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8,083 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    He had his picture taken and published.
    Slyvain MolliEX or the Ugine suicide didn’t.
    Are you “elderly” at 63? Perhaps in some parts of the world.

  • Tim Veater

    Organised assassination by American and British special forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and no doubt elsewhere. Its official:

    This is why police investigations into such operations prove strangely ineffective, because when you point the finger, invariably three point back at yourself.

    We should also be very aware that all the video of the Charlie Hebdo shooting unmistakeably point much more clearly at trained special forces than they do at two amateur brothers lacking either the technical or psychological attributes or skills necessary.

    One wonders if all the police suicides, arrests and forced retirements are for the reasons quoted or perhaps for something entirely different?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    11 Feb, 2015 – 8:38 am we need BB to reveal who or what this 63 year old was. We don’t need reminding how many found dead in their cars “suicided”. It’s amazing how many left-handed individuals have shot themselves in the right temple (or vice versa) Then of course we have had some notable “heart attacks” at the wheel as well. Not unless we know biographical and forensic details can we jump to any conclusions but this much we can say without much likelihood of contradiction, violent acts by individuals or states are seldom limited to the main event. Anything or anyone that subsequently threatens the operation may well be in the “firing line”.

  • michael norton

    The Four adults of The Slaughter of the Horses Incident
    did have autopsies, first I’d heard of it?

    Autopsies are due to be carried out later today or on Friday.Lieutenant-colonel Benoit Vinnemann, head of the Chambery gendarmerie which is in charge of the investigation said: ‘The three bodies found in the car appear to be the father, mother and grandmother.’It is in any case a family, according to British people at the Saint Jorioz camping site who reported their disappearance on Wednesday night,’ he added.

    I wonder what was found?

    Anyway, both campsites were in
    Saint Jorioz.

    This latest suicide seems suspicious.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    All suicides are suspicious.
    As far as I know, in France, a post-mortem exam is then mandatory.
    If found in his car, and the car wasn’t torched, suspicion should subside: no autopsy will be conclusive on a fully charred body.
    For the deaf and earing-impaired, Seythenex mainly sounds like say the next (BS). Your turn.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “Silliness is everywhere and nowhere NotForgettingFrenchBashing.”
    This is a confession. In almost three years, what real positive reasoning has been brought forward?
    Master of a wasteland!

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Off Corse, the victims of the slaughter of the horses undergone auotpsies soon after. This was obvious investigating procedure. What the British Coroner much later made public is a little more unclear. Was there a second post-mortem performed in the UK, even though the bodies had been treated before being shipped to Britain?
    I tend to think the French are lying, as usual. So Team v. Is okay! Better than the olden days, hey, when it came to serious comments on the British news rags.
    Keep goiing!

  • michael norton

    That is a very pertinent query Not Forgetting French Bashing.
    Last Autumn there was a coroner court case in Surrey, held for the al Hilli couple and her “mother” but did they do autopsie first or just rely on the French Bullshit?

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    12 Feb, 2015 – 3:23 pm as with most of the Chevaline case, the situation as regards post mortems has not been clearly described. The investigating/prosecuting authorities both sides of the Channel, have been intentionally opaque in this case. I have often posed the question why this was so, and challenged it but of course no one takes any notice of me. They had a perfect opportunity with the first anniversary “press conference” that was no such thing. Indeed EM got quite annoyed when asked a few simple questions. The second anniversary press conference, when given the official opinion that this was the “perfect crime unlikely to be solved”, the rationale for with-holding information was even less. Specifically it is not clear what autopsies were carried out in France on whom and more importantly what the findings were in detail. It is not clear if the requirement to embalm the English/Swedish/Iraqi victims was imposed before they were transferred to Britain. (It is not inconceivable that this requirement was lifted at the request of the British authorities) Nor are we absolutely sure whether the Home Office pathologist went to France and worked independently or in consort with his French opposite number, or whether with or without this, he performed a second quite separate examination when they were back in Britain. These questions obviously have important practical implications. We remember the way in which Princess Diana was embalmed thus making the issue of pregnancy impossible subsequently to resolve. In a number of respects the consequences would have been the same with the Al Hillis if it had been done, for example. There was an opportunity for all this to be definitively cleared up at the British Coroner’s Inquest but as far as I am aware it wasn’t. It throws up the question what right does the public have to know. In practice, none. The information is regarded as belonging to the state in both countries, who are under no obligation to reveal what they know. Some may be revealed but unless someone presses the Coroner, around whom there is a theoretical principle of transparency, it may never be revealed to the general public. I believe the Inquest was managed in such a way to reveal certain facts but maintain secrecy surrounding the most important ones. It was designed to give the impression of openness and rigour, when the opposite was actually the case. So what do we make of all this? Basically your questions MN remain unanswered and may continue to be so. Unless they are WE shall never be able to get a better picture of what happened and perhaps why. As long as there is uncertainty and only speculation the perpetrators are safe, unless the authorities successfully pursue them, which seems not to be the case. From my own memory of events it was announced that autopsies would be carried out in France immediately following. From the British Inquest it would appear likely a second independent autopsy was carried out in Britain on three of the four victims. What is clear, and has never been explained, is how the British and French reports of injuries from bullets could be so significantly different nor what other tests were carried out on the bodies or witnesses in either country. The details of the differences I discussed at the time the Coroner’s Inquest was reported in the media so won’t tire you by repeating even if I could remember them!

  • Tim Veater

    Needless to say, following all the razzmatazz over Charlie Hebdo, with the fatal shooting of all the claimed terrorists (other than the third man and the mysterious girl friend) the subject has disappeared with the same speed and completeness with which it arrived. No analysis. No credible answers to the genuine questions that have circulated on the internet. Nothing but rather suspicious suicides and sackings of top policemen, a general crackdown on all those pesky Muslims and greater military involvement in Iraq/Syria.

  • Tim Veater

    This is what I posted in November with a few grammatical corrections in parenthesis. Having read through it again it appears substantially correct and unchanged by the passage of six months or so. Of course none of the points I raised have been taken up by the the MSM or answered by officialdom, as far as I am aware. In this way the public and process is short-changed.

    “Tim Veater
    11 Nov, 2014 – 11:36 pm

    No doubt this is “old news” to all you spotters:

    I must read all your observations but these are mine, and please excuse if I am merely repeating points you have already made but here goes none the less.

    First a general one regarding Coroners’ Inquests: I can’t help thinking it was time the role and function was reviewed. After what appears was the briefest of sessions, the finding of “Unlawful Killing” would almost be comical if it were not so serious. What were the alternatives, suicide, misadventure? The Coroner had to retire to consider the verdict, this after more than two years of police investigation and news stories.

    One cannot help but notice that the proceedings appeared to be intentionally low key. For example there is no mention of a jury which in such an high profile case is I would have thought highly unusual. Clearly none of the parties to the case demanded it or were intent of using the occasion to shed light on events. For some reason, everyone was keeping ‘schtum’. Nor predictably was the French Mollier family (or others) in evidence it would seem either as witnesses or observers, indicating there is nothing further they need or wish to learn. Nor obviously did the Coroner believe there was anything that they might have contributed to the many outstanding questions including why they were shot together in that remote location.

    However despite the the very superficial nature of the proceedings, as so often happens, a few new and significant details manage to emerge. Obviously I wasn’t there but newspapers report the “inquest was resumed”. I assume this means it was opened many months ago and put on hold until police enquiries had been completed. It may therefore be an indicator that the murder hunt has all but concluded.

    Note how few witnesses there were at the Inquest – effectively only Zaid. The questioning appears to have only come from the Coroner himself, in other words, although I cannot be sure obviously, it appears none of the interested parties were legally represented. The forum was clearly not intended to illicit any new information or searching light as to cause. It maybe worth contrasting with the Inquest for Lady Diana in which Al Fayed employed (a) top barrister to cross examine witnesses at length. As I said this inquest clearly shows no one really wanted to inquire too deeply.

    Only three witnesses it seems: Zaid in person; Brett Martin by written statement – again confirming an agreement not to question in person; and a Surrey detective inspector. Not one of the many others who could have been asked to give evidence under oath. The opportunity lost. This cannot be accidental.

    In addition the very significant British post mortem findings were made public. Well some of them. Again the information is only sufficient to give the impression of detail. In fact it is again superficial: no body maps, or exact location of the bullet wounds or the assumptions made on the back of them – type of bullet, direction of trajectory, timing etc. All this nicely brushed over. No need to go there. (It is not clear whether the Home Office Pathologist gave evidence in person or merely by written report. Of course this would have implications for cross examination and elucidation were this to be attempted)

    But from this we may at least gather there WAS a post mortem examination in Britain by a Home Office pathologist. If so we can be certain it was far more detailed and scientific than the court report might indicate. This is how “Get Surrey” reports it:

    “The inquest heard that the postmortems for Saad, Ikbal and Suhaila, carried out at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Surrey, had similar results to those found by the French authorities.

    Saad’s body had seven gunshot wounds, in the head and trunk.

    Ikbal’s body had gunshot wounds to the neck and chest, and Suhaila had three gunshot wounds – in the head and neck.

    It is thought all three victims would have died extremely rapidly.”

    If I am not mistaken this is the first time we have had it confirmed that there was a second (British) autopsy. It says it confirms the French findings. So is this confirmation that yet again the French Prosecutor was lying to us? Only now do we discover authoritatively that SAH was hit by SEVEN bullets and his female companions at least TWICE and THREE times. Not only does Eric Mailaud stand accused of cover up but of factual disinformation.

    Then on an arithmetical level it poses the question if SM was indeed shot seven times as reported, we now have no less than 19 certified “hits” maybe more of 23 bullets fired? This is incredible accuracy that only a professional shooter could achieve. It obviously leaves out of the calculation the bullet injury to Zaina. Apart from any other consideration, it definitively rules out Mailaud’s stated opinion that the shooting took place as the car reversed at speed. It confirms the the French version of events must have been an intentional lie.

    The many wounds Saad received also confirms INTENT and DETERMINATION to kill him. It may also indicate his efforts to escape and the accuracy of the shooter as he did so.

    Now as to Brett Martin’s evidence, the first thing to note this is a travesty of a report. It is so truncated as to be almost an insult to the Coroner process. However it is interesting to note two or three new elements: Zaina falls on her face (again she is “covered in blood” which was directly contradicted by Philip ?); now he sees “smashed windows” – that’s new – but he still smashes the driver’s window; and now rather strangely he gives a precise distance of SM’s body from the car – 30 cm! That’s a FOOT! He’s now saying SM’s body was virtually “cheek by jowl” next to the car. So how to explain the photograph of the position of his body? Even a ‘dumbo’ like me would be tempted to ask BM “How then do you explain the position of the body in this photograph Mr Martin?” Not only did the question occur to the Coroner apparently, but Mr Martin wasn’t there to answer it.

    What could be more significant than than the question, “If BM found SM’s body next to the car, how come it ended up where it did” and “If BM moved it there, why did he do it and why has he not made this clear in his statement to the Coroner?”

    Then we have ZAH’s evidence. No longer making accusations as to French causes. No reference to the injustice of being arrested at the request of the French. However we do have the view that SAH was unfamiliar with the area. Excuse me this is directly contrary to previous statements that he had been to the area regularly. Why the change? What is the truth.

    “Zaid Al-Hiilli said his brother liked driving holidays and had a caravan.

    He and his wife would plan their trips a few weeks in advance.

    Zaid Al-Hilli said his brother would not have been that familiar with the Lake Annecy area in France, but that they had visited the area as children.

    He does not believe the family had visited more recently than the summer of the murder, in 2012.”

    This is so contrary to previous reports – my god there is even a photograph of them there at an earlier time – why was it not challenged, why was it being made? Was it just to add further confusion or to provide a superficial explanation as to why he might be “lost”?

    He says Saad met his wife (xinx) Ikbal in Abu Dhabi. I know I am easily confused but I thought up to now the storey was they met in Dubai? Does this not deserve explanation?

    Then we have the direct contradiction even at the hearing, which again goes unchallenged. Zaid says: “He does not believe the family had visited more recently than the summer of the murder, in 2012.”

    DCI Mark Preston says: “Saad Al-Hilli was working as a contractor for Surrey Satellite Technology when he died. He had applied to take annual leave earlier in the year but had been unable to do so. The family had visited a different area of France in June of the same year.” (Which part is not stated)

    The police evidence in the person of Mark Preston relates it seems merely to observations on the family photographs. Is this the best the police can supply to a Coroner if the purpose of the court is to determine the cause of the person’s death? In passing however it suggests somehow or other the British police managed to get hold of the camera which one would have expected the French would have kept as a significant piece of evidence. Obliquely just this little fact suggests this was never a typical investigation.

    As far as the Coroner’s Court is concerned it is obviously just a window exercise with no serious intent to inquire into circumstances or cause. The more worrying point is that the Coroner’s Inquest is no longer fit for purpose, and citizens can no longer rely on it in any way should they die in suspicious circumstances. END”

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Thanks, MN. indeed, that lady on the back seat must have been the ‘mother’ of all battles.
    If she was a Swedish citizen, why was she brought back to England and buried there? Why would the Coroner examine her case more than Slyvain MolliEX?

  • Tim Veater

    In passing – His range was broad – from reporting on the Lost Boys of Sudan during the 1987 civil war to more recently, the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster which was hit by a tsunami triggered by a 9.0 earthquake.
    The 73-year-old was working on a piece for 60 Minutes this Sunday at the time of his death. Along with his daughter Tanya, a 60 Minutes producer, the reporter was working on a story about the effort to cure Ebola.

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    The car takes some explaining.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    people dont wear safety belts in limos. There’s usually plenty of glass everywhere.Was the chauffeur injured?

  • michael norton

    Still rather strange that no picture of “The Mother” has been released?
    I expect the French took pictures of the dead bodies at the Incident of the Slaughter of the Horses.

  • Tim Veater

    13 Feb, 2015 – 5:10 pm point taken. There was as I am sure you know a famous case in Paris that involved just this phenomenon. There was a story that in that instance the safety belt lock was incapacitated on examination. I have no idea if that was true or not. There have been a number of inexplicable high speed fatal crashes that people have questioned. Bob Simon’s is but the latest. A conspiracist might high-light the Ebola connection but as I’m not I won’t.

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    13 Feb, 2015 – 6:42 pm a VERY big question, about which there has been virtually no information and little discussion here on it, is the role of the Swedish authorities. We have seen how they were not slow in coming forward in the the Julian Assange case that has cost us ten million (at least) to date, yet as regards a Swedish nation murdered abroad absolutely NOTHING. Nor in stark contrast to the British did they demonstrate any interest at the time. What could be the explanation?

  • michael norton

    So, although the coroner court case held just before Christmas 2014 for Mr.&Mrs. al Hilli
    and the “mother” of Mrs. al Hilli,
    are we assuming that the British autopsies were carried out
    soon after The Slaughter of the Horses Incident?

  • michael norton

    Are we to assume, that after the British autopsies have been undertaken, that the British police are straight away given the results.

    If the British autopsies carried out in Guildford, were undertaken shortly after The Slaughter of the Horses Incident
    and our police informed of all the findings.
    The next question would be, why did the British police not say,
    the French police have not been telling the whole truth?

  • michael norton

    So, if the British autopsies were undertaken in Guildford, soon after The Slaughter of the Horses Incident and the British polish were straight away informed as to all the findings.

    Why in more than two years did the British police not say the French police have been clouding the Incident, you might go on to think that the British police have been instructed by their masters to allow this cloud to continue.

    This would then lead you on to imagine that a cover up was occurring?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    British police are very well polished, it’s the French!
    Don’t forget it was a joint investigation, making it so easy to play a game of smoke and errors

  • michael norton

    The FRENCH ambassador Francois Zimeray was present at the meeting
    but has tweeted to say he is ok.

    He has since given a dramatic account of the attack.

    “They fired on us from the outside,
    it was the same intention as (the January 7 attack on) Charlie Hebdo except they didn’t manage to get into the cafe.

    Intuitively I would say there were at least 50 gunshots,
    the police here are saying 200.”

    ‘Bullets went through the doors and everyone threw themselves to the floor. We managed to flee the room, and now we’re staying inside because it’s still dangerous.

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The FRENCH set a bad example, and then you have copycats everywhere.
    At least they got the registration number of the gunmen’s VW and it’s rather significant:
    AT 25 919

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