!! BREAKING NEWS !! (Gaza)

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum !! BREAKING NEWS !! (Gaza)

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  • #101004 Reply
      #101019 Reply

        I can’t reach Al Jazeera, http://www.aljazeera.com

        First I tried to open the home page directly; Firefox immediately displayed “Cannot find the server at ‍www.aljazeera.com” – which suggests that DNS Lookup immediately returned an error or maybe an invalid response. So then I searched for aljazeera using Google. Al Jazeera’s home page was the top result. I clicked on it, Firefox reported accessing Google, I waited and the connection eventually timed out.

        Having typed the above, I tried opening al Jazeera’s home page, and it worked as usual. I’ll post this nonetheless as the al Jazeera site may be under Israeli attack. If others have problems, please post what happened on this forum.

        #101031 Reply

          Yes, Al Jazeera has recently become unavailable on my Freeview (although I can access it online). The message on channel 235 (where it used to be) tells viewers to tune in to channel 251, but on that channel I just get a message to connect my telly to the internet to continue watching.

          #101082 Reply
          Fat Jon

            The oft repeated excuse for genocide ‘Israel has the right to self defence’ seems somewhat out of place given the recent IDF attacks on UN Peace Keeping forces.

            Perhaps Netanyahu would care to explain how the UN’s activities in Lebanon have been a threat to Israel, which requires this form of ‘self defence’?

            #101083 Reply

              Fat Jon

              It is absurd, UN forces, that are there to keep “the peace”, is not only verbally threatened but acutally physically attacked multiple times and there is zero repercussion or focus on it!? Besides, why are not UN forces using force against Israel? What is the purpose of the UN peace force if they are not going to actually defend what they are there to protect? If Hezbollah threatened UN forces and then attacked them well we all knew the reaction from the west. But when Israel does it, nothing.
              But as Craig said, Israel have zero red lines nor has the bootlicking western media/politicians.

              Israel constantly “test” the world what they could get away it, to this day, they have gotten away with more than could imagine themselves. That is what you get when you appease a sick demented regime like Israel.

              #101084 Reply

                Jack, there has been significant condemnation from those countries whose forces make up UNIFIL. Ireland and Spain are trying to convince the EU to suspend the trade agreement with Israel. Also, they are not equipped to “fire back” on tanks firing on their watch towers. They are a lightly armoured observation force. I know that approx 50 irish troops have been killed on peace keeping missions since the 1950s mostly in the Congo I think. It’s not without risk.

                The UNIFIL mandate. Given Israel’s prior form thay aren’t going to respect their mandate.They have already killed hundreds on UN workers. Unless the UN sends in a properly equipped peace enforcing force, which won’t happen as it would be vetoed by USA/UK/France, UNIFIL are in a difficult position.

                #101085 Reply

                  Spain and France have called for bringing up arms embargo on Israel, not sure how sincere that is considering their full support for 1 year of mayhem.
                  Spain have also called upon the EU to debate the trade-agreement EU have with Israel:

                  EU must reconsider trade deal with Israel – member state
                  Spain has reiterated a call for the bloc to rethink its Association Agreement with the Jewish state amid human rights concerns


                  If the topic was not so serious it is laughable how the same EU that care sooo much for Ukraine at the same time aid and support when Israel commit not only the same crimes but commit crimes in greater scale and pace.
                  Truly disgusting, hypocritical pack of people.

                  #101128 Reply

                    It happend again, Israeli tank shoot at UN peacekeeping forces, destryoing wall, cameras

                    UN peacekeepers report another ‘deliberate’ Israeli attack

                    A UNIFIL observation post in southern Lebanon has been shelled by an Israeli Merkava tank, according to the contingent
                    “This morning, peacekeepers at a position near Kafer Kela observed an IDF Merkava tank firing at their watchtower. Two cameras were destroyed, and the tower was damaged,” the force said in a statement.

                    While of course killing 15000 children tops everything, attacking peacekeeping UN forces is still incredibly severe.

                    #101132 Reply

                      The sickenng act by the western media to not only invite the murderer to their shwo, to let them defend their crimes but also the fact of the constant harmless type of questions!


                      Israel disputes Sky News investigation into death of Palestinian girl

                      Why are they inviting these sickos? What do they think they will say but coming up with callous defense of them killing kids!? Which in turn fool alot of viewer and thus prolong the suffering of the palestinian/lebanese people?

                      With all the evidence that Israel have a systematic way of constantly lie, with all the reports past years that Israel engage in gross human rights violations, the western MSM still STILL invite these fckers for prime-time interviews!?

                      Craig Mokhiber spoke about this western-media-complicity some weeks back:

                      EXPOSED: How Western Media Can Be Prosecuted For Its Role In Gaza Genocide | Craig Mokhiber


                      Also, compare how western MSM treat israel’s view vs Russia’s view regarding in Ukraine. Never that russian soldiers are invited to give their take.

                      #101137 Reply
                      Allan Howard

                        Yes, we know that the 40 beheaded babies story (and similar such stories) was atrocity propaganda and that only one baby – ten-month old Mila Cohen – was killed, albeit not deliberately, but when you stop and think about the ‘process’ whereby the story became international headline news, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. I mean, for starters, are we really supposed to believe – if 40 beheaded babies really had been found at Kibbutz Kfar Aza – that it would only come to light because three days after the attack reporters from a number of news organisations just happened to be invited to one particular kibbutz, and that just one of the reporters happened to be told by one of the soldiers there that Hamas had killed 40 babies at the kibbutz and beheaded many of them (or words to that effect)?

                        I mean are we supposed to believe that this was only discovered inbetween inviting the reporters/media to come to the kibbutz and when they actually went there (I can’t imagine that it could have all happened on the same day, and the invitation would almost definitely have been made the day before). Seems highly HIGHLY unlikely! If 40 dead babies – whether beheaded or not – had been discovered at the Kibbutz when the IDF took control, then such news would have gone straight up to the top in no time – and I meany Netanyahu and Gallant et al – and there is no way on this planet that such news would have come out the way we are supposed to believe it did.

                        And I have little doubt that the MSM itself around the world realised this straight away – ie that it was totally implausible and, as such, that it was a falsehood and atrocity propaganda.

                        #101138 Reply

                          I was unaware that days, weeks before the so called al Aqsa flood there were huge provocations in the al Aqsa mosque by jewish extremists:

                          4th october:

                          Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot

                          17th september:

                          Israeli forces attack Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque
                          Dozens of Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque on last day of Rosh Hashanah under the protection of occupation forces, the latter assaulting Palestinian worshippers.


                          Hundreds Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex for Jewish holidays

                          5th october:

                          Over 800 Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa compound during Jewish Sukkot holiday


                          Jordan sends ‘memo of protest’ to Israel over Al-Aqsa settler incursions


                          OIC Strongly Condemns the Storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Closure of Al-Ibrahimi Mosque


                          I have not really read into this but one wonder how much these incidents had of effect on the 7th of october events? Is the name (al aqsa flood) refering to these priors events at the al Aqsa mosque?

                          #101139 Reply

                            And the mainstream media, the BBC in particular, still give a platform to those Israeli voices repeating the lie. No one believes anything Israel says; how could they after the last 12 months. The same for the US and UK – yet the BBC amplifies the propaganda at every opportunity. Israel isn’t fighting Hamas; it is systematically annihilating the non-Jewish population in the region in pursuit of the Greater Israel. And we are complicit.

                            #101140 Reply

                              German foreign minister repeat all israeli lies in (farily) new bootlicking video, she claim that Israel have the right to attack civilian sites! Nothing could be further from the truth. Even if, for arguments sake, even if Hamas was in a hospital, refugee camp etc Israel have zero legal right to attack the site!
                              Video: https://www.facebook.com/100044171992378/videos/1606342056981473

                              And remember this is the Greens, if this is the position of the greens, you have the greens sounding like the far right!? Does she not realize how dangerously close she sound like friggin nazi?
                              It is insane how radicalized socialists, greens and even some leftists have become lately.

                              #101144 Reply
                              Allan Howard

                                I’ve mentioned the spotters on the border with Gaza who voiced their concerns about Hamas’s activity to superiors prior to the attack in a number of posts on here (as have others), but I’d not heard this one before, which I just came across in a Haaretz article from June 18th this year:

                                Report: New Evidence Reveals IDF Had Detailed Prior Knowledge of Hamas Plan to Raid Israel

                                A never-before-seen IDF document surfaces startling new details of Hamas’ operational plans to invade Israel; The report outlines Hamas orders to take between 200-250 Israelis hostages.

                                While the document includes never-before-seen details, it is but one in a long list of reports which points to the extent to which military officials were warned of Hamas’ plans to attack Israel.

                                And THIS is what I’d not heard before:

                                In July 2023, a Military Intelligence non-commissioned officer (NCO) provided a warning to her commanders that Hamas intended to carry out a massacre in the Gaza border communities.

                                The NCO wrote three documents in the six months prior to the October 7 attack, in which she warned that Hamas had completed a series of training exercises simulating a raid on kibbutzim and IDF outposts on the Israeli side of the border.

                                The article then goes on to mention the spotters:

                                This is in addition to the female observers who, for nearly a year before October 7, reported suspicious activity to their superiors regarding Hamas’ preparations near the border fence, including drone activity, efforts to knock out security cameras, extensive use of vans and motorcycles, and even rehearsals for the shelling of tanks.

                                Many of the surviving observers have said that their repeated warnings fell on the deaf ears of their commanding officers.


                                NB I keep coming across pictures (in articles) of destroyed and damaged buildings that I’ve not seen before, and as with so many others I’ve seen, there’s no way Hamas had the capability to cause such damage….

                                #101145 Reply
                                Allan Howard

                                  And then there was THIS, from a wikipedia entry, under the subheadline ‘Israeli intelligence failure’, which I’ve posted on here at least a couple of times going back seven/eight months or more:

                                  According to The New York Times, Israeli officials had obtained detailed attack plans more than a year before the attack. The document described operational plans and targets, including the size and location of Israeli forces, and raised questions in Israel about how Hamas learned these details*. The document provided a plan that included a large-scale rocket assault before an invasion, drones to knock out the surveillance cameras and automated guns that Israel has stationed along the border, and gunmen invading Israel, including with paragliders. The Times reported, “Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision.” According to The Times, the document was widely circulated among Israeli military and intelligence leadership….

                                  Yes, I wonder how Hamas learned such details… and did Israel ever get to the bottom of it, cos if they did, I’ve certainly not come across it.

                                  Anyway, as is often the case with wikipedia entrys, additional information gets added as time goes on, but I think the following was already included when I first came across it, and it is obviously referring to the Military Intelligence non-commissioned officer mentioned in the Haaretz article I posted about a bit earlier (it’s impossible to remember every detail!):

                                  In July 2023, a member of the Israeli signals intelligence unit alerted her superiors that Hamas was conducting preparations for the assault, saying, “I utterly refute that the scenario is imaginary”. An Israeli colonel ignored her concerns

                                  Amazing just how much ignoring and dismissing was going on in the months prior to the attack!

                                  Anyway, the following has definitely been added (to that section) since I was last on there… either that, or I just didn;t notice it or scroll down that far:

                                  A Ha’aretz investigation found that incompetence in the IDF’s higher ranks, including refusal to acknowledge Hamas’s preparations for the attacks, was a major cause of the October attacks. The IDF had reduced funding and manpower dedicated to observing Hamas, focusing primarily on rocket sites and ignoring Hamas training and troop movements as well as the activities of the Hamas military leadership. Simulated exercises of Hamas attacks found the Gaza division’s response lacking. Cultural conformity was fostered among officers and dissent discouraged. Officers often silenced subordinates to maintain their positions, contributing to a toxic atmosphere where questioning higher-ups’ decisions about Hamas was met with apprehension, resulting in most junior officers giving up.

                                  Hmm, I wonder why such an atmosphere existed (and was created in the first place). Couldn’t possibly be because the higher ranks were conspiring with Benny and his fascist buddies et al (and as I’ve said before, I include Biden and Blinken etc) to let the attack go ahead. Surely not… only really REALLY evil inhuman beings would do such a thing.

                                  #101146 Reply
                                  Allan Howard
                                    #101147 Reply
                                    Allan Howard

                                      Just to be clear (in case it wasn’t), what I was referring to (at the beginning of the second paragraph) was the 40 beheaded babies, and that it seems highly *HIGHLY* unlikely that the IDF just happened to discover them AFTER the media were invited to come to the kibbutz AND prior to them arriving. But THAT’s the implication, because surely if you knew that fourty babies had been killed/beheaded by Hamas, there’s no way on the planet you wouldn’t have mentioned it when contacting the news organisations to invite reporters to come to the kibbutz. But at this quite late hour, I can’t get my head round why they…. Oh, right, I just DID! Because it was fabrication of course!!

                                      #101148 Reply
                                      Allan Howard

                                        Don’t know what happened there, as I posted the above in a reply to my 18.55 post way up the page, and assumed it would appear diectly underneath it. Sorry mod, but I just gotta post it again underneath the comment, and assuming I succeed this time, you can delete the above and this. If possible. Thanks

                                        #101149 Reply
                                        Allan Howard

                                          Just to be clear (in case it wasn’t), what I was referring to (at the beginning of the second paragraph) was the 40 beheaded babies, and that it seems highly *HIGHLY* unlikely that the IDF just happened to discover them AFTER the media were invited to come to the kibbutz AND prior to them arriving. But THAT’s the implication, because surely if you knew that fourty babies had been killed/beheaded by Hamas, there’s no way on the planet you wouldn’t have mentioned it when contacting the news organisations to invite reporters to come to the kibbutz. But at this quite late hour, I can’t get my head round why they…. Oh, right, I just DID! Because it was fabrication of course!!

                                          #101150 Reply
                                          Allan Howard

                                            Dear Mod, I don’t know what’s going on, but that’s now the second time I’ve posted a reply to my 18.55 comment and it’s appeared at the bottom of the comments. Because I have so many problems with… let’s call them Gremlins, this time I actually took a screenshot of my reply before I posted it, and it includes the number allotted to my post – ie 101137 – and yet when it appeared in the comments, it’s appeared as a reply to the bottom comment. Again!

                                            #101151 Reply

                                              Hi Allan

                                              The discussion forum doesn’t work quite the same way as the comments section below Craig’s articles. It uses different software, with different underlying data structures. There is no facility for appending replies to earlier replies, or for nesting them in branches. Every reply is added to the page at the bottom of the reply chain, in chronological order.

                                              If you’re responding to an entry here, you can cite it by author and timestamp and include a link to it. The link URL can be obtained by right-clicking over the entry number and selecting ‘Copy link’ (or equivalent), then hyperlinking some referring text (e.g. the author and date/timestamp) and pasting in the URL.

                                              I hope that helps.

                                              #101152 Reply
                                              Allan Howard

                                                Many thanks for the explanation.

                                                #101153 Reply
                                                Allan Howard

                                                  Just spotted this in one of the lists on the right-hand side of the page – i.e. an article Craig posted in June 2015 entitled The Killing of Children. This was several years before I discovered Craig’s website, but I remember the episode with the kids killed on the beach, but I’ve never come across the Guardian article he refers and links to before. Anyway, here’s the first part of Craig’s article:

                                                  The Guardian has for once done a very good job of outlining the stark gap between the truth, and Israel’s “report” into the killing of four young children playing by the beach. It may be argued that this terrible tragedy is itself pretty irrelevant given that the Israelis killed 700 other children in Gaza that year. But the maintenance of this ludicrous, macabre and yes, evil, propaganda is fundamental to the self-image of many Israelis. They still contrive to see themselves as the good guys, under constant threat – despite the fact that Israel kills well more than a hundred for every Israeli killed.

                                                  This denial of the truth and claim of victimhood extends to the accusation of anti-Semitism trumpeted at every critic, including this one, despite the fact that I have the highest respect for the immense cultural and scientific achievements of the Jewish people. Israel is a different question entirely.

                                                  And here are some passages from the Guardian article:

                                                  Israel exonerates itself over Gaza beach killings of four children last year

                                                  Israeli investigation says missile attack that killed boys aged between nine and 11 was ‘tragic accident’ in findings contradictory to journalists’ reports from scene

                                                  The Israeli military has cleared itself of culpability in one of the most controversial incidents in last summer’s Gaza war: a missile attack that killed four children on Gaza beach and injured a number of others.

                                                  Israel’s advocate general’s office said the attack, which led to the death of four boys aged between nine and 11 was a “tragic accident”.

                                                  An account of the investigation, posted late on Thursday by military spokesman Lt Col Peter Lerner, said the strike had targeted a “compound” which had been known as belonging to Hamas’s Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos)”.

                                                  But journalists who attended the scene in the immediate aftermath of the attack – including a reporter from the Guardian – saw a small and dilapidated fisherman’s hut containing a few tools where the children had been playing hide-and-seek….

                                                  Lying, murdering scum!

                                                  If you’ve never read the Guardian article it’s well worth reading… the link is right at the beginning of Craig’s relatively short piece.


                                                  #101154 Reply
                                                  Allan Howard

                                                    Just this minute came across the following story on Skwawkbox, posted yesterday (the 17th) evening:

                                                    As Israel’s murder of journalists intensifies, UK raids home of pro-Gaza journalist Winstanley

                                                    As Israel’s campaign of targeted murder of Palestinian journalists continues, the UK government to its shame continues to abuse badly-constructed anti-terror legislation to persecute pro-Palestinian journalists, with a police raid today on the home of Electronic Intifada (EI) associate editor Asa Winstanley, ten officers raiding his home in North London and seizing electronic devices….


                                                    #101156 Reply

                                                      Allan Howard

                                                      Thanks, incredibly chilling development regarding Winstanley, and no media, politicians protest these fascist intimidation and raids.
                                                      Never again do I want to hear ‘oh how could the italians, germans support fascism, why did they not protest bla bla’.
                                                      Now we know.

                                                      In other news:
                                                      Pathetic, for days Israel have threatened and actually attacked UN peace keeping forces, but if a drone that is going towards Israel is seen in the air, oh that is shot down directly.

                                                      German warship serving UNIFIL downs drone off Lebanon

                                                      A German warship operating as part of the United Nations’ UNIFIL peacekeeping mission shot down a drone off the coast of Lebanon on Thursday, the German defence ministry told Reuters, as unease builds over the safety of the U.N. troops in the country.


                                                      How could these scums live with themselves? Are they proud that they support a genocidal regime that is on top also targeting themselves (UNIFIL)!?

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