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8,099 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    If Eric Maillaud “thinks” the shootist stopped firing because he was interrupted.

    Does Eric know / guess who was the interrupter.
    Perhaps the interrupter / witness was MISTERLYON?

  • michael norton

    “FRANCE launched its first air strike in SYRIA on September 27, destroying an Islamic State training camp near Deir al-Zor in the east of the country,
    saying at the time it was acting in “self defence”.

    Le Drian said that the Islamic State was FRANCE’s “main enemy” and that RUSSIAN air strikes were mostly hitting SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents in SYRIA
    and not Islamic State targets.

    He reiterated that Assad, whom he said had killed 250,000 of his own people,
    could not be part of a political solution in SYRIA.”

    So how does Le Drian know ASSAD has killed 250,000 of his own people?

  • michael norton

    Lathuile murder: the author of the identified shot from the 5 suspects

    A few days after the arrest of five suspects linked to the murder of the manager of a camping Lathuile, last November, the prosecutor Annecy stated “the sequence of events”
    during a press conference Friday April 18.

    Franck Grassaud
    Published 04/18/2014 | 10:44, updated the 07/30/2015 | 10:09 p.m.

    “The author of the shot is 23, he is a native of Ugine, glazier occupation, he was known to police, but only for traffic offenses,” said Yann Jomier.

    I wonder if this native of Ugine was familiar with another native of Ugine one
    Sylvain Mollier?

  • michael norton

    The population of “greater” UGINE, Savoie,
    is given as seven and a quarter thousand persons. 7,272

    So it could be that Sylvain from UGINE and these two brothers from UGINE
    either knew of each other or did not know of each other.

    However, how many people from UGINE, in eighteen months,
    are either locally shot dead or shoot another local dead.

    THE fact that (native) Sylvain from UGINE was shot dead ( along with the al-Hilli party),
    then six days after the E-FIT-SKETCH WAS RELEASED, just down the road from that
    killing spot, two brothers ( native)from UGINE shoot a woman dead.

    THAT woman was shot dead in her home in Lathuile, not far from the holiday cottage of William Brett Martin, the discoverer of the Slaughter of the Horses.

    So I am suggesting in a town/area of 7,272
    to either be shot dead and to shoot someone dead puts you in a very much smaller population,
    therefore it is more likely they were known to each other.

  • michael norton

    Normal house Burglary is undertaken by one person,
    not by five persons with guns and cuffs.
    Whatever the FRENCH deputy prosecutor says,
    this was not burglary.

  • michael norton

    Have the FRENCH NO SHAME?

    French Prime Minister Manuel Valls is due in Saudi Arabia Monday on the third leg of a Middle East tour, hoping to secure large sales of French military equipment despite the kingdom’s questionable human rights record.

    He arrives at the start of the Saudi-French Business Opportunities Forum, which will be attended by some 200 French companies seeking contracts with the oil-rich kingdom.

    Valls, accompanied by his Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, is expected to sign a “significant” deal with Saudi Arabia on behalf of Airbus Helicopters for the sale of military aircraft.

    But his visit comes amid rising concerns about human rights in Saudi Arabia.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    It has the feel of vendetta, doesn’t it? It seems semi-professional, more like a Camorra-type hit than a targeted act by a highly-trained assassin. Some elements seem professional, others not. The cyclist may simply have wandered in on the scene. Who knows?

    Someone does.

  • michael norton

    more Haute-Savoie madness

    “It is a walker who made the gruesome discovery yesterday afternoon, a small forest path at the edge of towns Eloise and Saint-Germain-sur-Rhône, Haute-Savoie. Visibly devastated by a fire truck. Inside: two completely burned bodies. The investigation was entrusted to the research section of the gendarmerie of Savoie, Chambéry. For now, no information was available about the victims. An autopsy should determine the cause of death and the identity, age and sex of two charred bodies found. Yesterday evening, the criminal hypothesis seemed favored by investigators. The rumor, reports of gunshot wounds, however, has not been confirmed to date.”

  • michael norton

    Of course I am not suggesting that this latest killng scene is in any way connected to the killing of Nicole Communal-Tounier or Sylvain Mollier.

    About 25k further North.

  • Bacchus


    Vendetta is a word that Lynda (MZT) likes.
    But it is not vendetta, it is terrorism. SAH was murdered not by a camorra, but by a national secret service. Because he was an anti semitic and he had invaded the US-computer server. All the rest is a film, but which FILM ?

  • michael norton

    “The bodies found Monday by a walker on a forest path located at the boundaries of common Eloise and Saint-Germain-sur-Rhône, are those of a man and a woman.

    This was revealed the autopsy of the two bodies of investigators Chambery research section. For now, no information has been revealed about the age or identity of the victims, but the police are working on several important leads and want to maintain the utmost discretion on items in their possession at this stage of investigation.

    The first tests conducted on the bodies of the two victims tend to show that they could have been killed before being burned, but the precise circumstances of their deaths remain to be determined accurately because other elements seem to contradict this scenario. If the criminal case does not seem to be any doubt, the death would in any case not due to a firearm.

    The closure of the crime area was lifted on the night of Monday to Tuesday and the forest path was freely available on Tuesday. Many curious took the opportunity to come and see for themselves where the drama had taken place.”

    Update on earlier death of two people in woodland burned to death in Haute-Savoie

  • michael norton

    Interestingly the investigating Gendarmerie is being centered at Chambéry, Savoie:
    same as for Tuerie de Chevaline

    yet both happened in Haute-Savoie not Savoie?

  • michael norton

    So has anyone any insight as to why murders committed in Haute-Savoie
    are looked into in Savoie and not in Haute-Savoie?

  • Good In Parts


    Maybe the same process of ‘consolidation’ going on in the UK.

    Small, county based, forces unable to sustain specialist teams either forced into full blown mergers or the sharing of specialist resources.

    Case in point, Surrey and Sussex Major Crime Team are handling the UK side of this investigation.

    Read about this team-up here.

    If the gendarmes seriously thought that their local team were incompetent or corrupt, then any alternate team assigned the task would have been from much further away than next-door.

  • Good In Parts


    The Pledge is a better example.

    I seem to remember a short story, set in france, with a similar storyline where the detective never solves the crime and finally loses his mind.

  • Bacchus

    more …

    Philippe D. / B.
    «C’était comme dans un film. Une de ces séries de télévision où tout commence par un meurtre. Sauf que cette fois, les acteurs c’était nous et que nous n’avions pas la télécommande pour changer de chaîne… »

    “they” like to provoke the unbelievers with the truth, it is a classic attitude from them. Humiliate, that’s what they like to do.

  • Bacchus

    I’m sure, that exist one film with a same storyline of TCK !

    keywords are probably “famille”,”meurtre”,”forêt”,”gendarme”,”moto” …

    Certainly an old film but great.

  • michael norton

    @ Goodinparts,
    I imagine you are correct that for major crime Haute-Savoie and Savoie collaborate.
    It seems likely that both these statelets will completely fuse in a few years time.
    Also if there were BIG concerns of corruption,
    the “investigation” would be taken to another part of FRANCE.

    I have no faith in this slaughter being effectively solved.
    I think they have been lent on from above to find nothing out.

  • michael norton

    Is FRANCE becoming ungovernable?
    “Thousands of French police officers have held a rare protest in Paris and across the country over what they say are a lack of resources and a judiciary that is too lenient towards criminals.

    The protesters also say they have not been given enough credit for fighting jihadists and violent criminals.

    It is the first significant police protest in France in three decades.

    The government has in response pledged a series of reforms, including tougher sentences for violent criminals.

    Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that there would be stiffer sentences for people in possession of weapons and plans would be introduced to simplify criminal procedures.”

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