Disappearing posts

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  • #95687 Reply

      I’ve made three attempts to make a post on the Breaking News thread in the last 10-15 mins none of which have made it through. Just a heads up.

      #95692 Reply

        ET, the explanation I have heard is that for unknown reason, the forums come under more intensive spamming attempts than does the blog itself, and therefore Cloudflare’s security is set higher for the forums resulting in more false positives. All that can be done is to work around it by copying one’s comment before attempting to post. Until someone can be spared to add an advisory notice near the comment form, commenters had best just advise each other.

        #95694 Reply

          My post has now appeared. So maybe there was some pre-moderation or something about my post triggered cloudflare.

          #95695 Reply

            “My post has now appeared”

            In that case I expect that that specific post of yours got suspended by the spam filter, and has now been released by a moderator.

            #95696 Reply

              I wondered if it was a mod who intervened, in which case the post was somewhere for it to be retrieved, or if it was some delay caused by cloudflare that got resolved when it caught up.

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