Timing is All 251

Meryl Streep took best actress award at the Golden Globes for The Iron Lady. There has been much media speculation about the motivation for Alex Salmond choosing Autumn 2014 for the independence referendum, largely centring around Bannockburn. Personally I can see the referendum coinciding brilliantly with Margaret Thatcher’s state funeral in London. That really would clinch it.

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251 thoughts on “Timing is All

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  • Mary

    BREAKING NEWS:Number of crimes reported to police fell by 4% in year to September 2011, figures suggest
    BREAKING NEWS:British Crime Survey suggests levels of crime increased in England and Wales last year by 4%
    Strange juxtaposition of conflicting breaking news headlines on BBC website??

  • Uzbek in the UK

    Concerning politics and diplomacy it is usually quite big difference between what is said publicly and what is agreed behind the doors. There are thousands cases that can prove this to be true. It is obvious that before planning any military offensive against Iran or even Syria US would get an agreement from other major powers on their actions. Yes, Lavrov might still appear with strong condemnation of US military operation but there will hardly be any other support to Iran or Syria from Russian government. The same goes the opposite way. When Russians started their offensive on Georgia US as well as EU widely condemned it but at the same time there have been no other support to Georgia from US/EU considering the fact that Georgia is now short of two of its provinces that have fallen under Russian protectorate.
    Do not always believe that you hear from Foreign ministers whether it is Hague, Lavrov or Clinton their profession is to sell lie on global scale.

  • Uzbek in the UK

    Mr Murray,

    I wonder if you watched Newsnight yesterday. If not I would advise you to, particularly the part with Rory Stewart’s arguments.
    I recall reading his arguments in response to your claims of him being a spook. He stated something like that it was not only untrue but also dangerous thing to say. Yesterday he very clearly defended SIS and special forces and their right for cover up operations. He said that every country has secret services and that they usually act in the interests of their country and why UK has to be different. It seemed to me that his arguments very clearly contradicted his early claims.

  • ingo

    Rory Stewart and Mark Urban pitched against a woman who had more information than they had last night, Newsnight was an eyeopener to all those who did not know that the MI’s frequent this programme regularly.
    Rory was seen trying to get eye contact with her at all times, but she looked at those she spoke to, he was desperate to brow beat her into silence last night. The whole torture edifice crumbled and they will try everything to stop or delay the inquiery into Belhaj aquisations.

  • Uzbek in the UK

    I would not say that she had more information than they, I would put it that way that she was MUCH MORE honest and based her arguments on higher moral grounds than other 3 including Paxman who was trying to discredit her by repeatedly asking whether or not she believed that Gaddafi was a tyrant.
    Overall, it was nice to see how almighty geek Stewart was looking rather like a worm pressed by hard arguments. It was obvious that he lost an argument when at the end he accepted that British secret services cannot torture people.

  • Mary

    She was brilliant in her outspokenness. Stewart’s body language throughout was weird.
    She doesn’t get mentioned in the blurb. Only Urban and Boris’s stupid Thames Estuary airport proposal.
    ‘Also, Mark Urban has the untold story of how British efforts to help topple Gaddafi were not limited to air strikes. On the ground – and on the quiet – Special Forces soldiers were blending in with rebel fighters.’
    As if we did not know as Ms Ramdani says.


    Urban from the beginning above.
    12 mins in for Urban, Paxman, Stewart and Ms Nabila Ramdani. Her truthfulness shines out.

  • Passerby

    This is what you have said:
    “It seems to one that Iran unlike Saudi Arabia for instance is much more liberal but looking at it carefully one might realise that this all is just an illusion. Can you for instance name me few major factors which differentiate Saudi monarchy from Iranian Ayatollas? And if possible with sources?”
    WTF are you on there Uzbek? Put that bung down. You keep asking for sources, whilst the only source you have forwarded is “World According to Uzbek”, and the above unconscious drivel proves it.
    You hit any thread and start peppering it with all manner of comments to all and sundry, all the while slagging off Iran, Islam, any and all Muslim. Further when called upon to account for your unjustified hatred and prejudice you then resort to the troll techniques of; “where was this said, etc.” Why don’t you stop making it up; “never said this and that”. As the above gem like pearls of wisdom prove!! Although sure as the day is long, in the next future threads you will disown these too.

  • Passerby

    That does not surprise me the least bit. Incidentally I know a crazed guy who actually was acquainted with Charles Taylor’s sons, and he can tell a story or two to grab your attention.
    Thanks for the heads up, but what is your thoughts on this sinking lark? Do you think this is an insurance job to get the extra/redundant capacity off the books at the full ratings instead of a written off scrap deal?
    Mary has been doing a bit of digging on this too, and her links are around the threads.
    Talking of digging, does anyone know what has happening to Komodo? Has he fallen prey to some upstart lizard and eaten by it?

  • Uzbek in the UK

    Do you actually believe in what you have said ‘all the while slagging off Iran, Islam, any and all Muslim.’. Or is this based on lack of counter arguments?
    Any quotation of me slagging off either Iran (note not Iranian regime), Islam (note not radical Islam in its worst interpretation), any and all Muslim?
    And also, do you think that WTF is appropriate on this blog?

  • Passerby

    This infuriates me, the anger and disdain I hold the wankers who game the system to stop the progress is clearly on the display;
    The 130-year-old firm had been trying to sell the 1,100 digital imaging patents it licenses for use in mobile and other devices, as well as printers.

    In 1975, Kodak invented the first digital camera, but the company delayed developing mass production
    The CEO sitting on all these Intellectual Property, and suppressing the said technology so he can sell more films, and photographic supplies. Patents are good for you!!!

  • Passerby

    You prove you have not said. The WTF is indeed appropriate given the utter bilge you pass as debate.
    Just re read what you have written instead of sounding all hurt and disappointed;
    “It seems to one that Iran unlike Saudi Arabia for instance is much more liberal but looking at it carefully one might realise that this all is just an illusion. Can you for instance name me few major factors which differentiate Saudi monarchy from Iranian Ayatollas? And if possible with sources?”
    You contend Saudi and Iran are the same, other than portraying the degrees of malice what does this LSD induced paragraph tells us all?

  • Uzbek in the UK

    It is surprisingly for me to discover a part of you that is eager for a progress and intellectual development.
    As for Kodak goes, in USSR (much loved and appreciated by you) such things have happened on a massive scale. The same cars have been manufactured since 1960th despite the fact that whole team of engineers worked hard in order to invent new models and improve existing one. It was all put on hold for years and then for decades as there was no necessity of improving and modernising as market was closed and there we no alternatives for customers. Eventually engineers stopped developing new ideas and were just redrawing old models in order to submit something every quarter in order to register progress on the paper. And the same applied to largely all sectors of the economy with slight exception of military industrial complex.

  • Uzbek in the UK

    Of course there are a lot of differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia but I was referring to the system of power. I personally see no principal difference between institute of Ayatollas in Iran and institute of monarchy in Saudi Arabia, do you? And if yes, (which I presume) can you please indicate some sources so that I change my mind and stop (according to you) talking nonsense.

  • Azra

    Uzbek, I am of Iranian origin and go to Iran two/three times a year, I travel, talk to people, listen to the news in Iran, read the papers. Regarding State Pension, few of my own friends and relatives are in receipt of it in Iran as well as here, therefore I can compare, the same with the prices, I can compare what I buy here to the same articles in Iran.

    People who comment about Israel, have not lived there, but if killing/plundering/atrocities are reported from many different sources as well as Israel actually not denying it and justifying it, then you have it. Also we all know the history

    Regarding comparing Saudi to Iran, does Saudi have female MPs? or Minister?
    Do the women have any right at all in Saudi? this is only one l difference. There are many newspaper in Iran who print anti establishment/government articles, yes when they step out of line too much they are closed. I have read with my own eyes in Persian papers articles citizen Khomenai the so called spiritual ruler, and I have watched demonstration when university student were chanting insults at him and yet nobody was shot! Now compare that with Saudi.
    The media here are not that much in their favour either! Look at us we have to go through countless website and blogs in search of truth!

    Talking about education, standard of education is quite high in Iran, it was reported in BBC last year that the graduates Iranian universities in Math and Science are amongst the best in the world and when they attend the Ivey Leagues in the states for their Masters they are often way more advanced than American students, the fact I mentioned the education is not to back any democracy argument but to back the standard of living and education.

    Regarding demonstration, again I am asking you not to take too much notice of the western media, the peaceful demonstration after the last elections were hijacked by moles in Iran. My own cousin who was taking part told me next to her were member of MOK who started becoming quite unruly and throwing stone at the police.
    It is even claimed that Neda was killed by elements wanting to cause problems. Nobody knows the truth but looking at the CIA backed troubles in Russia today I can fully believe that.

    Once again I am not saying Iran is a democracy, far from it, Iran has a long, long way to go in that respect,. What I am saying negative propaganda in the west is exactly what it is “negative propaganda”, ordered by the pay masters.

  • Azra

    Uzbek : just to add, you were talking about elections, and we can vote who we want. Are you implying that the last elections in Iran were fraud?? If so I suggest referring to the polls taken before the election, Ahmadi Nejad was predicted to win by huge majority, I can tell you also that if there was an election tomorrow, he could very well be elected, he is more popular in Iran than you believe. The only thing is the some of the intellectuals believe the masses do not have the right or brain to choose (does that sound familiar?? I think we have it in here as well!).

  • Mary

    ‘Dress rehearsal’ taking place on the Thames today, Royal Marines, inflatables, helicopters, other boats. etc. Sky News reminding us of Alki Ada, Palestinian threats on Israeli athletes, etc etc. Berlin 1936 had nothing on this. Promising the RAF next time.

  • Mary

    Passerby I think Komodo is hibernating on a warm sandy beach somewhere.
    A propos of nothing, why are there so few £5 notes in circulation? This morning I ended up with a purse full of £1 coins. Is it to get us frittering them away as they are worth so little now. eg a single cake or bun is now about 70p (14 shillings old money).

    I bought a pair of Clarks leather shoes this morning reduced from £65 to £24.99. Made in Vietnam I noticed when I got home. The Clark brothers must be spinning in their graves.

    ‘Started in 1825, by Quaker brothers Cyrus and James Clark, as a business making sheepskin rugs and slippers, using out-workers in the village, it has expanded to become a global shoe brand, with operations in Europe, the United States and the Far East.
    For much of the life of the business, the company manufactured its own shoes in Somerset, building several factories in the area. The company’s Quaker ethos made provision for workers’ housing, education and leisure activities, while its keen social conscience kept Street ‘dry’ for many years. Rising costs and low productivity prompted the company to move production abroad, and while shoe design is still predominantly done in the United Kingdom, all manufacturing has now moved to India, Brazil, Cambodia, China, and Vietnam. In 1993, redundant buildings at its Street site were opened as Clarks Village, which includes more than 90 shops. There are also coffee shops, refreshment stalls, and a dining area shared by fast food chains, mostly selling goods at a discount to high street prices.’
    Wonder what the conditions are like for the nimble handed workers in the Far East?

  • Mary

    Levantine V good D)

    I omitted to include the Met in the list of participants. Was trying to think of the acronym for inflatables. There seemed to be dozens of them.

  • Passerby

    That is not a joke. The source is Sorcha Faal a Russian economist, who often writes all manner of propaganda. In fact sorcha faal aka David Booth who shills for the zionists, and co. Memes, keeping the enemy covered from all angles.

  • Uzbek in the UK

    Believe me or not I am extremely happy to meet yet another Iranian, even via internet. In both USSR/Uzbekistan and in the UK I have had a pleasure of knowing quite a few Iranians from different places and different backgrounds (I have had even a displeasure of meeting some Iranian officials). I just wanted to clarify this yet one again that my negativism over Iran is related to Iranian government and NOT to Iranian people.
    As stated before my knowledge about your country is not based on BBC/Sky/Sun etc but mostly of what I have heard or read from various sources mostly on internet and summarised by the comparative analysis. Most of Iranians I met share same negativism as well as the view that only if Iran had more liberal system it could have achieved much more both economically and socially. Do not get me wrong that by liberal system I mean regime of Shah but one should be very biased to call current regime as liberal or democratic.
    From here on I will have some comparative analysis with my own country Uzbekistan, so that as we all agree that Uzbekistan is neither democracy nor liberal, it would be easier for me to clarify my arguments.
    You mentioned female MPs in Iran, but do you know that there are number of them in Uzbekistan? There are even female party chairwomen in Uzbekistan and one of those parties led by female was even allowed into the parliament. This alone does not support your earlier claims of democracy in Iran. And also where do you put multiple claims of women discrimination in Iran starting from family and going through the labour law?
    You said that newspapers are allowed certain degree of criticism of the Iranian government, but is this true? What about multiple cases of persecution of journalist? Have they said too much? Have major corruption issues with involvement of top government officials been made public yet?
    As for education I agree with you as most Iranians I met are quite knowledgably in their field but as women related argument goes, it is certain that despite over 60% of university students in Iran nowadays being women only 15-20% of them make it to the employment. As for example I also refer to my own country and in Uzbekistan number of university graduates are much higher than in Kazakhstan BUT number of these graduates successfully utilising their skills in employment is much less. In fact most of the young graduates prefer to emigrate from Uzbekistan in search of better employment opportunities (in absence of official statistic this argument is based on personal observation of those I know). Brain drain was so significant that Uzbek government introduced new (unwritten) rule not to issue official diplomas in the next 2-3 years after graduation but just piece of paper stating name, institution and degree.
    As for hijacked demonstrations, I have heard it somewhere before. Now I recall. I have heard it from Karimov (president/dictator of Uzbekistan) after he ordered to shoot hundreds of people in Andijan in May 2005.

  • Passerby

    You conflate everything, and come up with a weird world view.
    First off, what is the definition of democracy so far as you are concerned?
    Secondly what do you mean with “Liberalism”? (what is it, why should it matter, etc)
    Thirdly how do economics relate to liberalism, or democracy?
    You were equating Iran, and Saudi, now you are doing the same with but Iran an Uzbekistan, hence Saudi, and Uzbekistan ought to be the same monarchy system run as Islamic Emirates, is that true Uzbek?
    PS no wriggling out of first answer the three questions, then address the last part.

  • Mary

    Ref the exercises on the Thames, they continue all week apparently. For added emphasis Sky News have had a Professor Silke, expert in terrorism, on and also a Peter Neumann from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation/Dept of War Studies Kings College. He was quoting Mumbai, London 7/7 and Atlanta.
    Hype it all up boys and girls and raise the fear factor.

  • Passerby

    With the bonny lot of foreigners perambulating around during the Olympics all is probable and then some, so we need to be Alert because the country needs Lerts, more than ever before, and best spy on the next door more often in case something has gone unnoticed.
    Have you received your invitation for the cake and biscuits on the royal yacht that is getting fashioned out for the flotilla run?

  • Mary

    No! To use one of my mother’s expressions, it will have ‘to snow blue ink’ before that happens.
    Anyway we are trying to think of ways to completely avoid both this Jubilee and the Olympics. It will be difficult I know. Did you hear that Ms de Thames of Gardeners’ World fame is seeing to the floral displays on the barge? Theme – red, gold and purple.
    This is Professor Silke, yet another one of these scaremongers embedded in our ‘universities’.

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