Positively Independent 112

I am speaking at a conference in Glasgow on Sunday to promote Scottish Independence.


There are many reasons I support Scottish independence (and Welsh independence and Irish reunification). But among those reasons, and the one which I shall be expounding on Sunday, is that the United Kingdom as an entity is fundamentally tied to US military and neo-imperial interests. Neither Robin Cook nor Lib Dems in government have been able to separate the UK from aggressive foreign occupations, ruinous military expenditure, addiction to weapons of mass destruction and a contempt for international law.

The UK must be broken up. I want to see a Scotland that accepts it is a proud and equal nation among other nations, but has no desire to be more than equal, that plays an active part in the UN and in strengthening the framework of international law, does not possess WMDs and which will never attack another country unless it or an ally is physically attacked,

A Scotland like that is acheivable. A UK like that is not. Part of the reason may be that the UK was in truth in itself an imperial construct, with Scotland, Wales and Ireland the first conquered people. Their later absorption into the imperial culture (which still infects unionists) does not alter that truth.

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112 thoughts on “Positively Independent

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  • Suhayl Saadi

    The other message to the spambot generator is this:

    Now that you have exposed yourself, your posting here will actually increase the volume of visitor-traffic, because:

    1) People enjoy watching conflict and drama.

    2) Your presence suggests that the site is worth attacking and the corollary of that is that it must be worth reading.

    You see, there is no function in acting covertly once you have revealed yourself; the act then becomes farce. I’d have thought that they’d have taught you that. One lives and learns.

  • Ishmael

    And the Scottish gadgies would stuff their pockets full of stolen money, corruption is rife in Scottish politics, infact the whole system is as bent as a banana republic. Letting these fools run a country would decimate it, Uganda springs to mind and hyper inflation and useless public schoolboy ecnomic lessons fail to provide a textbook solution. As bent as the English government are,I prefer them making the decision on many issues.

  • Vronsky

    “The idea that there is anything special in the Scottish psyche that is anymore able to provide a resistance to the current government’s modus operandi than any other part of the UK as a default position without serious levels of organisation is laughable.”

    And logically, if there is nothing special in the Scottish psyche one wonders why opposition to separation is so intense. If the Scots have nothing to gain, surely the English have nothing to lose? Craig is a member of the Lib Dems (a temporary aberration, I’m sure) who are in favour of more referendums than a lazy man would care to count on a summer day (Barnaby Rudge, Suhayl, since you put Dickens into my head) – but not a referendum on Scottish independence. Why not, if it doesn’t matter? This passionate altruism from the Unionists, reluctant to let the poor, deluded Scots get themselves into bother, is what is truly laughable.


    “those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”

    You’ll like this, Roderick:


  • Anonymous

    of course scottish politicians no different from anyone in UK.

    You wanna bring show the difference between the scottish and uk politicians.

    YOu ask those in power in Scotland why they havent been giving the big shout out for the Hollie Creig case. ITs one of the must digusting cover ups I ever heard about.

    Maybe the new moniker for Aberdeen should be ‘Aberdeen – The City that Welcomes Paedophiles’

  • MJ

    “If the Scots have nothing to gain, surely the English have nothing to lose?”

    That’s pretty much it. England has far less to lose. The pound may lose a bit of gravity but it’s probably robust enough to survive. There may be a an inflationary blip as all the pounds currently in circulation in Scotland are repatriated.

    Overall however England will be fine so long as it remains a sovereign nation.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Israel has cancelled it’s special strategic dialogue with London.


    Predictably they announced this decision to coincide with the visit of a British foreign secretary i.e. for maximum impact in line with the edict of making the most out of an awkward or bad situation.

    If we examine the ‘strategic dialogue’ it becomes clear it relates primarily to Iran’s threat to the Middle East.


    Staying on topic, I once again look at history for an insight into Scotland’s strong pro-Palestinian solidarity from her Jewish community including her protests against the invasion of Lebanon by Israel.

    Scotland is the only European country which has no history of state persecution of Jews. The Scots/Yiddish community and the union of a Rothschild with Scottish aristocracy has laid the foundations for momentum to the ‘awakening’ – my term for mass realisation that we have been deceived.

    It is clear Scotland is a powerful force in the union against the plutocrat fear mongers. The vision of fierce Scottish warriors in Jewish tartan streaming from the lowlands across the border in the fight against “aggressive foreign occupations, ruinous military expenditure, addiction to weapons of mass destruction and a contempt for international law” is a powerful picture in my mind and the main reason for my ‘united we stand’ philosophy.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    No deception here please ‘anonymous’ – no decision has been reached in this respect and Ashtiani has been accused of murdering her husband. I am writing to the Iran’s supreme leader for clarification. Women’s freedom is close to my heart and I believe Iran is moving in the right direction. Compared to the apartheid in Israel this matter is Western propaganda to undermine a state that has been brutally targeted in modern times.

  • alan campbell

    “I am writing to the Iran’s supreme leader for clarification. Women’s freedom is close to my heart and I believe Iran is moving in the right direction. ”

    What a tremendous relief. I bet she’ll be alright now.


  • Craig E

    I am very disappointed at the various rants above regarding the possible breakup of the UK. Various posters seem to assume that the UK = ENGLAND and the rest of us can go hang! As far as subsidies go Scotland does pay her way in the Union (see the GERS report), it is London that is the subsidy junky!! I would have tought better of most posters on this site?

  • Alfred

    just as a matter of curiosity, will someone explain the Scottish Nationalist position on the EU?

    And if an independent Scotland is seen as remaining in the EU, will Scots be happy to see highland laddies marching off to war in the Uniform of the European nuclear superstate, which will surely emerge within the next few years years.

    In which connection, it is interesting to see that Britain and France are to cooperate in the development of means for the delivery of nuclear weapons:


  • Roderick Russell

    Vronsky at November 3, 2010 8:35 AM – Thank you for the URL reference. Many years ago I was a fan of American PBS TV (which we get in Canada) and I used to watch the McNeill / Lehrer (Spelling??) News program on a regular basis. I recall that Bill Moyers was a frequent correspondent ?” I have always found his reflections interesting.

  • johan

    Great idea Craig! The smaller a country, the more democratic it can be, the less waste etc. I’m a great supporter of decentralization. Ideally we would have “countries” or “kingdoms” small enough so that everyone can walk or cycle to the prime minister ‘s house in the evening; and ring his bell to tell him off for an unpopular law that was voted in on the day. That would be THE deterrent for lack of democracy. England with it’s square mile in London being probably the power center of the new world order will be the last bastion of the slavemasters to fall.

  • glenn

    Mark stated “Scotland is the only European country which has no history of state persecution of Jews.”

    Actually, Wales doesn’t have a record of persecuting Jews either, particularly not on a state basis:


    As it happens, Wales and Ireland do share another thing in common – neither has invaded another country. A rare claim indeed!

  • dreoilin

    “And broke already!”

    Yes, Alfred, like the UK. (Which is now doing amazing defense deals with the French. How is that going to go down I wonder?)

    “Anyway, you’re not independent.”

    We’re every bit as independent as the UK.

    “You’re a part of the EeYoo”

    No, never had anything to do with Taekwon-Do.

    “They tax you, they make laws for your and they have a President …”

    Alfred, we joined it voluntarily, although I voted against. Now will you tell me who’s going to organise this Federation of the “British Isles”? Or was that a big heap of shi- pie in the sky?

    “As it happens, Wales and Ireland do share another thing in common – neither has invaded another country. A rare claim indeed!”–glenn

    Yes, that comforts me in my ‘old age’, Glenn. Although we did nick a Roman tax collector’s son from the shores of Wales, and he eventually wrecked all of our smashing pagan festivals. Bad idea!

  • Alfred

    “who’s going to organise this Federation of the “British Isles”

    Why, we are, of course. We will found a new multi-national pan-British Archipelago movement called the Independence Party, which will be like UKIP but without either the UK or the EU or the silly pink UKIP Web site. Here, I donate 50 cents Canadian right now, you can be the Treasurer.

  • somebody

    Mark That’s weird. I read the two links earlier today and there was no problem.

    If you go to


    you get a message that the site is down and that he is changing to a new website on November 1st. Today is the 4th. ????

  • dreoilin

    “No you’re not.”–MJ

    You’re talking about the euro?

    I don’t think that’s terribly relevant to Albert’s proposal. And we’re still an individual member of the UN. 🙂

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