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154 thoughts on “Chris Huhne Resigns as England Captain

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  • Passerby

    cut the condescension out, Al Jazeera is a compromised echo chamber of the machination of the Qatari shiekhs gone wild
    Few shaky mobile phone clips and a narrative, do not add up to hill of beans, and are in no way a permit for the current bums rush for Libya redux (even zioBBC now owns up to the filthy lies and schemes).
    We all know that the whole stinking affair is about kicking Assad out and setting up a ziouckwit friendly regime in Syria. So quit trying to cover up the sick game that has been playing out ever since the “defense of the realm” cock and bull made its debut.

  • Mary

    I agree with the premise of the petition Havantaclu but cannot abide the cringemaking tone of the ‘supplication’. And as if Brenda cares. She is too busy planning the spending of £60 million on her Jubilee celebrations as I heard it said. Anyway it’s a fraction of the cost of Olympics as Cameron said but who knows the actual cost of that which is in £billions already.
    ‘But Prime Minister David Cameron noted that the jubilee would cost a fraction of the bill for the London Olympics which take place in July and August.’

  • guano

    Dick the Prick
    ‘It’s not your normal affair, it’s kinda ruthless.’
    Am I missing something by not having a TV or reading a newspaper?
    Why are we discussing Mr Huhne’s private life? Does the borrowing of trillions from countries like Qatar to re-float what Fred Goodwin collapsed mean that we now have to do what they say in UK foreign policy, and also judge our politicians by the standards of Shariah?
    Qatar doesn’t have a right to charge interest to banks like Barclays, and they don’t have a right to dictate to Muslim countries which Islamic group should be put in power as part of a financial deal which is already breaking the rules of Shariah.
    There is such a thing as legitimacy, and we are told to obey those leaders who demonstrate obedience to Islam and definitely NOT to obey those who do not demonstrate obedience to Islam.
    ‘By their fruit shall ye know them’. You saw what the result of the rebellion in Libya has been. Money may talk, but if you build animosity from the general public into your regime change and glibly label it democracy, you simultaneously devalue democracy and devalue Islam.
    The world needs integrity, and Islam patently has integrity, but we have not yet seen Muslims apply the integrity of Islam to politics either in the domestic or international sphere.
    Boring though Craig’s readers find this subject, please bear with me a second to explain something about Islam. We are told in the Quran to change ourselves as a condition of God changing our circumstances. It follows that no amount of political alliances with the enemies of Islam or pressure from oil-dosh from Arab play-boys will ever make a difference to the circumstances of the Muslims.
    All that will happen is that you will replace one kind of oppression with another, from brutal dictatorships to an Islamic version of Puritanism, invented by Zionists, paid for by Muslim hypocrites and implemented by Western atheists.
    The jails of the countries who have had regime change in the Arab spring will be fuller under the new regime than before, justice will be scarcer and freedom of speech will be eliminated. I know most of you don’t care about that prospect until you actually see it. My job is only to warn people not to believe the leaven of the Pharisees, the Islamist political movement which has the soft outer face of the Muslim Brotherhood. They are liars, spyers, cheaters, political manipulators and they have no legitimacy amongst any of the Muslim peoples. especially in Syria.

  • ingo

    Guano, I had to translate your jest german before I got the meaning, those days are nearly 40 years ago, when I was young, naive and more gullible, as for lobotomy, don’t assume that others are like you.

    Huhne without the ‘e’ means chicken in German and thats exactly what fits. I hope both get clobbered and that one of the two get found guilty and put to prison for wasting public money and time with their banality and egocentrics.

    That said, what could have possibly be more important folks, cause this BBC flagship programm ‘Newshite’ did not talk about anything else last night, I timed them and hilarity spread by the minute, when it was finished I laughed out loud, nothing but Huhne cack and/or talk about Huhne cack for 45 minutes, an exemplary for university teachers lookinbg for a great example of managing consent.

    This artificiallity of this news is breathtaking, nothing else had a look in all day, nothing changed the tune, it was either John Terry, or chicken shit. So what do we think we are living in today?
    vidi vidi springs to mind, Clockwork orange is showing this sunday at the Cinema City in Norwich, maybe a cultural discharge of sorts will help….

  • Dick the Prick

    @Guano. Good luck there buddy. I just love it when a cabinet minister resigns, it’s a sport in itself destroying ministers dude. All the best with Syria – has Assad lost control to his secret police? He looks like he’s out of the loop when on telly. Don’t really do religion much but like the buildings.

  • guano

    I followed the links to medialens and onwards to Alastair Crooke’s analysis about Syria Unfolding the Syrian Paradox at Asia Times.
    Mr Crooke’s description of the situation as a ‘box’ with different struggling sides makes it sound like a Tardis which has magic powers of its own which Assad can utilise for his own advantage.
    I remember why I marched against the invasion of Iraq, because we had already seen the USUK idea of war in the carpet bombing of innocent civilians in Afghanistan. Similarly we have seen the method USUK has used for regime change in Libya including 1000 tons of munitions. Denials by the likes of William Hague are not worth the smirk that accompanies them. A smirk of pro-Zionist glee at the imminent destruction of more thousands of Muslims, and the fibrillation of security in the Middle East, and the vast clean slate for future arms sales.
    The Salafi technique of lying is to mix a tradition which existed at the time of the prophet May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, with an outright lie. One example of such deceit is that in the Gulf States workers who have entered the Middle-East on a promise of employment are systematically reduced to the condition of slavery. Slavery was permitted in Islam, but the reduction of the status of subservient employment to the status of slavery was absolutely categorically forbidden.
    The sleight of hand which is being planned between Sunni Salafism and CIA/MI6 AlQaida, is the usual stale old one we find in domestic UK politics, that the West and Russia/China are going to have a war over arms sales to Middle-Eastern countries anyway, so why don’t they ride the tiger which is most going to benefit them. In UK politics this has usually meant Muslims vote for New Labour, but in this situation we see a swing to Conservative politicians. The myth is that if Muslims saw the removal of dictators in the Middle-East, the Muslims would hand the Conservatives an electoral majority, instead of the irritating alliance with the Liberals whom they hate. They don’t hate Clegg and Cable who are ideologically with them, but they completely hate all forms of Liberal thought.
    This gamble relies on the idea that if there is a bloodbath in the Middle-East, they can blame the Muslims. Yesterday there was a discussion on Syria on Radio 4 which replaced Newsnight. It was pointed out that in Muslim countries, revenge was the normal course, which portrays Islam as being a system of utter lawlessness, in which revenge and counter-revenge create chaos. Nothing could be further from the truth. This was the condition of the Arabs BEFORE Islam. The whole purpose of Shariah was to bring justice under state control, totally opposite to what is happening in Libya where Mr Belhadj is basking as a hero in the Islamic press, while mob rule and torture take place at the hands of the soldiers under his or his collueagues command.
    Bombing is inevitable, and Iraqisation is inevitable. The likes of Belhadj and the CIA/MI6 and Saudi Qatar Salafis who sponsor them are liars of the first order, vying with eachother who can stretch the truth furthest from the truth of Islam.
    There is no magic political Tardis, Assad is telling the truth. There is only violence upon violence upon violence to come out of military intervention in Syria. Any one who denies this has had their eyes closed for the last fifteen years. Who is blind in this life will be raised blind in the next life. I for one am witness against the process now being started in the United Nations. I condemn it utterly before they even open their mouths.

  • mark_golding

    Russia and China have vetoed a UN resolution on Syria calling for regime change; a half-cocked William Hague with an Israeli dagger in his back said, “The Syrian regime’s actions display President Assad’s cold-blooded cynicism in the face of mounting international pressure for the UN security council to do its utmost to end the bloodshed… “The escalating violence underlines the critical importance of the security council adding its weight to the Arab League’s efforts to end the crisis in Syria.”
    Yes Mr Hague, a crisis caused by the bloody conspiracy of the West to invoke civil war – do you really thing the ‘thinkin Brit’ believes your rhetoric?
    Syria has seen a number of terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacked Syrian servicemen and military facilities, law enforcement agencies institutions, blasts on oil pipelines, railroads, murders and taking of hostage among peaceful citizens (In the city of Homs insurgents killed five well known scientists), arson of schools and killing of teachers (since March 2011, 900 schools have been set on fire and 30 teachers have been killed).
    Terrorist attacks in Damascus became one of the bloodiest. Two of them were carried out on December 23, 2011 when cars loaded with explosives went off in front of the buildings of state security service killing 44 and injured about 150 people. On January 6, 2012 on a busy street a suicide bomber attack killed 26 and wounded 60. There were officers of the law enforcement agencies among the victims but most of the victims were occasional by-passers.
    After terrorist attacks in Damascus demonstrations with slogans supporting Bashar Assad and condemning terrorists were held everyday. Similar demonstrations were organized in other large cities such as Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Daraa, Deir az Zor. These demonstrations were covered by the Syrian TV. During our stay in Syria we could move around the city freely and speak with people as we liked but we did not see any single anti-governmental rally. Most of the rallies’ participants were young people.

    That is the truth Mr Hague, you know it and young enlightened people know it. You may hold hands with America and dominate secure banking messaging and secure banking electronic transfer but you cannot stop countries trading in gold for oil.
    Economic war and sanctions murdered a million Iraqi children, this time we will stop the control psychopaths and this veto is only the beginning.

  • guano

    p.s. There was jihad in the time of the prophet SAW, but not engineered by the special forces of the enemies of Islam, shoe-horned by Zionism, and paid for by the least just system of governance in the world, the Oil-rich Gulf states. You mix a bit of shit into the prison food and it becomes inedible at best or poisonous. I condemn William Hague and this Conservative government totally for their part in the de-stabilisation of Syria. I condemn Saudi-Arabia etc utterly for their sponsoring of violence for political jealousy after the West has handed iran and Iraq to their Shi’a rivals. I condemn the Al Qaida jihadists utterly for their twisting of Islam and their mixing of truth and untruth.

  • Dick the Prick

    Pop you down as a maybe then lads? What on earth is happening in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland other than the same economic war that’s being fought everywhere else? Why’s the Middle East different from Central America or Korea or Somalia? I just don’t see this conspiracy shit – I see guys with oil & drugs acting like gangsters and civil war or not, it feels that ‘western’ help doesn’t work.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Put these in your pipe Mr Hague – and smoke it!

    US Vetoes of Resolutions Against Israel, 1972-2011.

    1. “…condemned Israel‘s attack against Southern against southern Lebanon and Syria…”
    2. “…affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, statehood and equal protections…”
    3. “…condemned Israel‘s air strikes and attacks in southern Lebanon and its murder of innocent civilians…”
    4. “…called for self-determination of Palestinian people…”
    5. “…deplored Israel‘s altering of the status of Jerusalem, which is recognized as an international city by most world nations and the United Nations…”
    6. “…affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people…”
    7.“…endorsed self-determination for the Palestinian people…”
    8. “…demanded Israel‘s withdrawal from the Golan Heights…”
    9. “…condemned Israel‘s mistreatment of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and its refusal to abide by the Geneva convention protocols of civilized nations…”
    10. “…condemned an Israeli soldier who shot eleven Moslem worshippers at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount near Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem…”
    11. “…urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its invasion of Lebanon…”
    12. “…urged sanctions against Israel if it did not withdraw from its invasion of Beirut…”
    “…urged cutoff of economic aid to Israel if it refused to withdraw from its occupation of Lebanon…”
    13. “…condemned continued Israeli settlements in occupied territories in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, denouncing them as an obstacle to peace…”
    14. “…deplores Israel‘s brutal massacre of Arabs in Lebanon and urges its withdrawal…”
    15. “…condemned Israeli brutality in southern Lebanon and denounced the Israeli ‘Iron Fist’ policy of repression…”
    16. “…denounced Israel‘s violation of human rights in the occupied territories…”
    17.“…deplored Israel‘s violence in southern Lebanon…”
    18. “…deplored Israel‘s activities in occupied Arab East Jerusalem that threatened the sanctity of Muslim holy sites…”
    19. “…condemned Israel‘s hijacking of a Libyan passenger airplane…”
    20. “…deplored Israel‘s attacks against Lebanon and its measures and practices against the civilian population of Lebanon…”
    20. “…called on Israel to abandon its policies against the Palestinian intifada that violated the rights of occupied Palestinians, to abide by the Fourth Geneva Conventions, and to formalize a leading role for the United Nations in future peace negotiations…”
    21. “…urged Israel to accept back deported Palestinians, condemned Israel‘s shooting of civilians, called on Israel to uphold the Fourth Geneva Convention, and called for a peace settlement under UN auspices…”
    22. “…condemned Israel‘s… incursion into Lebanon…”
    23. “…deplored Israel‘s… commando raids on Lebanon…”
    24. “…deplored Israel‘s repression of the Palestinian intifada and called on Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinians…”
    25. “…deplored Israel‘s violation of the human rights of the Palestinians…”
    26. “…demanded that Israel return property confiscated from Palestinians during a tax protest and allow a fact-finding mission to observe Israel‘s crackdown on the Palestinian intifada…”
    27. “…called for a fact-finding mission on abuses against Palestinians in Israeli-occupied lands…”
    28. “…confirmed that the expropriation of land by Israel, the occupying power, in East Jerusalem was invalid, and called upon the Government of Israel to rescind the expropriation orders and refrain from such action in the future.”
    29. “…called on Israel to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and responsibilities under the 1949 Geneva Convention” and to refrain from it’s policy of settlement expansion which “alter facts on the ground pre-empting final status negotiations, and have negative implications for the Middle East Peace Process;”
    30. “…demanded that Israel immediately cease construction of the Jabal Abu Ghneim settlement in East Jerusalem as well as other Israeli settlement activities in the occupied territories.”
    31“… requested an unarmed UN Observer force to be sent to the West Bank to help protect Palestinian civilians.”
    32. “…requested the sending of a human rights monitoring force to the Occupied Territories and condemned all acts of terror, extra-judiciary killing, excessive use of force and house demolitions. Also expressed it determination to contribute to ending the violence and to prompting dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian sides.
    33. “…condemned the killing by the Israeli occupying forces of
    several UN employees” and demanded that Israel, complied fully with the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War” and “refrained from the excessive and disproportionate use of force in the Occupied Palestinian Territory;”
    34. “…demanded that Israel ceased threats to deport or harm Yasser Arafat, the elected President of the Palestinian Authority;”
    35. “…decides that the construction by Israel, the occupying Power, of a wall in the Occupied Territories departing from the armistice line of 1949 is illegal under relevant provisions of international law and must be ceased and reversed;”
    36. “…condemned Israel for the extra-judicial executions that killed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin along with six other Palestinians outside a mosque in Gaza City and calls for a complete cessation of extra-judicial executions by Israel
    37. “…condemned the military incursion into Gaza and demanded the immediate cessation of all military operations in the area of Northern Gaza and the withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from that area;
    38. “…condemned all acts of violence, terror and destruction during the Gaza conflict including rocket attacks by Hamas into Israel and the military assault being carried out by Israel.”
    39. “…called upon the Palestinian Authority to take immediate and sustained action to bring an end to violence, including the firing of rockets on Israeli territory. Called upon Israel to immediately cease its military operations within Gaza and to immediately withdraw its forces to to positions prior to 28 June 2006, and expressed grave concern about the dire humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people.”
    40. declared Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories were illegal and a “major obstacle to the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace”.

  • nuid

    On Twitter:
    BREAKING: BBC’s Jim Muir says activist groups in #Syria are revising down death toll in #Homs significantly from earlier figure of 200.
    Local Coordinating Cttees now says 39 deaths in Khalidieh, 8 in other districts of #Homs, and 8 outside city. #syria
    Figure of 200 was “provisional” – read that as you will.
    Like until after the vote?? A Syrian girl (apparently in London) who was on the phone to Homs is getting local reports that the army was not shelling Homs, and that the 39 deaths are of Syrian soldiers earlier taken hostage by the “Free Syrian Army”.
    Ali Abunimah tweets: “Syria videos that have emerged show military aged men dead/injured. Any showing images consistent with claimed civilian massacre?”
    — and meanwhile Rice throws a wobbly at the UNSC, yakking about freedom and human rights (the hypocrites) and then all the Yanks walk out.

  • nuid

    Three tweets I quoted above are from
    Stuart Hughes
    @stuartdhughes London
    BBC World Affairs Producer: Journalist, landmine survivor, amputee, cyclist, Billy’s daddy. Views expressed are mine, not the BBC’s.

  • Fedup

    The Veto in the UN clearly indicates the extent of the overconfidence of the belligerents to take for granted the acquiescence of the other powers, in the dash for expansion of the US empire. The choreographed and orchestrated attacks on the Syrian embassies around the world, and the constant update of the tally of the dead on the “news” hour after hour, in the build up to the vote, were designed to maximise the pressures on the UNSC, to pass on a resolution that would have legalised yet another leg of the expansion of the US empire.
    This rejection of the plots and machinations to turn Syria into a semi destroyed vassal state, is the first phase of the warning; world is sick and tired of US et al warmongering, and has had enough of destruction and mass murder that has been under way, for the duration of the first decade of the 21st century.

  • Mary

    Well said Fedup and thanks Mark and Nuid. I hope Sky and ZBC are reading this and noting the FACTS.

    Throughout the day, they were both leading with Homs and even upping the figures. A breathless Sky reporter was outside the Syrian Embassy where a violent protest was taking place (a rabble) and then live from the UN giving a lot of time to the Zionist US UN Ambassador, Susan Rice.

  • guano

    Well said Fedup. Btw Abu Ni’mah is the correct spelling, Ni’mah ( meaning blessing ) being my wife’s name .

  • Mary

    A Grade 1 five storey building in Grafton Street, Mayfair caught fire yesterday and is badly damaged.
    It it interesting to see where the ownership resides and indicative of how the 1% manage their financial affairs. Not many, if any, of the homes of the 99% are registered offshore I would surmise.
    ‘Grafton Street is a mix of hugely expensive homes and commercial properties.
    It is thought the homeowner was not at home when the fire began but his personal staff were.
    The owner arrived this morning to describe to firefighters the building’s layout before moving, with his employees, to a hotel.
    The Grade 1 listed building was sold in March 2007 for £13 million.
    It is owned by Taradale Offshore Limited, incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, but based in St Helier, Jersey.
    Next question. Who is the owner?

  • kingfelix

    The Indie went for the ‘it’s China and Russia’s fault, therefore, it’s your fault (if you side with them)’ in a big way. The only thing missing was a browser plugin that sprays the blood of Syrian innocents over you as you choose to check out the football scores instead – “You callous bastard! How can you be reading about Manchester City at a time like this??? We need your outrage to advance our wish for war, sorry, ‘humanitarian intervention’…”
    I was reading Chomskey’s Hegemony or Survival again last night and he talks about the ‘two superpowers’ now as being the US and world public opinion.
    Well, world public opinion appears to be in the ascendance lately. The kleptocrats may have to regroup.

  • Mary

    Kingfelix Is Lebedev’s ownership influencing their agenda on Syria? Yesterday the front page was given to Donald McIntyre’s piece on Iran –
    On 25 March 2010, Independent News & Media sold the newspaper to Alexander Lebedev for a £1 fee and £9.25m over the next 10 months, since closing the Independent and its Sunday title would have cost £28m and £40m respectively, due to long-term contracts.[2][9] In 2009, Lebedev had bought a controlling stake in the London Evening Standard.

  • Mary

    100 Con MPs protest to Cameron on wind farm subsidy.
    Oh dear that will affect SamCam’s daddy who has one on his estate and plans to extend.
    PS Whatever else is said about the Mail, their investigative journalists are good. I just can’t bear the silly sleb stuff on the RH margin.

  • Clark

    The Daily Mail is weird. If you collect all the articles you agree with, and ignore all the others, it can seem a very progressive paper. The trouble is, that applies no matter what your starting point. I can’t think of a more self-contradictory paper. I think they print anything so long as it’s extreme enough in any direction. In the end, it feeds polarisation, and thus it feeds conflict.

  • Anon

    What a disgusting pit of reptiles and apologists for Baathist fascists this blog is becoming. The fact is that Assad has been murdering his people for many years – and whether his latest shelling of civilian areas killed scores or hundreds is quite frankly an irrelevance.

    Robert Fisk and his fellow journalists on the Independent are more than aware of what is happening

    Or have they now been bought by the Quataris or someone else.

    Those of us with longer memories might of course remember that the Assad dynasty has form when it comes to under reporting the figures from its massacres The apologists might of course wish to explain why they have supported such thuggery for so long – is it that they are stupid or is it just that they are being paid well fro their work?

  • Anon


    Given that is pretty well know that Russians pay people to make comments on blogs (see Luke Harding’s recent books for example) – one might want to ask questions about your own ownership interest – I have seen very little, if anything, on your part that is critical of Putin. The frequent accusations of trollery and being paid for commenting might also, as is often the case, might point to one’s own failings??

  • Clark

    Anon, the matter is distortion of the news to drum up support for another US led war, not support of “Baathist fascists”.
    You’re falling into the same trap that I accused the Daily Mail of setting above. Polarisation that supports conflict.

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