Nuria Sajjad and Selena Lau

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  • #91907 Reply
    Fat Jon

      A month has passed since these two young girls died as a result of a Range Rover careering across their school picnic, and silence is still the only result we have.

      No media frenzy into the identity of the driver, or the real reason for her sudden acceleration onto school premises.

      The driver and her family must have extremely high connections, or bottomless bank accounts, in order to keep this out of the tabloids. Maybe they are friends with Rupert Murdoch or a cabinet minister?

      I imagine that if the driver had been a black male from a council estate, the resulting public trial by media would have been a 24/7 event. Such is the dreadfully one-sided ‘society’ we are forced to live with.

      #99113 Reply
      Fat Jon

        At last (almost a year after the killings) we have a name of the driver, Claire Freemantle.

        Why has this taken so long? She is alleged to have had an epileptic seizure while at the wheel of her Range Rover, and remembers nothing. She has never had any epileptic problems previously, and no further action will be taken. Why have these facts taken so long to be released?

        The only Claire Freemantle I can find, in SW London, lives in Wimbledon with someone called Dominic Freemantle. A merchant banker by that name works for Morgan Stanley.

        Could it be that the ‘old boys handshake’ banking members also have senior police and CPS in the same lodges?

        Wouldn’t want to rock the boat old chap.

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