The British Ambassador’s Belly Dancer, Arcola Theatre, 8 January to 2 February 2


Nadira will be performing in a one woman show to tell her extraordinary and often very harrowing story. This is entirely her point of view, and her perspective is often very different to mine. She reveals some things about me I would perhaps not have voluntered myself, but then that’s freedom of speech! She is now deep in rehearsals, and I really do think this will be an extraordinary theatrical experience.

In 2004 Craig Murray, then British Ambassador for Uzbekistan, made two life changing decisions: he spoke out against the U.K Government using intelligence gained under torture by states such as Uzbekistan and he left his wife and children for a belly dancer he’d met in a nightclub in Tashkent. The first led to Murray being suspended from service and lauded as a hero by many for his continued fight against human rights abuses and in particular Western moral hypocrisy. The second was used to undermine his credibility by his detractors in the media.

This is the extraordinary true story of the life of Craig’s mistress Nadira, dismissed in the British press as a dumb bimbo, she fought tooth and nail to survive in a undemocratic, misogynist regime that practices systematic torture on its citizens. Raped twice, and scraping a living by working as a teacher, drugs runner and belly dancer, Nadira has now completed a foundation course in acting at Rose Bruford and graduated last summer from the Drama Studio. With the help of partner Craig she wishes to tell of her own journey from the slums to the Ambassadorial palace of Uzbekistan and finally a rented flat in Shepherd’s Bush

To book tickets:

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2 thoughts on “The British Ambassador’s Belly Dancer, Arcola Theatre, 8 January to 2 February

  • writeon


    Give my regards to Nadira and wish her luck with the performance. I think she seems to have a delightful mix of aluring, femine beauty; and toughness and strength, under the smooth exterior. I'm just slightly annoyed that the photo is so small. I've pushed me nose up against the screen and it's still too small. This is probably intentional, as now I'll be forced to buy a ticket for the show!

  • Amandio

    I can't wait to see Nadira on stage. I will be there giving her my full support and applaud vigorously!

    She's an amazing person, actress and friend.

    'Break a leg'

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