Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

Pigeon English


“It has been decided by some of the E.U. Elite, not least “the higher echelon” of France that the U.K. must be punished for democratically leaving the European Union. We must be “Lesson des Autres”

Why did you expect reward? (cake and eat it)
Are you so exceptional?

Brexiters were right that EU is protectionist and now they complain! Is this cognitive dissonance?

Don’t you remember BRINO (Brexit in name only) rejected by everyone?
Don’t you remember WTO deal?
Don’t you remember “we hold all the cards” and other slogans (Brexit means Brexit, Get Brexit done, Oven ready deal and some others that make me sick)

Every factual warning was Project fear and Studies were ignored.

Polexit is the Polar opposite to Brexit. No one in Poland wants to leave the EU!

Why are you and Brexit papers so obsessed with EU?
You are a 3rd Country like Morocco or Albania or China and should be treated the same according to WTO rules. You have a Trade agreement with the EU and that’s it. Some things are covered and others are not.

Looking forward for the EU to take back EURO Clearing!

What I don’t understand is why the Government does not issue 100,000 visas to India for Lorry drivers or butchers etc.