Who Funded Breivik? 343

There is an extremely important article here on Breivik’s funding, by Justin Raimondo.

It also makes plain that not only did Pamela Geller post a string of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles on her website, not only did she travel to Norway to address a hate rally, not only did Brehvik post to her website and quote it as an influence. She actively supported and encouraged those planning to use terrorism.

This is an excerpt from an email she says she received and posted on her blog:

“I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It is devastating in its matter-of-factness.

“Well, yes, the situation is worsening. Stepping up from 29 000 immigrants every year, in 2007 we will be getting a total of 35 000 immigrants from somalia, iran, iraq and afghanistan. The nations capital is already 50% muslim, and they ALL go there after entering Norway. Adding the 1.2 births per woman per year from muslim women, there will be 300 000+ muslims out of the then 480 000 inhabitants of that city.

“Orders from Libya and Iran say that Oslo will be known as Medina at the latest in 2010, although I consider this a PR-stunt nevertheless it is their plan.

“From Israel the hordes clawing at the walls of Jerusalem proclaim cheerfully that next year there will be no more Israel, and I know Israel shrugs this off as do I, and will mount a strike during the summer against all of its enemies in the middle east. This will make the muslims worldwide go into a frenzy, attacking everyone around them.

“We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast.

As Raimondo says, Geller goes on to say that she is protecting the proto-terrorist’s identity so he won’t be arrested. We do not know how this wannabe terrorist in Norway relates to Breivik or his other “cells”. Geller may know but the police are not asking her.

There can be no doubt at all that, were Geller a Muslim, this amount of evidence and connection would have her in jail by now. Do not hold your breath.

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343 thoughts on “Who Funded Breivik?

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  • Canspeccy


    You provide a wonderful example of how the politically correct try to screw there opponents by changing the meaning of words. If the OED does not cite Raphael Lemkin as the author of the word “genocide”, then that is so much the worse for foolish people who rely on such an untrustworthy source. And the rest of what you say is equally ill-informed if you are not simply lying.
    I gave the reference to the ethnic composition of the City of Leicester above. There’s no basis for a debate about it — of if there is you haven’t given it. The fact is, that most of the people of Leicester are not indigenously British. Likewise, most of the children now born in a number of London boroughs are born to foreign-born mothers.
    When you and Suhayl call me a liar and a racist and so on, all you are doing is fighting for your own selfish race interest, and doing it in the dirtiest way possible. At least when I speak for the perpetuation of the 9000-year-old British race, I try to do it in a civilized way, justifying my points with logic and documented facts. But that is not a standard that seems to be maintained here.

  • mary

    Friday, 20 April, 2001, 17:31 GMT 18:31 UK
    Are the British a race?
    Is there such a race as the British? With 2,000 years of immigration behind us, we are a well and truly mixed bunch, writes Jonathan Duffy.
    If the challenge had been to expunge racism from the general election hustings, then it has not been a good start.
    Even before official campaigning has begun, the thorny subject of race is all over the front pages.

  • technicolour

    blah blah “most of the people of Leicester are not indigenously British. Likewise, most of the children now born in a number of London boroughs are born to foreign-born mothers”.

    Which would make them – oh yes – indigenously British. Kaboom. Hoist with your own petard. Again. It’s a bad road, Alfred, and it ends in a cell of your own misery. Give it up.

  • technicolour

    NB And if anyone is setting out along the road towards extermination, it is, of course, the far right. I would point towards France’s expulsion and harassment of gypsies; Italy, ditto; and now Dale Farm; the UK’s largest (Irish) traveller settlement which nevertheless resembles a very small, peaceful Irish village and which Basildon council are shortly proposing to spend £10 million plus of taxpayers’ money on violently bulldozing, despite the fact that the people there have offered to move peacefully and land has been offered to them by the HCA (at a total cost of around £1 million and a half).

  • Cannspeccy

    Hey Techie,
    “And if anyone is setting out along the road towards extermination”
    Good smear that.
    Got any other crap to get off your chest.
    But your arguments are so grotesque and ill-informed, I have to wonder whether you are just a figment of someone’s imagination. You know, one of those fake id’s driven by someone with a multi-id software package.

  • Canspeccy

    “Is there such a race as the British? With 2,000 years of immigration behind us, we are a well and truly mixed bunch, writes Jonathan Duffy.”
    Oh, well, if the BBC says there’s no British race, then there’s no British race, obviously. And no racists and no far-right wing extremists opposed to the immigration of other races, since there are no other races, since we’re all one human race without a trace of difference among us.
    Mary, Are you trying to be funny?
    If not, try reading Bryan Sykes Oxford Profess of human genetics (Blood of the Isles, etc.). There you’ll find that the British remain largely a Celtic race only marginally influenced by the Roman, Saxon and Norman invasions. The largest immigration to Britain before modern times being that of the Vikings who account now for about 20% of the genes in some areas, including the northeast of England and some coastal areas of Scotland and Ireland.

  • technicolour

    Gosh, so you’d class yourself as ‘far right’ would you, Alfred? What a surprise.

    Not a smear, Irish traveller men in the UK already have an average life expectancy of 47 (beating, however, the Afghans, who are now at 43). Grandmothers and children, who form the majority of people at Dale Farm, are set to join the 4000 or so UK travellers who literally now have nowhere to go, thanks to legislation by Michael Howard and the councils which enforce it. What joy it gives to people to persecute a vulnerable minority further, I don’t know. Perhaps you could explain.

    I have no high hopes, just as I don’t expect you’ll address my previous comment:

    “blah blah “most of the people of Leicester are not indigenously British. Likewise, most of the children now born in a number of London boroughs are born to foreign-born mothers”.

    Which would make them – oh yes – indigenously British. Kaboom. Hoist with your own petard. Again. It’s a bad road, Alfred, and it ends in a cell of your own misery. Give it up.”

    So I am away to put the chickens to bed, much more productive. Your punctuation, syntax and vocabulary, by the way, are getting rather erratic. Are you sure you’re an academic?

  • Canspeccy

    Ha! more squid ink when needed from Techie the robot.
    Nah, there never were and indigenous Brits in Leicester, not even my grandfather, in fact there’s no British race and never has been, just like there never were any Amerindians in North America.
    But I’m outta here before, Richard in his sheet, Jon the Mod, and the rest of the gang of muggers show up.

  • wendy

    “Ethnic population forecasts for Leicester using POPGROUP by James Danielis, September 2007 Cathie Marsh Centre for census and survey research. A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of MSc. in Social Research Methods and Statistics, in the Faculty of Humanities.
    Year 2011, Total population of Leicester 279933, Ethnic population 143,963 (51.43%).
    why would anyone worry about ethnicity, or color or anything else when we all understand that people are people, some good some bad , i dont know of any one single ethnicity that is any better than another .
    why does population matter if 90% of the country is uninhabited, when 5% own 70% of it?
    the problem is inequality of wealth not the color of skin , faith or ethnicity.
    the wealthy are laughing at the likes of the edl, and breivik , whilst the have nots kill one another whilst the wealthy are cheerleaders from behind the frontline.

  • wendy

    “If not, try reading Bryan Sykes Oxford Profess of human genetics (Blood of the Isles, etc.). There you’ll find that the British remain largely a Celtic race only marginally influenced by the Roman, Saxon and Norman invasions. The largest immigration to Britain before modern times being that of the Vikings who account now for about 20% of the genes in some areas, including the northeast of England and some coastal areas of Scotland and Ireland.”
    no such thing as race as ive pointed out before, the genetics and science re-affirm this fact.
    you are mistaking parentage with race, just as your family can be differentiated from your neighbours , in the same way genetic markers (mutations) can separate people of a different region, environment. however these markers do not mean the people are related just that they have lived in an environment that is comparable since that environment can exist across the planet.

  • mark_golding

    Realism it is Scouse Billy ~ JFK – HE CHOSE PEACE. THEY MARKED HIM FOR DEATH.
    Obama knows the bastards are still breathing, waiting in the wings. They want their ‘head of the snake’ in the fall, in the same way as they wanted Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Will Obama have the guts like John F Kennedy to say ‘No’ to the ‘unspeakable? Will another massacre of children occur? Read Sen. Lieberman’s media contact, Jennifer Rubin today in WaPo and know the answer.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Wendy, spot on, on all counts. Yes, precisely. Excellent twin posts.
    Technicolour – SLAM! BAM! WHAM! Pop Art – go for it!
    Dr ab slinks away, again, sniffling. Now when will cd appear, one wonders, to instruct me on proper, Edwardian decorum: “My dear, on no account must you permit even the slightest sliver of skin to show ‘twixt cuff and wrist. Please be nice to the tree man – don’t chase him off!”

    Ian Smith’s infamous ‘Rhodesia’ speech: “Let me say it again. I don’t believe in black majority rule ever in Rhodesia, not in a thousand years.”

    Deep in the night of the Chinook arch, imagined echolalic incantation:

    “We’ve been here – I mean, there, over there – for nine thousand years. Yes, for nine thousand years did we reside ‘pon that hallowed soil across the ocean whence I did come. Now, I dream of sleeping with the sleeping knights of the hollow instead of inhabiting this fathomless New World. And yet, and yet, there are consolations. Gazing though an electron microscope at mitochondria – see, there, Cyril, the British Mitochondrion! Be speedy! Be nimble! Catch it before it runs away and sleeps with a woman from an inner borough of London! Cup it in your feral palm and hold it close to your bosom. The British Mitochondrion. O, woe is me!
    And yet, and yet, there are consolations…
    I’m a lumberjack and and I’m okay,
    Playing Elgar, watching ethnic girls all day!”

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “No, Suhayl, we don’t jail people for receiving e-mails and not reporting to the FBI every single potential indication of someone out in cyberspace doing something wrong. Perhaps the fantasy world that you want to live in has such a law, but this is not how the Western world operates.” Yugostiglitz
    Uhm… yes, you do, Larry. Often on the slightest pretext. Drive past a power station, looking rather brown, end up in a black site; have the same name as a baddy, end up in Guantanamo; get on a ‘plane, slip a hood over your head and play with electricity and dogs, systemic, deliberate, top-level-condoned abuse and torture at Abu Ghraib (had you forgotten?); Belmarsh, write a silly poem and go to jail. Hmn. Really, how can you make such a claim? Have you been asleep (?with Alfred and the sleeping knights of the hollow) for the past decade? Why so protective of the Far Right in the USA? I thought you were a rational, pragmatic imperialist a la Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon, rather than a lunatic one a la Pat Robertson.
    Oh, if I’m a “fail”, are you a “pass”? Hmn. Now there’s a thought.

  • OldMark

    If they have a competition for moving the goalposts at the 2012 Olympics Technicolour would win it by a mile.

    In the space of one paragraph the residents of Dale Farm are transformed from ‘Irish travellers’ one minute to ‘UK travellers’ the next. In his mutterings on the ethnic composition of Leicester the second generation South Asians of Belgrave Road, and the second generation Afro-Caribbeans of Highfields, are magically transmogrified into indigenous Britons.

    Humpty-Dumpty is a rank amateur when compared to this charlatan.

  • YugoStiglitz

    Still wanting to hear of an example of a Muslim who was jailed for receiving an e-mail message.

  • lwtc247

    What does the term ‘indigenous’ mean How do YOU define it? I ask because surely many so-called indigenous Brits are not actually indigenous at all, even more so when you consider people of ‘mixed’ race origin.
    Is it not the case that what you really mean, is white people who engage in activities associated with the British stereotype? Perhaps you would extend that to some non-white skinned people who engage in those same stereotypical activities?
    Really, what demarcates an indigenous Brit and a non-indigenous Brit? It seems like you could well be entrenched inside something that is build upon ‘hazy’ ideas, and therefore not really worthy perhaps of such a solidified stance.
    And what if the white people of the UK decide not to move to Leicester… so what?
    I’m sorry but I can’t help but get the feeling you are like that woman in Little Britain who quite happily eats the cakes and only when she realises it’s made by a non-white, suddenly things there is something wring with it and vomits it out.

  • YugoStiglitz

    This “indigenous” “British” debate is hilarious. Thankfully we don’t entertain such debates in the U.S., save those rare Tea Party events (so I’m told).

    You people are immensely fucked up.

  • craig Post author

    My ancestry is Scottish/Italian/English/Irish/Dutch. That is why I am so extremely good-looking.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Have you heard of ‘the lyrical terrorist’, Yugostiglitz? Do you deny the existence of CIA black sites in, eg. Poland? Do you deny that torture and abuse occurred at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and that many innocent people were swept up and tossed arbitrarily into jail?

    I was not suggesting that this obnoxious woman, Geller, be “thrown into jail”. I was suggesting that she be investigated by the law enforcement authorities in the USA and that if enough evidence is amassed to make a prosecution viable, then prosecution most definitely should be considered. If high-profile public figures are seen NOT to be held to account, arguably it gives the green light for further atrocities.
    The “indigenous” claims are indeed hilarious. But, as you well know, such supremacist ideation is not restricted to Europe. It just manifests differently in North America, since most people there cannot claim to have had their mitochondria on the soil of the ‘homeland’ for nine thousand years. The racist Far Right in the USA has a very long history in systemic Confederate ‘Jim Crow’, in de facto economic segregation (look at Washington DC; if you stroll through the city, you wouldn’t know it was black-majority, because all the African-Americans live in the slums of Anacostia, etc. – not exactly a showcase for the American Dream, is it?), the Evangelical Right and in right-wing militias. Ever read James Baldwin or Alice Walker? And so, the arguments that have occurred in the USA have had a different frame, but were in essence derived from the same old, same old white supremacist source.
    Anyway, since when were you a supporter and/or apologist for the racist Far Right in the USA? They’re not your friends, you know.
    I thought you were a ‘Blue Dog’?
    Woof-woof. Down, boy, down! Heel!

  • Suhayl Saadi

    As Bunyan might’ve said, had he been blogging on this site, Craig, may the beauty of thy visage be reflected in the oceans of the Empyrean! Indeed, thou art ‘everyman’.

  • OldMark

    ‘This “indigenous” “British” debate is hilarious. Thankfully we don’t entertain such debates in the U.S.’

    We know that Yugo. Given the success of your government’s policy in the nineteenth century, enunciated by the likes of ‘Old Hickory’ Andrew Jackson, that is hardly surprising.

    When it comes to ‘ethnic cleansing’ ‘Old Hickory’ could certainly teach Radovan Karadic a thing or two.


  • OldMark

    ‘Really, what demarcates an indigenous Brit and a non-indigenous Brit?’

    FWIW I am ‘indigenous Brit’ and my wife is ‘a non indigenous Brit’. If you were to meet us in person I doubt if you would have a problem in deciding how to demarcate the difference.

  • Stephen Morgan

    Some think of England ’twas our Saviour meant,
    The Gospel should to all the world be sent:
    Since, when the blessed sound did hither reach,
    They to all nations might be said to preach.

    ‘Tis well that virtue gives nobility,
    How shall we else the want of birth and blood supply?
    Since scarce one family is left alive,
    Which does not from some foreigner derive.

  • YugoStiglitz

    “I was not suggesting that this obnoxious woman, Geller, be “thrown into jail”. I was suggesting that she be investigated by the law enforcement authorities in the USA and that if enough evidence is amassed to make a prosecution viable, then prosecution most definitely should be considered. If high-profile public figures are seen NOT to be held to account, arguably it gives the green light for further atrocities.”

    Wow, Suhayl. You played doctor for a while, and now you’re playing lawyer.

  • YugoStiglitz

    Right, Suhayl and OldMark, a perfect response to calling into question this thread is to bring up the 19th century.

    The best you can do is to bring up the 19th century. Like me walking up to a German and blaming him for the Holocaust.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    No, I’m bringing up now, Yugostiglitz. The African-American population of Washington DC is NOW largely living in peripheral slums. In the C21st. In the South, Jim Crow was overtly alive and until the early 1970s. James Baldwin was late C20th and Alice Walker is now.
    But why so sensitive? Don’t you align yourself with progressive forces in your own country?
    Are you, or are you not, a Blue Dog?

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