Vaccine contaminants and safety

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  • #46936 Reply

      “So where are the lists of the adverse events, disabilities, hospitalizations and deaths from measles, mumps and rubella?”

      Obviously, there is no list of adverse outcomes from diseases that were prevented. By vaccination. Stop fighting and start thinking, with that God-given brain thing in your skull. You keep shooting the allies.

      #46937 Reply

        “Not for those affected”</em

        You have forgotten those affected by preventable illnesses. Again. Or do they not matter, because natural diseases are a Gift from God? Rubella <b>is</b> known to cause autism, but I suppose you might regard that as good, natural autism.

        “Much easier to campaign for no mandatory vaccines, and proper vaccine testing and accountability from the Big Pharma Corporations”

        Oddly enough, that’s exactly what Ben Goldacre does. His work forced a parliamentary review. And no, he doesn’t consider the matter closed by that, not by a long way.

        It’s NOT what you are doing, no matter that you think it is. By spreading FUD and promoting propaganda (albeit contrarian propaganda), you are increasing the push towards mandatory vaccination.

        Contrarian propaganda is just as bad as establishment propaganda. It’s like trying to fight for peace. There’s only one formula:

        TRUTH, Justice, Peace.

        #46938 Reply

          You could have read that paper properly before zapping off an e-mail. And then some of their other papers on the same subject. The page I linked to was only the abstract; the full work is a systematic review, which means it’s based on a host of other papers. You could read them. In fact, you could probably spend an entire lifetime in the Cochrane Library. But you obviously have promotional activities that you find more rewarding.

          #46939 Reply

            You keep shooting the allies because they are <b>not</b> shooting back. A bit like the US and its attitude to “countries with weapons of mass destruction”.

            They’re not shooting back because they have their faces buried in academic journals, diligently trying to make sense of the vastly complex world we find ourselves in. But just dismiss them as either agents or sheeple; the real heroes are political hopefuls, members of US political dynasties, and businessmen. Scientists are all scum.

            #46940 Reply

              I did see it. It was me that pointed it out to you.

              Grief, this is like banging my head against a brick wall!

              I have never claimed that MMR is safe. I have claimed to accept the expert consensus that MMR is safer than the diseases it prevents.

              You keep alleging a massive cover-up, but you are not a reader of scientific literature. I show you the discussion, right out in the open, and instead of becoming interested in where you might have gone wrong you just fight, fight fight.

              #46941 Reply

                “what is more dangerous? The vaccine, or the measles?”

                Congratulations on at last asking the right question. Nearly. It should be “what is more dangerous? The vaccine, or the adverse effects from the <b>resultant higher levels of measles plus mumps plus rubella?”


                This really is the operative word here, because they have compared the low (in fact zero) measles deaths in a mostly vaccinated population against the deaths attributed to vaccination.

                “we know that VAERS reporting of adverse reactions is extremely low”

                For God’s* sake think here. Yes, reporting of “adverse reactions is extremely low”, but most adverse reactions are fevers and other minor matters that parents are prepared for and thus often don’t bother reporting. But how low is it for the serious reactions – hospitalisation, disability and death? All of these would show up in health records, and researchers, independent and otherwise, use health records to study vaccine safety.

                * “For God’s sake” – literally. God is truth, the devil is falsity. Stop doing the devil’s work by failing to think!

                #46948 Reply
                Paul Barbara

                  @ Clark September 6, 2019 at 14:16
                  You’re right, I do have better things to do than combing through a stack of reports I mostly probably wouldn’t understand.
                  But given they admit the MMR was inadequately tested (rather a mild way of putting it), as you pointed out, why do you still support it?
                  Given most testing is done by the Corporations, or paid for by them, the fact that Cochrane claim no funds are received from Big Pharma (but they do admit government and NGO funding, which can effectively be the same, ‘guided’ by Big Pharma), and all Cochrane does is evaluate these test papers, then Cochrane just seems like a higher-class Media propagandist for what the governments (and their paymasters, Big Pharma among others) want them to publicise.
                  What is required is real testing, on animals (something I am generally against, but accept in cases like this that do not cause intentional pain and trauma (like making rabbits smoke cigarette smoke, or putting caustic products in their eyes).

                  #46954 Reply

                    I haven’t exactly supported MMR. I have said that the way the websites you promote go about attacking it is entirely misleading. They undermine public understanding of the very nature of science.

                    If there are problems with the science, the Cochrane library looks like an excellent starting point for examining papers because researchers submit reviews of so many papers to the Cochrane library.

                    If you’re just going to dismiss all science as corrupted or even actually reversed by big money, then you should confine your arguments to ideology (“vaccination is unnatural”) and politics (“capitalism corrupts everything”), or straightforward conspiracy theory (“they’re out to kill us all!”).

                    What you shouldn’t do is cherry-pick science as if science supported your position, because you don’t yet possess enough understanding of science to do that with honesty so instead you inadvertently turn scientific material into propaganda. That is entirely the wrong direction; please read Goldacre, he definitely looks like a decent sort to me. You’ll be surprised by Bad Science; more than anything it’s a very powerful criticism of the corporate media.

                    #46957 Reply
                    Paul Barbara

                      ‘…If you’ve been following the global vaccine debate you’ll likely know Del Bigtree, whose recent testimony we’re so pleased to be sharing with you today.

                      It takes serious courage to stand up to the most powerful lobby in the world, but that’s exactly what Del has dedicated himself to since learning several years ago of the coverup by Center for Disease Control (CDC) of a study proving a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

                      Del’s explosive testimony reveals a staggering lack of scientific testing on vaccines and the alarming rate at which more vaccines are being added to the schedule. Meanwhile levels of childhood disease and behavioral problems are soaring, and the medical establishment can provide no answers as to why that might be…’
                      ‘Expert Witness Testimony from Del Bigtree’:

                      #46959 Reply

                        “Del’s explosive testimony reveals a staggering lack of scientific testing on vaccines…”

                        Well that has to be untrue, because just above I linked for you a systematic review of “five randomised controlled trials (RCTs), one controlled clinical trial (CCT), 27 cohort studies, 17 case‐control studies, five time‐series trials, one case cross‐over trial, two ecological studies, six self controlled case series studies involving in all about 14,700,000 children”.

                        “Expert Witness Testimony from Del Bigtree”

                        Well it must be about film and television production then, because that’s what he’s an expert in.

                        #46961 Reply
                        Paul Barbara

                          @ Clark September 6, 2019 at 17:55
                          That was why I wanted to get each to answer to the other’s claims – because there was such a big gap. But even Cochrane admits the MSM testing is inadequate, as you pointed out. Given the 14,000,000-odd children they seemed to claim ere included altogether, why do they say the testing is inadequate?
                          No testing was done with placebos – and contrary to what you claimed, that kind of testing would NOT require the testers to lie to parents – they would be told the truth – that it was a vaccine v placebo, but would not be told which their child had been administered. The one test the agencies and Big Pharma fear like the Devil is supposed to fear ‘Holy Water’ (I believe that is baloney) is a large test of vaccinated children versus completely unvaccinated children, because just because some children may not have had the MMR vaccine, they could have had others which had adjuvants or where harmful in their own right.
                          So there we go again – where there is a discrepancy, you assume Del’s statement to be untrue, whereas I believe it is Big Pharma, the government and their ‘Regulatory Agents’ and the media and other propagandists who are lying and/or covering up.
                          That the PTB and the Corporations have no compunction in killing or poisoning us with pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s, lead (known as a danger long before it was removed from household water pipes and petrol, and toothpaste tubes – remember the black ring round the top of the toothpaste? They quietly switched to plastic tubes, without an explanation), Climate Change, killing us and others in wars based on lies or False Flag operations, spending vast amounts on arms and neglecting health, social services and so on you probably agree, yet you persist in having a misplaced trust in a Big Pharma and Regulatory Agencies you admit are crooked. I really don’t understand it.

                          #46965 Reply

                            ” that kind of testing” [with placebo] “would NOT require the testers to lie to parents”

                            Sorry, that’s unlikely to work. The parents on the anti-vax side are going to want to know that their children aren’t getting vaccine, and those on the more conventional side are going to want to know that they are. You’re going to end up with a tiny subset that aren’t representative of the population at large because of other quirky behavioural differences they have from the two major groups.

                            “But even Cochrane admits the MSM testing is inadequate, […] why do they say the testing is inadequate?”

                            Cochrane don’t admit that; Cochrane was set up specifically to examine and criticise medical science.

                            I don’t know what you mean by “MSM testing”; typo?

                            The paper doesn’t say the testing is inadequate, it says that “the design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre‐ and post‐marketing, are largely inadequate.” That is not the same as “a staggering lack of scientific testing on vaccines”.

                            To discover the difference it would help to read the paper, plus probably several of the papers it reviews, to find what the criticisms actually consists of. You would presumably need to learn some epidemiology, statistics and some technical terms.

                            But instead you turn to a smattering of political hopefuls, entrepreneurs , “nutritionists”, “naturopaths”, ex-newspaper men and film producers, and treat their word literally like gospel, like a message that will save its believers. This bunch share some striking similarities. Firstly, hardly any of them are scientists or academics, or have any scientific background. But more importantly none of them are active in the scientific literature, they all communicate directly with the public or even market directly to them, and they all act as if the scientific literature is so hopelessly corrupted that it’s worse than useless. This is anti-science, popular among US Republicans.

                            We see this enthusiasm for directly swaying the public and disdain for debate in the scientific and academic literature in other subjects – most notably in climate change denial, but also militaristic “security consultants” with their objectionable views on “terrorists”, and politicians’ advocacy for economic policies that benefit only the rich.

                            “…you assume Del’s statement to be untrue, whereas I believe it is Big Pharma, the government and their ‘Regulatory Agents’ and the media and other propagandists who are lying and/or covering up. That the PTB and the Corporations have no compunction in killing or poisoning us…”

                            I din’t assume Bigtree’s statement to be untrue; I cited evidence that it’s untrue. And just because a government does something doesn’t automatically make it evil. Governments fund education, benefits, the NHS and road safety campaigns. You already know this, because you compare EU regulation against more lax and corporate-friendly US regulation eg. food standards and pesticides. In the US, pharmaceuticals can be marketed directly to the public whereas in the EU this is very much against the law. Pharma respond in the EU by funding and influencing patient lobby groups, to get their message into the corporate media by the back door.

                            But we are going over point after point that are covered much better by Goldacre; you’re using up oodles of my time by refusing to read his books.

                            #47027 Reply
                            Paul Barbara

                              ‘2 Month Old Baby Dies 12 Hours After Receiving 8 Vaccines – Pediatrician Denies Link’:
                              The medics wouldn’t even report the death to VAERS. Who, in their right minds, thinks a 2-month old baby should have 8 vaccinations in one visit to pediatrician?

                              ‘…I hear case after case of babies dying after vaccines and the parents supposedly falling prey to what the establishment terms “the coincidence dragon” (see slide from Smith 2013 PMID: 23654058)…’ (Dr. Suzanne Humphries).

                              #47034 Reply

                                Many millions of vaccinations are given each year. One unconfirmed story tells us nothing, and promoting this stuff, particularly the gross exaggerations and lies (eg: ‘Measles Vaccines Kill More People than Measles, CDC Data Proves’), amounts to fear-mongering – you know, like the ‘Islamic terrorism’ agenda.

                                Learn how to make a proper case or stop fear-mongering.

                                #47037 Reply
                                Paul Barbara

                                  @ Clark September 9, 2019 at 16:50
                                  ‘…One unconfirmed story tells us nothing…’
                                  But what I copied out was ‘…‘…I hear case after case of babies dying after vaccines and the parents supposedly falling prey to what the establishment terms “the coincidence dragon” (see slide from Smith 2013 PMID: 23654058)…’ (Dr. Suzanne Humphries)…’. We have a well respected medical doctor here, and she started out believing in vaccines, and giving them to her patients and there children. She realised the obvious truth, and although she doesn’t counsel people against vaccines, she does believe they need to know the truth about there dangers.
                                  You seem to have no empathy for the baby or it’s parents.
                                  ‘ unconfirmed story…’ tells me plenty – a healthy 2-month old baby, parents who trusted the CDC and their guidelines, but unlike you, I or Goldacre, they didn’t know just how corrupt the CDC and others were.
                                  Again, do you honestly believe it makes sense to give 8 vaccines in one session to a 2-month old baby?

                                  #47038 Reply

                                    I don’t even know to what extent the story is true; as usual it’s highly emotionalised, and it’s obviously about blaming vaccines no matter what, no question of rational enquiry. There’s masses of this sort of stuff and it usually turns out to have been highly exaggerated, like the “108 Deaths from MMR” above.

                                    If there are court cases, there are presumably court records, with evidence and scientific theory presented. Those would provide much more reliable information than this sort of thing.

                                    #47065 Reply

                                      Paul, the basic problem here is that whether vaccination confers more good than harm is a scientific question, but the websites you link to make either emotive arguments eg: “look at my baby. It was vaccinations I tell you”, or political arguments like “taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for this; pharmaceutical companies should pay out for all the autism but the government covers it up for them”, but there’s no analysis as to whether it really was vaccines that hurt the baby, or whether vaccines really do cause autism.

                                      The stories sometimes refer to science. A bit. An article maybe mentions one specific scientific paper, or maybe quotes some scientist or academic – as if science was determined by their authority rather than evidence. There is hardly ever a link to the academic discussion of any paper mentioned, no attempt to put those snippets in context. For instance it’s never explained why the vast majority of relevant experts have dismissed the MMR-autism theory, never a link to a systematic review at, for instance, the Cochrane Library. The counter-evidence is barely mentioned at all, except to dismiss it out of hand as “part of the cover-up”.

                                      Paul, if you’ve mistaken this stuff for scientific discussion, I can’t really blame you because that’s what the MSM has been priming you for all your life. It looks sciency but it isn’t science, just like in the MSM. You do realise that it was the MSM that hyped Wakefield’s baseless MMR-autism scare in the first place, using exactly the same techniques? About 3400 stories from 2001 to 2004, over 1200 stories in 2002 alone. The Telegraph pushed it really hard.

                                      #47100 Reply
                                      Paul Barbara

                                        @ Clark September
                                        I’m actually not mistaking the info for anything – I know damn well what it is, the human baby detritus from the evil, insatiable Big Pharma Profit Maw.Mercury and aluminium are neurotoxins, and should not be injected into a human being, never mind day-old babies. If you have learnt otherwise from Goldacre or any other source, you have learnt wrong.
                                        There are scientists and scientists, doctors and doctors. Don’t believe in the likes of Mengele; putting neurotoxins into babies’ bloodstreams would be par for the course for him, but your local GP or paediatrician should be highly averse to it, unless he/she is being paid very handsomely to commit this heinous crime.

                                        #47121 Reply

                                          Paul, I expect you know hardly any toxicology. Neither do I, but at least I’m aware of my ignorance.

                                          A quick search shows that aluminium is the third most common element in Earth’s crust. We all ingest aluminium every day, even babies. It’s in food, and it is used in the water purification process. It’s in toothpastes, and cooking utensils are made from it.

                                          But what difference does it make? You’re only using mercury and aluminium as a stick to beat vaccines with. Even if some vaccines were proven perfectly safe, you’d still spread as much FUD about them as you could dredge up. I’ve told you and shown you where to find more information, but you apparently came to your conclusions years ago and it’s pointless to ask you to reconsider. It’s simply believe Paul, and anyone who disagrees must be either stupid or evil. Well bully for you; you’re really clever and righteous.

                                          #47154 Reply
                                          Paul Barbara

                                            ‘Captured Agency’ PDF:
                                            Whilst about the Telecommunications business, it is the same as the Big Pharma and Big Agri businesses.
                                            How can anyone side with such a crooked bunch of heinous sociopaths?
                                            The only thing that could bring about change is if people became aware of the very real dangers of these technologies, pseudo-medical procedures and Frankenfoods, which the Corporations, MSM and most government agencies do there level best to prevent, alongside their useful idiots in social media who parrot their lies.

                                            #47156 Reply
                                            Paul Barbara

                                              “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” (Chris Hedges).
                                              Jolly accurate quote I came across by accident; though he states ‘nation’, he could almost as well said ‘world’.

                                              #47158 Reply

                                                “The only thing that could bring about change is if people became aware of the very real dangers…”

                                                I agree. So don’t kick up a smokescreen for them by amplifying imaginary ones, it just makes their opposition look stupid.

                                                #47159 Reply

                                                  Here’s the MSM:


                                                  Can you see anything wrong with that? Is it a scientific article, ie. is there any evidence to assess (scientific), or is it just a report about conflicting claims by people (like in politics)? Who was the article written by, and were they a science journalist or not? Does the article accurately reflect the paper it refers to? How useful is the experiment described in the original paper?


                                                  #47165 Reply

                                                    The whole of Chapter 2 of Bad Science is about how teachers, or rather education authorities, helped destroy education by buying and promoting a US course of classroom exercises called Brain Gym. Nearly every chapter has examples of how the corporate media destroys understanding.

                                                    While Hedges’ statement resonates with me, strictly speaking it is overstated and misattributes blame; eg. it’s less doctors and more the pharmaceutical companies that are responsible when people’s health is damaged by their products.

                                                    #47171 Reply
                                                    Paul Barbara

                                                      @ Clark September 15, 2019 at 01:33
                                                      The Russian trials were claimed to be badly flawed, as indeed was there serious attempts to hide the results they had come up with.
                                                      I supported Dr. Puztai at the time, and still do.
                                                      Would you eat GMO foods if you had a choice?
                                                      Do you have your annual flu jab?
                                                      Do you accept that the roll-out of 5G is benign, and would you welcome a Smart Meter?
                                                      Remember John Gummer who infamously fed his daughter a hamburger at the height of the mad cow disease scare?
                                                      As it happened, she did not come down with it, but that was more by luck than judgement.

                                                      #47172 Reply

                                                        “The Russian trials were claimed to be badly flawed”

                                                        I linked to the paper right there; you can assess it for yourself, you don’t need anyone to tell you, and you can assess whether the Independent covered it scientifically, or as a political slanging match. If you look at the Independent link, you’ll see it was in the Lifestyle section, not the Science section, and the article makes no consideration of the science.

                                                        “I supported Dr. Puztai at the time, and still do”

                                                        Science isn’t about who we “support”. It isn’t football. It’s about whether results support conclusions, and Puztai’s didn’t.

                                                        “Would you eat GMO foods…?”

                                                        No, but that’s because I’m boycotting them, not because I’m selfishly scared for my personal health; they’re no more dangerous than other crops, which for decades haven’t had only “natural” DNA either. GM crops deprive farmers of autonomy and thereby place the global food supply at risk, and that’s why I boycott them.

                                                        “Do you have your annual flu jab…?”

                                                        I’m not yet old enough to be in the “risk group”. But I’d know how to research my personal choice, whereas you repeatedly demonstrate that you don’t know where to start, and refuse to find out.

                                                        “Do you accept that the roll-out of 5G is benign…?”

                                                        It’s driven by profit, and the health effects of the higher frequency bands are inadequately tested. But it isn’t a conspiracy to install death rays in every town, and making that claim just loses us credibility with the thousands of engineers, just everyday workers, who design, test and install it.

                                                        “…and would you welcome a Smart Meter?”

                                                        I have repeatedly turned down a “smart” meter. But again, that’s because it’s an intrusion into privacy and because it enables remote disconnection of supply, not because there’s some death ray hidden in it. Such claims just lose us credibility, because they are not consistent with evidence.

                                                        #47250 Reply

                                                          Paul, you haven’t commented for a few days; is all well with you?

                                                          #47420 Reply
                                                          Paul Barbara

                                                            @ Clark September 15, 2019 at 12:22
                                                            Thanks for your concern for my health, as I hadn’t posted for a while. I’m still alive (much to many people’s chagrin).
                                                            ‘..“I supported Dr. Puztai at the time, and still do”
                                                            By that I meant I realised he was being pilloried because he was calling into question the Big Agri ‘Frankenfood’ business. His experiments, though flawed, gave ample reason to follow them up, using better practices.
                                                            ‘..No, but that’s because I’m boycotting them, not because I’m selfishly scared for my personal health…’
                                                            Selfishly scared for your personal health? What a strange thing to say. So all those who eat what they consider are healthy foods, are selfish in your eyes, and should selflessly eat poisons?
                                                            ‘..they’re no more dangerous than other crops…’ Many people disagree, but Monsanto and their propaganda MSM agree with you.
                                                            ‘ repeatedly demonstrate that you don’t know where to start, and refuse to find out..’
                                                            On the contrary, I have all the anecdotal and medical information I need to have made my decision to avoid the mercury-containing flu shot like the plague.
                                                            ‘..But it isn’t a conspiracy to install death rays in every town, and making that claim just loses us credibility with the thousands of engineers, just everyday workers, who design, test and install it…’
                                                            More straw-man stuff. Have I ever said it was a ‘death ray’? I do say it is very harmful, and I believe it will intentionally be used for nefarious purposes.
                                                            ‘I have repeatedly turned down a “smart” meter. But again, that’s because it’s an intrusion into privacy and because it enables remote disconnection of supply, not because there’s some death ray hidden in it. Such claims just lose us credibility, because they are not consistent with evidence.’
                                                            More straw-man attacks. I haven’t said, nor implied, it is a ‘death ray’ machine, but that it is very dangerous, and has killed many people, and will kill many more.
                                                            I am also against it for the reasons you share, and also the fact that a great many people have said their bills rise instead of fall after they are installed (I believe that is another strong reason the the Utility Companies are keen to push them out – they allow easier surreptitious manipulation of the price.

                                                            And here is a new article on polio vaccines, and here I go further than the article, in believing this is a deliberate spreading of the disease: ‘WHO Admits Polio Vaccines Are Causing Polio’:
                                                            Bush Sr. and Cheney discussed the use of artificial pandemics to be used to practice genocide against Black people (Bush used the ‘n’ word) in East and West Africa, and Haiti, according to Cathy O’Brien in her two books, ‘TranceFormation of America’ and ‘Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security’.

                                                            #47431 Reply

                                                              Paul, I am glad you are well, but I do wish you would learn how science is done and where it is discussed so that you would stop spreading ungrounded fears, and instead start alerting people to the real dangers, which would be far more constructive. At present you embody the attitude to science promoted by the so-called “mainstream” media, and you can’t cleanse yourself of that attitude merely by “changing sides”. So, well motivated though you are, you repeatedly add to the problem rather than alleviating it. You repeatedly miss the mark:

                                                              The English Biblical terms translated as “sin” or “syn” from the Biblical Greek and Jewish terms sometimes originate from words in the latter languages denoting the act or state of missing the mark; the original sense of New Testament Greek ἁμαρτία hamartia “sin”, is failure, being in error, missing the mark, especially in spear throwing; Hebrew hata “sin” originates in archery and literally refers to missing the “gold” at the centre of a target, but hitting the target, i.e. error. “To sin” has been defined from a Greek concordance as “to miss the mark”

                                                              #47434 Reply

                                                                “…I realised [Dr. Puztai] was being pilloried because he was calling into question the Big Agri ‘Frankenfood’ business. His experiments, though flawed, gave ample reason to follow them up, using better practices”

                                                                His experiments were followed up, and continue to be; the scientific consensus is that genetically modified foods must be tested for safety on a case-by-case basis. But the same goes for anything potentially edible, and our present-day lists of what is edible and what is poisonous are based on millennia of trial and error. In this respect, GM foods are no different to any others; they are merely newer.

                                                                “So all those who eat what they consider are healthy foods, are selfish in your eyes […] ?”

                                                                I’m not saying they’re particularly selfish people; we are all selfish people, selfishness is in the nature of us that we should be striving to overcome. But yes, I am saying that it’s a selfish concern; a concern about the self.

                                                                We should remember that globally, the major danger around food and nutrition is not getting enough of it; famine and malnutrition. When genetic modification can improve nutritional security it should be praised and welcomed, not demonised with ungrounded fears and emotive sound-bites such as ‘frankenfoods’.

                                                                “I haven’t said, nor implied, [that “smart meters” are] a ‘death ray’ machine, but that it is very dangerous, and has killed many people, and will kill many more”

                                                                I take it you mean that the communication components are deadly, which is what I meant by “death ray”. At present this is very unlikely to be true, because they use the same communications infrastructure as the rest of the various communications networks; there is no health basis for singling out “smart meters”. 5G however uses much higher frequencies than before, and health testing of those higher frequencies is insufficiently public.

                                                                “WHO Admits Polio Vaccines Are Causing Polio”

                                                                It’s not an “admission”; it is a problem with the oral vaccine that was known and anticipated. The article merely adds misleading anti-vax spin to the health institutions’ own monitoring reports.

                                                                #47436 Reply
                                                                Paul Barbara

                                                                  @ Clark September 25, 2019 at 13:45
                                                                  ‘…I take it you mean that the communication components are deadly, which is what I meant by “death ray”. At present this is very unlikely to be true, because they use the same communications infrastructure as the rest of the various communications networks; there is no health basis for singling out “smart meters”…’
                                                                  You don’t seem to know much about radiation. Radio waves, X-rays, light waves are all forms of radiation, but have vastly different characteristics regarding safety or danger to life, human, animal, insect, plants, trees, according to their frequency and power, and whether they are regular straight-forward waves or pulsed and modulated ones.
                                                                  So different frequencies can cause different, specific damage to cells, and to specific organs.
                                                                  This is known to military (and ex-military) microwave specialists such as Barrie Trower.
                                                                  UVA can be beneficial to humans, forming vitamin D in the body, but too much can cause sunburn or even cancer.
                                                                  Similarly X-rays can detect broken bones or diseases, but can also cause cancers.
                                                                  Most so-called ‘Smart Meters’ use very high-power, frequent pulsed bursts, which can go through walls (and human tissue) and cause cell death and mutation.
                                                                  ‘..5G however uses much higher frequencies than before, and health testing of those higher frequencies is insufficiently public…’
                                                                  That is rather an understatement – Microwave Communications spokesmen have admitted that there is NO testing showing 5G is safe. But advanced militaries are fully aware of 5G’s use as weapon frequencies, though the MSM will try not to report on that. Idiotic ‘thermal tests’ for previous generations of microwave communication is known to be useless, and was insisted on because it was known that the use of that benchmark would allow virtually all commercial frequencies and powers to be utilised.

                                                                  #47439 Reply

                                                                    “You don’t seem to know much about radiation”

                                                                    I expect I know considerably more about electromagnetic radiation than you do, Paul. I have been dabbling in electronics for forty years. I have built a couple of radio receivers, and for several years I repaired CRT television sets.

                                                                    “Most so-called ‘Smart Meters’ use very high-power…”

                                                                    That isn’t even possible. “Smart” gas meters run on batteries because they are not connected to the mains electricity supply. High power transmission would soon exhaust the battery.

                                                                    #47440 Reply

                                                                      All radio communications equipment has to meet government licensing requirements, which means you can look up their frequency and power. As best I have been able to determine so far, “smart” meters use either the existing cellphone network, or frequencies 1GHz or lower, similar to wireless LAN, and all are less than 1 watt.

                                                                      You’re picking up erroneous ideas by uncritically accepting the word of people like Trower. Anyone can claim anything, especially on the Internet, but that doesn’t make it true. Uncritically propagating such stuff just adds to the fog of confusion, which hinders people’s ability to understand.

                                                                      #47444 Reply
                                                                      Paul Barbara

                                                                        @ Clark September 25, 2019 at 16:42
                                                                        I made a crystal set in the late 1940’s, very early 1950’s. I certainly did not follow up my interest to the extent of being able to fix TV sets, so apparently I was wrong about your level of knowledge. But you certainly don’t show it in your comments; as for dissing Barrie Trower (on what basis?) it reminds me of your dissing 3,000 + Architects and Engineers, whilst having no qualifications in those areas.
                                                                        Professor Hulsey and his team from University of Alaska Fairbanks have just put out their 4-year investigation into WTC 7; lots of new developments coming up on that front, but apart from clueing you in, I’ll let you search it out as it is verboten here.
                                                                        Regarding the gas ‘Smart Meters’, you are almost certainly correct, so I’ll stand corrected.
                                                                        I went to a very good, and packed, public meeting in Chelsea Old Town Hall last night (Weds. 25th.), and despite my hearing difficulties was very encouraged by the quality of the panel, and the audience:
                                                                        It’s a pity you don’t check these issues out, instead of relying on MSM, government, Mick West and Corporate propaganda. You would soon realise that the general public, including yourself, are under serious attack.
                                                                        You accept Global Warming is real, and support the ER business. The reason that is allowed through by the gatekeepers is because some big Corporations can make a bundle by manipulating innocent dupes, like was done in the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Am I wrong? Which of these ‘Arab Spring’revolutions has worked out well for the ‘Soros Revolutionaries’?
                                                                        Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria? Only the latter has not worked to the Soros/NED plan (and Ukraine isn’t working out too well, but that of course isn’t ‘Arab’).

                                                                        #47452 Reply

                                                                          “…dissing Barrie Trower (on what basis?)”

                                                                          I may have misjudged Trower; his declaration references many scientific sources, so he appears to have at least done considerable reading.

                                                                          Actually I suspect that the main reason I dismissed Trower was because you had recommended him. As I keep trying to explain, your approach to such matters is both created by and contributes to the greater problem, which is public misunderstanding of science, and I am not immune to the effects either, it spreads like contagion. It’s the “cry wolf” effect; it was your recommendation that associated Trower in my mind with the likes of Wakefield and Dane Wiggington.

                                                                          Please, please read Bad Science I simply can’t untangle all this stuff on my own, there is far too much for me, I need your help. The problem is far worse than you suspect, because the disinformation does not come from just one side, it comes straight out of every person’s id-ego system, out of human imperfection itself. Yes, more disinformation comes from the more powerful team, but that is merely a truism, inherent in what we mean by “more powerful”, and it does not mean that conflicting information is any more trustworthy; often it is less trustworthy – out of the frying-pan and into the fire.

                                                                          “…dissing 3,000 + Architects and Engineers, whilst having no qualifications in those areas.”

                                                                          I have O and A levels in Physics (grades A and B respectively, Oxford examination board), and O grade A in Additional Mathematics (which was more than 50% classical mechanics). My school, a state grammar, said I was one of the two best physics students in its history and urged me to take the Oxbridge entrance exam. I didn’t fancy Oxford or Cambridge (too posh and stuffy); I entered Queen Mary College, University of London but dropped out after a year, partly because most other physics graduates were getting jobs with armaments manufacturers.

                                                                          It is relatively simple to show that, following collapse initiation throughout one storey (by whatever means), the Twin Towers would have undergone rapid accelerating collapse. It is, however, very very difficult to keep a cool head and explain clearly when under continual personal insult by a concerted group, as I was on the 9/11 thread, and especially when no one listens to me, and merely wants to shut me up. When I am in London next month we should arrange to meet, with some pencils and large sheets of paper, for diagrams – I guarantee that we won’t need a calculator.

                                                                          “It’s a pity you don’t check these issues out, instead of relying on MSM, government, Mick West and Corporate propaganda”

                                                                          Bollox. Pardon my French, but I work things out for myself as best I can, and that’s exactly the sort of attitude I was complaining about in my paragraph above. Working things out for myself instead of relying on media (MSM or alternative) is why I feel so isolated.

                                                                          “Professor Hulsey and his team from University of Alaska Fairbanks have just put out their 4-year investigation into WTC 7; […] I’ll let you search it out as it is verboten here”

                                                                          Actually I have already read half of the UAF report. But rather like I dismissed Trower because of your recommendation, you have repeatedly failed to hear what I was saying on the 9/11 Post – namely, that I suspect WTC7 was destroyed by emergency demolition, set up and detonated following the collapses of the Twin Towers. And no I’m NOT saying that to “protect the official story” – screw officialdom – I’m saying it because that’s where the evidence has led me.

                                                                          “The reason that [Extinction Rebellion] is allowed through by the gatekeepers is because some big Corporations can make a bundle by manipulating innocent dupes”

                                                                          Partly, and I’m aware of that. But we need to rebel anyway. You’re leaving our salvation to God. I’m either Godless, or God’s hands – I can’t tell which because I’m merely human. I can’t tell whether the sky will open and salvation arrive from above just in time, so my conscience dictates that I take what action I can against the destruction of all nature. If God turns up and takes over: great. But I’ll quite literally be damned if I sit on the sidelines and let it happen unopposed.

                                                                          #47536 Reply
                                                                          Paul Barbara

                                                                            @ Clark September 25, 2019 at 12:37
                                                                            ‘..stop spreading ungrounded fears, and instead start alerting people to the real dangers, which would be far more constructive. At present you embody the attitude to science promoted by the so-called “mainstream” media…’
                                                                            On the contrary, I hardly ever read the MSM (apart from the Evening Standard on the Underground), never mind use their methods.
                                                                            They try to cover up and obfuscate, outright deny or ignore the truth about very real and important issues.
                                                                            You accuse ME of spreading disinfo, when you do it all the time (albeit you obviously believe what you write).
                                                                            Your invitation to meet up in London where you would convince me with a few diagrams that the Towers came down because of planes and fires is a non-starter – I know a damn sight better, so we shall have to await more evidence.
                                                                            Very glad you’re reading the Hulsey Reprt.
                                                                            You will be pleased to know your badgering has eventually born fruit – I have just ordered Ben Goldacre’s ‘Bad Science’.

                                                                            #47543 Reply

                                                                              The attitudes promoted by the corporate media diffuse into the alternative media – like I said, they’re a contagion, and deadly to detached, objective analysis.

                                                                              Good on you for ordering Bad Science. I hope you enjoy it. I’ll be in London from Monday, somewhere around Westminster. If it’s anything like April, our Rebellion should be very good fun!

                                                                              Oh, one point:

                                                                              “…that the Towers came down because of planes and fires”

                                                                              I don’t rule out explosives, planted (probably post-impact) at the damaged zones. It’s the ensuing progressive collapse that the maths shows to be certain.

                                                                              #47583 Reply
                                                                              Paul Barbara

                                                                                @ Clark October 2, 2019 at 10:24
                                                                                ‘…I don’t rule out explosives, planted (probably post-impact) at the damaged zones..’
                                                                                When the building was still full of people??
                                                                                And many people, including William Rodriguez (who was given a medal by Bush for saving so many people) reported explosions even PRE-‘impct’.
                                                                                ‘..It’s the ensuing progressive collapse that the maths shows to be certain.’
                                                                                Amazing, you must be a genius, clearly seeing and being able to demonstrate a maths problem which is dismissed by 3,000+ A&E’s, and millions of other people around the globe.
                                                                                Old Chinese proverb, when your stuck in a hole, stop digging.
                                                                                Have fun on the Demos – you might find this of interest ‘Greta Thunberg and Big-Biz’ Climate Charade’
                                                                                There are a number of good articles on Extinction Rebellion on Global Research.
                                                                                I personally believe man’s activities have caused the problem, and welcome ER. I just hope (though doubt) that the activism spreads to similar activities against wars, illegal unjust sanctions, arms sales, pesticides/herbicides etc., which won’t, of course, garner corporation and MSM support.

                                                                                #47590 Reply

                                                                                  We go by XR rather than ER.

                                                                                  Yeah, I’ve read stuff about Greta; the allegations you linked to originated with Cory Morningstar. I’m sure Greta herself is entirely genuine, but of course there is big money trying to make a bandwagon of it. As you’ve said yourself, not everyone making money is necessarily evil, but the love of money is the root of all evil nonetheless. There’s a good MediaLens article up. Here’s what she told the United Nations:

                                                                                  “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! […] How dare you pretend that this can be solved with business-as-usual and some technical solutions.”


                                                                                  “Amazing, you must be a genius…”

                                                                                  Actually, you’ll be surprised how simple it is. I was, after the years of befuddlement.

                                                                                  #47594 Reply
                                                                                  Paul Barbara

                                                                                    @ Clark October 3, 2019 at 19:43
                                                                                    I wish you well with the demos; it appears the police are planning new restrictions.
                                                                                    Rather than trying to explain the maths to me (I did all right with algebra and geometry, but gave up on square roots and logs, to say nothing of trigonometry), why don’t you present your findings to A&E? It can’t do any harm, and it would not be difficult to email them.

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