Request for readership analysis by country

Latest News Forums Site technical issues and feedback Request for readership analysis by country

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  • #34521 Reply
    Good In Parts

      Request to Darth

      Please can you run your statistics script to calculate the Al-Hilli thread readership numbers, broken down by country and post the results here in this thread.

      I am primarily interested to know if there is still a large french contingent following that particular thread. The last time the numbers were posted I seem to remember that the french readership were the largest single group.

      A new french prosecutor is in process of being appointed. Hopefully the ‘new broom’ will shake things up and make some progress.


      #34525 Reply
      Trowbridge H. Ford

        Just more of your ass-backwards approach for dealing with the al-Hilli massacre.

        Everyone knows that trolls and spooks dominate the traffic on the internet.

        How about something on the new prosecutor, Veronique Denizot, or are we just to be satisfied with more loves of Ronsard?

        #34531 Reply

          Trow.. Get a Grip… I Don’t write on the al-Hilli Page Never Have Done…And DO NOT call it a massacre.

          #34532 Reply
          Trowbridge H. Ford

            Why don’t you keep your yap shut when you don’t have a clue about what you are claiming?

            #34572 Reply


              Northern Irish born
              Spanish server (via VPS)
              Lives in Dubai
              Resident in British Cayman (BOT Cayman)

              Off radar !

              #34575 Reply
              Trowbridge H. Ford

                You wouldn’t be Captain James Rennie aka Captain Simon Hayward, would you?

                Would explain a lot about the rubbish you post here.

                #34636 Reply
                Trowbridge H. Ford

                  See James (Rennie?) has gone missing.

                  Little wonder why.

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