email notifications of blog posts

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback email notifications of blog posts

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  • #82507 Reply
    Geoff Bush

      I recall that I used to get email notifications of new blog posts, (I may be wrong) but I have not received notifications for the most recent posts. I’ve checked that my monthly payments are still going through.
      best wishes

      #82508 Reply

        Geoff Bush – “I recall that I used to get email notifications of new blog posts”

        I’m not aware of this site ever having that facility. I think Craig’s posts get reposted automatically on the Facebook account for this site; I suppose the e-mails could have been coming from there.

        This site does produce feeds; here’s the one for new posts:

        …and here’s the one for new comments:

        You can subscribe to either of these feeds with a feed reader application.

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