The “Threat” From Central Asia 223

The threat of Islamic fundamentalism rising up in and pouring out from Central Asia, is a popular theme of those who design Western security – or hydrocarbon – strategies. It is in order to exagerrate the threat from Central Asia that the US and UK use the Karimov regime to torture “Confessions” out of Central Asian “Al-Qaida” members.

Al-Jazeera has this week been running a feature documentary by Michael Andersen, a Danish journalist who really does know Central Asia, It should be required viewing for anyone with an interest in the “War on Terror”. You can still catch it on Al-Jazeera today and tomorrow, or throught this link.

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223 thoughts on “The “Threat” From Central Asia

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  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    These same entities I mentioned are now in coalition with NATO and the US Forces to neutralize Pakistan?s Army and its nuclear capability I believe, for they know that these Pakistani assets are the ultimate threat to the existence of the apartheid and terrorist state of Israel.

    The 9/11 attacks in 2001 were the starting point for a sophisticated and long-term war in this region.

    My hope that President Obama’s ‘change’ might have lead to negotiations with Pakistan Taliban are dashed in the now AfPak war.

  • Richard Robinson

    “Hay I’m hungy, I have salmon, what do I do with it?”

    Sorry, I was off eating my tea 🙂

    “Cook it, dear Liza, dear Liza, dear Liza”.

    In the freezer, you said ? One thing I sometimes do starting from there is, get a steamer pan, put some potatoes to boil in the bottom bit & the frozen salmon to steam in an upper pan. If it’s not too thick a chunk & can thaw through, they’ll both come ready about the same time. After that, whatever you like; I tend to do mash & flake the fish into it, along with anything else I have handy. It’s not pretty, but it’s easy and tastes good.

    If it’s thawed, a couple of minutes each side in a frying-pan’ll do it.

    (Health warning : I am a rubbish cook).

  • Richard Robinson

    Ah, no. Hang on.

    Cook it, dear Liza,

    dear Liza, dear Liza.

    Cook it, dear Liza

    Or else eat it raw.

    There, that’s better.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Mark, for one thing, Obama doesn’t believe in your silly 911 conspiracies, so try again.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    Please don’t go there – are we discussing 9/11 – No – would I discuss 9/11 here – No – did 9/11 (the event) lead to the brief invasion of Afghanistan – yes – did 9/11 try to invent the war in Iraq – yes – bad mistake!

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    (CBS) CBS News has learned that barely five hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq ?” even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks.

    Poor ‘ol Rummy – should go straight to jail without passing Go instead of ‘the sack!

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Let’s get this straight Larry – I heard the screams when the cluster bombs fell on Baghdad – I felt the pain as kids lost limbs playing with the dangling bomblets – I saw the kids in the kids in the cancer ward at Al-Mansour Pediatric Hospital, Iraq dying from playing with depleted shells. If that means nothing to you then nobody can help you – just live your life oblivious to that history – the only way Pal.

  • Anonymous

    Cold breezes from St Louis.

    “If something like that happens, will you reserve judgment until you know that it’s not the Quaker or the Scientologists?

    Let me name someone who will also suspect Muslim extremists in such an event: David Cameron

    And he will be the next prime minister (if you haven’t heard).”

  • technicolour

    Fortunately, he knows nothing. Goodnight, sweet dreams, and may your god go with you.

  • technicolour

    Sorry, Mark, really wanted to stop, but just read your last comment; and what I just said seems so crass. Sorry. Goodnight.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “Let’s get this straight Larry – I heard the screams when the cluster bombs fell on Baghdad – I felt the pain as kids lost limbs playing with the dangling bomblets – I saw the kids in the kids in the cancer ward at Al-Mansour Pediatric Hospital, Iraq dying from playing with depleted shells. If that means nothing to you then nobody can help you – just live your life oblivious to that history – the only way Pal.”

    And were you remotely concerned with Hussein’s torture chambers?

  • Richard Robinson

    “Larry I think it is about time you try and find another forum to trol.”

    Awww, spoilsport ! It was just getting good.

    I mean, if he really thinks that the education system of his country will provide any passing 11-year-old with all the information they need to know about making fission explosions, you can see how he’d have to worry about someone setting one off, can’t you ? It’s the tastiest wind-up I’ve met in quite a while, give him a big shiny gold trollstar.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “if he really thinks that the education system of his country will provide any passing 11-year-old with all the information they need to know about making fission explosions”

    that’s not remotely what i wrote. also, i never relied on my education system to provide me with all the information that I came across

  • andy

    Thanks, a really interesting documentary.

    *It should be required viewing for anyone with an interest in the “War on Terror”.*

    I couldn’t agree more.

  • angrysoba


    Your idea that suicide bombers and other deranged lunatics are simply revolutionaries working on the behalf of the wretched of the Earth is belied by the fact that so many of their victims are desperately poor.

    I have asked before what the Muslims in Pakistan watching a volleyball game did to deserve being blown up by a truck bomber but didn’t receive an answer. I am assuming it was because they had been excommunicated by the takfiris who didn’t consider them to be “real Muslims”.

    Here’s a video clip of Chris Morris’ “jihadi comedy”:

  • Anonymous

    @Mark Golding – Children of Iraq at January 23, 2010 11:26 PM

    Well said. Have you signed this petition? Care when opening this page which shows the incinerated arms of Ali Abbas who lost his parents and many other members of his family in the explosion from a thermobaric type bomb which fell on his home.

    The brave young man was the subject of a documentary on BBC1 the other night which showed how he is making his plans for an independent life without arms. Unbelievably he does not seem to be bitter or angry.

    PS If ever I go to St Louis I do not wish to meet the eponymous Larry.

  • mary

    Sorry missed out my name above. This must be the only blogsite where you can comment without undergoing a long rigmarole of registering. You can obviously comment without even leaving your name.

  • dreoilin

    Just saw David Miliband at the end of Andrew Marr’s Sunday programme, saying that, “our greatest resource in Afghanistan is the Afghan people”. How bloody proprietorial. He repeated the blah-blah about being there until the Afghan people can defend themselves — which I find intensely hypocricial in the circumstances. Hypocritical and patronising, and a pack of lies.

  • arsalan

    Angry you are the one who believes each and every attack are the work of Muslims. Not us. So what you write is only of propaganda value when you read it.

  • Anonymous

    By the way, the Prophet apparently said:

    ?I advise you ten things| Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.”

    And also:

    Verse 42:40 “The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for (Allah) Loveth not those who do wrong.”

    Whether people speak evil of you, in your presence or behind your back, or they do evil to you in either of those ways, all is known to Allah Almighty. It is not for you to punish. Your best course is not to do evil in your turn, but to do what will best repel the evil. Two evils do not make a good.”

    And also:

    A man came to the Prophet one day and said, “I want to perform Jihad [struggle].” Mohammad asked, “are your parents alive?,” and when the man said they were, he told him, “perform Jihad by taking care of them” (al-Bukhari).

    So just like the IRA claiming to be Catholic, despite behaving not at all like Christians, people who kill at random are not, it could be argued, following the Prophet?

  • dreoilin

    People who initiate or take part in wars of aggression — as opposed to wars of self-defense after being invaded or attacked — cannot accurately describe themselves as ‘Christian’. But of course, they do. And not only that, but claim to have God’s agreement/approval, it seems.

    “So just like the IRA”

    Could I remind folk that the IRA were not the only paramilitaries operating in Northern Ireland? Dublin was bombed no more than 100 yards from my office. And there is plenty of evidence that the security forces in Northern Ireland colluded with Loyalist paramilitaries (some of whom have only very recently disarmed) in their activities of murder and mayhem.

    I have argued with Americans online who attempted to lecture me about the North, and who had never heard of the UDA, UFF or UVF, and had no idea what or who they were.

    There is also a casual reference (even on TV three or four nights ago) to the Northern Ireland mess as a “religious war” which of course is complete rubbish. There was no war about religious differences. It was entirely political — between two groups who happened to be both Christian (in name, at least.)

  • technicolour

    Yes, dreoilin, good point: the IRA weren’t operating in a vacuum. Have you read Martin Dillon on the North? ‘The Shankill Butchers’ is one of the most chilling books about ‘loyalists’ I’ve read.

    Interesting that people are trying to refer to it as a religious war now (icon shaking head in disbelief)

  • dreoilin

    Hi tech,

    I haven’t read Martin Dillon, no. But of course there were butchers on both sides. Vicious. Unfortunately memories are long up there and feelings run deep. Children born who never knew anything only the “Troubles” … I still think that the current peace in the North is very fragile. And at risk.

    (If I disappear and don’t answer someone, it’s only that my threadbare connection has gone again.)

  • Vronsky

    I corresponded for a while with an American writer (he blogs, often interestingly, at It proved impossible to persuade him that the ‘troubles’ in Ireland were anything other than religious.

    Whether war is ‘christian’ or not rather depends on which bit of the bible you’re looking at – I often feel that it is the peaceful christians who are the heterodox.

  • arsalan

    anyway I have just completed my forum, so if any of you want to continue discussion there without Angry and Larry sidetracking them, post topics for new discussion or anything else you can.

    What should I eat now, shall I buy some Chicken and chips? or cook something else?

    this is probably my last chance to eat what I want, because she who must be obeyed is coming back tonight.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    I can say with confidence that most Americans are taught that the Irish Troubles were the result of political and ethnic differences. In fact, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that the warring sides tended to have opposing religions.

    However, you can’t ignore the religious issue, especially when both sides used this to cause even more division. Ian Paisley was associated with the most fundamentalist nutter university in America.

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