Gould-Werritty: A Real Conspiracy, Not a Theory 209

There is a huge government cover-up in progress over the Werritty connection to Mossad and the role of British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould, and their neo-con plan to start a war with Iran.

Yesterday at 22.15pm I submitted by email a Freedom of Information request for:

All communications in either direction ever made between Matthew Gould and Adam Werritty, specifically including communications made outside government systems.

At 23.31pm I was astonished to get a reply from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The request was refused as it was

“likely to exceed the cost limit”.

Now it is plainly nonsense that to gather correspondence between two named individuals would be too expensive. They could just ask Gould.

And a reply at nearly midnight? The Freedom of Information team in the FCO is not a 24 hour unit. Plainly not only are they hiding the Gould/Werritty correspondence, they are primed and on alert for this cover-up operation.

Even more blatant was the obstruction of MP Paul Flynn, when he attempted to question Cabinet Secretary Gus O’Donnell on the Gould-Werritty connection at the House of Commons Public Administration Committee. These are the minutes: anybody who believes in democracy should feel their blood boil as you read them:

Publc Admininstration Committee 24/11/2011

Q<369> Paul Flynn: Okay. Matthew Gould has been the subject of a very serious complaint from two of my constituents, Pippa Bartolotti and Joyce Giblin. When they were briefly imprisoned in Israel, they met the ambassador, and they strongly believe—it is nothing to do with this case at all—that he was serving the interest of the Israeli Government, and not the interests of two British citizens. This has been the subject of correspondence.

In your report, you suggest that there were two meetings between the ambassador and Werritty and Liam Fox. Questions and letters have proved that, in fact, six such meetings took place. There are a number of issues around this. I do not normally fall for conspiracy theories, but the ambassador has proclaimed himself to be a Zionist and he has previously served in Iran, in the service. Werritty is a self-proclaimed—

Robert Halfon: Point of order, Chairman. What is the point of this?

Paul Flynn:> Let me get to it. Werritty is a self-proclaimed expert on Iran.

Chair:> I have to take a point of order.

Robert Halfon:> Mr Flynn is implying that the British ambassador to Israel is working for a foreign power, which is out of order.

Paul Flynn:> I quote the Daily Mail: “Mr Werritty is a self-proclaimed expert on Iran and has made several visits. He has also met senior Israeli officials, leading to accusations”—not from me, from the Daily Mail—“that he was close to the country’s secret service, Mossad.” There may be nothing in that, but that appeared in a national newspaper.

Chair:> I am going to rule on a point of order. Mr Flynn has made it clear that there may be nothing in these allegations, but it is important to have put it on the record. Be careful how you phrase questions.

Paul Flynn:> Indeed. The two worst decisions taken by Parliament in my 25 years were the invasion of Iraq—joining Bush’s war in Iraq—and the invasion of Helmand province. We know now that there were things going on in the background while that built up to these mistakes. The charge in this case is that Werritty was the servant of neo-con people in America, who take an aggressive view on Iran. They want to foment a war in Iran in the same way as in the early years, there was another—

Chair:> Order. I must ask you to move to a question that is relevant to the inquiry.

Q<370> Paul Flynn:> Okay. The question is, are you satisfied that you missed out on the extra four meetings that took place, and does this not mean that those meetings should have been investigated because of the nature of Mr Werritty’s interests?

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> I think if you look at some of those meetings, some people are referring to meetings that took place before the election.

Q<371> Paul Flynn:> Indeed, which is even more worrying.

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> I am afraid they were not the subject—what members of the Opposition do is not something that the Cabinet Secretary should look into. It is not relevant.

But these meetings were held—

Chair:> Mr Flynn, would you let him answer please?

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> I really do not think that was within my context, because they were not Ministers of the Government and what they were up to was not something I should get into at all.

Chair:> Final question, Mr Flynn.

Q<372> Paul Flynn:> No, it is not a final question. I am not going to be silenced by you, Chairman; I have important things to raise. I have stayed silent throughout this meeting so far.

You state in the report—on the meeting held between Gould, Fox and Werritty, on 6 February, in Tel Aviv—that there was a general discussion of international affairs over a private dinner with senior Israelis. The UK ambassador was present. Are you following the line taken by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government who says that he can eat with lobbyists or people applying to his Department because, on occasions, he eats privately, and on other occasions he eats ministerially? Are you accepting the idea? It is possibly a source of great national interest—the eating habits of their Secretary of State. It appears that he might well have a number of stomachs, it has been suggested, if he can divide his time this way. It does seem to be a way of getting round the ministerial code, if people can announce that what they are doing is private rather than ministerial.

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> The important point here was that, when the Secretary of State had that meeting, he had an official with him—namely, in this case, the ambassador. That is very important, and I should stress that I would expect our ambassador in Israel to have contact with Mossad. That will be part of his job. It is totally natural, and I do not think that you should infer anything from that about the individual’s biases. That is what ambassadors do. Our ambassador in Pakistan will have exactly the same set of wide contacts.

Q<373> Paul Flynn:> I have good reason, as I said, from constituency matters, to be unhappy about the ambassador. Other criticisms have been made about the ambassador; he is unique in some ways in the role he is performing. There have been suggestions that he is too close to a foreign power.

Robert Halfon:> On a point of order, Chair, this is not about the ambassador to Israel. This is supposed to be about the Werritty affair.

Paul Flynn:> It is absolutely crucial to this report. If neo-cons such as yourself, Robert, are plotting a war in Iran, we should know about it.

Chair:> Order. I think the line of questioning is very involved. I have given you quite a lot of time, Mr Flynn. If you have further inquiries to make of this, they could be pursued in correspondence. May I ask you to ask one final question before we move on?

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> One thing I would stress: we are talking about the ambassador and I think he has a right of reply. Mr Chairman, I know there is an interesting question of words regarding Head of the Civil Service versus Head of the Home Civil Service, but this is the Diplomatic Service, not the Civil Service.

Q<374> Chair:> So he is not in your jurisdiction at all.

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> No.

Q<375> Paul Flynn:> But you are happy that your report is final; it does not need to go the manager it would have gone to originally, and that is the end of the affair. Is that your view?

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> As I said, some issues arose where I wanted to be sure that what the Secretary of State was doing had been discussed with the Foreign Secretary. I felt reassured by what the Foreign Secretary told me.

Q<376> Chair:> I think what Mr Flynn is asking is that your report and the affair raise other issues, but you are saying that that does not fall within the remit of your report and that, indeed, the conduct of an ambassador does not fall within your remit at all.

Sir Gus O’Donnell:> That is absolutely correct.

Paul Flynn:> The charge laid by Lord Turnbull in his evidence with regard to Dr Fox and the ministerial code was his failure to observe collective responsibility, in that case about Sri Lanka. Isn’t the same charge there about our policies to Iran and Israel?

Chair:> We have dealt with that, Mr Flynn.

Paul Flynn:> We haven’t dealt with it as far as it applies—

Chair:> Mr Flynn, we are moving on.

Paul Flynn:> You may well move on, but I remain very unhappy about the fact that you will not allow me to finish the questioning I wanted to give on a matter of great importance.

It is shocking but true that Robert Halfon MP, who disrupted Flynn with repeated points of order, receives funding from precisely the same Israeli sources as Werritty, and in particular from Mr Poju Zabludowicz. He also formerly had a full time paid job as Political Director of the Conservative Friends of Israel.

But despite the evasiveness of O’Donnell and the obstruction of paid zionist puppet Halfon, O’Donnell confirms vital parts of my investigation. In particular he agrees that the Fox-Werritty-Gould “private dinner” in Tel Aviv was with Mossad, and that Gould met Werritty many times more than the twice that O’Donnell listed in his “investigation” into this affair.

Of the six meetings of Fox-Gould-Werritty together which I discovered, five were while Fox was Secretary of State for Defence. Only one was while Fox was in opposition. But O’Donnell has now let the cat much further out of the bag, with the astonishing admission to Paul Flynn’s above questioning that Gould, Fox and Werritty held “meetings that took place before the election.” He also refers to “some of those meetings” as being before the election. Both are plainly in the plural.

It is now evident that not only did Fox, Gould and Werritty have at least five meetings while Fox was in power – with never another British official present – they had several meetings while Fox was shadow Foreign Secretary. O’Donnell is right that what Fox and Werritty were up to in opposition is not his concern. But what Gould was doing with them – a senior official – most definitely is.

A senior British diplomat cannot just hold a series of meetings with the opposition shadow Defence Secretary and a paid zionist lobbyist. What on earth was happening?

The absolutely astonishing cover-up and lack of honesty from the government about the Fox-Gould-Werritty relationship is being maintained with cast-iron resolve. Not only is Gould a self-declared fervent zionist, he was born in the same year as Chancellor George Osborne and attended the same private school – St Paul’s. At least some of the time he was meeting Fox and Werrity while they were in opposition, Gould was Private Secretary to New Labour Foreign Secretary David Milliband. That opens up the question of whether David Milliband, another fervent zionist, was part of the discussions with Mossad and US neo-cons on how to engineer war with Iran, for which Werritty was the conduit.

That would help explain the completeness of the cover-up. The government appears able with total impunity to refuse to answer MPs’ questions on Gould/Fox/Werritty, and they will not respond to Freedom of Information requests. It is now proven without doubt that O’Donnell lied blatantly about the number of Gould-Fox-Werritty meetings, and that Mossad was involved. And yet every single British mainstream media outlet still refuses to mention it.

I know from a mole that the plot involves a plan to attack Iran. For the cover-up to be so blatant and yet so comprehensively maintained, the secret at the heart of this conspiracy must be great, and those complicit must include a very large swathe of the British political and media establishment.

UPDATE: access to this blog is now blocked from FCO and Cabinet Office terminals. Very wise – truth can be contagious.

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209 thoughts on “Gould-Werritty: A Real Conspiracy, Not a Theory

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  • Herbie

    Having read a few of his articles, this Halfon comes across as a bit of an eager dimwit.
    I think too that the manner of his interruptions of a collegaue on the committee hearing does rather confirm that impression.
    We can only hope that Mr Halfon develops a much higher profile. I think he may prove an endless source of much needed amusement.

  • Tim

    Would the Mossad people at the dinner be related to the Mossad people now saying in public that attacking Iran would be barking mad? Gould, as anyone who knows Iran, will know that a military attack would do wonders for the regime in getting people to rally behind it. Have you considered the possibility that Gould might in fact have been conspiring with Mossad to stop an Israeli attack?

  • craig Post author


    I have a diamond inside source who tells me the opposite. Don’t be fooled so easily – don’t you remember the USA military pretending to be against an attack on Libya, at the very time they were negotiating support for it in the Arab League in return for US diplomatic support for the Saudi invasion of Bahrain?

  • MJ

    Tim: I think Mossad’s main objective is to persuade the US/EU to invade Iran on Israel’s behalf.
    The recent statements from Mossad have been in response to the idea of an attack by Israel alone, which Netanyahu has been talking up of late. They are right, it is indeed madness. Israel will never attack Iran.

  • Tony

    Craig, you are entitled to ask for a breakdown of the costs and the methodology within the terms of the FOI Act. You could also offer to meet the costs yourself.

  • Ruth

    I think the decision to attack Iran would have already been made by the US, Israel and the UK. The meetings would more likely to have been how to attack Iran and get away with it. Of course, persuading the EU would have been of great importance.

    This affair highlights the fact that there are policies not made by Parliament, which to me exemplifies that there is a ‘government’ within the government that in reality leads in some areas. The hidden government is totally bonded to the US and Israel, which I believe came about when the UK virtually collapsed about twenty years ago and the US and Israel secretly bailed them out. In the UK and abroad there is a vast plethora of companies the ‘government’ controls or has shares in. The intelligence services engage in activities in common with the US and Israel to grab resources to maintain their empire.

  • Uccello

    We spread this as far and wide as possible. An even bigger effort than the inspirational one the readership mustered the day Craig broke this story originally. Below is a list of the twitter addresses of a number of prominent tweeters. I suggest everyone tweet/message them and direct them to Craig’s account. I’ve divided them up into journalists, politicians, and people with prominent readership who might be able to spread the word in a big way at the click of a mouse.

    I suggest we either(as appropriate) enquire as to whether they are aware, ask them if they doubt Craig’s claims, ask why they think MSM are not biting, request retweets, ask them to raise in parliament, enquire if their media outlet has been informed, ask what action they are taking, demand action etc.

    I’m aware that some of the following will definitely already have been alerted or may even be pursuing their own neo-con agenda, but I still think it is worth letting them know that we know. The more they start to fear that the word is getting out the more they will be forced / shamed into action. Many will be terrified of this story going viral or ‘trending’

    Right here goes:

    Journos: @SeumasMilne, @GaryGibbonBlog, @GeorgeMonbiot, @sunny_hundal, @afneil @TheDailyShow, @GdnPolitics, @garyyounge, @johannhari (maybe not a grat idea, not one will believe us!) @j_freedland, @pollytoynbee, @arusbridger, @martinkettle, @steverichards14, @ns_mehdihasan, @andrewrawnsley, @jonsnowc4, @richardpbacon, @AndrewSparrow, @mattfrei (some hope!) @BBCBreaking, @Peston, @JonSnowblog, @MichaelWhite, @bbcnickrobinson, @gabyhinsliff, @faisalislam, @cathynewman, @c4politics, @Krishgm

    Politicos: @DAlexanderMP, @DMiliband, @johnmcdonnellMPneed to , @tom_watson, @edballsmp, @SadiqKhan, @CarolineLucas, @Labour Party, @ChukaUmunna, @Ed_Miliband, @edvaizey,

    Might RT???: @rorybremner, @prodnose (Danny Baker) @campbellclaret (seriously…) @piersmorgan, @PennyRed, @NaomiAKlein, @Aiannucci, @Kevin_Maguire, @leftfootfwd, @christopherhitc, @davidschneider, @alandavies1, @MMFLint, @stephenfry (he’s from Norwich Craig, lean on him, 2million folowers! would really be mobilising!) @ken4london, @eddieizzard, @Jemima_Khan, @TimMontgomerie, @wdjstraw.

    Let’s mobilise!

  • Mary

    Jonathan Cook. Lives in Nazareth ‘within the belly of the beast’ as we say. Married to a Palestinian. Got away from the Guardian.
    Why my reporting is different
    I have chosen to position myself in the region in two ways – one professional, the other geographical – that distinguish me from colleagues. This approach gives me greater freedom to reflect on the true nature of the conflict and provides me with fresh insight into its root causes.

    Professionally, I am one of the few journalists regularly writing about the region who work as an independent freelancer. I choose the issues I wish to cover, so I am not constrained by the ‘treadmill’ of the mainstream media, which require an endless flow of instant copy and analysis. I am also not tied to the mainstream agenda, which gives disproportionate coverage to the concerns of the powerful, in this case the Israeli and American positions – in the US media to a degree that makes much of their Israel/Palestine reporting implausible. I also rarely accept commissions, restricting myself to topics that I consider to be the most revealing about the conflict.


    Geographically, I am the first foreign correspondent to be based in the Israeli Arab city of Nazareth, in the Galilee. Most reporters covering the conflict live in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, with a handful of specialists based in the West Bank city of Ramallah. The range of stories readily available to reporters in these locations reinforces the assumption among editors back home that the conflict can only be understood in terms of the events that followed the West Bank and Gaza’s occupation in 1967. This has encouraged the media to give far too much weight to Israeli concerns about ‘security’ – a catch-all that offers Israel special dispensation to ignore its duties to the Palestinians under international law.

    Many topics central to the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians, including the plight of the refugees and the continuing dispossession of Palestinians living as Israeli citizens, do not register on most reporters’ radars.


    From Nazareth, the capital of the Palestinian minority in Israel, things look very different. There are striking, and disturbing, similarities between the experiences of Palestinians inside Israel and those inside the West Bank and Gaza. All have faced Zionism’s appetite for territory and domination, as well as repeated attempts at ethnic cleansing. These unifying themes suggest that the conflict is less about the specific circumstances thrown up by the 1967 war and more about the central tenets of Zionism as expressed in the war of 1948 that founded Israel and the war of 1967 that breathed new life into its settler colonial agenda.
    A good man.

  • Mary

    @ Reality Zone
    Jonathan Cook. Lives in Nazareth ‘within the belly of the beast’ as we say. Married to a Palestinian. Got away from the Guardian.
    Why my reporting is different
    I have chosen to position myself in the region in two ways – one professional, the other geographical – that distinguish me from colleagues. This approach gives me greater freedom to reflect on the true nature of the conflict and provides me with fresh insight into its root causes.

    Professionally, I am one of the few journalists regularly writing about the region who work as an independent freelancer. I choose the issues I wish to cover, so I am not constrained by the ‘treadmill’ of the mainstream media, which require an endless flow of instant copy and analysis. I am also not tied to the mainstream agenda, which gives disproportionate coverage to the concerns of the powerful, in this case the Israeli and American positions – in the US media to a degree that makes much of their Israel/Palestine reporting implausible. I also rarely accept commissions, restricting myself to topics that I consider to be the most revealing about the conflict.


    Geographically, I am the first foreign correspondent to be based in the Israeli Arab city of Nazareth, in the Galilee. Most reporters covering the conflict live in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, with a handful of specialists based in the West Bank city of Ramallah. The range of stories readily available to reporters in these locations reinforces the assumption among editors back home that the conflict can only be understood in terms of the events that followed the West Bank and Gaza’s occupation in 1967. This has encouraged the media to give far too much weight to Israeli concerns about ‘security’ – a catch-all that offers Israel special dispensation to ignore its duties to the Palestinians under international law.

    Many topics central to the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians, including the plight of the refugees and the continuing dispossession of Palestinians living as Israeli citizens, do not register on most reporters’ radars.


    From Nazareth, the capital of the Palestinian minority in Israel, things look very different. There are striking, and disturbing, similarities between the experiences of Palestinians inside Israel and those inside the West Bank and Gaza. All have faced Zionism’s appetite for territory and domination, as well as repeated attempts at ethnic cleansing. These unifying themes suggest that the conflict is less about the specific circumstances thrown up by the 1967 war and more about the central tenets of Zionism as expressed in the war of 1948 that founded Israel and the war of 1967 that breathed new life into its settler colonial agenda.
    A good man.

  • larry Levin

    on the website “theyworkforyou” you can check and search every speech by any mp, halfon’s speeches show clearly where his sympathies lie.

  • larry Levin

    Dear Craig, could we get one of those e-petitions going to make them release the information we need?

  • larry Levin

    I wonder if the current shadow defence minister is being contacted by mossad/pro zionist elements, can a question be asked of him? Does the shadow defence minister have to list all his meetings and contacts? also have the liberal democrats also been “contacted”?

  • larry Levin

    from Paul Flynn’s website:

    TMr Ben Bradshaw (Exeter) (Lab): Will the Leader of the House invite the Prime Minister to come to the House to explain why he did not feel the need to declare his land deal with a major Conservative party donor and lobbyist? Following on from the question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Newport West (Paul Flynn), what is the point of having an independent standards commissioner if his advice is never sought?

    anyone know anything about this cameron land deal?

  • passerby

    Nuremberg Trials;
    Article 6 (a) ; Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing.
    Patently applicable to the points arising, in the posting made by Craig. Sadly despite the fact that Israel proves to be a clear and present danger to the countries in the Mid east and the larger world, somehow it is not held to task, and her aggressive stance goes unchallenged.
    The litanies of improprieties engaged in by those representing zionists interests, included the deployment of the candidates, and leaders with the political hierarchy, have brought about the blatant disregard of the remit of the said political class and the evident corruption of the processes safeguarding the continuance of peace, and order in the world.
    The evident and deliberate interruptions of the questions of the Honourable Paul Flynn MP. In addition to the procedural constructs that Sir Gus O’Donnell resorts to omit the probable fallout of the scandalous conspiracy of war criminals is a reprehensible, and vile enterprise.
    However, why should there be such blatant efforts in protection of the said war criminals? This is the factor that often is open to speculation, and is almost always to be ended with a plethora of rebuttals. This too is an anticipated outcome, that is to ensure the longevity of the forces of evil engaged in their vile enterprise. Further this too can be found to be a replication of the behaviour found in Nature. As found in the parasitic world of brain hijackers, in particular Glyptapanteles species, in which the crazed caterpillar is a vehicle for aggression towards the enemies. This is almost an uncanny parallel to the current state of affairs in our world.

  • passerby

    Nuremberg Trials;
    Article 6 (a) ; Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing.
    Patently applicable to the points arising, in the posting made by Craig. Sadly despite the fact that Israel proves to be a clear and present danger to the countries in the Mid east and the larger world, somehow it is not held to task, and her aggressive stance goes unchallenged.
    The litanies of improprieties engaged in by those representing zionists interests, included the deployment of the candidates, and leaders with the political hierarchy, have brought about the blatant disregard of the remit of the said political class and the evident corruption of the processes safeguarding the continuance of peace, and order in the world.
    The evident and deliberate interruptions of the questions of the Honourable Paul Flynn MP. In addition to the procedural constructs that Sir Gus O’Donnell resorts to omit the probable fallout of the scandalous conspiracy of war criminals is a reprehensible, and vile enterprise.
    However, why should there be such blatant efforts in protection of the said war criminals? This is the factor that often is open to speculation, and is almost always to be ended with a plethora of rebuttals. This too is an anticipated outcome, that is to ensure the longevity of the forces of evil engaged in their vile enterprise. Further this too can be found to be a replication of the behaviour found in Nature. As found in the parasitic world of brain hijackers, in particular Glyptapanteles species, in which the crazed caterpillar is a vehicle for aggression towards the enemies. This is almost an uncanny parallel to the current state of affairs in our world.

  • wendy

    “Mr Murray

    Have you considered taking this issue up with George Galloway? Surely a story as hot as this would be right up his street and he would almost certainly run with it. I believe that his friday evening programme on talksport garners quite a sizeable audience. I assume that he has full editorial control.”
    He doesnt have full editorial control .. but that has ever stopped him from discussing the issues he wants to put across

  • John Goss

    That’s not a bad idea, Larry Levin. Babar Hammad’s case is to be heard because there were more that 100,000 signatures. An e-petition would be a good indicator of how this story is spreading, especially since Halfon swears by them.

  • Jives

    Shadow Defence Minister Jim Murphy-A Labour Friend Of Israel- conspicuous by his silence…

    I believe this is what’s known as a closed loop.

    A private conspiracy to start another bullshit war.


  • wendy

    of course there will be an undermining of iran, regime change and maybe direct war .. the fantastic thing about the neo cons is that they do make these announcement well in advance of the act taking place. one just has to be aware of these announcements very often via the corporate media.
    for the neo cons, its “fill yer boots” time , not only siphoning of vast amounts of money from the public purse (via banks and financial institutions, military industrial complex) but also land grabs, by any means necessary .
    the focus whilst on werrity/fox/gould should also be on preventing war with syria and iran and that means targeting current ministers and cameron because the likes of cameron et al can claim to have no knowledge — one needs a smoking gun .. maybe those emails make that fox – cameron connection with israel – mossad .. but there must be more .. somewhere

  • Tom Welsh

    Miniluv: Secret Police
    Minitruth: Agency for propaganda and lies
    Freedom of Information Act: ?

  • Tom Welsh

    Wendy, I for one am a great admirer of George Galloway’s rhetorical powers. His scolding of the US Senate Committe was one of the best things I have ever witnessed in my life – “Love, Actually” in reality. I feel sure that Dr Johnson and Winston Churchill would be impressed by Mr Galloway’s fluency, articulacy, memory, and powers of persuasion. Not to mention his superb vocabulary and choice of words.

    All of which, unfortunately, make his speech more or less incomprehensible to more and more people educated in modern British schools.

  • Mary

    Larry Levin Craig did not want us going off topic. I put a link to Cameron’s land deal on 23rd November on the Petrol on the Flames thread about two thirds of the way down.

  • Mary

    PS Larry The beautifully coiffed Ben Bradshaw Lab Exeter was a Foreign Office Minister under Bliar and is a Labour Friend of Israel.

  • larry Levin

    I have trawled halfon’s website, Not one word for his love of Israel and his support for zionism? his constituents would not have a clue about who this man really is, I must wonder is ambassador Gould is a constituent of halfon’s ? and ho would an attack on Iran help the people of Harrow, his list of interests make for interesting reading, he paid £15,000 to a company he is 100% owner of, why would someone pay their own company £15,000 ? also its hard to find out what he did before he became an MP?

  • lwtc247

    Craig. You need to get yourself a job on Al Jazeera English, Russia Today (RT) or PressTV. Ok there are question marks about whether they really are alternative news outlets or just a different shade of the same crap that the BBC pumps out, unified under the same major objective, but they are more likely to carry news and investigations by a ‘rebel ex-ambassador’ which the corporate media like the ZBC may no be able to ignore.
    OR may I suggest Craig Murray ITV. Set up your own internet station and invite others to help out.
    I would really love to have a Craig Murray Internet TV

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Yes, lwtc247 (lwt – now that was a good channel!) I’m afraid Al Jazeera seems deeply compromised. Their Chief resigned after it emerged that he was acceding to various requests from the US state in relation to news items. The role of Qatar in the recent Libyan operation and in Al Jazeera itself draws shadows down unpn the organisation. Increasingly, the channel seems not unlike those Cold War ‘alternative’ outlets which were actually CIA-run, the aim, to capture and guide dissent towards channels acceptable to over-arching strategic objectives. To paraphrase Nirvana (the early 1990s one, niot the 1960s one), ‘they all are imitators’.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    So, Craig Murray Broadcasting – yeah, go for it!
    Yes, I’m suspicious of such blatant ‘leaked’ statements from MOSSAD wrt the madness of an attack on Iran – we hear about such statements generally when they want us to. It’s a little like Jonathan Evans’s (MI5 Chief) Speedo trunks photos. As the excellent Corinne Souza pointed out recently, that was PR on behalf of MI5 to indicate that they were really just common men and women and so on. Likewise, the tale about him having to wait in the Security Check queue at the airport. One suspects the supposed MOSSAD ‘leaks’ are in similar vein. When the attack on Iraq was mooted in pub,lic, Jack Straw said it was not on the cards. He knew it was on the cards, indeed that he knew it had already been decided. He lied.

  • lucy the diclonius

    Pippa Barlotti is already on your fb list craig think shes mentioned you before could well be useful for media attention.

    Heres a brief bio.
    Founder member of COEXIST where we believe that true and lasting peace can only be sustained when social, economic and environmental justice has been achieved Green Party Parliamentary Candidate, Newport West, 2010 Human Rights speaker for Amnesty International
    Deputy leader of the Wales Green Party
    Wales Palestine Network

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