An Ugly Mood 469

In Heywood and Middleton, a classic Labour northern English seat, UKIP and the Tories combined got 51% of the vote. In Clacton – a deprived coastal area – the Conservatives and UKIP got 83% of the vote.

It is not that Labour and the Lib Dems offer an alternative that is in any significant way less devoted to corporate interests and serving the economic needs of the super-rich. The large majority of voters, and especially those who do not bother to vote, have by now worked out that the difference in their lives is negligible if they have a different member of the political class with his or her nose in the trough at their expense.

But everybody who has seen an actual UKIP campaign knows that their grassroots appeal is simply racist – they promote the idea that it is not the billionaires and ultra-wealthy who are sucking the resources from society, but rather the poor of a different colour. The Conservatives are striving, particularly through rampant Islamophobia, to compete for the atavistic vote.

UKIP is an antibody produced by the political establishment and their paymasters, to counter public disillusion with a dreadful and worsening unequal society. UKIP’s task is to divert public anger away from their exploiters towards specific groups of the poor. It does so very effectively. UKIP’s success yesterday will lead to a race among the mainstream parties to scapegoat vulnerable social groups – immigrants, benefit claimants, unemployed – and to compete in external xenophobia. The next government of the United Kingdom will be right wing to a degree which would have seemed unthinkable for the majority of my life.

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469 thoughts on “An Ugly Mood

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  • fred

    “See you’ve been “hogging” the blog Fred.
    You “bleeted” on about no personal attacks if you weren’t attacked.
    Not quite true is it?
    Who began painting Yessers with the Nazi brush from the get go without any provocation?”

    Fuck off and die Nazi retard scum.

  • Republicofscotland

    How exactly is President Obama going to “cause” a global pandemic, ROHD?” was the question, in response to something you scribbled.

    So what’s your answer?

    Habb the Palestinian Genocide Promoter.

    You know as well as I do who holds the patent on Ebola, or similar off-shoots from the original, even a supporter of mass murder like you isn’t naive enough to think the Ebola outbreak was not man made.

    As for Obama he’s just the front man, of a very sinister machine.

  • Republicofscotland

    Who began painting Yessers with the Nazi brush from the get go without any provocation?”

    Fred so you really are an arsehole, never mind your bum chum and mass murder supporter Habb will still like you birds of a feather and all that.

  • nigel

    No powers of any consequence will be devolved by London EVER, let me assure you. The revenues from whisky and oil are simply too enormous to let go of. If London lost these enormous revenues, the UK would be instantly bankrupt! London has already been forward spending the proceeds of oil and whisky for years now-how do you think cross rail, m25, and multitudes of other grandiose projects benefiting no-one but southern england have been financed, ffs!!

    The ONLY way Scotland is to move forward would be to “chip round the edges” of the remaining 5% we require to bring us up to 50% yes- however, most Scots regard the union as a comfort blanket and their mindset will not change-the younger Scots will be our salvation.

    Forget this commission-its only purpose is to delay, obscure, and ultimately deliver sfa to the Scottish peoples.

    Another referendum in, say, 3 or 4 years should do the trick!

  • fred

    “Fred so you really are an arsehole, never mind your bum chum and mass murder supporter Habb will still like you birds of a feather and all that.”

    Fuck off and die Holocaust denying Nazi retard scum.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “How exactly is President Obama going to “cause” a global pandemic, ROHD?” was the question, in response to something you scribbled.

    So what’s your answer?

    “You know as well as I do who holds the patent on Ebola, or similar off-shoots from the original, even a supporter of mass murder like you isn’t naive enough to think the Ebola outbreak was not man made.

    As for Obama he’s just the front man..”


    Just the answer I was expecting, well done. It’s all a wicked plot, isn’t it.

    Are you by any chance related to Trowbridge H Ford, he of the sinister American-controlled earthquakes, tsunamis and gigantic space-bound laser guns?

    Far be it on me to intrude into private grief, but have you considered free counselling while the NHS still exists? 🙂

  • Rehmat

    In 2009, US president Barack Obama became the first world leader to receive Nobel peace prize without doing anything to reduce America’s deadly arms stockpiles for which Alfred Nobel had created the prize. The prize was awarded to Obama to set the groundwork for the Zionist poodle in the White House to wage new wars on Muslim countries for Israel.

    The 2014 Nobel Prize for Peace is awarded to a Pakistan-Afghan Zionist “child” creation Malala Yousafzai and Hindutva poster-boy from India, Kailash Satyarthi – not for campaigning against the imperialist powers (the US, Russia, Britain, China, India and Israel) but for fighting child slavery and illiteracy in Pakistan and India.

    In case the Nobel Peace Committee was so concerned about the child slavery, it should have awarded the prize to some American human rights activist for fighting child sex slavery in America or some Israeli Jew for doing something to stop Jewish rape culture in Israel. America is definitely the most ignorant Nation on Earth.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Another referendum in, say, 3 or 4 years should do the trick!”

    I wouldn’t be that sure, Nigel, but more to the point : what makes you think there will be another referendum in 3 or 4 years?

  • Republicofscotland

    Just the answer I was expecting, well done. It’s all a wicked plot, isn’t it.

    Are you by any chance related to Trowbridge H Ford, he of the sinister American-controlled earthquakes, tsunamis and gigantic space-bound laser guns?

    Far be it on me to intrude into private grief, but have you considered free counselling while the NHS still exists?


    A derisory answer and one to be expected from a supporter of mass murder.

  • Republicofscotland

    In 2009, US president Barack Obama became the first world leader to receive Nobel peace prize without doing anything to reduce America’s deadly arms stockpiles for which Alfred Nobel had created the prize. The prize was awarded to Obama to set the groundwork for the Zionist poodle in the White House to wage new wars on Muslim countries for Israel.


    Yes definitely a bit of arse licking going on there.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “The 2014 Nobel Prize for Peace is awarded to a Pakistan-Afghan Zionist “child” creation Malala Yousafzai and Hindutva poster-boy from India, Kailash Satyarthi – not for campaigning against the imperialist powers (the US, Russia, Britain, China, India and Israel) but for fighting child slavery and illiteracy in Pakistan and India.”

    I realise that the Nobel Committee could – perhaps even should – have given the Peace Prize to YOU for your courageous campaign (waged on this blog as on others) against the imperialist powers, but they are ignorant sods and for some strange reason decided to award it to two people who actually got off their backsides to do something about child slavery and illiteracy. That’s how the cookie crumbles in this vicious world, Rehmat.


    By the way, have you ever been shot at or attacked during your courageous campaign against the imperialist powers?


    Well, in that case slip me your address and I’ll come to give you a swift kick up the arse. And then you’ll be a hero as well! You know it makes sense.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    While I’m on the subject of courage, have yo’ co-signed Iain Orr’s letter to the Home Secretary, bro’?

    You know, the one about Moazzam Begg?

  • anti-hypocrite


    “We shouldn’t write UKIP off as racist and xenophobic, however, because that’s where a lot of older white voters are at the moment, and we need to accept that. They are not happy with a cosmopolitan UK”

    In other words, older white voters ARE racist and xenophobic.

    No amount of window dressing will hide the fact that both UKIP and the vast majority of its followers ARE racist and xenophobic.

  • jake

    Robert Crawford said:

    “To all you Wordsmiths out there.

    SCOTCH is a drink, not a person. Got it?”

    It also applies to beef and other produce.

    An older definition is that Scotch should only be used to refer to things that can be bought.

    By that definition there are some Scots who could be accurately described as Scotch but that would be a vulgar and archaic usage, since such Scots are now referred to as Scotbuts.

    Scotbut. Noun. an avowedly patriot dissenter from the political philosophy of the right of self determination for nation states. Example of usage: ” I’m a proud Scotbut we’re too wee/poor/stupid/ etc to run our own affairs”. See also Scotbuttery (n) and Scotbut (v)

  • Republicofscotland

    I want to make government cool again,” he said.

    Obama believed in government, and he was confident that his election would signal that the American people were ready to believe again, too.

    As we approach the sixth anniversary of his election, the Obama presidency is in tatters. Obama’s policies, foreign and domestic, are widely seen as failed or failing. His approval rating is near its lowest point. Obama’s base of support is loyal and fierce and shrinking. Much of the country sees him as incompetent or untrustworthy, and government, far from being “cool,” is a joke on good days and a threat on bad ones.

    A look at Obama and his failed tenure as US president.

  • Mary

    Brooks Newmark MP and a member of the CFoI, recently exposed by the Sun for his exposures so to to speak, with more to come tomorrow apparently, is leaving “Parliament”. Not until May 2015 though. As if he would leave the trough immediately.

  • Kempe

    ” SCOTCH is a drink, not a person. Got it?

    It also applies to beef and other produce. ”

    Eggs, broth, mist, pies, bonnets, tape, keys; and a corner.

  • Mary

    Good links RoS.


    Compare them to the swathe of pointless and diversionary posts from the recently returned visitor to Kazakhstan. No good wishes from him needless to say, unlike many on here. He even had a pop at me on an earlier thread when I was obviously absent and fighting for my life literally. No words.

  • nigel


    “Another referendum in, say, 3 or 4 years should do the trick!”

    I wouldn’t be that sure, Nigel, but more to the point : what makes you think there will be another referendum in 3 or 4 years?

    The success of the referendum is that prior to that, for most Scots, the “union” was totally off their radar-now its a new ball game inasmuch as the Scots have had their eyes wide opened as to the true meaning of the union, and have been astounded at their humble place in it.

    That, combined with the likelihood of the SNP continuing to make inroads into the westmidden parliament, and the collapse of the SLAB’s, will give the SNP the confidence to declare a further referendum within 3 or 4 years. This will not be acceptable to London though, so it will have to be done illegally.

    After all, progress in the UK has ONLY come about through illegal acts-for instance, womens voting rights would never have happened if women had complied with the rule of law back then. In addition, the SNP would aver that Scotland, being a nation in its own right, have no reason to accept rules laid down by London.

    Scotland is going to become more and more ungovernable from London in the future. A minor example is the thousands of Scots who are presently watching TV illegally, to the extent that London considers it a waste of time actively pursuing these folks.

    London, on the 19th of September, breathed a massive sigh of relief and assumed the Scots were “put back in their box” for another generation-Time will prove how wrong they were!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “…the SNP the confidence to declare a further referendum within 3 or 4 years. This will not be acceptable to London though, so it will have to be done illegally.”

    Well, as you point out, such a “referendum” would have to be done illegally since it lies with Westminster and not the SNP to call a referendum.

    What in your opinion would be the position if law-abiding citizens, not wishing to be party to an illegal act, were to boycott such a referendum? Would the (presumable) majority for a “Yes” have any validity in such a case?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “After all, progress in the UK has ONLY come about through illegal acts-for instance, womens voting rights would never have happened if women had complied with the rule of law back then.”

    Well, that statement is nonsense of course. Virtually all progress in modern Britain has come about through peaceful (and legal) pressure aided on occasion by what one might call the “inevitability of circumstance”.

    The example you trot out is the example that’s always trotted out by those of your persuasion and that fact is itself indicative of the intellectual (and historical) poverty of your thesis.

    Was the post-1945 welfare state brought about through illegal acts? The abolition of hanging and flogging? The decriminalisation of abortion and homosexuality? Just three examples of what you would agree are progress, I suppose (but one never knows with commenters on CM!)

  • johnnyrvf

    What I wonder is how, when Scotland finally gets indipendance, will it’s archaic electricity infrastructure, increasingly based on 16th century technology, abandoned with considerable haste when a Scottish genius, named James Watt, who over his life time improved the Pumping Beam engine invented by Richard Trevithick ( first used in 1712 in the mines of Cornwall ) by 500% allowing the industrial revoloution to evolve into modern western civilsation, will be able to afford, once what little of the oil reserves left have run out, the massive cost of upgrading to new technologies so that they can attract investment. After all not many people, particularly those used to living in a technologically viable infrastructure and that includes greens, REALLY want to live a 16th century crofters life, however deluded they are by their ideology.

  • nigel


    “…the SNP the confidence to declare a further referendum within 3 or 4 years. This will not be acceptable to London though, so it will have to be done illegally.”

    Well, as you point out, such a “referendum” would have to be done illegally since it lies with Westminster and not the SNP to call a referendum.

    What in your opinion would be the position if law-abiding citizens, not wishing to be party to an illegal act, were to boycott such a referendum? Would the (presumable) majority for a “Yes” have any validity in such a case?


    It would have validity insofar as the SNP would then have the “moral high ground” to declare UDI. London would naturally not accept the validity, which is why I mentioned earlier that Scotland would become increasingly ungovernable from London rule in the future.

    As London attempted to “put the screws” on the Scots, the Scots would, by many means at their disposal, i.e. public protests, strikes, etc, as is their very nature, force London to make concessions if the whisky and oil proceeds are to continue to flow south.

    Scots have many allies internationally, and their assistance may perhaps have to be invoked at some stage. Make no mistake, London’s “coat” in Scotland, will be hanging by a “very shoogly nail” (To quote an old Scots saying)

  • nigel

    What I wonder is how, when Scotland finally gets indipendance, will it’s archaic electricity infrastructure, increasingly based on 16th century technology, abandoned with considerable haste when a Scottish genius, named James Watt, who over his life time improved the Pumping Beam engine invented by Richard Trevithick ( first used in 1712 in the mines of Cornwall ) by 500% allowing the industrial revoloution to evolve into modern western civilsation, will be able to afford, once what little of the oil reserves left have run out, the massive cost of upgrading to new technologies so that they can attract investment. After all not many people, particularly those used to living in a technologically viable infrastructure and that includes greens, REALLY want to live a 16th century crofters life, however deluded they are by their ideology.

    Johnny-You have obviously been living on the planet Zog for most of your life, and it looks as if your “education” was received there also.

    Its well known that we Scots, detesting nuclear powered electricity, have many means of generation at their disposal, i.e. hydro, wind, tidal.

    We shall therefore never be encumbered with the massive costs of nuclear decommissioning, as our neighbours in the south will be. By the way, when your future nuclear stations(to be built by the chinese) are closed down due to infrastructure problems, we shall be indeed most pleased to supply our surplus units to your good selves, being the excellent neighbours of yours.

  • Republicofscotland

    What I wonder is how, when Scotland finally gets indipendance, will it’s archaic electricity infrastructure, increasingly based on 16th century


    Well Johnny I think you’ll find that England would be in relative darkness just now, if Scotland didn’t make up the short-fall in electricity supply. Scotland produces far more electricity than it uses, it sells the surplus to England.

    As for so called dwindling oil resources, before the referendum it was running out so said the lying unionist b*stards, now after the referendum, there’s at least 50 years worth left, funny that.

    As for energy down south well Hinckley nuclear power station hasn’t seen a brick laid and the cost has already jumped £8 billion quid.

  • Republicofscotland

    Good links RoS.


    Compare them to the swathe of pointless and diversionary posts from the recently returned visitor to Kazakhstan. No good wishes from him needless to say, unlike many on here. He even had a pop at me on an earlier thread when I was obviously absent and fighting for my life literally. No words.

    Thanks Mary

    I know the cold fish you speak of, don’t let it bother you, anyway, again, go to see you back, and fighting your corner.

  • Republicofscotland

    The rest of the UK needs Scotland’s energy imports

    Another issue is scrupulously avoided by the DECC report: Scotland is a major source of the electricity for the rest of the UK. About 4% of the yearly power consumption of England and Wales is met by exports coming on pylons across the Scottish border. This figure is tending to rise as Scottish renewable power continues to grow faster than in England and as English nuclear plants are closed.


    F*ck me another brain dead c*nt who believes the Herald, I thought they’re weren’t any of them left. Every now and then though one pops up isn’t that right Kempe.

    Here read the truth FFS.

    And stop reading the Herald no wonder your brains turnign to mush.

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