,217,728, 268,435,456, 536,870,912, 1,073,741,824, 2,147,483,648, 4,294,967,296, 8,589,934,592.

33 doublings exceed the population of the world.