Reply To: 9/11 Building 7 UAF engineering report continued.

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Paul Barbara

@ Clark April 26, 2020 at 11:18
‘…But there was no way the DU was going to turn up in their own back yard. Not so with a virus…’
It does turn up in their backyard, and has, but in much smaller amounts, via dust storms. But it turns up quite a lot in their ‘allies’ regimes, like in the Middle East.
And like the tremendous pollution from the oil field fire set by the Yanks deliberately, just so Kuwait would have to pay a US firm to put them out.
I was told this years back by Ian Crane, who explained it to our group of 9/11 Truthers. He had been in the area at the time, as an oilfield worker (he had a high position – I forget what it was) and he when he asked questions about the fires, was told to basically shut up about it (like Craig). Then recently I saw a Coronavirus video of a Dr. who was in the US military in the area at the time, and he told the same story, but in far greater detail.
That pollution spread over Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and any ‘Coalition’ troops in the area.