Freedom Cheaper than Iraq War 764

A particularly mendacious lie by Danny Alexander puts the institutional start-up costs of Scottish Independence at £1.5 billion.  That is a cool half billion pounds cheaper than Scotland’s share of the costs of the Iraq and Afghan wars, even on the Westminster government’s blatant under-estimate of the war costs.

So Scotland can afford criminal invasions killing hundreds of thousands to ‘bring freedom’, but cannot afford the smaller cost of its own freedom!!!

The £1.5 billion estimate is mendacious in two ways.  Firstly, it is a simple recycling of a Canadian lie at the time of the Quebec independence referendum, apportioning with no argument 1% of GDP to startup costs.

Secondly, as nearly all the money will be spent in Scotland it is not a loss at all, but actually an increase to GDP, as any but the most nutty neo-con would be forced to acknowledge.  And it would be the precursor of government money spent annually in Scotland rather than England for ever thereafter.

Thankfully Alexander won’t have a job much longer – and if he thinks a penny of Scottish public spending is going in future to support his huge arse and deceitful mouth, he is very wrong.


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764 thoughts on “Freedom Cheaper than Iraq War

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  • John Goss

    “Me, you bloody morons. Who else?”

    Well spotted. He always was an elected dictator and wants another chance at it. He is a megalomaniac funded by big banking. Together with Obama one of the most dangerous animals on the planet.

    Obama said yesterday words to the effect that just because we have the biggest hammer it does not mean that every problem is a nail. The USS Bataan is currently off the shores of Libya offering support to the CIA-sponsored new puppet, Haster, or Hister, or Hitler or something. I’m sure Nostradamus had something to say about this character.

    “We’re going to hit this nail right on the head” said Obama.

  • Ba'al Zevul (I think)

    Rather depends on who’s defining ‘elite’, no?

    Something rather strange is going on, though. Here are all these big fat organisations, dedicated to squeezing the maximum leverage from every tiny individual transaction, pursuing a global collectivist brotherhood agenda. The only difference from theoretical Marxism is that not even lip service is being paid to the fair distribution of wealth. And that’s just a minor detail, isn’t it?

  • Mary

    This is the only recent link to Bilderberg on the BBC website from a search.

    The voice of reason aka David Aaronovitch is called on by Andrew Neil to squelch the idea that conspiracy theories exist. Tony Gosling gets in a contribution. Bilderberg at the end. He refers to it as Nato’s political arm and dangerous.

  • Jay

    The bilderberg does Seem a global franchise but they are in the driving seat and can apply the brakes to slow growth and add quality to both the individual and the collective, through education and engineering.

    We are becoming obese in the west and yet children go hungary elseware.
    You mean wealth distribution.

    What magazines do you read?

  • Ba'al Zevul (I think)

    hungary elseware.

    You mean “hungry elsewhere”

    You mean wealth distribution.

    Which is exactly why I said “distribution of wealth”

    they are in the driving seat and can apply the brakes to slow growth…

    Given that every capitalist involved, (and the leaders we, not they, elected) is howling for more growth, that would seem to remain in the realm of remote possibility.

    and add quality to both the individual and the collective, through education and engineering.

    We need a worldwide cabal of corporations to do that? Define quality. More stuff I don’t need? More frittering away finite resources on shiny things for idiots?

  • Ba'al Zevul (I think)

    What magazines do you read?

    Private Eye. Which has far more (verified) material on City/government scams than Newsweek or your probable favourite, the Hedge Fund Journal. Recommended, unquestionably.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Is Habbabkuk psychotic? The aggressive, hostile and abusive posts come in batches. They are not typed on to the blog directly but assembled elsewhere and then arrive like machine gun fire all together. A very strange mind is at work.”


    Psychotic? I don’t think so, Mary: my rabbi tells me that for someone who’s been exposed to the insane mutterings from thi blog for over a year now, I’m really remarkably sane.

    As to the “batches”, I believe it’s you who may be losing it, Mary. The explanation is quite simple : unlike you, I don’t spend all day crouched before the PC and so have to reply to the various insanities in batches after I’ve caught up. Simples! 🙂


    “Ref High Down, state run as if that makes a difference to what I was pointing out (the high incidence of mental illness amongst the prisoners), probably holds about 3.5% ex military personnel in its population.”


    No, of course the fact that HMP High Down is state and not privately run doesn’t invalidate what you were pointing out: I fully agree with you that a lot more attention should be paid to pyschiatric problems among prisoners and that former soldiers with problems of any sort deserve more help than they’re apparently getting at present.

    It was just that since you’ve often commented on the iniquity of the govt allowing privately-run prisons to be built, and that you also commented negatively on what sometimes goes on in them, I thought it was worth while getting you to admit that HMP High Down (which you slammed) was not a privately-run prison but a state one; thee point being to demonsrate that the ills of the modern prison system (to which you point, correctly)have perhaps little to do with who runs them.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    John Goss

    “And H as regards the imprisonment of Moazzam Begg I shall be saying a few words from the floor tomorrow night about this wrongful removal of freedom (29th May) I’ll be there. What about you?”

    Well, if I were in the vicinity I’d have no objection in principle to coming along……but I’m not. But thx anyway.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    David Lawton (22h14, 28 May)

    So you believe that the events in Kiev were/are a Jewish conspiracy.

    OK, noted.

    And thank you for providing me with background and context for the way you “think”; this will be useful for my evaluation of your comments on this and other topics in the future.

    Keep taking the tablets.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    You are pernicious, but your stupidity is your “saving grace” (if I can use the word “grace” in the same sentence as your name).

    “As ever, habby, it’s you who needs help reading.

    The Polish govt is involved:

    “The Poles have been participating actively in the formation of death squads in Ukraine since September 2013, when Foreign Minister R. Sikorski invited 86 members of the Right Sector to train at the police training center in Legionowo, 23 km from Warsaw. The fighters, who came on the pretext of a university exchange program, were mostly men of around 40; they received a month-long training course in organizing mass protests, erecting barricades, seizing government buildings, street fighting tactics, shooting techniques, including from sniper rifles, etc. The Polish weekly Nie published a photo from Legionowo showing Ukrainian fascists dressed in Nazi uniforms alongside their Polish instructors in civilian clothing.”

    Find better sources for your bilge, Herbie.

    1/. I have already given readers the lowdown in the Californian “Global Research” outfit. Suffice it to say that they are hardly disinterested and that they manage to perform the unlikely feat of making our regular commenter “Ben Gadfly” sound almost sane and balanced.

    2/. Herbie’s source (Global Research) refers to a photo published in a Polish magazine called “Nie” (=”No”).

    “Nie” is a left-wing, anti-Conservative and anti-clerical weekly tabloid which started up in 1990 after the Communists had been finally kicked out once and for all. Its circulation is small.

    Its founder and present editor is one Jerzy Urban, surely well-known to all who were following the Polish scene in the 1980s and before. Urban was and is a slimy chap, well-enough in with the Communist govt to have been a prominent govt spokesman from 1981 to 1989. Among his ‘feats” were to write, in September 1984, a column called “Seanse nienawisc” (= “Hate session”) in which he criticised Father Jerzy Popielwuszko as an “anti-Communist Savonarola”. Father Popielwuszko was murdered a couple of weeks later; in 1986 he masterminded a media story (within Poland)to the effect that the CIA had “betrayed” the Solidarity movement.

    So you see, Herbie, this is why I believe you have been posting bilge again. The only question – not, I admit, a very i,etersting or important one – is whether you know it to be bilge (in which case you’re a mendacious cunt) or whether you believe it (in which case you’re an ignorant cunt).

    My apologies to cunts.

  • Ba'al Zevul (I think)

    Market forces and corporations have the ability to change and improve the quality of the decisions they make.

    Unfortunately (a) they do not make decisions with the general good in mind, but their own, and why should they? (b) they have no idea of the long term effects of their decisions, and how can they? (c) they may not actually have a clue anyway (see banks, 2008)

    I mean, we all have the ability to change and improve…etc… It’s just that commercial operations have less incentive than anyone else to do so for the public good. Money in the proles’ pockets is money missing from their accounts. A cheap and desperate workforce means more profits than a well-rewarded and motivated one. (though some companies, smaller ones generally, are beginning to realise that this is not an absolute truth)

    Market forces currently demand that the maximum return is wrung from every product, every undertaking to supply a product, and every distant undertaking to trade some advantage derived from agreeing to buy that product, etcetera etcetera. Which means that the producer gets bottom dollar for his product in order to boost the numbers in the offshore account of someone wholly unconnected with his business. Businesses have the power not to trade in derivatives, not to create present wealth for themselves at the expense of the future earnings of poorly-paid produsers. And do they refrain? Do they buggery. Instead they form lobbying blocs like Bilderberg to cajole or coerce governments to still further loosen market controls.

    They could, Jay. The possibility might be said to be there. But they manifestly don’t. And usually claim that they can’t

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Shukran Mr Mandelsohn aka The Third Man and nephew of Herbert Morrison. The Talmud lives in him.”

    I like the “h” you gifted to Mandelson, but it would be interesting to hear you* expand a little on your expression “the Talmud lives in him”.

    * You can delegate this task to Mr Scorgie or one of your other Children if you wish

  • Jives

    Oh HabbyFlubbyWubby,

    And there was you chastising me for ‘intemperate’ language just yesterday!

    Tut tut.

    Surely youre not cracking under the pressure of maintaining your multiple sockpuppet positions?

    Dont forget youve already been banned from this blog before…

  • KingofWelshNoir


    ‘…my rabbi tells me that for someone who’s been exposed to the insane mutterings from this blog for over a year now, I’m really remarkably sane.’

    Mate, I think you need a new rabbi – your current one is clearly bonkers!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Mate, I think you need a new rabbi – your current one is clearly bonkers!”

    Not according to HIS rabbis, he isn’t 🙂


    PS – could you see your way to doing anything about Jives? He clearly needs help…

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    Bit early in the day for your tosh, isn’t it?

    I thought you were a creature of the night? 🙂

    Or the bottle 🙂 🙂

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    I think you’ve been rumbled, Jonathan:

    “I see we have a worthy replacement for Fedup as blog piss-head in the form of Jives.”

    (from the perspicacious Anon, on the previous thread)

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    From the Wit and Wisdom of Jives

    Found this on the previoud thread (yesterday at 23h22), Jives obviously liubering up for a sinister night session….:

    “Sinister HabbyWubbyBubbyTubby,

    No i aint a socialist;Skinner and Benn never interested me.

    I am 106 years old.

    Page 1 of The Sockpuppet Troll manual dictates the need to use deceit abd subterfuge.

    I busted you on your first post here,renember?

    Obviously still rankles with you doesnt it? Your whole fake mission was blown.

    Guess thats why you resort to sinister gang-stalking of certain posters eh?

    Now go and change your string vest will ya?

    You are the Rupert Pupkin of this blog.”

    Men in flapping white coats enter stage left…..

  • Jives


    Your little mask is slipping day by day…

    Now go and change yer string vest will ya?

  • Mary

    Did Craig’s post assist in movong things along?

    BREAKING NEWS:Chilcot Inquiry says agreement is reached to disclose discussions between Tony Blair and George Bush over Iraq

    ‘Agreement’ on Blair-Bush documents
    Tony Blair with President George W. Bush in 2003 photo
    The Iraq inquiry says it is closer to agreement over publication of communications between Tony Blair and President Bush.

    BREAKING NEWS:Chilcot Inquiry says agreement is reached to disclose discussions between Tony Blair and George Bush over Iraq

    BREAKING NEWS:Chilcot Inquiry says agreement is reached to disclose discussions between Tony Blair and George Bush over Iraq

    Three times for the post and three cheers for Craig!

  • Mary

    I see the toddling troll got his places bottom and top of the pages. Totally puerile.

    PS Overuse of emoticons too!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “I see the toddling troll got his places bottom and top of the pages. Totally puerile.”

    Mille excuses, Marie!

    Next time I shall ask for your permission first as I know it’s your blog.


    La vita è bella, life is good!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    I dedicate the following limerick to my friend Jives.

    “Whenever a fellow called Rex
    Flashed his very small organ of sex,
    He always got off,
    For the judges would scoff,
    De minimis non curat lex.”

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