Edward Snowden Gets Sam Adams Award 3361

Ray McGovern and the Sam Adams party have presented the Sam Adams award to Edward Snowden.  I am delighted.  This from Ray’s account of the event:

In brief remarks from his visitors, Snowden was reassured — first and foremost — that he need no longer be worried that nothing significant would happen as a result of his decision to risk his future by revealing documentary proof that the U.S. government was playing fast and loose with the Constitutional rights of Americans.

Even amid the government shutdown, Establishment Washington and the normally docile “mainstream media” have not been able to deflect attention from the intrusive eavesdropping that makes a mockery of the Fourth Amendment. Even Congress is showing signs of awaking from its torpor.

In the somnolent Senate, a few hardy souls have gone so far as to express displeasure at having been lied to by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and NSA Director Keith Alexander — Clapper having formally apologized for telling the Senate Intelligence Committee eavesdropping-related things that were, in his words, “clearly erroneous” and Alexander having told now-discredited whoppers about the effectiveness of NSA’s intrusive and unconstitutional methods in combating terrorism.

Coleen Rowley, the first winner of the Sam Adams Award (2002), cited some little-known history to remind Snowden that he is in good company as a whistleblower — and not only because of previous Sam Adams honorees. She noted that in 1773, Benjamin Franklin leaked confidential information by releasing letters written by then-Lt. Governor of Massachusetts Thomas Hutchinson to Thomas Whatley, an assistant to the British Prime Minister.

The letters suggested that it was impossible for the colonists to enjoy the same rights as subjects living in England and that “an abridgement of what are called English liberties” might be necessary. The content of the letters was so damaging to the British government that Benjamin Franklin was dismissed as colonial Postmaster General and had to endure an hour-long censure from British Solicitor General Alexander Wedderburn.

There has been a determined attempt by government to justify the need to intercept everybody’s communications, all the time.  We have, yet again, had MI5 claim there are many thousand violent Islamic terrorists running around the UK, (yet somehow not managing to kill anybody).  The cry of “paedophiles” is raised, as always.  I can imagine them suggesting the entire population be shot dead, and justifying it as making sure they get the paedophiles.  The tabloids would go with that.

There still had not been a single credible claim by the mainstream media that any named individual has died, despite that contingency being trotted out all the time as the reason Snowden and Manning should not have revealed state crimes and abuse of power.  I am hopeful that, with the internet still largely free to the dissemination of information, out next massive whistleblower is only weeks away.

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3,361 thoughts on “Edward Snowden Gets Sam Adams Award

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  • Ben

    Debunking the Hickey drive-by shooting. Mark Zaid is someone with whom I’ve had numerous back-and-forths on a variety of consipiracies, and he’s very level headed. In fact he bends over backward since his livelihood depends on the veracity of the legal system.


    “Mark Zaid, a well-known national security litigator, successfully sued the promulgator of this fantasy on Hickey’s behalf when it first surfaced in the 1990s.

    Zaid also sued St. Martin’s Press, which published the book, and Simon & Schuster, which released an audiobook version. “Settlements were reached in each case and the publisher apologized,” Zaid wrote on Facebook this week.

    “I wish George Hickey, Jr. was still alive,” he went on. “I would have filed a lawsuit against this theorist and film company, as well as any media entity that gave his story any play.”

    Zaid adds:

    “I have been involved in research and issues involving the JFK assassination for almost 40 years, since I was seven years old. I have represented numerous JFK authors/researches, given numerous speeches and media appearances, and helped secure the declassification of thousands of records. This is one of the most BS theories that has ever been promoted and anyone who believes it is a complete moron (and I never use that word on a public message board so that should tell you something).””


  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    The sun sank behind the lip of the great caldera hours ago. The smoke is rising in a column into the still scented air and we’ve been sat in a circle crunching on roast pookii fish. Shudafekup has kept us entertained every few minutes with the latest posts. She’s let me have the laptop for a few minutes while she catches up on the feasting.

    In between fits of laughing the Shaman said what stupid ideas float about in some people’s heads ‘cos the people who first set foot on Turtle Island just happened to pitch camp one night, and all they had discovered was the tracks of a large herd of caribou. They weren’t know that the place was going to be called Alaska twelve thousand years later. And anyway between then and now there was Eric the Red’s grandson stopping for a few summers to get timber and smelt bog iron at Beothuk for the Viking colony in Greenland, then Brendan the Navigator, who got disoriented after a stag party in Temple Bar, Prince Madog from Wales (possibly), and definitely all those Basque fishermen who were moored and salting cod from the Grand Banks when Jacques Cartier “discovered” the St Lawrence River in 1535. As for the Chinese they’d been up and down the west coast of the continent but that idea would never fit into fosilised brains.

  • Ben

    Hickey’s own testimony to the Warren Commission.


    AT THE END OF THE LAST REPORT I REACHED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CAR AND PICKED UP THE AR-15 RIFLE, COCKED AND LOADED IT, AND TURNED TO THE REAR. At this point the cars were passing under the over-pass and as a result we had left the scene of the shooting. I kept the AR 15 rifle ready as we proceeded at a high rate of speed to the hospital. (EMPHASIS MINE)

  • resident dissident

    Might I suggest that if anyone has Craig’s email they make him aware of the content of Goldystein’s email which are clearly aimed at inciting racial hatred and would probably be found illegal by a UK court. If Craig/Mod is not willing to take action then I shall refer the matter to the Police.

    I should also point out that Craig made it quite specific in the past that his view was that holocaust deniers should be exposed and ridiculed – it is quite noteworthy how only Habbakkuk is making any attempt to carry out Craig’s wishes with regard to the recent spate of such postings.

    Given that at present ths blog has precious few substantive comments to distinguish it from Stormfront and similar cesspools I like other serious commenters shall be taking my business elsewhere until the grown ups return.

  • Ben

    RD; As has been suggested, ad infinitum, by many posters here, is to ignore the trolls. It’s not our prerogative to police the site. Now go fishing and take your outrage out on the bait.

  • fedup

    Might I suggest that if anyone has Craig’s email they make him aware of the content of Goldystein’s email which are clearly aimed at inciting racial hatred and would probably be found illegal by a UK court. If Craig/Mod is not willing to take action then I shall refer the matter to the Police.

    Why don’t you just do that?

    It will be interesting to find the IP which has been posting the drivel?

  • Herbie

    It’s tiresomely arrogant, stupid and excessively Habby to think that “things” are ever “discovered” in some spurious subject/object dynamic, as she’s described above.

    Very poor stuff, even by the standards of the most boorish of Anglo-Saxon reductionism.

    Other human beings simply reveal themselves, over time, completely and utterly entwined in our perception of them.

    Like this:

    “Israel has been poisoned by the psychosis of permanent war. It has been morally bankrupted by the sanctification of victimhood, which it uses to justify an occupation that rivals the brutality and racism of apartheid South Africa. Its democracy—which was always exclusively for Jews—has been hijacked by extremists who are pushing the country toward fascism.”


  • AlcAnon


    Goldystein alias English Knight is banned by Craig from this blog. Without a moderator there is nobody to enforce that and Craig could possbly be in trouble. Goldystein will know that.

    When I first suggested “English Knight” should be banned for his likely illegal posts, Jon told me I was over-reacting. Several months later Craig noticed himself what was being posted on his blog and banned him.

  • AlcAnon


    English Shite/Goldytwat has called directly for the gassing of Jews in previous posts (now deleted) rather than just inferring it. That’s defintely illegal in the UK. Ignore it at one’s peril.

  • Ben

    AA; Can we save Craig from himself? If I have to read this shite then call it out like a Town Cryer I’m gonna have to be paid.. 🙂

  • AlcAnon


    Or to put it bluntly – the police have little option but to go after Craig if a post crosses “the line”, is brought to their attention and is not rapidly removed by the blog owner.

  • AlcAnon


    I really should email Craig (if he ever reads it). He does actually know me but I’ll go no further that that as I really don’t want to get more involved.

  • AlcAnon


    There is something very SPOOKY about these advertising “bots” links. Try visiting a few if you have the courage.

  • fedup

    Herbie, that is a good link thanks there mate.

    Ben had a laugh, evidently hurt feelings are against the laws these days.

    These swine so far have posed as ziofuckwits bots, then as spam bots, and finally as antisemi…. bots. All cries of “we want moderation and attention”! ADHD syndrome galore, the notion is a single point of contact can be ganged up on and coerced into submission turning this place into yet another fucking amen corner for the ziofuckwits. Pathetic really.

    Or to put it bluntly – the police have little option but to go after Craig if a post crosses “the line”, is brought to their attention and is not rapidly removed by the blog owner.

    FFS don’t you think that is a tad over reaction? Have a gander around and see what real hate talk is about, just google Muslim and you will soon get educated pretty quick.

  • Ben

    Don’t know what to think, AA. Are they punishing Craig by using bandwidth? Shoulder bags and record players described with features and benefits but no manner by which to order from interest.

  • AlcAnon


    Muslims have been convicted in the UK for handing out leaflets for lesser words.

    Much of the “kill all muzzies” stuff on forums like GLP would also be illegal in the UK. But it isn’t hosted here.

  • Ben

    “evidently hurt feelings are against the laws these days.” In the US you can sue anyone, for anything if you find a lawyer and you have deep pockets. But, the sad truth is that such things can be seen as threats, and Craig probably has many enemies who would like to gag him. fedup

    I regret we seem to be the only ones concerned.

  • fedup

    Much of the “kill all muzzies” stuff on forums like GLP would also be illegal in the UK. But it isn’t hosted here.

    In fact they are killing the Muslims, and police cannot be arsed to go after the perpetrators!

    I don’t know which part of UK you live in, but perhaps you ought to be hanging around more often out; to see a bit more of the authentic UK!

  • AlcAnon


    These strange links have been around for years. Last night one of the associated(?) bots hit my server (got banned one second later) with an address that was associated according to Alexa with “Vine shops in Tashkent, Uzbekistan” (Vine not Wine -it isn’t a typo).

    That’s an exact quote. If I wasn’t a bit drunk I might be worried.

  • fedup

    Ben they tried to kill the man, and incidentally they nearly succeeded, and you think the same man, he is the kind of a wimp to fold over with threats?

    The childish little pranks are far too silly to even consider, no need for regrets!

  • Ben

    Exactly, AA. They just trash things up; nothing for them to gain beyond that. I just wonder how much they get paid for such little accomplishment.

  • AlcAnon


    If you are actually still alive then yes being chased by the law is worse than being dead.

    Annoying though they might be to the “Ziofuckwits”(tm), your posts don’t seem to be llegal anywhere in the UK to me in case you are wondering. But that’s only my, sligtly educated view.

  • AlcAnon


    They just shut the server down. Or access to it from the UK if hosted outside. There’s plenty precedent.

  • fred

    “There is something very SPOOKY about these advertising “bots” links. Try visiting a few if you have the courage.”

    Take a look at freelancer co uk, see how much the people who spam the blog get paid, see how much the people who wrote the wordpress articles get paid.

    Somebody is buying both for some reason.

  • fedup

    AA ROFL three is the charm, huh?

    No mate I am not worried about my posts, don’t worry about that. The childish shit plastered by the same ziofuckwits who are spamming the board is not illegal either.

    Mind you are getting ahead of yourself there mate, best to let us know educated in what field? Further, which laws are you trying to stretch to the point of breaking? (just to be sure, to be sure).

    Why would anyone hire people to post shit, other than the ziofuckwits and their support structures?

    BTW much as I would like to own the trade mark on ziofuckwit, alas I have not any claim there.

  • Ben

    The RD, Hab and Anon tag-team take a bow. Craig; I suggest you ask the Queen to invite them to Buckingham, and I will petition Netanyahoo to send them an olive branch from Gaza. Prize trophies, wot?

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