Let Blair Pay For His Own Protection 130

The newspapers today carry the unsurprising news that Blair’s business affairs are routed through a multiplicity of companies operating in tax havens. He is raking in over £5 million per year, aside from his official job of chief Zionist – sorry, I mean Middle East Peace Envoy.

But I was more struck by the information in Michael White’s Blair puff piece that, before his arrival in the Sedgefield constituency yesterday, six policemen blocked off the roads around the venue with trafic cones.

Why? I am not making a petty or petulant point, I mean it. Why? This was a Labour Party event, not a government event. Blair holds no executive office in this country. The election has not been called. Even if it had been, he is not a candidate. Why do the police cone off the roads for a Blair New Labour speech?

How much did the six policemen cost? And they were just the bottom of the pile, the road coning bobbies. Blair arrived in a huge entourage of cars, at least some of which were taxpayer provided. There was a large police car and motorcycle escort. Not to mention the close protection officers. How much did all that cost?

Thatcher and Major move around with no blues and twos and a single close protection officer when required. The Duke of Edinburgh moves around privately with much less security than Blair. As a taxpayer I object fundamentally to footing the bill for protecting this war criminal. He should get a single close protection officer and fund anything else himself. He can certainly afford it.

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130 thoughts on “Let Blair Pay For His Own Protection

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  • John

    Is “Bliar” a liar, traitor or war criminal?

    Petition the British people street by street for answers.

    This will do two important things:

    1. Give a visible and democratic

    opportunity to bring Bliar to account.

    2. Prove whether the British public is bothered, or deserving of such leaders.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Mary, I get the term “silly goose” from the comedian Jim Norton. I’ve never called anyone a dog. I’ve also never been to Israel.

  • Stephen


    You are right that the prosecutor may well have a presumption of guilt, though you will find quite a lot of lawyers who will argue that they are able to argue their case based on the facts without any presumption of guilt or innocence for that matter.

    However, I believe that any presumption of guilt should be with the prosecuting authorities and not with the mob. As for requiring those who are still judicially “innocent”, but presumed guilty by the mob, to pay for protection recommended by the police while undertaking legitimate political activities – the idea does not stand up to any scrutiny whatsover. That way lies the justice of the lynch mob.

    If anyone wants to try and prosecute Blair for any crimes they can report the matter to the Police – and if the Police/CPS believe that a crime has been committed and there is a realistic possibility of achieving a prosecution, they are duty bound to act – and failing that it may be possible to bring a private prosecution. In the meantime all the talk about Blair being a criminal is just hot air from those who are not prepared to back their mouths with money or any sense of conviction.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “So East European women and girls, are trafficed in to Israel to be made use of as forced prostitutes.

    Others are imported so they can be butchered and their kidneys sold to rich Americans.”

    Arsalan, you are a sick, sick person.

  • mary

    The legal process in the UK doesn’t work through the issue of petitions. Until you understand this perhaps you should remain silent as to what is and isn’t legal.

  • John


    “However, I believe that any presumption of guilt should be with the prosecuting authorities and not with the mob”.

    I wonder who you believe this “mob” to be, in this instance? I have not seen any “mob” beying for Bliar’s head.

    I have however, witnessed supposed honourable law makers, of no less rank, than Attorney General, present a case for war against Iraq, without properly justifying his case in law–and a lawyer Foreign Secretary, who also took Britain to war on rubbished and contrived intelligence. The Prime Minister himself, also a professional lawyer, lied to make a case for war–so do you refer to this “mob” of lawyers, or are there others, whose views we overlook?

  • John


    “The legal process in the UK doesn’t work through the issue of petitions. Until you understand this perhaps you should remain silent as to what is and isn’t legal”.

    It would be polite to address the person, to whom you fire this censure.

    I would like to know why you said this and your context.

  • mary

    John It was our friend Stephen who made that remark. He was getting so hot under the collar that he called himself Mary!!

    I had posted the Blair War Crimes Foundation and Petition links.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    I totally agree with your poignant and visionary conclusion on our ties with Israel. Let this be a warning, Israel is fighting for survival and will use deception and murder to further the ‘War on Terror’ she started to gain an advantage in the power game that has been gaining momentum since the last World War.

    Tony Blair was right on one single point – that this power is moving East. America has faltered and undermined her leadership, credibility and status in the Bush years. The infiltration by Zionists in her power infrastructure has been ruthless, suffocating and total, such that our gratitude and friendship to the American people has been negated by her leaders blindness to the curse of dishonesty, stealth and manipulation by those embedded in the American power structures.

    Britain must now be prepared to forge new relationships, new ties, new trade agreements and new vows of protection to the Muslim world and beyond.

    The illegal wars, the loss of human dignity by torture, ‘black ops’ and rendition, the massacre of innocent civilians and the annihilation and mutilation of children has burned into our souls and propelled our repulsion such that a change of tack is compulsory, necessary and urgent for the well-being and future of our children and their children.

    To do nothing now will condemn future generations to constant war, destruction and misery.

  • dreoilin

    “Britain must now be prepared to forge new relationships, new ties, new trade agreements and new vows of protection to the Muslim world and beyond.”

    –Mark Golding

    ‘Special relationship’ with US is over, MPs claim


    I can’t help but feel that this is a good thing.

  • Richard Robinson

    “I can’t help but feel that this is a good thing.”

    Yes, probably. Note that “The committee said that in urging a more pragmatic approach to UK-US relations, it was simply mirroring the attitude taken by President Barack Obama”.

    Poodle obeying orders to stop being a poodle ?

    The BBC report added that the “intelligence” agreements would stay in place, though.

    But apart from that, yes. Right that the Blair Thing has done us a lot of harm.

  • John

    Mary, thanks for clearing that up.

    I thought I was on the side of the angels and was taken aback by the anonymous, “gagging” censure

    I was about to mention an AD1215 Petition to King John, which did quite a lot of good for the abused Barons.

    My thought being that, as taxpayers, we had a good case in petitioning against “King Bliar” for profligacy of much needed monies for domestic services– and a higher charge of murderous adventure, against a defenceless people and the wishes of the British electorate.

    Pleased to find it was only priggish Stephen who burped.

  • John

    The sundering of this prostitute/customer “Special Relationship” would be so good, if it could be relied upon.

    It is but a spat, I fear–as there are too many in the British Ivory Tower, who have their hands in the pockets of the Zionist Americans, in their Ivory Tower–and vice-versa.

    If only to distance Britain from the combined scheming for Corporate War against Iran, it would make a refreshing “peaceful” interlude–but comes the hour, comes the soppy patsy UK government.

    Bringing our boys home from the present mercenary wars would be a convincing start.

    Peace might even break out and the unprotected public, may not need to fear that unattended package left on the tube. Imagine our children being that safe!

    “There’ll be bluebirds over, the white cliffs . . .”

  • Larry from St. Louis

    And Paul Craig Roberts turned into a complete nutjob.

    But most people on this website like him because he believes that 911 was an inside job. On the other hand, he’s a clear “conspiraloon,” as someone here would say.

  • ingo

    What by now should have become obvious to us all is that the smellies of this world are politcal policers.

    A privatised ACPO is partial to lobbying by wealthy and influentual power groups as much as the politicians we so eagerly elect, after being hoodwinked for weeks with aspirational nonsense.

    This election must not return a single party as a winner, they should be forced to work together, leaving less space for unelected, shamelessly pirouetting zionists such a Bliar.

    Why he ever took the catholic faith I do not know, he must have felt at home with the criminal elements within, the attraction of the likeminded.

    I see nothing wrong with Mr. Roberts tangental thoughts on the deliberate diversion of power to suit a few, his muses about the desintegration of american life, again to suit a few who have misused the federal system to suit their own narrow empirical aims.

    So, Whats it to be from now on, lambs to the slaughter, with a few baaa’s thrown in?, or is there something that could be made out of this wholly disinterested lazy society, used to its BBCspin and fed on bullshit by the various party dogmatixs?

    Why did the judge never question the fact that Mr. Smellie used the truncheon twice, with great force and exactly on to the same area than the first blow, a clear intention in my book that he wanted to cause pain and hurt, not deter this woman protester.

    If any of the protesters would have carried as much as a stick they would have been tagged as vicious and violent agitators, environmental terrorists and rent a mob demonstrators.

    If anybody who knows a little self defense would attempt a civil unrest on Mr. Blair, knocking out one or two of his body guards to enable one to put some cuffs on him, before the establishment’s police can get to him, than at least he would feel whats it is like to have been arrested.

    I have no more time for trying to change a rotten establishment that has usurped society, they need anulling, a place of rest and slow demise, ridicule for their self serving ways and 24/7 control so they can never inflict their bias on us again.

    Our position is such that we merely dream of change, reform and a more sustainable world. I do not believe that any of our politicians is able to evoke such change and reform, so what is left.

  • ingo

    What by now should have become obvious to us all is that the smellies of this world are politcal policers.

    A privatised ACPO is partial to lobbying by wealthy and influentual power groups as much as the politicians we so eagerly elect, after being hoodwinked for weeks with aspirational nonsense.

    This election must not return a single party as a winner, they should be forced to work together, leaving less space for unelected, shamelessly pirouetting zionists such a Bliar.

    Why he ever took the catholic faith I do not know, he must have felt at home with the criminal elements within, the attraction of the likeminded.

    I see nothing wrong with Mr. Roberts tangental thoughts on the deliberate diversion of power to suit a few, his muses about the desintegration of american life, again to suit a few who have misused the federal system to suit their own narrow empirical aims.

    So, Whats it to be from now on, lambs to the slaughter, with a few baaa’s thrown in?, or is there something that could be made out of this wholly disinterested lazy society, used to its BBCspin and fed on bullshit by the various party dogmatixs?

    Why did the judge never question the fact that Mr. Smellie used the truncheon twice, with great force and exactly on to the same area than the first blow, a clear intention in my book that he wanted to cause pain and hurt, not deter this woman protester.

    If any of the protesters would have carried as much as a stick they would have been tagged as vicious and violent agitators, environmental terrorists and rent a mob demonstrators.

    If anybody who knows a little self defense would attempt a civil unrest on Mr. Blair, knocking out one or two of his body guards to enable one to put some cuffs on him, before the establishment’s police can get to him, than at least he would feel whats it is like to have been arrested.

    I have no more time for trying to change a rotten establishment that has usurped society, they need anulling, a place of rest and slow demise, ridicule for their self serving ways and 24/7 control so they can never inflict their bias on us again.

    Our position is such that we merely dream of change, reform and a more sustainable world. I do not believe that any of our politicians is able to evoke such change and reform, so what is left?

  • dreoilin

    “Why he ever took the catholic faith I do not know, he must have felt at home with the criminal elements within, the attraction of the likeminded.”

    Criminal and authoritarian, ingo, exactly.

  • anno

    Britain must now be prepared to forge new relationships…

    Israel cannot be both fighting for its survival and able to instruct the superpower to direct its full fire power against the Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq, while it concentrates on demolishing Gaza uncriticised.

    Britain must divorce from its existing partners Us and Israel. It can’t forge new relationships until it becomes illegal to associate, take bribes from or subscribe to any political organisation that calls itself Friends of Israel. Nobody on this blog is prepared to call a spade a a spade and acknowledge the link between banking fraud and the War on Islam. Divorce first, then start again. Cut all connections completely.

    The bankers were enabled by Mrs Thatcher to tap into bank cash and strip the cupboard bare. Instead of standing up to the banks, Gordon Brown only got his New Labour, Bilderberg-plan, chancellor job because he signed up to turning a blind eye to the scam. The ring of roses is completed by George Bush and co. and Tony Blair all holding hands to provide cash for anti-Islam propaganda and murder

    The magic circle of UK-US-IS ring a roses is pretending to have caught a cold and atishoo atishoo all fall down.

    The money is still there, in the bankers ‘ hands. This is just part of cycle of getting us all into debt and buying cheap when we are all broke.

    Mark, ( Golding ) I presume you travel to Iraq. Please will you let us know when it first reaches your ears that Israelis are buying up vast tracts of Iraqi towns and land, in order to change the political landscape of the region. That’s where our cash is at this moment. They are biding their time until Iraq is out of the news, and then the building bonanza will begin.

    So where is the punishment for UKUSIS crimes? The punishment is not the recession. The punishment is that every time the west exceeds all bounds of violent criminality, its people become morally weaker and more misguided.

    Millions dream of winning the lottery. Millions believe in voting in an election. Millions’ lives are simply intravenous TV. Millions believe that religion is the cause of the problem and all these billions are going to be chuted into hell for ignoring morality, faith, justice and family/social responsibility.

    Britain is ceasing to exist in a way that previous generations recognised the meaning of existence. It doesn’t need new relationships, it needs a new being.

    Make no mistake, after this election, Hazel Blears’ contract for controlling the Muslims and non-Muslim opposition to anti-Muslim invasions will re-surface. Whoever is in power. The Muslims will be forced to sign a loyalty contract, pledging not to disagree with future anti-Muslim progroms and not to speak. The majority will sign, but I will not. A soul-less Britain is not a place I want to be.

  • Richard Robinson

    “the smellies of this world”

    That one could stick, couldn’t it ?

    “Why he ever took the catholic faith I do not know”

    GWB, the Pope … he seems to have A Thing about absolute authority ?

  • mary

    According to the BBC (and can you believe anything they say following their reporting of the Israeli attack on Gaza today – see Medialens), one of the women was a very young widow from Dagestan. How do the Russian police know? Rather a lot of ‘believed to be’s’ in the report much like some of the Fascist stuff we are given here.


    Arsalan – I think that the treatment of the Palestinians by their Occupiers is much worse that anything the whites handed out to the blacks in SA under Apartheid.

  • Arsalan

    Yes I know, what they are being offered as the peace deal is what the blacks had in apatite south Africa.

    That is the two state solution they are talking about. Palestinians will live in tiny enclaves, just like the Bantulands Black South Africans were corralled in to.

    Some people see this south African style appetite as the final aim, because what the Blacks had in appetite South Africa is a lot better than what the Palestinians have now.

    I know Stephen would like us to have Apatite as our final aim, while Israel will have complete ethnic cleansing as its final aim, and then we will negotiate and compromise and meet some where in the middle of complete ethnic cleansing and Apatite south Africa.

    But it is not up to our enemies, it is not up to the invaders what we have as our aims. It is up to us.

    And we will achieve them using any means necessary.

    The means that I say are necessary are the reunification of the middle east to what it was before WW1 or even more than that, and then an invasion.And that is what stephen doesn’t want, because he knows that, that is the only thing that will work.

  • anno

    A sick person.

    Liars try to imply that people who have a connection with God, ought to have knowledge of the unseen, so that they could refute their lies.

    It’s as if they are saying, ‘ because you don’t have video evidence of every scrap of violence the USUKIS gorillas have perpetrated on the Muslims, therefore your mind is weak, or your God is refusing to give you the information you need’.

    To accuse truth-seekers of not having enough evidence is pathetic. God has all the evidence, and He does not need us to know it. He is collecting evidence of our truth-seeking and he is collecting evidence of the trolls’ truth denying.

    To accuse truth-seekers of being sick because they do not have omniscience shows that the accusers are sick, because they think that human beings are equipped with extra-sensory perception.

    Talk about a guilt complex.

    The Russian elite escaped scrutiny in the Western media about Chechnya, through a pact, in which they, being the West and Russia, mutually agreed not to criticise eachothers’ violations and violence against the Muslims.

    The call for an increase in cruelty against the Muslims by Russia,is in line with the Hazel Blears concept of a contract of thought control in the West.

    After the election, with five years of our democratic permission, Muslims will be allowed to live in the UK, only if they sacrifice their loyalty to the Muslim victims of state terror, and actively support the state terror against their brothers and sisters in Islam.

    Another to thing to remember if you’re thinking of putting your cross against David Cameron, is that he represents the racist gentry who do not often encounter the mainstream immigrant population. Birmingham, is not the same as Warwick or Stratford on Avon. Just because we have not heard the bigoted gentry who separate themselves in their rural locations speak yet, doesn’t mean that Cameron will not implement a swathe of blatantly racist reforms, targeting the Muslims if he gets a sniff of power at the election.

    Sometimes it is the things we don’t see in the headlines like Russia and Middle England, which turn out to be the most unpleasant. Please chaps and chapesses, don’t forget the nasty side of David Cameron.

  • stephen


    Again read what I said – I said dual states AND mutual recognition – that is certainly not the same as apartheid. Yes it would be wonderful if all the religous differences could be set aside and Jews and Palestinians could live together in a secular state where all citizens had equal democratic rights – but I am enough of a realist to know that this is not going to happen in my life time.

  • arsalan

    All this has nothing to do with religious differences and everything to do with people being kicked out of their homes and lands.

    And those people would remain kicked out of their homes and lands with your so called solution.

    So your solution is a worthless side tracking slogan.

    So if it is so impossible for Jews to remain with people who they deem as lesser races, do you propose further ethnic cleansing of all of the Palestinians within what you would call Israel, we are talking about a quarter of the population?

    And if they can remain as a minority within a Jewish state, what makes Jews so superior to prevent them living as a minority after reunification?

    If you don’t propose it now what happens when the Arab population of what you consider Israel approaches 50%?

    Remembering that nearly all the Jews that can be imported to slow down the inevitable have already been imported.

    Do you propose ethnic cleansing and genocide then, or will that be when you propose Zionism raising the flag of surrender and ending apartheid?

    The two state solution you propose will never result in anything. It is just words to rename Gaza and the West bank a state, hollow words the don’t give people back the homes and lands the Zionists stole. And doesn’t even attempt to answer the question of the majority of Palestinians, the ones that were expelled outside of the occupied territories.

    Zionists seem to think if they delay for long enough, everyone will forget and leave them alone.

    That wont happen, the crusaders had Palestine for longer than you, and once the Muslim world reunified they were dealt with.

    So reunification and then liberation.we have nothing to negotiate.

  • stephen

    “Do you propose ethnic cleansing and genocide then, or will that be when you propose Zionism raising the flag of surrender and ending apartheid?”

    No what I (and most sensible observers of the Middle East) propose is what I propose. You totally fail to understand what I mean by “mutual recognition” which is not surprising since you fail to recognise that many Jews in Israel consider that they have valid claims. I have never denied the validity of Palestinian claims.

    Both sides have valid (and also invalid) claims that contradict each other – until there is mutual recognition of this and then compromise there will never be a way forward.

    You will never understand the concept of compromise as it is clearly totally alien to your nature. You and your ilk do of course have your alter egos on the Israeli side – and boy do you feed of each each other. In the meantime it is ordinary Israelis and Palestinians who pay the price.

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