Reply To: What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches? Reply To: What’s with the propaganda photos showing people being vaccinated in churches?

ginger ninja

I think N_ may have a point – there does seem to be a push to push Christianity at every turn – as if suddenly the plebs will fall back into line and Christendom will be fully restored. Give it a generation or two of “Victorianism” and I’m sure it will be so.

Just saying.

That’s not why I’m here though. I just wanted to say I fully admit to being guilty of posting then disappearing at times, like I may have said before; I find you all a bit intimidating tbh. No offence intended. I’ll try to engage next time I drop an egg on the site.

Though you must understand – I treat the internet as a sounding board… it’s a long story. I’ve been working on something for a few years now that I hope will be of benefit to the world, unfortunately for all concerned it requires me to post regularly (on other platforms mostly) . So I wouldn’t take anything I say too seriously. For the record.