Reply To: Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain Reply To: Tone and subtext of SARSCov2 propaganda in Britain


What is the supposed justification for the British government’s “red-listing” of Black African countries that have experienced far LOWER reported death rates with Covid-19 than Britain or EU countries and which also currently have low 14-day notification rates, such that there hasn’t been a recent surge in the these countries, as you can check at this site?

The danger of infection would be from Britain to them, not from them to Britain, but we can surely rule out right at the beginning the idea that the measure is to “help” them.

It may possibly not be a racist measure, insofar as if it were you would expect it to be better known, and to be lauded in the media as an act of protection against the “black peril”, whereas in fact few people in Britain even know about it.

It may be simply a case of “If you think we’re going to allow you to come to Britain, you’d better damned well sign this contract with AstraZeneca (or Pfizer)”.