Christopher Hitchens RIP 437

UPDATE In response to the outraged, my position is simple. The Iraq War killed hundreds of thousands and maimed millions. Dead or wounded included over a million children. Those who planned the Iraq war, including those who used media positions to propagandise for it, have lost entitlement to the signs of society’s respect.

The world will undoubtedly be a duller place without Christopher Hitchens. Oh, and a better one too.

British journalism is full of people of the same generationwho have lurched from the Trotskyist far left to a crazed neo-con agenda with no intervening period of sanity. I suspect the available riches for zionist propagandists are a major factor. Hitchens, Aaronovitch, Phillips, Cohen. You can probably think of others. A strange and extremely unpleasant manifestation of intellectual prostitution.

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437 thoughts on “Christopher Hitchens RIP

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  • John Goss

    Jon, or whoever the mod is. I appear to have lost a comment within the last five minutes. If you cannot find it the blog has definitely been compromised.

  • stephen


    Fail – all your quotes are from Galloway after the 1st Gulf War saying what his position used to be (i.e trying to create the myth). To say as you did that “he was a LONE voice in Parliament, against the Saddam Regime” and then not produce a single quote from the period he was in Parliament before the 1st Gulf War (even you will need to acknowledge there were plenty of voices in Parliament against the gasser and torturer Saddam after that.). Galloway went into Parliament in June 1987, the first Gulf War was from August 1990 to February 1991.

    What you should have said is that George said bugger all in Parliament about the Saddam Regime and then afterwards he created the myth that he was the only one campaigning in Parliament against Saddam so that his position of supporting that fascist after the 1st Gulf War didn’tr look as bad as it was because at least he had always opposed the US.

    So you wouldn’t have bothered even taking Kuwait back off Saddam just like gorgeous George. And what do you think Saddam would have done for his next trick if he had got away with the invasion of Kuwait. When would the appeasement have stopped??

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    I admire George for his eloquence and coherence as observed in your post. A good friend with a unique combination of Scottish and Irish blood, he does not suffer fools gladly striking them down with a vociferous voice.
    Referring to the Iraq war he accused the American Senate of creating ‘the mother of all smokescreens’ intended to divert attention from the ‘crimes’ of the Iraq war. In 2005 he said to Sen. Coleman, “Senator, in everything I said about Iraq I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong – and 100,000 have paid with their lives, 1,600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies,”
    I say to Sen. Coleman now a director of RJC. I agree with:
    Senator Max Cleland
    Senator Mark Dayton
    Congressman Ron Paul
    Congressman Curt Weldon
    Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
    Director of the FBI, Louis Freeh
    Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, PhD
    Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts
    U.S. Army Intelligence officer, Federal Prosecutor, Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Department of Justice, John Loftus
    Foreign Service Officer, George Kenney
    Foreign Service Officer, J. Michael Springman
    Deputy Attorney General, State of Pennsylvania, Philip J. Berg,
    Major General U.S. Army, Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Albert Stubblebine
    Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
    Col. Robert Bowman, U.S. Air Force, Director of Advanced Space Programs, PhD
    Col. George Nelson, U.S. Air Force
    Major Douglas Rokke, PhD, U.S. Army
    Capt. Russ Wittenberg,
    Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force, Office of the Secretary of Defense, staff of the Director of the National Security Agency
    Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, Barbara Honegger, MS
    Capt. Gregory M. Zeigler, PhD, U.S. Army, U.S. Army Intelligence Officer
    Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army, Intelligence officer
    Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates, CIA, Raymond L. McGovern
    National Intelligence Officer and Director of the CIA’s Office of Regional and Political Analysis, William Christison
    U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer, case officer CIA. Robert David Steele.
    The US Commission report on the second attack on America’s shores is deeply flawed at best, at worst, a pack of lies.
    Gandhi said: – An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because very few choose to see or acknowledge it.

  • stephen

    If anyone wants to help Macky recreate his early Hansard searches – searches can be made from here – the results can be sorted in date order. Try Galloway with or without any combination of words you may wish – all explained on the search help page.

  • stephen

    Yes Mark – the eloquent and coherent lone silent voice in Parliament against the Saddam regime before the 1st Gulf War.

  • Fedup

    “So you wouldn’t have bothered even taking Kuwait back off Saddam”
    What an absolute bunkum?
    Saddam was given the green light by US and then once he walked into Kuwait the trap was sprung on him. This wilful distortion of history even though the public domain data bear witness to Ambassador April Glaspie, and her role in encouragement of Saddam’s attack on Kuwait.
    …. appeasement …. bollocks… crap….rubbish.
    The drone typist next will paste about the Kuwaiti infants and the incubators story that was all set up courtesy of Hill & Knowlton and their manufactured witnesses for the benefit of cameras in the congressional hearing.

  • stephen

    Of course given Galloway’s worst day was whne the Soviet Union broke up – it is a little more understandable why some here have it in for Havel who did more than a little to accelerate its break up.

  • stephen

    Yep Fedup – and the US is to blame for the gassing of the Kurds and Iranians and the slaughter of the Marsh Arabs, or was that Mossad/Israel. Yes we all salute the courage of Saddam in the face of such provocation – they even built his large palaces and corrupted his sons while at school. Yes its all documented here in Building 7 in Redditch in the conveyancing room.

  • Fedup

    “US is to blame for the gassing of the Kurds and Iranians and the slaughter of the Marsh Arabs, or was that Mossad/Israel. “
    US did seek Saddam on Iranians, and did provide the precursors and chemicals for Saddam’s chemical weapons production and then denied the fact Saddam was using these weapons. In fact the little US, ie UK was broadcasting Panorama programs about the “myths of Saddam’s use of chemical weapons”. (the seventeen thousand pages of evidence of Iraqi chemical and nuclear programmes en route to UN, were grabbed taken to state department laundered and on return to UN only three thousand pages made it to the SC, who was trying to clean up and why?)
    US provided Michael Cardeon the Chilean arms manufacturer with a complete line for manufacture of cluster bombs, as well as the blue prints for the weapon, so that each bomb could be manufactured for as low as $12,000, half the lowest going rate. Also provided by US were the satellite downlink station in down town Baghdad, that is post using King Hussain as a courier to take the Satellite images to Saddam. Less said about the two billion pounds Thatcher lavished on Saddam for his war efforts. Not forgetting the various Generals (UK/US/Nato) planning and executing Saddam’s battles.
    That is trouble with ziofuckwitry syndrome the shite resulting form oh so superior race virus leaves very little room for real information and the truth, hence the infantile comments peppering the board.

  • boniface goncourt

    “Slimeballs of course know that libeeling the dead is not a crime”
    I wouldn’t go so far as to call Snitchens a slimeball, but the`cap fits…
    Boy, there are some comedians on here. I assume ‘stephen’ is a composite name for the hasbara squad at the Iswaily embassy. Who else would read Hansard, let alone wade through a decade’s worth? LOL. Anyway, old Bitchens was honest about one thing.
    He was a Jew all right.

  • macky

    @Stephen, it’s amusing that you can’t realise that with every post you lose even more & more of the very little creditibity then you had before; not only do you make totally vacuous assertions, and sly misrephetations, meaningless comparisons, false straw men, etc, but all delivered with the grace of a football hooligan at a chess match, mostly loud booing, and ocassionally clapping loudly for anybody who you think may have written something vaguely supporting your points of view; your childish “challenges” and requests for proof of qoutations is indicative of your inability to engage in rational discourse.

    Once more against my better judgement, and actually because I feel sorry for you (always been too kind hearted for my own good!), I’m going to indulge you once again.

    Do you really think it is likely that if wasn’t true that Galloway, when he appeared before that US Senate Committee, would make a show, in front of the world’s cameras, of handing over to Norm Coleman, a man who was trying to nail him, a stack of papers, and state very loudly, “You will see fron the official Parlimentary Record – Hansard- from the 15th March 1990 onwards, voluminous evidence that I have rather a better record of opposition to Saddam Hussein, than you do, and any members of the British or American Goverbments do.” ? He enemies were so desparate to pin anything on him, to catch him out on anything, that they even wants to the lengths of fabricating stuff, yet this verifiable record was never contested. When he says that in 1979 he helped found the Campaign Against Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq, a movement opposing the regime’s suppression of leftist political parties, that if was not true, somebody would have found out ? Do you think Tam Dalyell, a respected Labour party MP, was lying when he said: “There was only voice I can recall during the 1980s standing up for human rights in Iraq, and that voice was George Galloway’s.” ?

    Re the Hitchens quote, it seems to stem from a conversation he had with a then fellow writer on The Nation, called Adam Shatz; they eventually fell out, but never did Hitchens ever deny that he made that statement, which Shatz published quite a few times.

    I leave you with this;

  • angrysoba

    Macky, the “dancing Israelis” story has a few holes in it. The most that can be confirmed is that some guys with a van were arrested by the police because they were seen filming the events and “looked happy” (!)
    There are no witnesses saying they were dancing or high-fiving. That just seems to have been an embellishment. Also, what kind of cameras are you talking about? How do you know how long it took to set them up? Also, the “our purpose was to document the event” sounds ambiguous at best. It could be, “when we saw it we decided to film it”. But we don’t know because the English voiceover makes it difficult to hear what they are saying.
    It seems you are convinced that they were Mossad agents who knew or planned the event or were simply told by Mossad HQ to film something on 9/11 and then after being questioned by police decided to go on Israeli TV and give the whole game away. Now, that sounds far-fetched and is an incredibly slender foundation on which to build your “The Jews did it!” conspiracy theory.
    By the way, have you noticed just how much some of the commenters here are dropping their anti-Zionist figleaf and exposing their Judenhass for all to see. Not a pretty sight. I am referring specifically to FedUp, Boniface and the makers of that video who clearly deeply despise Jews qua Jews.

  • angrysoba

    RE: Dancing Israelis.
    As a follow-up I should say that there is not even any evidence that they were “filming” the events. Even the quote they were supposed to have made on Israeli TV only said that they “documented” the event. That might be enough to convince a person with a particular frame of mind but I know a quote-mine when I see one. The clip has all the impression of having been edited manipulatively. If you could find the whole programme you may find that they were removals men who were arrested for two months along with many other people from the Middle East. Anyway, all their names are available and any investigative journalist interested in the story should be able to contact them and find out more. My hunch, however, is that fabricated evidence is more satisfying for Truthers rather than anything that risks falsifying “the Jews did it!” theory.

  • Njegos

    A few late comments on Hitchens:
    He was fat. He was quite short. He drank too much. He was sexually confused. His mother committed suicide. Put all of that together and you are bound to end up with a very complex or, some would say, messed-up individual. It probably also explains his frequent nastiness.
    I don’t doubt his intelligence. Or his wit. But he was not a genius. A genius would not have had to submit himself to waterboarding (on camera, naturally) to figure out it was torture. I certainly didn’t have to. Nor would a genius have launched or encouraged the launching of such a disastrous war against Iraq.
    He was also very patronising. He wrote that book entitled Why Orwell Matters. Surely if you want to understand why Orwell matters, you read Orwell and save yourself the pompous tedium of Hitchens prose.
    But he was not always wrong. And I enjoyed his TV appearances. He was, however, a deeply flawed man and as a Christian, I have the confident pleasure of informing the Hitcherati that that Jesus Christ will be remembered long after Christopher What’s-his-name-again.

    Good night.

  • boniface goncourt

    Classic ROFL from the zionist school of history……

    “…the “dancing Israelis” story has a few holes in it. The most that can be confirmed is that some guys with a van were arrested by the police because they were seen filming the events and “looked happy” (!) There are no witnesses saying they were dancing or high-fiving.

    The witnesses were the office workers in Bergen County, NJ, who called the cops in the first place, precisely because of dancing and high-fiving! Duh…

    That is great zio-vision. Take an event which is amply
    documented. First, claim it is not amply documented; then, it is not documented at all; finally, it never happened!

    For example, the evolution of Operation Cast Lead, 2008, in which the Israelis killed 1400+ Gazans.

    1. They were all warned to stay indoors, or stay outdoors!

    2. Those who died were anti-semites who walked into our bullets, just to embarrass us!

    3. They killed themselves with their own bombs and bullets! We never fired!

    4. Nobody got killed at all! Nothing happened!

    5. Gaza? No such place!

    Let Holocaust Impostor Extraordinaire Elie Wiesel explain:

    ‘Some events do take place but are not true; others are—although they never occurred.’
    (Elie Wiesel: Legends of Our Time (New York: Avon, 1970)

    That’s zionism!

  • angrysoba

    There are no witnesses saying they were dancing or high-fiving.

    The witnesses were the office workers in Bergen County, NJ, who called the cops in the first place, precisely because of dancing and high-fiving! Duh…

    No need for any links?

  • Njegos


    You say there were no witnesses to the dancing israelis.

    Please look at this:

    It seems that someone did see them.

    I am not one of those who believes the Jews set up 9/11. But I think there are many unanswered questions. And I am sure that there are many people who think, and quite objectively, that 9/11 has benefited Israel. It has certainly crystallised American support behind Israel.

    I actually believe that Mossad was onto the hijackers but couldn’t convince the Americans to do anything about them because they were double-agents, ie. on the CIA payroll so they had some sort of US security clearance.

    No wonder some Israelis were dancing.

  • angrysoba

    Please read my post. As it happens I am responding to Macky because he linked to exactly the same neo-Nazi video that you are linking to.
    I said, “There are no witnesses saying they were dancing or high-fiving.” At least in that video, this is true. There are NO witnesses saying that they were dancing or high-fiving. She only says that they “looked happy”. Then there is a commentator asking Were they dancing? Etc… Were they Mossad? Then it cuts to the interview in which the alleged Mossad agents have decided to go on TV and tell the world that they were there to “document the event”. No mention even of any video cameras. Nobody says they were filming and yet Macky says he knows what kind of video equipment they were using. Well, where is his source? Macky says they were “dancing”. Where is the source?
    Boniface, on the other hand has decided not even to bother finding any sources but has decided to lecture us on his own racist theories. Because he is a racist and Jew hater.

  • Njegos


    What is the evidence that this is a neo-Nazi video? And does it really matter if the Israelis were dancing or high-fiving? I would think that the important thing is that they seemed pleased to see the Twin Towers collapse.

  • boniface goncourt

    Orwell was scathing about armchair warriors like CH, and imagined them being despatched to the front, where you might see
    that rare sight, ‘a jingo with a bullet hole in him’. In his essay ‘Inside the Whale,’ he sneered at the leftist poet Auden’s casual mention of ‘the necessary murder’.

    “To me, murder is something to be avoided. So it is to any ordinary person. The Hitlers and Stalins [Bushes and Blairs] find murder necessary, but they don’t advertise their callousness, and they don’t speak of it as murder; it is ‘liquidation’, ‘elimination’, or some other soothing phrase. Mr Auden’s [Mr Hitchens’] brand of amoralism is only possible, if you are the kind of person who is always somewhere else when the trigger is pulled. So much of left-wing [right-wing] thought
    is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot. The warmongering to which the English intelligentsia gave themselves up in the period 1935-9 [after 1945] was largely based on a sense of personal immunity.”

    Hence CH’s nickname of ‘the barstool bombardier’.

    One reporter writes of his “spiteful, sneering and vindictive contempt for anyone who thought differently, whether it was the Dixie Chicks (‘fucking fat slags’) or Cindy Sheehan, whose anti-war campaign was dismissed by Hitchens as ‘the sob-sister tripe pumped out by the Cindy Sheehan circus and its
    surrogates’. [Cindy Sheehan had lost her son in Iraq the previous year.] This casual misogyny was absolutely about Hitchens’s social location as a white male.”

    – a white male who was gayer than he liked people to think.

    He left no body of thought or self-analysis, just obsolescent journalism larded with insults, which always become embarrassing as time passes. Was he any more than a pimped-up
    Roger Melly, the Man on the Telly? Or, for American readers of a certain age, Tom Snyder with attitude?

  • angrysoba

    What is the evidence that this is a neo-Nazi video?
    At the end of the video is a website address for “occidental dissent”. Google it if you like. It leads to a racist website which has as “blog-buddies” such websites as Stormfront and Political Cesspool.
    And does it really matter if the Israelis were dancing or high-fiving? I would think that the important thing is that they seemed pleased to see the Twin Towers collapse.

    It proves that the meme that everyone keeps repeating is basically a lie and those spreading it should not be trusted. The more you look at this story the more obviously baseless it is.
    That FOX News report also seems to offer absolutely nothing as evidence and in fact says nothing at all about the “Dancing Israelis”.

  • boniface goncourt

    Yup, as per usual….where’s the link, the video, the evidence? I’ve never heard of any Israelis in New Jersey on 9/11! I’ve only had TEN FUCKING YEARS to look at thousands of news reports! And anyway they don’t count, as they were all PRODUCED
    BY NAZIS! Argument lost – cue ‘Anti-semitism! Anti-semitism! Boo! Hoo!’

  • angrysoba

    Boniface, boring strawman there. I had heard of the “Dancing Israelis” but I am still not getting the significance. The implication is clearly that if there were Israelis in New Jersey then 9/11 must be an inside job (?) Of course, you must have more evidence than that as that is a completely wild extrapolation. Presumably the fact that they are Israeli is good enough for you.
    Anyway, it seems that the police documents have been released this year. There’s some stuff redacted though – obviously the bits where the Israelis confess to 9/11, right? Although I can see that in the first one someone does say “they appeared to high-five”. Other than that it becomes much clearer from what I’ve looked at that the witnesses didn’t notice the Israelis until after they had been looking at the attacks on the WTC. The Israelis’ story is that they saw the first attacks and then drove up onto the roof. The Truthers’ argue that the Israelis were already filming. The documents the police made said they found no video cameras. And while one woman thought she saw them using a “small” video camera, other witnesses said that they were using a digital camera. The one found was a Canon Eos Rebel 2000 so it could look a bit like a video camera for someone who doesn’t know much about cameras.

  • Azra

    Stephen: are you conveniently forgetting who supplied Saadam with chemical and arms? to kill Kurds as well as when he was fighting Iranian the west kept him topped up with all kind of weapons.
    You contradict yourself, go back to your own comment “I am sure the manufacturers of arms and torture ….” it was us who supplied him and we still supply all the other tyrants.. As long as they are our SOBs, and as long as they stay subservient to us, once they show a bit of independence we will do to them what we did to Saadam, Gaddafi, and any other who dares to challenge our supremacy

  • Passerby

    “There are no witnesses saying they were dancing or high-fiving.”

    On goes the lies.
    Who was the person who rang the cops and informed them of five dancing men?
    No that is not a witness, at all, and later on when she appeared on the telly talking about it, she was just being antisemitic.
    Do these ziofuckwits take us for chumps? Their simplistic and disjointed story seems to indicate thus.

  • Vronsky

    I’m afraid that the conclusions most likely to be drawn from angrysoba’s protestations are:
    (a) 9/11 was an inside job
    (b) Israel had something to do with it
    I’d always suspected (a) – but never (b) until we began to hear from angrysoba. Remember Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby!

  • Njegos


    I think you are splitting hairs – ‘they were happy but they weren’t dancing’. Why would anyone be happy about the collapse of the WTC? (Incidentally, it is quite easy to see if someone looks happy with a pair of binoculars)

    Neo-nazis or no neo-nazis, the truth is that the mainstream news media is too scared to touch the subject. If you don’t believe me, then ask yourself why Karl Cameron’s 4-part series on Israeli espionage in the US was shelved and no longer available for viewing. As you saw, the allegations are that the Israeli intelligence had inside knowledge of the plot and refused to share its intelligence with the US. Of course it could be that US intelligence is covering its backside having ignored Israeli warnings.

    You don’t have to be a neo-nazi to smell something fishy here.

    PS. Do you know if it was a neo-nazi who interviewed the witness or the police officer?

  • Njegos

    Boniface –

    Good post re Hitchens. Some useful facts to remember the next time one crosses swords with the Hitcherati.

  • Barbara

    Christopher Hitchens: Reason in Revolt

    By Robert Scheer

    Hitch is dead. Not, obviously, his brilliant body of work, or the stunning examples of a grand and unfettered intellect that will forever survive him, as will the indelible record of his immense wit and passion. But, sadly, a life force that I had assumed as an indissoluble part of our political and literary landscape, as well as my own close circle of friends, has ended, and with it an indispensable element of our collective moral code.

    Christopher Hitchens could be wrong; we had harsh public debates about the Iraq War, but I never doubted that, even then, he was coming from a good place of humane concern. In that instance, he allowed his great compassion for the Kurds and his justifiable loathing of Saddam Hussein to overwhelm a lifetime of opposition to the arrogant assumptions of America’s neocolonialism. Despite the vehemence of our debates, both public and personal, he and his saving grace and wife, Carol Blue, held a gathering at their home to discuss a book I wrote on the subject. This was a man unafraid of intellectual challenge and committed to pursuing the heart of the matter.

    That was his driving force, a seeker of truth to the end, and a deservedly legendary witness against the hypocrisy of the ever-sanctimonious establishment. What zeal this man had to eviscerate the conceits of the powerful, whether their authority derived from wealth, the state or a claim to the ear of the divine.

    Hitch was the opposite of the opportunistic pundits who competed with him for public space. He took immense risks, not the least in offering himself for waterboarding before concluding it was unmistakably torture, or challenging the greatness of God, knowing full well that he was exposing himself as an object of wildly irrational hate.

    So it ever was with the Hitch I knew for decades, going back to the young ex-Trotskyite challenging ex-Communist and fellow Brit writer Jessica (Decca) Mitford through nights of lively debate about everything, and then joining that equally grand and kindred spirit in several drunken and rousingly heartfelt renditions of “The Internationale.” Much like Mitford, Hitchens became world famous and well rewarded and, like her, Hitch was to the end singing that worker’s anthem on behalf of the deluded and abused masses with whom, for all of his personal success, he most profoundly identified.


    He was a great man, perfect in his intellectual courage, but I am reminded more of the writer, profoundly dedicated to his craft and committed, for all of his sparkle and bouts of excess, to a prodigious workaday effort at making this a better world. In his memory I offer these lyrics from “The Internationale,” as I recall his somewhat inebriated and ever bemused, but no less heartfelt, rendering of these verses:

    Arise ye workers from your slumbers

    Arise ye prisoners of want

    For reason in revolt now thunders

    And at last ends the age of cant

    Away with all your superstitions

    Servile masses arise, arise

    We’ll change henceforth the old tradition

    And spurn the dust to win the prize.

    That was him. A slayer of superstitions, thundering reason in revolt.

    Lift a glass to comrade Hitch.

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