The “Threat” From Central Asia 223

The threat of Islamic fundamentalism rising up in and pouring out from Central Asia, is a popular theme of those who design Western security – or hydrocarbon – strategies. It is in order to exagerrate the threat from Central Asia that the US and UK use the Karimov regime to torture “Confessions” out of Central Asian “Al-Qaida” members.

Al-Jazeera has this week been running a feature documentary by Michael Andersen, a Danish journalist who really does know Central Asia, It should be required viewing for anyone with an interest in the “War on Terror”. You can still catch it on Al-Jazeera today and tomorrow, or throught this link.

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223 thoughts on “The “Threat” From Central Asia

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  • Richard Robinson

    “I just meant, when did the Russians let off a dirty bomb?”

    The actual point raised was moving “radiological or radioactive materials into the center of London”, and what might happen.

    Polonium. 2 winters back ? 3 ? 1 dead Russian dissident, traces of contamination all over the place.

    Perhaps, also, I was thinking that the world is full of people with ugly intentions, and that obsessing on the evils of one tiny selection risks taking our eyes off all the other balls.

    (and you may take that last word how you will …)

    One of those balls is, anybody who wants to worry about nuclear explosions in London would do well to forget ‘The Muslims’. The first thing to do would have to be, to go to flat-out war with all traces of organised crime. Er, and win.

    Anybody feel like getting wound up ? I’ll give you a present :- One helpful thing would be to legalise cannabis and put in a standing order for the Afghan crop. Organically grown, fairtrade, photos of smiling peasants, tax it to hell and back … so much for my “reality check”, eh ?

  • Arsalan

    If you translate what Angry just wrote from Neocon in to English it says:

    Ahmed Rashed is a lying bitch of the warmongering NeoCons.

    Factual errors is just the word Necons use when they admit to lying.

    So Blair and Straw said a bunch of Factual Errors to justify the Iraq war.

  • Anonymous

    I wouldn’t use the word “prize cock”, to describe him, instead I’d use the word “Prize Dick”.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Richard, perhaps I’m mistaken, but if a small nuke goes off in London, before suspecting Muslim extremists, would you suspect Russian terrorists?

  • arsalan

    I have read things by him, and that’s emough to tell me I have no time to read his book.

    Larry, do you know how hard it is to make a Nuke? You cannot make one by sticking some sand in a sock and wave it about.

    Your government might want you to think it is that easy. And you may be dumb enough to believe it is so easy.

    But not many people outside of your country is so dumb. For the rest of us, it takes countries to make and fire Nukes.

    And not every country, just a few of them.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Arsalan, you have a very silly view of what goes on in America.

    As to a nuke, the real issue is getting the materials. It’s extremely difficult, but not impossible.

    To create a dirty bomb, you just need radioactive materials and you can do without creating a fission reaction.

  • Richard Robinson

    “Richard, perhaps I’m mistaken, but if a small nuke goes off in London, before suspecting Muslim extremists, would you suspect Russian terrorists?”

    In such an event, I imagine Arsalan’s point from a couple of threads back would come into play, big-time; when you’re on the pointy end of a bullet, you have more urgent concerns than who wrote what on the weapon. (I am hardly likely to be among the teams with responsibility for finding such things out, anyway).

    But, you were asking about my prejudices – unless it was delivered by some kind of airborne means, my first thought would be the (generic) Mafia, for taking money to get it past the border controls. As I indicated above.

  • Rob Lewis

    @Larry: If a nuke goes off in London… my hypothetical reaction would that it was a state-sponsored act by a nuclear power. Maybe I’m a bit old-fashioned. If a nuke went off in New York (I don’t think Missouri would be the first choice for any nuclear bomber, no offense) would your first reaction really be to suspect the Muslim terrorists from the Tora Bora caves? If so, that’s an interesting cultural difference.

  • technciolour

    Will read Rashid with interest.

    Arsalan, yes, about nukes. Larry seems to feel like he’s tallking to drones. I think we should email people in St Louis, and ask them what would happen there if a dirty bomb went off and who they would suspect. Hey, we could ring them, and do it in whispers.

    That was sarcasm, by the way. Still, bugger. I do this.

    “Wer das Tod furcht, kann das Leben nicht geniessen”

  • Richard Robinson

    technicolour – ‘if I type this quickly I can persuade myself I’m just taking a break without letting it take over’

    I know what you mean. i thought I’d just try one little one, just out of curiosity, see for myself what it was like. And then, well, it was kind of interesting so I did it again. I thought I could handle it, I thought I was in control and could stop whenever I felt like it. But soon I was scrolling down to the end of the thread several times a day to see if anyone had said anything new …

    (that was in 1993)

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    According to Richard Tomlinson 60lb devices were hidden by the KGB IN America but the FBI called such reports ‘exaggerated’ – such a bomb is highly complex requiring neutr quences.

    I understand Dr David Kelly had not only been working on some of the potentially most destructive bioweapons, but was the authority on the subject.


  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Understand completely – years ago I designed fuse systems and my only thoughts were ‘what damn device can I use that meets the specification.

    When I signed for military service I never ever thought – sh*t I might kill someone, I just wanted to make my dad proud because he said it was the best thing I could do – (military service runs in my family) and I was very impressionable then.

  • arsalan

    Larry to answer your question on what would happen if a dirty bomb went off in London?

    What would happen is a lot less than what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan when the Americans covered the country with depleted uranium.

  • arsalan

    So many people fear what will happen if the Terrorists get it, because people are too busy fearing what America has already got.

    No one will fear what will happen if radioactive weapons are used, because they are already being used. And America is the one using them.

  • arsalan

    Tech I, but three rights make a left.

    No one is planing to plant a dirty bomb anywhere.

    If they were able to get such weapons they will easily be able to get hold of guns or bombs that work.

    You know the sort the IRA had and used.

  • arsalan

    Only Americans are so thick as to believe people who can’t even get guns and working bombs in to the Country, can manufacture nuclear warheads, and then get them in to the country.

  • Arsalan

    what do they think Muslims will do?

    Hide 10 of radioactive material in our underpants?

    or intercontinental missile up our arses?

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “Which one of these does he think a muslim will smuggle by hiding up his bum?”

    You people are fucking nuts. I’m not talking about a re-entry warhead.

  • technicolour

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    Some say the world will end in fire,

    Some say in ice.

    From what I’ve tasted of desire

    I hold with those who favor fire.

    But if it had to perish twice,

    I think I know enough of hate

    To say that for destruction ice

    Is also great

    And would suffice

  • Larry from St. Louis

    To begin with, I was talking about a dirty bomb.

    But yes, sorry, it’s possible for a non-state actor to create a small fission device. It’s actually just a matter of time.

    Perhaps I know a bit more about this because my 5th grade (when I was 11) science project was on creating a fission device.

    And, btw, I was never concerned with chemical attacks in the U.S. after 911. The duct tape business was just silly.

  • techniclolour

    Since it’s just a matter of time, please all witness that I leave my genius to the nation.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Rob Lewis:

    “@Larry: If a nuke goes off in London… my hypothetical reaction would that it was a state-sponsored act by a nuclear power. Maybe I’m a bit old-fashioned. If a nuke went off in New York (I don’t think Missouri would be the first choice for any nuclear bomber, no offense) would your first reaction really be to suspect the Muslim terrorists from the Tora Bora caves? If so, that’s an interesting cultural difference.”

    Rob, you need to educate yourself on what it takes to build a fission device.

    It’s not a cultural difference to suspect Muslim extremists.

    If something like that happens, will you reserve judgment until you know that it’s not the Quaker or the Scientologists?

    Let me name someone who will also suspect Muslim extremists in such an event: David Cameron

    And he will be the next prime minister (if you haven’t heard).

    Moreover, Tony Blair and your current prime minister would also instantly suspect Muslim extremists (without having to question whether it was La Cosa Nostra or the Ukraine).

    So it can’t be much of a cultural difference.

  • Richard Robinson

    “Perhaps I know a bit more about this because my 5th grade (when I was 11) science project was on creating a fission device.”

    Nice troll, very neatly dropped in.

  • Larry from St. Louis


    the ability to do so is a matter of time. wouldn’t you think, in 50 years, producing U-235 will be a bit easier than it is today? otherwise, don’t you think there will be more fissable material in existence?

  • Arsalan

    Larry reentry warheads have been miniaturised.

    It takes a lot of skill and experience to do it. it would be a lot harder to fit a botch Job nuclear warhead you and your American education assume someone will be able to knock up in his shed can fit up his arse.

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