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As usual, Michael, you’re being incredibly simplistic.

The government did not roll out the vaccine. The NHS did that. Left to the government, scores of billions would have been spent with nothing to show for it – just like the track & trace system – for many a long month.

So why do you want to give the government credit for a vaccine they did not produce, and a rollout which they had nothing to do with? “Because they are Tories”, right?

Surely you know that the majority of people did not vote for Johnson and his government. A “landslide victory” does not even need the support of 30% of eligible voters, due to our very primitive and undemocratic voting system.

Herd immunity, particularly for the delta virus, requires a percentage of vaccination (or natural immunity recently acquired) in the high 90’s, and we are nowhere near that. If you think that it’s gone and the all-clear can be sounded now, a view apparently shared by Johnson and his mates, you are making an enormous, reckless gamble with millions of lives in the rest of the world.

Kindly don’t tell me how grateful I should be to live in Britain either. I have lived in plenty of other countries. Anyone who thinks the UK is simply the greatest shows only a lack of perspective. An awful lot of Americans do the same.