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8,083 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James


    Don’t be an idiot. the term “actors” doesn’t mean “players” (as in a play)!

    Do you read any foreign language at all ? Or just hit the “translate” button.

    Mike seems to be on to something. Lots of “odd” happenings in “Annecy” and abouts.
    Not related ? Or proves guns are easy to come by ?

  • Tim Veater

    Of course the THIRD MAN was announced from the beginning as Hamyd Mourad related to the Kouachi’s as below. Unfortunately Mourad it seems had a cast iron alibi fortunately for him or he probably would have ended up as dead as his alleged co-terrorists.

    “Two suspected terrorists located, seven arrests made after three masked gunmen slaughter 12 in Paris at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
    Authorities were zeroing in on building in town of Reims, searching for the suspects who claim to have ties with Al Qaeda. One of the suspects, 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, surrendered to police, according to ABC News. The two other suspects were identified as homegrown terrorists Said Kouachi, 34, and Cherif Kouachi, 32, and are still being sought.”

  • James

    Your “reasoning” would apply, if and only if, the chap interviewed was a native English speaker !

    How well do you (not) perform in another language ?

  • James


    Your reasoning is at fault. You don’t ask the obvious question.
    It is so obvious..

    But as your are a person of low repute in our eyes, we’ll leave you with that.
    However….we’re still watching your comments !

    Now play nice !

  • michael norton

    Quote The Guardian

    The head of Paris’s powerful criminal investigation force has been charged and immediately suspended over allegations that he leaked details of an inquiry to a fellow top officer, who was the subject of an inquiry.

    Minutes after the Paris prosecutor’s office said it was charging Bernard Petit, the interior ministry announced his suspension. The charges against Petit are unprecedented for the force – France’s equivalent of the FBI – which is already embroiled in a number of other scandals.

    Petit is accused of feeding information to Christian Prouteau, the former chief of the GIGN elite police unit, before he was taken into custody in October, over a case relating to fraudulent documentation being given to illegal migrants.

    Petit was charged with “violating the secrecy of an inquiry and disclosing information in order to impede efforts to investigate and determine the truth”, Paris prosecutors said in a statement. Petit’s chief of staff, Richard Atlan, was charged with the same offence.

    Philippe Lemaitre, an official at the National Welfare Association, which represents police staff, was suspected after acting as an intermediary for Petit and Prouteau, and has been charged with complicity in influence peddling as well as complicity in violating the secrecy of an investigation.

    The charges are the latest in a series of blows for the department. In July, 52kg (115lbs) of cocaine was stolen from the force and never found, with a former member of its drugs squad under suspicion for the theft.

    In April, a Canadian woman filed rape allegations against members of the force’s anti-gang squad, and two officers were charged with gang-rape.

  • michael norton

    The previous head, also had to go.

    Rocked by scandal

    56 years old, Christian Flaesch worked thirty years in the police. It was six and a half years at the head of the famous “36th Precinct”. But he was fired late in December 2013 after a warning from the Prosecutor General of the Paris Court of Appeal. It was suspected of having warned his minister at the time Brice Hortefeux, a hearing in a court records involving also Nicolas Sarkozy.

  • michael norton

    Christian Sainte, jusqu’à présent en poste à la PJ de Marseille
    has taken the helm.

    Annus Horribilis for the Judicial Police of France

    The indictment and the dismissal of Bernard Petit,
    Director of the Judicial Police of Paris,
    came after two other cases that have rocked the institution.
    Le Quai des Goldsmiths loses its luster.

    The “36” is in shock after the indictment of Bernard Petit, director of the judicial police in Paris. His dismissal for leaks suspicion on a survey was “the obvious choice” because “everyone should be exemplary”, justified yesterday the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. His designated successor is Christian Sainte, hitherto stationed at PJ Marseille.

    The boss of the Quai des Goldsmiths but Richard Atlan, his loyal chief of staff, and Philippe Lemaitre of the National Welfare Association (ANAS) of the National Police were indicted and placed under judicial control. They are believed to have entered, via the former trade unionist “Jo” Masanet,
    the former boss and founder of the GIGN Christian Prouteau allegedly linked to the scam artist to the stars, Christophe Rocancourt. He had been indicted last October 9 for extorting thousands of euros in two Moroccan sisters threatened with eviction and to whom he had dangled papers (see elsewhere). But Rocancourt was also indicted yesterday in the theft of 52 kg of cocaine in the bathroom sealing of narcotics. In prison, he was very close to Jonathan Guyot, the police officer suspected of narcotics that flight.
    An unprecedented fall

    A previous case, such as the alleged rape of a Canadian tourist in the premises of the anti-gang, had tarnished the image of “36”. “The institution has spent annus horribilis”, diagnostic Matthieu Frachon, an investigative journalist and author of “36th Precinct” (ed. Of the Rock), “the image is tarnished, but do not throw the baby of 3000 policemen dock with the bath water officer “. Especially as the clearance rate is “still very high at 70%.”

    The fall of number 3 in France is “unique in the annals and shocking,” he recalls, “It is the most prestigious position in which there is an exemplary duty is the boss Maigret! The last time a director of 36 was arrested was in 1944 in other circumstances … ”

    While the “36” celebrated its centenary in 2013 and in 2017 is about to move in the Batignolles district, in the northwest of Paris, the appointment of the discrete Bernard Petit (“not from the Seraglio”) had raised issues within the PJ. “He replaced Christian Flaesch, landed for ethical misconduct by Manuel Valls,” explains Matthieu Frachon, “is a creature, an offshoot of Bernard Cazeneuve and Manuel Valls – for which this indictment is a slap – and their networks police. “Police networks, but probably also political and Freemasons, notes another connoisseur of the “House”. The shadow “networks” can be little doubt for many officers of the “36” and Christian Prouteau appears as an important cog in the mixture of political and Masonic acquaintances, which finds its source in particular the seven-Mitterrand . The judiciary could it be pressured into a folder so hot? The instruction judge Roger Le Loire is Matthew Frachon, “above all suspicion in this case”: “This is a remarkable judge who does not want to be the police force, it is not a red judge … “Chance of this incredible story, Roger Le Loire began as policeman … 36th Precinct.

  • michael norton

    Another veteran joked:
    “We thought we’d hit the bottom of the barrel but we were wrong. We’re still digging.”
    Paris police lurches from one scandal to the next

    6th February 2015, Comments0 comments

    Already under the cosh for a scandal involving 52 kilogrammes of cocaine, the Paris criminal police department has suffered a further stain on its reputation after a top boss was suspended over alleged leaks.

    Known in France by its address “36 quai des Orfevres” and immortalised in the novels of Belgian crime writer Georges Simenon, the department has suffered months of embarrassment.

    The latest blow fell late Thursday, when the boss of its powerful investigative force was charged and suspended over suspicions he leaked details of a probe to another top official under investigation.

    The accusations against Bernard Petit marked the first time the head of the “police judiciaire” (known by its French initials PJ) has faced charges.

    He is accused of feeding information to Christian Prouteau, the former chief of the GIGN elite military police unit, who was arrested last October in a case relating to fake documents being given to illegal migrants.

    Prime Minister Manuel Valls said it was the “decision that had to be made.”

    “Bernard Petit is a great police officer. But when you are in that job, there cannot be the slightest doubt. Everyone has to be exemplary in the job they occupy, especially when it is a job with that much responsibility,” said the prime minister.

    Petit, 59, was himself appointed in controversial circumstances, replacing Christian Flaesch who was sidelined by Valls after tipping off an ally of former former president Nicolas Sarkozy about a case.

    – ‘Vanished into thin air’ –

    The “36” was already reeling from allegations in April from a Canadian tourist that two elite officers raped her, in a case that sent shockwaves through the country.

    And then, in a further embarrassment, 50 kilogrammes of seized cocaine, with an estimated street value of two million euros ($2.2 million) vanished from police headquarters.

    A 33-year-old officer was charged in connection with the theft but there has still been no sign of the drugs, with one source saying they appeared to have “vanished into thin air”.

    The suspect was seen by a police officer leaving the building with bags filled to the brim on the night of the theft.

    Last month, three additional officers were brought before investigative judges probing the case.

    In total, six people have been charged over the July 2014 theft from a secure room in the police headquarters overlooking the River Seine close to the Notre Dame Cathedral.

    Despite the rape case and cocaine, Petit continued to enjoy the confidence of the government.

    “It’s difficult to blame him for anything in these two cases but it leaves a stain,” said one investigator who declined to be named.

    One member of a police union said: “The irony is that he had the reputation as a boss who could steer a firm course in a storm, and who could take a hard line.

    “He was seen as whiter than white. If the facts are proven, it’s really a case of him being hoisted by his own petard,” he added.

    Another veteran joked: “We thought we’d hit the bottom of the barrel but we were wrong. We’re still digging.”

    © 2015 AFP

  • michael norton

    Investigation of a brigadier above suspicion Jonathan Guyot
    The personality and lifestyle of the suspected police the theft of 52.6 kilograms of cocaine that was at the heart of the investigation. One of his alleged accomplices was reinstated in his service.

    Incarcéré depuis le début du mois d’août dans l’affaire du vol de 52,6 kg de cocaïne dans les locaux de la brigade des stupéfiants (BS) de la police judiciaire parisienne le 25 juillet, Jonathan Guyot, brigadier de police de ce service, a vu hier un de ses anciens collègues, soupçonné d’être impliqué dans cette même affaire, reprendre son service.

    Selon nos informations, cet autre policier, placé sous le statut de témoin assisté, a réintégré la brigade après l’intervention de son avocate, M e Anne-Laure Compoint, auprès de l’administration. Sollicitée hier, l’avocate n’a pas donné suite à nos appels.

    Un retour en grâce que Jonathan Guyot semble loin de devoir connaître. Présenté comme le principal suspect dans le vol d’une vingtaine de scellés renfermant cette importante quantité de cocaïne, dans la nuit du 24 au 25 juillet, dans les bureaux du 36, quai des Orfèvres à Paris, ce natif de Bar-le-Duc (Meuse) nie toujours en bloc les faits qui lui sont reprochés.

    Rapidement, les enquêteurs ont été mis sur sa piste car il a été reconnu sur les bandes de vidéosurveillance par quatre de ses collègues et chefs de service, au moment où il sortait, la nuit des faits, des locaux de la PJ les bras lestés de trois sacs. Aujourd’hui, John, comme il était surnommé au sein de son service, semble mal vivre sa détention. Aux juges d’instruction, Jean Gervillié et Patrick Gachon, ce père d’un enfant âgé de 1 an, originaire de Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), a indiqué avoir « du mal à supporter » son incarcération et « l’isolement ». Mais le même homme s’est déjà fait à l’idée « de ne pas sortir demain » de la prison de Fleury-Mérogis (Essonne) où il est actuellement détenu.

    Les enquêteurs de l’Inspection générale de la police nationale (IGPN), la police des polices, ont épluché la vie de ce fonctionnaire qui avait toujours donné entière satisfaction à sa hiérarchie et qui était apprécié de ses collègues. Lui-même se considère comme une « contre-caricature du policier » : il dit ne pas fumer ni boire.

    John, aussi surnommé le Gitan, membre d’une fratrie de six frères et soeurs, sorti de l’école de police en 2005 avant d’être affecté au commissariat du XII e arrondissement à Paris, intrigue toujours les boeuf-carottes, interloqués par son train de vie et le fait qu’il soit copropriétaire avec son épouse et un ami policier, également originaire de Perpignan, de cinq biens immobiliers. Des logements, situés en province pour deux d’entre eux et pour trois autres dans les XIIe et XVIIe arrondissements de Paris et à Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), dont la location lui rapporte autour de 1 500 € par mois. Questionné sur l’origine de son patrimoine, Jonathan Guyot a notamment soutenu qu’il était parvenu à économiser près de 30 000 € à sa sortie d’école et après avoir commencé à travailler à l’âge de 17 ans pour le compte d’une chaîne de restauration rapide, avant de commencer à investir.

    « Il soutient rembourser ses différents emprunts grâce aux loyers qu’il touche sur ses biens, confie une source proche de l’affaire. Il se dit aussi économe et dépenser très peu d’argent au quotidien pour la nourriture ou les vêtements, mais son goût pour les paris sportifs et les jeux en ligne indique le contraire. » Depuis le début de l’année, il aurait ainsi misé près de 35 000 € sur Internet…

    Les enquêteurs de l’IGPN se sont également interrogés sur l’achat, au printemps 2011, d’une sandwicherie, situé rue Descartes dans le V e arrondissement de Paris, par Jonathan Guyot et deux de ses amis. Acquis pour la somme de 70 000 €, ce commerce, qui, selon les propos du principal suspect, n’a jamais marché, a été malgré tout revendu quelques mois plus tard plus de 100 000 € à des acheteurs dénichés sur le

    Enfin, les juges d’instruction, en charge de cette délicate affaire, tentent toujours de cerner la personnalité de John. Celui qui s’est présenté comme un ancien SDF à l’une de ses collègues ne semble pas avoir livré tous ses secrets.

  • michael norton

    Another rough evening in Annecy

    The night was rough for firefighters Annecy and the surrounding area. About 10 vehicles were torched at least in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Annecy, Annecy-le-Vieux (underground car park of the town hall) and Seynod (a training company for the conduct, rue Césière). An investigation by the police is underway and criminal identification unit went there.

  • michael norton

    The Charlie Hebdo killings started just after 11.00 am on Wednesday 7th January, 2015.
    These events did not conclude for a couple of days.
    Yet Helric Fredou “after having met relatives of a victim”,
    then shot himself in his police office with his own service gun, on Wednesday night.

    So, very much less than twenty four hours after the initial incident,
    he offs himself, yet in the intervening moments he has already managed to meet relatives of a victim.
    But Helric was a police officer in Limoges – not Paris.

    The time line is wanting?

  • michael norton

    So, if the story line is true,
    either Helric on hearing of the awful unfolding events in Paris, midday, he travelsthe 400 Kilometres from Limoges to Paris, then meets the family of one of the victims, then he travels the 400 Kilometres back from Paris to Limoges, where he then writes his report then kills himself

    or the family of one of the victims lives close by Limoges and he meets them locally, then
    writes his report, then shoots himself dead.

    Both very, very, very unlikely?

  • michael norton

    I’ve just tumbled that there is a third option.
    Helric was pre-alerted and already close by when the shootings started in Paris, he then meets one of the victims families, then travels the 400 Kilometres back to Limoges, writes his report, then shoots himself.

    This option seems slightly more likely.

  • michael norton

    This could be a linking disappearance

    Gendarmerie Haute-Savoie appealed for witnesses on Monday to try to find a man of 63 years, residing in Saint-Jorioz and disappeared from circulation since 29 January.

    The sexagenarian, which would have gone to his vehicle (a Citroen XM dark gray), measuring 1.75m. Neither he nor his vehicle could not be located by investigators since their disappearance.

    Anyone who saw a person or a vehicle matching this description is invited to get in touch with the operational center of the Haute-Savoie gendarmerie at or brigade Faverges 04 50 32 24 44.

  • michael norton

    Les Marais de Saint-Jorioz

    Hell Swamp covers an area of 23 hectares on the western shores of Lake Annecy, at the foot of Semnoz, in the municipality of Saint-Jorioz in the Haute-Savoie.

    The Hell Swamp site dates from the period of the Middle Neolithic, between -3791 and -3183 years BC, the date of his alleged killing by the tree-ring data. Of the time remains found during the first excavations are stones and pottery from the culture of Chasséen and to a lesser extent that of Cortaillod in French-indicating certain cultural ties between the Alpine lakes (Lake Geneva particular) 3.

    Geologically, the site is also considered as the oldest of Lake Annecy to contain an organic level still kept stratigraphie3.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Have fun, meister Michael. Not much competition, you should rank well.
    Except for Veater Team, who rates 666 (what a silly comment)
    Saad Al’ Hilli said i am Çharly, and they killed him because of 1/11

  • michael norton

    Unidentified DNA found in the flat of suicided Mr.Nisman.
    Perhaps “They” should have a search of the office of Helric
    to see if their is unexplained DNA in his room, on his person or his service weapon?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    9 Feb, 2015 – 11:31 am as you probably know Michael, at Chevaline there was apparently an additional cyclist to BM and SM who’s identity or statement have never been revealed. He was I think described as “elderly” or some such and arriving soon after the shooting. A strange twist that we have never really discussed. I hope this is not the same gentleman. As for the arson attacks, someone has obviously got a grudge against the Town Hall.

  • michael norton

    What is a little strange, if you were looking for a sixty year old local man who had gone missing, surely you would give his name?

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