The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty 603

The planned scenario for a war with Iran is playing out before our eyes at frightening speed now. Unfortunately. as I have frequently said, Iran has a regime that is not only thuggish but controlled by theocratic nutters: the attack on the British Embassy played perfectly into the hands of the neo-cons. William Hague is smirking like the cat who got the cream.

The importance of the Fox-Gould-Werritty scandal is that it lifts the lid on the fact that the move to war with Iran is not a reaction to any street attack or any nuclear agency report. It is a long nurtured plan, designed to keep feeding the huge military industrial war machine that has become a huge part of the UK and US economies, and whose sucking up of trillions of dollars has contributed massively to the financial crisis, and which forms a keystone in the whole South Sea Bubble corporate finance system for servicing the ultra-rich. They need constant, regenerative war. They feed on the shattered bodies of small children.

Gould, Fox and Werritty were plotting with Israel to further war with Iran over years. The Werritty scandal was hushed up by Gus O’Donnell’s risibly meagre “investigation” – a blatant cover-up – and Fox resigned precisely to put a cap on any further digging into what they had been doing. I discovered – with a lot of determination and a modicum of effort – that Fox, Werritty and British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould had met many times, not the twice that Gus O’Donnell claimed, and had been in direct contact with Mossad over plans to attack Iran. Eventually the Independent published it, a fortnight after it went viral on the blogosphere.

The resignation of the Defence Secretary in a scandal is a huge political event. People still talk of the Profumo scandal 50 years later. But Fox’s resignation was forgotten by the media within a fortnight, even though it is now proven that the Gus O’Donell official investigation into the affair was a tissue of lies.

Take only these undisputed facts:

Fox Gould and Werritty met at least five times more than the twice the official investigation claims
The government refuses to say how often Gould and Werritty met without Fox
The government refuses to release the Gould-Werritty correspondence
The three met with Mossad

How can that not be a news story? I spent the most frustrating fortnight of my life trying to get a newspaper – any newspaper – to publish even these bare facts. I concentrated my efforts on the Guardian.

I sent all my research, and all the evidence for it, in numeorus emails to the Guardian, including to David Leigh, Richard Norton-Taylor, Rupert Neate and Seumas Milne. I spoke to the first three, several times. I found a complete resistance to publishing anything on all those hidden Fox/Werritty/Gould meetings, or what they tell us about neo-con links with Israel.

Why? Guardian Media Group has a relationship with an Israel investment company, Apax, but the Guardian strongly denies that this has any effect on them.

The Guardian to this day has not published the fact that there were more Fox-Gould-Werritty meetings than O’Donnell disclosed. Why?

I contacted the Guardian to tell them I intended to publish this article, and invited them to give a statement. Here it is, From David Leigh, Associate Editor:

I hope your blogpost will carry the following response in full.

1. I know nothing of any Israeli stake in the ownership of the Guardian. As it is owned by the Scott Trust, not any Israelis, your suggestion sems a bit mad.

2. The Guardian has not “refused” to publish any information supplied by you. On the contrary, I personally have been spending my time looking into it, as I told you previously. I have no idea what the attitude of others in “the Guardian” is. I form my own opinions about what is worth publishing, and don’t take dictation from others. That includes you.

3. I can’t imagine what you are hinting at in your reference to Assange. If you’ve got a conspiracy theory, why don’t you spit it out?

I can understand your frustration, Craig, when others don’t join up the dots in the same way as you. But please try not to be offensive, defamatory, or plain daft about it.

As I said, it would be honest of you to publish my response in full if you want to go ahead with these unwarranted attacks on the Guardian’s integrity.

Possible some Guardian readers will get drawn to this post: at least then they will find out that Werritty, Fox and Gould held many more meetings, hushed up by O’Donnell and hushed up by the Guardian.

It should not be forgotten that the Guardian never stopped supporting Blair and New Labour, even when he was presiding over illegal wars and the massive widening of the gap between rich and poor. My point about Assange is that he has done a great deal to undermine the neo-con war agenda – and the Guardian is subjecting him to a campaign of denigration. On the other hand Gould/Fox/Werritty were pushing a neo-con project for war – and the Guardian is actively complicit in the cover-up of their activities.

The Guardian. Whom does it serve?

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603 thoughts on “The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty

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  • glenn

    Ron Paul certainly makes a lot of sense on some subjects, and as far as the rest of the world is concerned, he’d definitely be the best bet. As for Americans themselves, his election would be a disaster. Paul believes in world of the libertarian, the teabagger, the Rand devotee, who thinks they can manage quite nicely without society, thank you very much.
    The market should determine everything. Paul does appear to be a reasonably honest and sincere fellow, but he yearns for a world predicated on magical thinking. There is no need for regulation, because (for example) if enough people die of food poisoning, or dodgy pharmaceutical drugs, then people will come to understand they need to avoid that pie or drug manufacturer, as the case may be.
    If you can’t afford it, you shouldn’t have it. That includes medical treatment, education of any kind, enough to eat and so on. Society – the face of humanity – should not exist, we should revert to our jungle days.
    I don’t understand it either, but that’s the philosophy of these guys.

  • Ken


    Well not being an American I have heard very little about what Ron Paul domestic policies are and if what you say is true then he sounds a bit of a nutjob. I have just heard his views on American foreign policy which were interesting. The American public are screwed whoever gets in as America is just run by big business interests,shame really for the people there. I found it rather sad watching all that debate on giving Americans a social health care system which Obama at least tried to put thru but had to water it down again and again. America needs a huge shake up in my opinion. A country is in deep doggy dooda when the race for a couple hundred thousand a year job needs 6 billion dollars to get it.Just stinks of corruption.

  • Sam Spade

    Newsflash: The neocon American Enterpise Institute has suddenly changed its tune with regards to the predicted apocalyptic,doomsday scenario for Israel should the mad mullahs of Iran get a working nuclear bomb or two. Coming clean, they admit that’s not the real reason why we desperately need to start a war with Iran after all.
    American Enterprise Institute Admits: Iran Threat Isn’t That It Will Launch Nuclear Attack
    Suddenly the struggle to stop Iran is not about saving Israel from nuclear annihilation. After a decade of scare-mongering about the second coming of Nazi Germany, the Iran hawks are admitting that they have other reasons for wanting to take out Iran, and saving Israeli lives may not be one of them. Suddenly the neoconservatives have discovered the concept of truth-telling, although, no doubt, the change will be ephemeral.
    If you didn’t know any better, you might ask why — given that Pletka and Donnelly are downgrading the Iranian nuclear threat — AEI is still hell-bent on war. If its determination to stop Iran is not about defending Israel from an “existential threat,” what is it truly about?
    Fortunately, Pletka and Donnelly don’t leave us guessing. It is about preserving the regional balance of power, which means ensuring that Israel remains the region’s military powerhouse with Saudi Arabia playing a supporting role. That requires overthrowing the Iranian regime and replacing it with one that will do our bidding (like the Shah) and will not, in any way, prevent Israel from operating with a free reign throughout the region.
    This goal can only be achieved through outside intervention (war) because virtually the entire Iranian population — from the hardliners in the reactionary regime to reformists in the Green Movement working for a more open society — are united in support of Iran’s right to develop its nuclear potential and to be free of outside interference. What the neoconservatives want is a pliant government in Tehran, just like we used to have, and the only way to achieve this, they believe, is by war.
    More at:

  • Ken

    [What the neoconservatives want is a pliant government in Tehran, just like we used to have, and the only way to achieve this, they believe, is by war.]

    Well that is very nice for them to come clean and tell us something that we have known all along. They have wanted that for over 30 years since they lost their man in Iran,the Shah.

  • Komodo

    It’s hardly new, and there has never been any serious concealment of the neocons’ intentions. It’s just that policy thinktanks’ conclusions are not scrutinised sufficiently by the MSM. A PNAC primer here (2003) – written just as some commentators were waking up to the idea that US policy had been hijacked:
    Worth pointing out again, the very close connection between some of the principals here and Israel.

  • Ken


    It is even older than 2003,they started that back in the 1990’s. Dick Cheney and his rightwing cronies,when they got into power they had a ready made agenda.

  • Ken

    The Americans and the west have been plundering the world since they mastered so called voyages of discovery (more aptly named voyages of robbery and murder). The Americans and the Europeans before them wiped out a large chunk of the native population of the Americas and Caribbean before the Americans set off on their Manifest Destiny legacy of robbing and killing thru Latin America,then followed the theft of Hawaii followed by the dubious waged Spanish America war where they took over Cuba,Philippines and various others former Spanish colonies. Lump in the earlier theft of land from the Mexicans and trying to invade Canada and you have a nice potted history of the first 130 years odd of American history.The last 110 years or so has been pretty much the same type of thing, wars for business interests wrapped up as some kind of battle against Communism and now we have the so called war on terror which is just another excuse to rob people,mostly it seems the American people themselves. The fuckers have the audacity to stand up in public and say they stand for freedom and democracy and that they are the good guys,if it was not so sad it would be funny.The British government has done the same thing mostly as well.

  • nuid

    Glenn, that was hilarious. I only picked on Angry by chance, as the count for him looked high.
    And Rehmat, thanks for the laugh about Bachmann.
    Goodnight all – I’m wiped out.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Sam Spade,
    As Ken reiterates ‘preserving the regional balance of power’ has haunted American power and it’s poodles and invocation idolaters since the fall of the Shah – they have plotted this zero sum game of maintaining political-security arrangements in the Persian Gulf with increased frenzy since the downfall of the Baathist regime in Iraq. This win-lose situation has only created tension, distrust and the current threats of a war with Iran by America.
    It was in fact Robin Cook who said instead of containment, deterrent and a power equilibrium centred around an ‘axis of evil’ conjured to secure the free flow of oil and protect Israel’s security, a win-win system or a balance of security system that witnesses a rise of the relative security of rival actors is a setting that would generate better stability and lead to peace in the Middle East.
    Such a system however would not have equated to the present arms race, the de facto system for the maintenance and wealth of the 1% elite’s MIC.
    America’s actors in the region are Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Yet the ‘Arab Spring’ has shown us the real power, people, are committed to something new that leaves the US in the cold. Israel’s main strategic concerns relate to the political-security issues of the Levant, including its conflicts with the Palestinians, Hezbollah and Syria. Israel we know (deception)is prepared to enact cyber war against Iran and manipulate public opinion thru pro-Israeli lobbies while remaining behind America. Thus it is Britain with America that is trying to manipulate the situation by causing unrest in Syria and plying Saudi and Turkey with military hardware and dollar aid to Turkey.
    The real in plain sight threat is of course Iran’s access to nuclear energy, which means it can get rich and powerful on selling fossil fuel. In fact Saudi, UAE and Qatar all realise they must pursue nuclear energy before a dark cloud of ‘no oil’ paralyses their growing economies. Laughable really! – because they are essentially recognized Iran’s legitimate rights for making use of peaceful nuclear energy.
    To be sure any future instability in the region is the Israeli regime’s possession of some 400 nuclear warheads and the reason for the failure of all earlier moves toward regional disarmament. Viewed in this context, an important aim of Iran’s nuclear program is the elimination of nuclear weapons and all-out nuclear disarmament in the Middle East and the subsystem of the Persian Gulf. This is the ace card held by Iran and one that will ensure Russia and more importantly China will support Iran moving forward.

  • Ken


    I am not sure if Carter is correct but I do not see any of them in any hurry to take on the Israel lobby,they all seems to love Israel if that fiasco was anything to go by in Congress when they were jumping in and out of their seats to give Netanyahu god knows how many standing ovations. I am wondering when the American government are going to wake up and see that supporting Israel is doing them damage.

  • glenn

    “The Americans and the west have been plundering the world since they mastered so called voyages of discovery (more aptly named voyages of robbery and murder).”
    Indeed so. The most scholarly work on this in my own collection (currently up to 8, including the Brentford Trillogy) is Chomsky’s “Year 501: The conquest continues”.
    It appears that this book can be read online:
    If one is particularly interested in Latin American, go on down to page 155 – Chapter 7, “World orders old and new: Latin America”. For a sobering look at why the most poverty stricken countries have ended up that way, read Chapter 8, “The tragedy of Haiti”.
    Written in 1993, hence the title, it is every bit as worth reading today.
    As a side-note about Haiti, the filthy billionaire Pat Robinson, Televangelist, blood-diamond trader, scam-artist and gun-runner (all alleged, obviously!) weighed in on Haiti’s earthquake last year. Not content with blaming lesbians for 9/11 (“Gaad had lifted the veil of protection” because of their practices) and blaming liberalism and homosexuality for the disaster Katrina caused in Louisiana back in 2005, he blamed Haitians themselves for the earthquake. Between reps of his famous two-thousand pound leg-presses enabled by the Christian Muscle-gain powder he was trying to flog on his evangelical TV channels, he declared that Haitians had “made a pact with the devil” back in the 1700’s to boot the French out, so what else could they expect?

  • angrysoba

    Glenn: Paul Krugman summed it best, when describing Gingrich as ‘Stupid Man’s Idea of What a Smart Man Sounds Like’.

    Gingrich does of course have the rest of those frothing loons, Perry, Bachman, Cain, Santorum, Pawlenty, Palin etc… helping him look smarter than he is and, bizarrely, he also comes across as one of the more “moderate” Republicans this time around when back in his “Contract on America” days he was seen as a radical, but Gingrich is not stupid. His PhD thesis on Belgian education policies in the Congo has come in for some mocking but a PhD in history is not something that is given out to any old dummies.

  • angrysoba

    Mark Golding: America’s actors in the region are Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Yet the ‘Arab Spring’ has shown us the real power, people, are committed to something new that leaves the US in the cold. Israel’s main strategic concerns relate to the political-security issues of the Levant, including its conflicts with the Palestinians, Hezbollah and Syria. Israel we know (deception)is prepared to enact cyber war against Iran and manipulate public opinion thru pro-Israeli lobbies while remaining behind America. Thus it is Britain with America that is trying to manipulate the situation by causing unrest in Syria and plying Saudi and Turkey with military hardware and dollar aid to Turkey.

    Still pushing that Press TV/Iranian government snakeoil I see. So, the Arab Spring is seen by you as a rise of the real power – people – in every country except Iran’s top ally where obviously it is just a Zionist-engineered plot that can be as ruthlessly supressed as Assad likes. It’s amusing to see that you also put Britain at top-billing in the Satanic League as is in line with the doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    To be sure any future instability in the region is the Israeli regime’s possession of some 400 nuclear warheads and the reason for the failure of all earlier moves toward regional disarmament. Viewed in this context, an important aim of Iran’s nuclear program is the elimination of nuclear weapons and all-out nuclear disarmament in the Middle East and the subsystem of the Persian Gulf. This is the ace card held by Iran and one that will ensure Russia and more importantly China will support Iran moving forward.

    So Iran’s nuclear policy is a humanitarian policy aimed at elimination of nuclear weapons? Where can I get some of the drugs you’re on?

  • Ken

    I have read some bits and pieces about Latin America. Relating to Haiti I believe that they had to compensate the French after they had kicked the French out, you really cannot make this stuff up. Absolute disgrace.

    Haiti’s legacy of debt began shortly after gaining independence from France in 1804. In 1825, France, with warships at the ready, demanded Haiti compensate France for its loss of men and slave colony. In exchange for French recognition of Haiti as a sovereign republic, France demanded payment of 150 million francs (modern equivalent of $21 billion).[1] In 1838, France agreed to reduce the debt to 60 million francs to be paid over a period of 30 years.[2] In 1883, Haiti made the final payment

  • angrysoba

    Ken: Haiti’s legacy of debt began shortly after gaining independence from France in 1804. In 1825, France, with warships at the ready, demanded Haiti compensate France for its loss of men and slave colony. In exchange for French recognition of Haiti as a sovereign republic, France demanded payment of 150 million francs (modern equivalent of $21 billion)
    Yeah, so much for liberte, fraternite, egalite, eh?
    There’s a book I am interested in reading by C.L.R James called Black Jacobins about the Haiti Revolution and particularly on Toussaint L’Ouverture on how the revolutionaries saw themselves as only following the logic of the French Revolution.

  • glenn

    Ken: Haiti, yes, it was a very hard chapter to read. While I lived in the US (hence my persisting interest in the goddamned place), it was a regular occurrence for desperate Haitians, starving and persecuted, to flee in ramshackle flotillas that really shouldn’t be launched in a swimming pool, less still the high seas loaded with families.
    With no engine, meager supplies and often dying passengers, some of these floating wrecks that didn’t fall apart in the ocean, chanced towards American shores. The US coastguard kept these threats away with militarised gunboats. The cheek of the people, they should jolly well go back to wherever they came from!
    Cubans, on the other hand, were accepted without question, should they steal a boat and make the 90-mile sea crossing. A welcoming committee would greet them, and US citizenship was automatic. None of this H1 work permit or green-card nonsense.
    AngrySoba: Indeed, Gingrich is definitely neither a fool nor crazy, which is why he’s in the uncomfortable position of being a real frontrunner right now. He is indeed quite a considerable historian – who else could command this sort of recognition for providing a history lesson:
    Now it takes some serious scholarship to get you over the $1.5M mark, just for presenting a corporation with a lesson in history!
    This is Gingrich’s “thing”, and he’s done well out of it for a long time. He wouldn’t want to compromise such, erm, academic integrity by being encumbered by a genuine election bid, less still the challenge (and scrutiny) of actual office.

  • Ken


    Yeah the yanks are so full of compassion for the poor,just ask their own poor. They do like the Cubans though,well the ones who can make it to Miami anyway.I always liked that story of when the Americans would welcome all the Cubans that could make it there so Castro emptied all the prisons and sent them over.The Yanks have exploited Haiti like they have exploited virtually everywhere else in Latin America,they should be down on their knees begging for forgiveness.

  • angrysoba

    AngrySoba: Indeed, Gingrich is definitely neither a fool nor crazy, which is why he’s in the uncomfortable position of being a real frontrunner right now. He is indeed quite a considerable historian – who else could command this sort of recognition for providing a history lesson:

    I’d be interested to know how many of the Tea Party/Republicans who were squawking over Barney Frank’s relationship with FM/FM went after Gingrich on that. (Then again, possibly lots of them did because for them Gingrich is practically a RINO).

  • angrysoba

    Ho ho! Just read your link, Glenn. One of the people criticizing Barney Frank (and calling for him to be jailed!) was Newt Gingrich himself!
    Wow! At this rate I may lose my faith in the trustworthiness of politicians.

  • Rehmat

    Glenn – On January 23, 2010 – Russian online daily Pravda claimed that Russian Northern Fleet indicates that the earthquake that devastated Haiti was clearly the result of US Navy weapon test meant for Islamic Iran.

    Israel which has sent a team of doctors to Haition – was a PR campaign against the Arabs and Muslims. Islamophobe Alan Dershowitz, a senior member of Israel Hasbara (propaganda) Committee wrote in Zionist think tank, Huffington Post: “While Israel dig deeply into its treasury (which has sucked US$3,000 billion from US taxpayers since 1970s) and manpower to send medical assistance a quarter of the way around the world, Arab and Muslim nations are generally missing in action when it comes to relief efforts”. However, the IRIN Global (the UN Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affiars) smacks the face of Zionist Jew liar. On January 17, 2010 – IRIN reported that aid to Haiti is pouring from UAE, Jordan, Islamic Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Indonesia, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon and Islamic Relief (UK). Furthermore, American investigating journalist, Stephen Lendman, has claimed that 220 Israeli doctors and soldiers on the humanitarian mission in Haiti are involved in human organ stealing and harvesting body parts. Haitian prime minister Jean-Max Bellerive in his interview with CNN’s Zionist poodle, Christiane Amanpour has confirmed this: “There is organ tafficking for children and other persons also because they need all types of organs”. Last year Sweden’s newspaper Aftonbladet had reported that “Israeli troops stole and then sold the organs of Palestinians who died in custody in early 1990s”.

  • angrysoba

    Russian online daily Pravda claimed that Russian Northern Fleet indicates that the earthquake that devastated Haiti was clearly the result of US Navy weapon test meant for Islamic Iran.

    You really don’t need to read much further than “Russian online daily Pravda…”

  • angrysoba

    Tony: Angry,

    I am not sure whether or not I am getting through, but my wife Julie, has no political interest whatsoever.

    You’re not getting through, Tony. I have no idea what you are banging on about and I don’t know why you are telling me about your wife, Julie, though I am sure she has no idea you broadcast all your personal and sexual lives to complete strangers all over the internet. Why do you keep telling people this stuff?

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