Reply To: List of countries that have suspended AstraZeneca vaccine because of bloodclots

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum List of countries that have suspended AstraZeneca vaccine because of bloodclots Reply To: List of countries that have suspended AstraZeneca vaccine because of bloodclots


There has always been a “world order” of some form or other if you mean how nations conduct their relations with one another. Nations have had relations with one another for thousands of years. There was a “world order” in Roman times, Egyptian times, classical Greek times, colonial times, stoneage times. There weren’t nations as we see them today in stoneage times but there were relatons between groups of stoneage humans amounting to their “world order.” My bedroom has a bedroom order (disorder), my kitchen a kitchen order.
That the current “world order” is far too much predicated on the interests of private capital and corporate interests is probably not going to be disputed by many here. What exactly is your point n presenting those two videos which I’ll bet everyone here has seen many times? What exactly is your argument? Is it that a “world order” in the sense already mentioned exists? Well, cheers, thanks for pointing out the obvious.
What changes to the current “world order” do you think ought to be made?