Who Funded Breivik? 343

There is an extremely important article here on Breivik’s funding, by Justin Raimondo.

It also makes plain that not only did Pamela Geller post a string of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles on her website, not only did she travel to Norway to address a hate rally, not only did Brehvik post to her website and quote it as an influence. She actively supported and encouraged those planning to use terrorism.

This is an excerpt from an email she says she received and posted on her blog:

“I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It is devastating in its matter-of-factness.

“Well, yes, the situation is worsening. Stepping up from 29 000 immigrants every year, in 2007 we will be getting a total of 35 000 immigrants from somalia, iran, iraq and afghanistan. The nations capital is already 50% muslim, and they ALL go there after entering Norway. Adding the 1.2 births per woman per year from muslim women, there will be 300 000+ muslims out of the then 480 000 inhabitants of that city.

“Orders from Libya and Iran say that Oslo will be known as Medina at the latest in 2010, although I consider this a PR-stunt nevertheless it is their plan.

“From Israel the hordes clawing at the walls of Jerusalem proclaim cheerfully that next year there will be no more Israel, and I know Israel shrugs this off as do I, and will mount a strike during the summer against all of its enemies in the middle east. This will make the muslims worldwide go into a frenzy, attacking everyone around them.

“We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast.

As Raimondo says, Geller goes on to say that she is protecting the proto-terrorist’s identity so he won’t be arrested. We do not know how this wannabe terrorist in Norway relates to Breivik or his other “cells”. Geller may know but the police are not asking her.

There can be no doubt at all that, were Geller a Muslim, this amount of evidence and connection would have her in jail by now. Do not hold your breath.

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343 thoughts on “Who Funded Breivik?

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  • Suhayl Saadi

    OldMark, technicolour can speak for themselves, but I would like to say that technicolour most certainly is not a “charlatan”. You may not know, possibly having only recently started commenting here, but technicolour has been commenting on this blog for years and is one of the most astute, lucid, rational and communicative commentators on the blog. One can agree or disagree with specific points. But they are not a charlatan – I would like to make that very clear.
    I think technicolour’s point may have been that people in general gradually become ‘indigenised’ in relation to where they live. This would apply regardless of the way they look.
    This necessitates a different understanding of the word and of the relationship b/w people and place, a move definitively away from ‘blood and soil’ (please understand that I’m not suggesting that you subscribe to that sort of concept, btw) and towards an acceptance of, and open-ness to, of our common humanity, of the problems and joys we experience in a specific setting.
    And so, it is entirely possible that a Traveller, say, (and not just Travellers) might well see themselves as both Irish and British in a single sentence. Indeed, many people of Irish origin living in the UK see themselves in that way. As do people from many other groups. I am simultaneously Scottish, English and British (and, in different ways, Pakistani and Afghan and maybe also Indian). And actually many other things as well, not to do with specific nation-states, etc. This is common. I see no conflict in this dynamic.

  • technicolour

    OK, I’ll type this very slowly: the travellers have an I-r-i-s-h heritage but they live and work and travel and own homes in the U-K where their children were born. Hence the conflation between the descriptions ‘Irish’ and ‘UK’ travellers. Nice to see you’ve really concentrated on the serious issues OldMark – persecution and life expectancy, for example. Says a lot about you.

    For anyone else hard of understanding:in·dig·e·nous ( n-d j -n s). adj. Originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment. Children who are born in the UK are therefore indigenous to it.

  • de Quincy's Ghost

    “Children who are born in the UK are therefore indigenous to it.”
    Yes. Thank you for that, technicolour, it’s a good and useful point to be reminded of.
    “Of course, he’s not really local, his great-grandmother was born 10 miles up the road”. I say this merely because I feel that “contrarianism” is an idea that deserves more respect than repetitive trolling earns for it.

  • lwtc247

    OldMark. As you’ve used the term also, let me ask the same kind of Q to you. and the Q isn’t ‘what doesn’t make an indigenous Brit?’ but rather, what does make an indigenous Brit what categories do you have to draw the line?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “Wow, Suhayl. You played doctor for a while, and now you’re playing lawyer.” Yugostiglitz.
    No. I’m playing citizen.
    What are you playing, Larry?

  • wendy

    ‘Really, what demarcates an indigenous Brit and a non-indigenous Brit?’
    as far as im aware there is no british gene or chromosome, no english gene or chromosome that confers all the attributes of belief , values etc. there is nothing that confers britishness /englishness other than what is learnt through the education system, that which is contained in the environment: politics, advertising, laws .. through parents .. etc that is its something that anyone can learn to be.
    so all that demarcates the two is whether youve learned the rules to be ‘british’ which in itself has a wide spectrum of inclusive “values” such as a love for chicken jalfrezi , haggis or spotted dick

  • Clark

    Being adopted, I have no idea what my “ethnicity” is. But I’m White and I’m lucky enough to have a house to live in, so I get an easy time.

  • wendy

    “You are playing into the racists’ hand with that Wendy.”
    i understand but its not a racist or religious issue its an issue of criminality, the fact remains that for a similar act far right activists are rarely convicted . that is there are double standards and that justice is not equal nor based on criminality alone just as reporting is not equal or free of religious/color bigotry
    the difference between those seeking justice and the racist/anti islam/muslim is that the latter is looking to blame and scapegoat on the basis of faith or ‘race’ and seek ‘justice’ on that basis whilst the former seek justice on the basis of the crime and the law as it stands.

  • Levantine

    Wikispooks, thanks for the linked artucle, where Richard Cottrell (journalist) says:
    “The horrors in Norway are straight out of the Gladio manual of false flag terror designed to push public opinion in a selected direction, in this case away from the anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, NATO-wavering policies practiced by the Norwegian government.”
    A week after the massacre, does such a change of Norway’s foreign policies look more likely? Not to me.

  • Wikispooks

    Clark: Levantine, yes, Norway has responded with more democracy and respect, not less

    Indeed it has; in the form of what appears to be a solid political elite consensus – so far. I just wonder who may have been keeping their heads waiting for such an opportunity to demand the required AS/UK/NATO/EU policy adjustments be implemented. That or its as crude as the article suggests (which I have to say would not surprise me).

    It’s early days though. This be THE major influence in Norwegian foreign policy and gobalisation issues henceforth. It will be interesting to see how long the current government can hold that line. My rueful and reluctant guess is that it will be measured in months.

  • ingo

    On googling Borghezios name and links with Gladio, this interesting little website popped up, fasciniating and long winded, it is the definate answer to the question,
    ‘who has most bomb making/ conspiracy experience in Europe’

    What comes up is a clear link between Gladio, the P2 masonics of Berslusconi and Fini, as well as the machinations of the northern liga, Umberto Bossi’s lot, as well as the MEP, who now retracted his support for Anders Breivig, Mario Borghezio.

    Was Borghezio bragging? did he speak out of order?


  • Wikispooks

    Damn! – can’t get used to formatting and checking stuff on here before posting. Last post should read as follows. Sorry:

    Clark: Levantine, yes, Norway has responded with more democracy and respect, not less
    Indeed it has; in the form of what appears to be a solid political elite consensus – so far. I just wonder who may have been keeping their heads down waiting for such an opportunity to demand the required AS/UK/NATO/EU policy adjustments be implemented. That or its as crude as the article suggests (which I have to say would not surprise me).
    It’s early days though. This be THE major influence in Norwegian foreign policy and gobalisation issues henceforth. It will be interesting to see how long the current government can hold that line. My rueful and reluctant guess is that it will be measured in months.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    The funding trail would be intriguing. Perhaps, then, with many of these events, the question likely to yield the most solid answers is not ‘Who benefits?’, but rather, ‘Who paid?’

  • CD

    “Are you, or are you not, a Blue Dog?”
    “Woof-woof. Down, boy, down! Heel!”
    Suhayl, sometimes you act just like the little brat who taunts the school bully from behind the steel wire mesh, safe in the knowledge he can run back to his bigger mates for protection. You use name-calling, mockery and insinuations.
    By playing the cheeky child, you make it impossible to transact at the level of adult to adult. This provokes frustration, and that’s your chief weapon, but it doesn’t create a good impression of you or the blog. It’s lucky this time there were adults like Technicolour and Mary around to step in to tackle the propaganda rationally; otherwise the cited ‘facts’ would go unchecked.
    I sense that there is an archetype of this schoolyard scenario buried deep in your psyche (quite possibly imprinted by early life experiences with racist bullies). I’m sorry if that’s what happened, but it’s time to respond as an adult now.
    I see you’ve just lampooned my earlier appeal for rational debate as “Edwardian decorum”, with a silly, mocking caricature. Previously, you tried to slur me as a racist-by-association simply because I was defending the right to free expression. I can imagine a host more childish rebukes from you in the same vein. Your first instinct will be to attack my identity. Irrelevant. I do occasionally post here under a different tag, and would contribute more if your childish provocations weren’t so off-putting. To my mind, they are a scourge on open debate, and inconsistent with a liberal philosophy.
    If your objective is to keep strangers out of your own gang’s patch, you may succeed. However, I worry about the impression this conveys to Craig’s casual readers. No more does this website seem like a liberal resource for rational exchange of opposing views: it simply becomes a territorial playground for a clique of permitted regulars.
    I notice that when you get into these moods, Suhayl, you feel you have to comment on just about everything (including your own impression of how your cyberpals are doing, and speculations about the motives outside your circle), and your associations become increasingly eccentric (you probably regard them as ‘poetic’). The tide ebbs and flows, just like Opmoc’s meanderings, but on a shorter cycle.

  • SenorSwiffer

    Just this May Gellar also posted a quote (apparently approvingly) from a reader of her blog who called for the politicians and “elite” of Norway to meet the same fate as Quisling.

    She has now altered that quote as well, without any disclosure of the edit. Shameful dishonesty, especially from someone who just a few days ago was indignantly and angrily lashing out against anyone who dared suggest that her blog might have condoned hate or violence.

    A cached version of the page from 7/26 is here: http://bit.ly/q9kIOA

    The version as it exists today is: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/05/norway-all-rapes-in-past-5-years-committed-by-muslimsnon-western-immigrants.html (the original full comment from “Madelina” can still be seen in the comments list timestamped Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 04:38 PM)

    By the way, take a look at the other comments on these posts. Many, many hateful sentiments, against both Muslims and the leaders/politicians of Europe, and explicit calls for violence. Much of it using very similar language to Breivik’s trash. And they’re really trying to deny that there’s ANY connection between the ideas spread on their blogs and Breivik’s beliefs/actions?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    As everyone will have noticed, and as someone hereabouts predicted, there is a flood of ‘information’ and revelation about supposed ‘links’ across the web; I’m sure some of it is disinfomration, some, simply speculation (the latter of which which I suppose is what we’re engaged in here). There are stories supposedly emanating from the FSB in Russia – it seems rather convenient, though, for the FSB supposedly to release this info. into the public sphere. And of course, the FSB themselves are no strangers to false-flag terrorism. The fact that an organisation releases disinformation need not imply that they had anything to do with a specific incident, merely that thyey may be attempting to take advantage of it in the power-games these “dark actors” play. . All very murky.

  • Proud Norwegian

    So much lie I am Norwegian and Oslo is not 50%Muslim.believe me this thing which happend last week has made us stronger and closer to each other. Yesterday the PM had speech at Mosque for muslims Friday prayer. Extremist are in every country and religion!

  • mary

    Thank you for that Proud Norwegian. I am sure we all send our condolences to those of your contrymen and women who have been bereaved in this horrible way.
    Thanks too Wendy for clarifying that. I am sure I thanked you earlier but cannot see the comment. It is shocking that a sentence of 12 years has been given and just as shocking as the jail sentences for the young mainly Muslims who protested in London during Cast Lead and when they were kettled.
    CD I did not like your ad hominem about Suhayl.
    [Mod: Mary, your reply to Wendy is on another thread.]

  • technicolour

    Brilliant, I’m now a ‘rational adult’ for the purposes of attacking Suhayl when before I was – can’t be bothered to check up on the name calling. And this from someone who admits to using false identities (no admission necessary, really – people’s identity is all too curiously visible in their prose). Incidentally, if Suhayl’s sane and wittily eclectic contributions are ‘inconsistent with a liberal philosophy’ then you should surely approve of them, Alfred; given your much expressed views on ‘liberals’. Suhayl, thumbs up all round then. Sing to the man (and his sock puppets)!

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