Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

michael norton

Well, as you now know, the Americans and the U.K. and Australia are going to be focusing on China.
As we also know, news outlets are fed this stuff to print and promote. I have no way of knowing if any, some or all of it is true and I suspect neither does MOA. The AUKUS is not just about nuclear powered submarines, it is multi-war or propaganda, cyberwarfare, intelligence, A.I., Lateral Thinking, the works.
Almost certainly this was put in place by The Donald. I expect it does not matter if we believe it or not, the idea is to confuse the Chinese Regime. Almost certainly the idea will be to contain China by any way they can. Yes it will get ugly, quickly. I did not believe any of the Novichok stuff, at all. Yet our government, either want us to believe it, be confused by it or worried by those non-events.