Reply To: “Leak” to Torygraph: PM has agreed compulsory vaccination for care home staff

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Clark, by the way, about that.
I remember much more freedom as a child, we were allowed to go anywhere and adults willingly interacted with us. Of course, there were fenced-in areas like a military facility or a factory, but you could go to any place, including the city administration, theater, museum, trolleybus depot – and adults smiled at us and willingly told us about what they were doing, often trying to treat us. This activity was our favorite on our children’s city walks. We were free to take fruits growing right on the streets. There was a great sense of community, freedom and the feeling that this city is ours.

Now every piece of land and every building is in private hands and access is closed. Even older children and teenagers feel like guests and prefer to spend time safely at home. Today it’s impossible to spend several hours on the street without money, since a child will have nothing to eat and to drink.
Where did the free water go?!
We had a standpipe in residential areas and drinking fountains in public places!