All links to the Labour report on Antisemitism at are broken in July 24 article

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback All links to the Labour report on Antisemitism at are broken in July 24 article

  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by mods-cm-org.
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  • #87598 Reply

      All links to the Labour report on Antisemitism at Off-Guardian are broken in July 24 article

      #87599 Reply

        I’m very sorry, I was mistaken, the report downloaded automatically , this post can be deleted

        #87600 Reply

          Who reads Off Guardian anyway?

          #87602 Reply

            Craig linked to Off-Guardian from his Forde Report post. I wish he had found another source for the Labour Anti-Semitism report because Off-Guardian have discredited themselves and deserve neither link nor traffic from Craig’s site.

            #87603 Reply

              Thanks for reporting that, Ben. The Off-Guardian resource was indeed very slow to load, due to the size of the pdf.

              The link was updated to this Internet Archive page yesterday:


              The webpage loads much quicker and the pdf can be viewed page-by-page or downloaded, as required.

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