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195 thoughts on “Life

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  • barbara deutsch

    perhaps what seems to me a dominant mean-spiritedness in the 80 some comments I’ve just read, derives from anxiety about Julian Assange, and from distress over the latest theft theft committed against Craig Murray, a theft as well from all who were counting Craig Murray’s presence at court on Tuesday/Weds./reports cc, the outcome thence?

    even so, the misunderstanding combined with malevolence directed towards Vladimir Putin, is deeply disturbing: I recommend to all who feel qualified to pronounce such judgements, that you read and/or view some of the posts by Scott Ritter found at/via his substack —
    “U.S. Tour of Duty.”

    Like my husband, Tatiana fears a world-engulfing war: if such catastrophe is to be avoided, I think we will owe a great deal of the credit for having been spared from it, to Putin, Lavrov, and statesmen like them elsewhere ( provided they are not all imprisoned; I think of Imrman Khan ).

    p.s. to Zoot: there is a film by Satayajit Ray on the artificial famine inflicted on Bengal by the British.

    • Tom Welsh

      Hear, hear, Barbara! I quite agree with everything you say. As for the mean-spiritedness, many observers of human nature feel that it is deep-rooted. After all, we are apes under the skin – even if we have shed most of our fur. There is in many human beings a nasty, hard to explain urge to kick anyone who is down. Perhaps because by doing so one can feel at one with the majority. In one of his last books, “Civilisation and its Discontents”, Sigmund Freud – heavily influenced by the inexplicable occurrence of WW1 after many years of relative peace – seriously wondered whether any human society can survive without an external enemy to focus on. Hatred for the out-group, and violence against it, could – he speculated – somehow generate cohesion and relative peace within the in-group. Without external enemies (real or imaginary) every society might spontaneously break up under the pressures of internal resentments and envy.

      Although actually the USA and UK today seem to be breaking up from within in spite of the tremendous efforts to stir up fear and hatred against foreigners.

      Of course the torrents of bile directed against Mr Putin in particular, but also Russia in general, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and many other socieities outside the “golden billion” also serve the purposes of those small cliques who want to break up those societies and plunder their resources.

      • Allan Howard

        Yes, and then there’s the enemies within, of course. Even judges, if and when they step out of line:

        Daily Mail’s ‘Enemies of the People’ front page receives more than 1,000 complaints to IPSO

        Stories published in The Sun and the Daily Express that referred to Brexit High Court case claimant Gina Miller as ‘foreign-born’ also sparked dozens of complaints, the watchdog said

      • J Arther Nast

        Tom Not all observers of “human nature” Feel that much at all is deep rooted in some sort of evolutionary background, and everyone knows that we are naked apes. And of course many amongst us compensate for their lowly position in our grossly unequal societies by scapegoating others. Freud’s View on the origins of WW1 would, I think, be disputed by historians from a wide perspective, most particularly those who see its origins as a result of class conflict.

      • Philip Harris

        See my reply to Barbara. Am reminded of the history and current politics framing events in Ukraine by a riveting long discussion this Friday (yesterday March 16th) between Nate Hagens (The Great Simplification) and Chuck Watson. Chuck is an analyst with a depth of knowledge.

    • Philip Harris

      Am reminded of the history and current politics framing events in Ukraine by a riveting long discussion this Friday (yesterday) between Nate Hagens (The Great Simplification) and Chuck Watson. Chuck is an analyst with a depth of knowledge.

  • Sarge


    There is nothing incongruous about the differing attitudes western elites have towards Navalny and the thousands of Arabs they are butchering in Gaza. They loved Navalny precisely because he came straight out and said Muslims are cockroaches who should be exterminated. This is a core belief among western elites, which they are gleefully carrying out, yet again. We saw from Iraq and Yemen there is no upper limit to the number of Muslims these people are happy to murder.

  • Wally Jumblatt

    If one was of a suspicious mind, one might think that mischievous ‘intelligence’ forces are out of control in the world these days.
    I still can’t find who exactly tells them what to do, whether it be to poison, steal from, divert a plane, arrange a rogue missile, doctor the brakes on, smear, silence or simply erase.
    If it always happened, it seems to have been done with more sophistication in the past. These days it is just blatant and clumsy.
    -or are we being goaded?

    • Tom Welsh

      The American cartoonist Ben Garrison nailed it with this brilliant effort:

      Politicians and most businessmen are very short-term thinkers. They unhesitatingly unleash forces that they have no hope of controlling in the long run. As in the old stories of the golem or the sorcerer’s apprentice, they see what looks like a shortcut to what they want – and plunge in regardless.

      What happens when the US President recruits a bunch of clever, unprincipled, mostly psychopathic bankers and lawyers with delusions of being James Bond, gives them hundreds of millions of dollars in unaccountable funding and authority to do more or less anything they like?

      Thanks to the clever US constitution, the president who started it off wasn’t the one who got murdered – or the ones, ever since, who humbly take their orders from Langley.

    • will moon

      Wally, Phil Agee, a CIA officer who quit and turned against his former employer in the the early days, called the Company “Capitalism’s Invisible Army”

      His memoir, “Inside The Company: CIA Diary” is a day- to-day description of his work and provides info on how local policy is generated by CIA officers on assignment – the who, what and where of it and also with some of the why of it – highly recommended

      It can viewed on the Internet Archive at the following link and if you are a library user you can borrow it.


    Please – if the media are serious.

    You cannot remove Novichok from a dead body – you just can’t.

    Like Sergei and Yulia Skripal and the English woman (Dawn) who died in Salisbury – it can’t be done.

    You can however cremate someone (Dawn) you can fling them into the sea (Osama Bin-Laden); you can pretend that Novichok was used on X, Y and Z, but if you do then those in close vicinity will become ABC etc. and the administerers of the substance will have to operate in Hazmat suits so as that they don’t become D to W.

    I agree with Putin this is “hysteria” and weighing up the West’s response to the flattening of Gaza and its people, then I think he has a fair point.

    The hysteria of the West with its view “Well, you (Hamas) started it” is risible and childlike, similar to the fact that Yanukovych had to flee Ukraine as the narrowly elected President in a coup because he and his government decided to go the Russia route economically – rather than the EU IMF–World bank route of the opposition.

    I don’t honestly know what happened to the Skripals, as I don’t know about Navalny, but I do know about the effects of Novichok (it is online if you wish to read it). It is exceptionally potent, and if you are the vicinity as a donor/instigator/recipient and you don’t have the right protection you may as well be the receiver of the highly deadly poison.

    So, in the case of Mr Navalny if he was poisoned by Novichok openly then more than one person should have died, and there is a possibility that a whole prison wing should be dead not just Navalny.

    Basically, as in the Skripal case, it’s pure bollocks. Navalny may have been poisoned by someone, but it was not Novichok in my view.

    p.s. Watch the BBC Saturday morning Breakfast with Naga and Charlie and the Ukrainian Ambulance and the medics – it really is a genuinely weird bit of reporting. It was in pretty good nick considering (according to Charlie) that it had ran over a landmine. Is it me – or is news reporting becoming more surreal these days?

    • Allan Howard

      Apparently the Novichok was put in his underpants, or so I read in a Spectator article yesterday, which I’ve not heard before. I wonder if the scientists who tested putting it on door handles also tested putting it in underpants.

      Revealed: Bombshell dossier shows how Russia conducted secret Novichok tests on door knobs

      Also came across this in the results when I did a search:

      Knobs and Knockers

      If only they’d notified the chemical weapons experts in Salisbury about the secret dossier and the tests on door handles at the outset, it would have saved them three weeks of trying to determine how the poor Skripals came into contact with the Novichok. I mean the door handle of the front door is the last place you’d think to look/check.

      • Republicofscotland

        Allan Howard.

        If you asked me I’d say the Skripals are dead, buried in some shallow grave somewhere in the UK.

        As for Navalny’s death, I’d have to blame it on Mi6. A likely culprit would be Maria Pevchikh who was close to him.

        Why kill him now? I mean he wasn’t a threat anymore. This CIA stooge served one final purpose by dying: his demise could have been used to force through the multi-billion dollar aid package that some US politicians wanted scrapped. Navalny’s demise would also take the shine off Putin’s fairly well-received interview with Tucker Carlson. His death would also put EU leaders in a difficult position when the US demands that they up their aid packages to Ukraine, at the great expense of their own citizens.

        • Goose


          Didn’t you find his demeanour – laughing and joking – in that last remote court appearance, strange? Like someone without a care in the world.

          He knew he’d never be released, or only as an old man, and he knew they’d make his time in that Wolf Arctic Gulag-esque prison hellish. Maybe his death was his decision? Maybe the earlier supposed Novichok poisoning was his too?

          This being his final, most powerful act of defiance.

          There is a precedent, 20 Nazis bit down on cyanide phials to avoid a similar grim fate. If it were a smuggled cyanide phial. who the hell would believe Russian authorities?

          • Goose

            Also… the timing. His wife, Yulia Navalnaya, delivers a surprise speech at the Munich Security Conference on Friday, hours after the shocking reports.

            Do such surprises really happen by chance?

          • Republicofscotland

            Goose, his wife laughed just before the speech, apparently she got a new man whilst he was in prison, there were claims that he was a neo-Nazi.

            someone on Moon of Alabama post a link to Telegram showing Navalny’s wife laughing at the press conference, she didn’t look that upset to be honest.

          • Goose

            Nearly all Western politicians are claiming his detention was completely illegitimate.

            This ignores the fact that Russian authorities captured, on film, his top aide, Vladimir Ashurkov, meeting an MI6 Officer – asking for $10-20 Million a year to start a colour revolution in Russia!!

            Just imagine, a leading figure from a political party in Britain, or any European country, an MEP, or the US politician, caught negotiating a similar arrangement with Russian GRU officers – to accept $ millions in funding aimed at bringing down the system.
            The very same people calling Navalny’s treatment unjust, would be quick to demand harsh punishment for anyone caught doing the equivalent in the West. Look at the lengths opponents went to in the US, in their failed attempt to prove some financial connection between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

            Hypocrisy and double standards again.


        Allan Howard

        I can tell you that the police took away the whole frame and front door for tests
        but they failed to mention that what they took away was a Storm Porch UPVc
        frame and door but not the actual door ( could have been wood or UPVc?) of the
        house – as in the actual entry to the house – which is a puzzle.

        In all the theory the two mysterious Russians should have been found dead on the front lawn if it was Novichok they plastered on the door handle and it was raining too.

        A complete crock of crap the Skripal ‘ poisonings ‘

        For myself anyway.

        Funnily enough it appears that the Skripals wer un – poisoned ( i.e. thank goodness they survived) but you don’t survive Novichok.

        The Medics at Salisbury Hospital were advised by the bods at Porton Down as to the best antidote for the actual poison and it worked.

        Suggesting that Porton Down must have known by definition what the poison type was.

        You can’t have an antidote without knowing what the ‘dote’ is surely?

        As far as I am aware Porton Down has never said officially what The Skripals – Dawn and Charlie were poisoned with.

        The Inquest for Dawn’s death appears to have taken the form of an Inquiry and not an Inquest for some reason.

        This after around four years plus or more I think

        Mike Mansfield QC has said he can’t read much of the evidence due to the massive amount of redactions in the written evidence as he is acting for Dawn’s family I believe.

        Redaction generally is used to protect the spooks and ‘ sensitive ‘ information normally but the more black in evidence suggests a lot of secrecy.

        And THEY wonder why Conspiracy Theories happen.

        More truth – less State conspiracy might help to stop Conspiracy Theories.

        Just a thought for The Powers That Be.

        But if that ever happens THEY lose THEIR power over secrecy.

        THEY like to be in charge of what ordinary mortals get to know.

        Even the little secrets.

        • Allan Howard

          I spent 2/3 hours putting the following together earlier this evening, and it started to get a bit convoluted as I went on, as it was really the Nick Bailey aspect I initially set out to focus on. But here it is anyway:

          In the wikipedia entry for the Salisbury poisonings it says that: ‘180 military experts in chemical warfare defence and decontamination…. were deployed on 9 March to assist the Metropolitan Police to remove vehicles and objects from the scene and look for any further traces of the nerve agent’. And then a bit further on it says: ‘By 14 March, the investigation was focused on Skripal’s home and car, a bench where the two fell unconscious, a restaurant in which they dined and a pub where they had drinks.

          So these chemical weapons experts etc were deployed on March 9th to help the Metropolitan Police, but they didn’t focus on Skripal’s home/house until the 14th, five days later. Needless to say, none of it sounds remotely plausible.

          In a Guardian article posted on their website at 07.21 on March 8th it says the following:

          Scotland Yard assistant chief commissioner Mark Rowley said the police officer who was first to the spot where Skripal was found in Salisbury on Sunday afternoon was “seriously ill” in hospital.

          The article is in fact headlined ‘Sergei Skripal: former Russian spy poisoned with nerve agent, say police’, and begins by saying the following:

          The former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were deliberately poisoned with a nerve agent in a case that is now being treated as attempted murder, the police counter-terrorism chief has said.

          And in the next-but-one paragraph it says:

          Describing the poisoning as a major incident, Rowley said scientists had identified the substance used. He refused to reveal what the specific poison was.

          The Guardian article is long and detailed, and given that it was posted on their website at 7.21 in the morning, obviously the information about the substance having been identified as a nerve agent and the police officer were released the evening before, on the 7th. And given that it was highly suspected that Skripal (and his daughter) had been poisoned as of learning who he was, which would have been the Sunday night, or the Monday morning (when at 9.03 Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust declared a major incident), then SURELY the chemical weapons experts – some at the very least – would have arrived in Salisbury either later that day, or the next day – Tuesday the 6th – at the very latest.

          But regarding Nick Bailey, it says the following in an AP article posted on March 9th:

          Former London police chief Ian Blair said Friday that a police officer who is in serious condition visited Skripal’s house — perhaps a hint that the nerve agent may have been delivered there.

          Blair told BBC radio that Det. Sgt. Nick Bailey “has actually been to the house, whereas there is a doctor who looked after the patients in the open who hasn’t been affected at all. There may be some clues floating around in here.”

          Ian Blair doesn’t mention anything about Bailey having arrived on the scene first where the Skripals were situated, as Scotland Yard assistant chief commissioner Mark Rowley is quoted as saying in the Guardian article. As we have learnt since, Bailey didn’t arrive on the scene until AFTER the Skripals had been taken to Salisbury hospital, and then went to Skripal’s house later that night with a couple of colleagues, where he was (supposedly) poisoned, despite wearing a Hazmat suit.

          And if THAT’s the case – ie that Bailey DIDN’T arrive on the scene first – which we know he didn’t, then how could Mark Rowley have stated that he DID.

          And if Ian Blair can figure out that the Skripals came into contact with the nerve agent at his house because that’s where Bailey must have come into contact with it, then surely the Met Police and/or the Chemical weapons experts could have figured it out as soon as they learnt that a police officer who went to Skripal’s house on the Sunday night was seriously ill.

          And as I’ve said before, it’s inconceivable that Bailey and his two colleagues wouldn’t have taken Skripal’s pets with them and arranged to have them checked over and looked after. But they didn’t!

          • Fat Jon

            If I remember correctly, the initial reports mentioned that an on-duty police officer was the first on the scene, and was taken ill as a result. Presumably those reports mentioned his name.

            It was only when people discovered that the named police officer was actually a detective, and that a detective was unlikely to be patrolling the streets of Salisbury on a Sunday afternoon, that the story quickly changed to the door-knob scenario.

        • Allan Howard

          Mark, re the police or whoever taking away the storm porch, as you describe it, was there some point you were making? I must admit that I hadn’t come across any pictures/photos with the ‘storm porch’ having been removed, but I just did a search re >pictures of sergei skripal’s house<, and the first picture is as I have always seen it in articles that I've read, but the second one is with the storm porch removed:(from a BBC article dated March 10th, 2021):

          And here's the BBC article, with said picture just below the headline:

          OMG, it gets even weirder! I thought I'd just check out the first picture, and it brought up an article on the Wiltshire Police Federation's website from September 2019 headlined ' Sergei Skripal's home is declared safe enough for him to sell following a huge clean-up operation 18 months after Novichok was smeared across his letterbox' (and says Mail Online just under the date), in which it says the following:

          The home of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal has finally been declared safe enough for him to sell 18 months after Novichok was posted through his letterbox.

          So in the headline it says that 'Novichok was smeared across his letterbox', and then in the very first line of the article it says that 'Novichok was posted through his letterbox'. WTF! Where did THAT come from given that the whole of the MSM reported on March 28th the year before that it was coated on the front door handle, AND, that THAT is where Sergei and Julia Skripal came into contact with it and, as such, were poisoned by it.

          On looking at the picture again I noticed two things: 1. that there's a red ring that's been drawn around the letterbox; and 2. that there is no actual door handle, just a sort of small door knob. And looking at the second picture again and enlarging it, as I just this minute did, I see that the actual front door DOES have a handle.

          So Yes, it is very puzzling! But, that said, the storm porch door must have been locked, and the alleged would-be-assassins were hardly gonna open it in broad daylight (and on a Sunday when people/neighbours are much more likely to be at home) and coat it on the door handle of the actual front door. But then I suppose one could argue that if they quickly opened the door to the storm porch and closed it behind them, then they could coat the Novichok on the front door handle without being seen, and then leave. But, all that said, I don't believe there was any Novichok anywhere, or that the Skripals (or Nick Bailey) were poisoned. And even if the storm porch was taken away (presumably early on), why would it take the chemical weapons experts some three weeks to locate the Novichok, either on the door knob of the storm porch door, or the handle of the front door. As for the Novichok being smeared across the letterbox and/or being posted through the letterbox, I don't think I'll go there!

          Afterthought: In a scenario where the would-be-assassins DID open the porch door and smear the Novichok on the front door handle, then it wouldn't get washed away by the rain. But I've NEVER come across that being said in any of the hundreds of articles I've read during the past six years, and what I've actually read is articles in which they explain that the reason that none of them died is because the rain that day washed some of it off before they came into contact with it

          • Mr Mark Cutts

            Allan Howard.

            Without going back down the rat’s nest of the State’s operations the Skripals allegedly went missing for four hours (their mobile phones were turned off) and they allegedly returned to Mr Skripal’s house near noon – 1pm.

            That only works because the two Russians had to to have time (while the Skripals were out – missing for four hours?) to smear the door handle with Novichok unprotected and in broad daylight on a drizzly dull Sunday. Otherwise if the Skripals hadn’t been out, the alleged assassins would have had to do the dirty deed whilst they were in the house and remain unseen and would have appeared slinking towards the front door by Mr Skripal’s camera that looks up the drive. His friend and neighbour said he had one and kept it on – as you do if you are a spy (retired?).

            As I say I looked closely at the time so it is a bit futile now. Yet the non Inquest into the only person who died in the incident (Dawn) is now a general Inquiry.

            In other words Dawn’s cause of death may not be revealed. Why? Because in all the instances the ‘nerve agent’ was not Novichok.

            What it actually was – I don’t know but the ‘scientists’ quoted must know but won’t say. They had the antidote thankfully for the Skripals and maybe Charlie (Dawn’s boyfriend) so they could save the other three (and perhaps the policeman) – why couldn’t they save Dawn as she was contaminated many weeks later than The Skripals.

            If they knew what the nerve agent was (they saved Yulia and Sergei Skripal and Charlie one way or another so how come Dawn died?

            If you want a good conspiracy theory I have one: The Russian patsy’s were lured/enticed maybe financially to Salisbury on purpose – there was plenty of HD camera footage of the two. Yet no-one in the public has seen one frame of the CCTV camera footage around or near where the bench poisoning happened. I thought at the time that some kind of Crimewatch programme would have been useful – nothing happened.

            Here’s the conspiracy (opinion) bit: Say the Russians didn’t poison the Skripals (I’ m very certain that they didn’t) then who did? The Russians were either beaten to it or some other actors did it. My thoughts are that the Russians were not there to poison anyone, but were used as cover to
            become the fall guys for the ones who did poison the Skripals. All in HD technicolour.

            Poor Dawn and Charlie suffered the unfortunate after-effects of the cover-up many weeks later. Who the poisoning actors were – I have no idea but poisoned they were – 5 people in total.

            What ensued after was a woeful coverup. Of what (again) I have no idea. but the ‘evidence’ was risible and easily undermined. What a top QC like Mansfield will make of it should make interesting reading. That is if the MSM cover it?

          • Allan Howard

            Mark, you say ‘…. where the bench poisoning happened’, and yes, initially, that’s what the public were led to believe, and that was reinforced by the falsehood (as it turnrd out to be) that Nick Bailey was the first on the scene (and then allegedly became very ill himself). Thing is that Novichok was allegedly found in Zizzi’s and on the door knob or handle etc. The main thing that led me to concluding that it was all staged is that it’s an impossibility that two people who came into contact with a nerve agent several hours earlier would become incapacitated in exactly the same moment. And what are the chances – as we were to learn much later – that the chief nursing officer of the British army should just happen to be walking past withh her daughter and go to the aid of the Skripals. That’s TWO improbables within the space of a few minutes:


          • Fat Jon

            I did a bit of newspaper back-issue searching, and came up with this from 22:40 on March 7th 2018. It quotes Mark Rowley as stating to the media (without any hesitation) the story which was later changed to something completely different.

            It is also rather strange how in one paragraph they mention just one droplet is enough to kill a human, and yet Public Health England say there is no wider danger to the public, and yet this was supposed to have been smeared on the front door (knob/letterbox/whatever they make up next), then left in a charity skip for 3 months, etc, etc.

            Article commences below…….

            The nerve agent used on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia was more than likely sprayed in their faces in an aerosol attack, experts believe.

            And the shocking suspected state-sponsored assassination bid on British soil also left a policeman who went to their aid fighting for life.

            The revelations came as a fellow Russian exile claimed Mr Skripal, 66, was still working with Russian military intelligence and had not retired.

            Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, whose counter-terror officers are now leading the investigation, said the deadly toxin had been identified by staff in the secret military laboratory at Porton Down.

            But he refused to say what it was.

            He said Mr Skripal and 33-year-old Yulia had been “targeted specifically” in the assault, believed to be the first time a nerve agent has been used on a target in the UK. The pair and the sick officer were all said to be in comas.

            Mr Rowley added: “In summary, this is being treated as a major incident involving attempted murder by administration of a nerve agent.

            “As you know, these two people remain ­critically ill in hospital. Sadly, in addition, a police officer who was one of the first to attend the scene and respond to the incident is now also in a serious ­condition in hospital.”

            Kier Pritchard, temporary Chief Constable of Wiltshire Police, said of the sick officer: “Our thoughts are with him, his family and friends.

            “I recognise colleagues will be deeply affected by this and we will provide support to those affected.”

            Public Health England insisted there was no wider danger to the public from the nerve agent but urged anyone who was in the vicinity on Sunday afternoon to seek help if they start to feel unwell.

            Experts fear the toxin used in the attack could be VX. It is so lethal just 10mg, a droplet, could kill a human. Only a few labs in the world are capable of producing a nerve agent, including one in Moscow at Yasenevo, run by Russia’s foreign spy service.

  • pete

    It’s curious that all this has happened in the run up the to the final hearing on the Assange extradition case. It’s almost as if one of the most vociferous and trenchant critics of government/government opposition policy on this foreign relations matter has been targeted by those same powers. Stranded as Craig is in foreign parts lacking funds and documents and with the threat of a loosely worded draconian law being used to silence him on his return to the UK we would be astonished if it were not the case that this same scenario has been used countless times in history against critics of the same type of regimes. The powers that be do not want the Assange case distraction to deflect from the election of the same type of premier that we already have, with the same policies that we already have to keep us on the same path we are already taking. The lesson is clear, the US law is the law here and anyone saying different will be discredited and vilified in the main stream media if they raise their head above the parapet. Do as we say, not as we do.

    • Fat Jon

      You may not like Duncan Campbell, but his article in today’s Observer is relatively pointed, for a mainstream news outlet these days.

      As for thefts of Craig’s personal items, anyone who has read the last few chapters of ‘A Thorn In Their Side‘ by Robert Green will be familiar with the treatment meted out to people who try and discover the truth of what the ‘authorities’ are doing behind closed doors. They even moved to New Zealand in order to escape the regular discoveries that people had gained illegal access to their property and possessions, with no signs of a break-in each time; but the activities followed them there, and it seems that nowhere in the world is safe (apart maybe from Russia and North Korea) if an individual upsets the psychopaths.

    • Dom

      He has been branded a criminal for supporting resistance to a genocidal apartheid state. By a state that is helping it commit a genocide that is worse than the Nakba of 1948. Worse than any crimes we have witnessed in our lifetimes. Craig Murray is the baddie and they are the goodies.

    • Pigeon English

      I was watching some of it on YouTube/ DW ( Deutsche W).
      Those people are crazy.
      We are going full into Militarism.
      It was running in the ” background” so I had to rewind to make sure I understood it properly.
      One nutter was ” promoting” Space war so we could avoid war on land.

      • JK redux

        I’m happy to report that the Russian Federation is a rare instance of democratic inclusion and that in fact the Russian leadership is actively reducing its military and avoiding conflict with its neighbours.

        I’d say so anyway.

        • MR MARK CUTTS

          JK Redux

          Maybe – but the heartless Russian Swines are getting weapons from those other
          heartless non Democratic Swines – North Korea.

          If you are a democracy then you can sell them – launch/fire them – buy them to
          and from all and sundry – because you are a democracy.

          If you do it the other way – that’s not fair or moral.

          That’s the West’s childlike cry.

          ” That’s not fair! – we can shoot at you but no shooting back – we’re a democracy.”

          All’s fair ( and unfair ) in Love and War.

          A very good reason to not start a war in the first place.

          p.s Germany is dying on the end of the US bayonet as is the EU.

          Remember that the EU is a rival Trading Bloc to the US that depends on it’s ‘ security’ coming
          from NATO ( read the US) so I can understand the treading carefully but not the abject surrender
          of the EU and the UK.

    • Goose

      German publication Die Welt, recently ran a piece asking whether, in light of Trump’s Nato comments, it was time for Germany to acquire its own nuclear weapons.

      This is where abandoning their post war pacifist constitution is taking Germany. Supplying Ukraine was always going to be a ratchet effect. There is mounting pressure on Scholz to send some of the most sophisticated modern hardware available: the Taurus missile system.
      De facto, albeit remotely, the West are fighting Russia in Ukraine. Western provided GPS; western missiles, western military intelligence and reconnaissance for target acquisition, Western electronic warfare. Bad, bad situation that could easily escalate.

    • Nevermind

      Deutschland Deutschland ueber alles ueber alles In Europa. Now cleare Waffen? Haben Die das noch alles zusammen im Gehirn.
      Haben Die nichts gelernt von der Vergangenheit?
      Deutshland declares itself a prime nuclear Target for the weapons that might cross swords from Mildenhall.
      I hope that all candidates in the next GE are being asked some vexing questions with regards to storing and using US Nuclear weapons in Europe

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