Lewes 312

I was about to go into my box at the Lyceum Theatre last night when I received a text that there was a pro-independence demo on at Holyrood. So I abandoned my hosts (I did not feel quite as bad about this as I had stood for pre-theatre supper), fled the theatre and positively jogged down to parliament. I passed most of the demonstrators leaving on their way home, saltires draped over shoulders and Guido masks on top of heads. But there were still a few hundred there when I arrived, listening to unpractised speakers telling their very real stories: the independence cause continues to be a genuinely popular movement. One young demonstrator told me how proud they had been as they marched down the Royal Mile, with pedestrians homeward bound after a day’s work spontaneously stepping off the pavement to join the march, and the bars emptying. I then watched the fireworks bursting over Edinburgh.

I said a while back that if we won independence, I would move back to Scotland. Well, independence is now so inevitable I am indeed moving back, and have been flat-hunting. This is now an Edinburgh blog, and I hope from this weekend will have its Edinburgh home.

Lewes has been much in the news lately. Yesterday they were going to burn an effigy of Alex Salmond, and then didn’t. It is a conundrum why a town which genuinely retains the most radical popular political traditions in England, also is the most fervent place of practice of the reactionary art of catholic effigy burning. They vary this now by burning protestants, too. Cameron and Clegg have been done. I think my fellow Scottish Nationalists who got very upset about the potential Salmond burning were perhaps overreacting. The mistake of the members of the Lewes Waterloo Society was to fail to realise that Salmond is not merely another self-serving member of the political class; the selection was not based on race.

The tradition of burning Guy Fawkes reflects the undeniable fact that there used to be a genuine popular enthusiasm for parliament, which was seen as a bastion against Papal despotism, even long before the large majority of the population had a vote. Nowadays Parliament has become a very different kind of symbol. It symbolises an highly oppressive, authoritarian, narrow political class which shamelessly makes money at our expense, while furthering the interests of vast corporations which enforce the low wage economy and astonishing, ever growing, wealth gap.

The natural instincts of most people today lie with the man who tried to blow up parliament.

It is truly remarkable that, while the BBC and rest of the mainstream media gave hour by hour coverage of the democracy movement protests in Hong Kong, there was virtually no coverage of the violent and brutal treatment, over days, of the Occupy Democracy protest in Parliament Square in London. Nor any mention that there was far less democracy in Hong Kong under British rule than Chinese.

In Lewes, I once spoke to a flourishing political society which claims a direct descent from one founded by Thomas Paine himself- a vivid reminder to us in Scotland that there is a native radical tradition in Southern England, deep underground and waiting to be rediscovered. Lewes also has as its MP Norman Baker, one of the most decent men in politics, who recently resigned as a junior minister over the government’s entirely illogical “war on drugs” – illogical not least because of the drug habits of so many MPs. My current host, Hugh Kerr, when an MEP once made a speech in the European Parliament where he pointed out that many members were voting against drug liberalisation with whom he had personally participated in drug taking. An example of the excessive honesty that led to Hugh being forced out of the Labour Party.

Norman Baker was the subject of many vicious pieces in the mainstream media following his resignation. The crime of daring to think outside the box on drugs, and even worse crime of disagreeing with right wing nutjob and media darling Theresa May, meant that Baker had to be thoroughly monstored. But the most disgraceful and cowardly of all these attacks came from the Guardian of state stooge Alan Rusbridger. This is simply an appalling piece of journalism.

I have met Norman Baker a couple of times, and had a very entertaining conversation with him about Murder in Samarkand on Lewes railway station. The subject of UFO’s never came up. Indeed, if you google “Norman Baker, UFO” you get hundreds of media stories, all of them put out following Baker’s resignation and very evidently put about by Theresa May, for whom the Guardian is but a sounding board. In fact Norman Baker did once suggest in parliament that UFO cases deserved proper official investigation, which seems a perfectly rational view – and as the British government has, over decades, amassed thousands of files on UFO sightings, a view clearly widely held.

Baker’s other great sin is to believe David Kelly was murdered. Well, I think it is very probable indeed that David Kelly was murdered, and so, I suspect, do a very large percentage of the population. If the establishment is truly so confident that David Kelly was not murdered, it is remarkable that they refuse to have an inquest and allow a jury to decide the question in the normal way.

Norman Baker’s true crime was not to be a fully paid up member of the political class. He had never been a special adviser or political assistant. he had some hinterland, other interests, and did not confine his thinking within the tiny sphere of neo-con orthodoxy beyond which the corporate media will declare you a nutter. Politicians must all look the same, and Theresa May and Nigel Farage are now the only acceptable templates.

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312 thoughts on “Lewes

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  • fred

    “David Kelly was arguably the world’s pre-eminent expert on biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction and had access to the highest levels of the security services and was cleared to see the most highly classified intelligence.”

    I wouldn’t be surprised if his death didn’t have more to do with what he knew about South Africa than what he knew about Iraq.

  • Mary

    And all the papers locked away for 70 years.

    ‘What happens after a sudden death?

    According to the Coroners Act 1988 when someone dies “a violent or unnatural death” or “a sudden death of which the cause is unknown,” the death has to be reported to the coroner. There has to be an inquest to identify the person and to answer the questions “how, when and where” the person died and if there are to be any criminal proceedings.’


    Messrs Blair and Falconer had other ideas.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Mr Dickens, who died in 1995, said he gave details of Establishment paedophiles – known as ‘Dickens dossier’ – to then Home Secretary Leon Brittan in 1983.”


    Is this the “secret dossier” one of your fellow Trolls claimed was “rumoured”, “it is said” locked away in the Bodleian?

    If so, happy to see you don’t seem to agree with him:

    “It would appear the Dickens Dossier, is more difficult to find than the Holy Grail. Why don’t they just look in Andrew Parker’s desk drawer, I’m sure it will be sitting there.”

    You Trolls should really get your stories straight!

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Donny DarkSide

    “Nope, haven’t read their charter Habbacantanswer ?I would imagine it is in Arabic. Not one of my languages.”

    You haven’t read it, Donny? Judging from your posts, I’d have said you might have helped to write it. 🙂

    Anyway, there are English translations around.

    If you behave yourself, I might one of these days post a few of the more “pleasant” parts of it. Just to show you the similarities between certain passages and the ravings of various Muslim Arab hate preachers, don’t y’know!

  • DoNNyDarKo

    I don’t read the Torah either Habba.Same shit isn’t it? Scriptures based on hate !
    Save it for someone more deserving.

  • Mary

    Little by little, contd.

    BiBiCee Breaking news
    7 November 2014 Last updated at 20:02
    US to send 1,500 more troops to Iraq.
    US President Barack Obama authorises 1,500 more US troops to be sent to Iraq in non-combat roles, White House says.

    Who’d have thunk it?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “I don’t read the Torah either Habba.”

    And why should you, Donny?

    But I would recommend a quick read of the Hamas Charter. It will give you some ammunition with which to answer those who seek to praise Hamas. Alternatively, it could give you some material for your Jew- and Israel)hating posts (don’t worry about charges of plagiarism, Mr Goss will look the other way I’m sure).

  • Republicofscotland

    “Is this the “secret dossier” one of your fellow Trolls claimed was “rumoured”, “it is said” locked away in the Bodleian?”

    “You Trolls should really get your stories straight!”


    I think you’ll find it was the press who claimed it was locked up in the Bodleian, and of course Mr Dacre’s rag, has a long history of hit and miss.

    Now Mr Troglodytarum, what was it you said about trolls.

    I didn’t realise just how famous you really are love the blue rinse gives you a bit of character.


  • Republicofscotland

    Zionists distort the scriptures to claim Jerusalem is theirs by divine right, but it was already 2,000 years old and an established, fortified city when King David captured it. Its name is derived from Uru-Shalem, meaning founded by Shalem.

    The Jews lost Jerusalem to the Babylonians, recaptured it, then lost it again to the Roman Empire in 63 BC. When they rebelled Hadrian threw them out in 135. Until the present illegal occupation the Jews had only controlled Jerusalem for some 500 years, small beer compared to the 1,277 years it was subsequently ruled by Muslims.

    Jerusalem was also a Christian city. The 4th century saw the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Persians came and went. Then, after the Islamic conquest in 690, two major shrines were constructed over the ruins of the earlier temples – the Dome of the Rock, from which Muhammed is said to have ascended to Heaven, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    The Crusaders retook Jerusalem in 1099 and The Temple Mount became the headquarters of the Knights Templar. In 1187 Saladin ended the Crusader Kingdom and restored the city to Islam while allowing Jews and Christians to remain if they wished.

    You don’t need to read the Torah, to find the truth, the history of the land and its people are the truth.

  • Mary

    They all have names. This time it’s Operation Inherent Resolve!!!

    President Barack Obama has announced he is sending 1,500 more troops to Iraq, almost doubling the current deployment.

    The White House, which said the new forces would not serve in a combat role, asked Congress for $5.6bn (£3.5bn) to fund the mission.

    The new troops will support the approximately 1,600 US personnel already in Iraq, as part of what the Pentagon calls Operation Inherent Resolve.

    Mr Obama has also authorised the new troops to operate at Iraqi military facilities outside Baghdad and Irbil, said White House press secretary Josh Earnest.


    The Vicious Politico-Religious Sunni-Shi’ite Civil War Ignited by the US in Iraq and Syria
    by Rodrigue Tremblay
    November 7th, 2014

    [There] is a memo [at the Pentagon] that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.
    — General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO (1997-2000), (March 2, 2007)

    I don’t want to just end the [Iraq] war, but I want to end the mind-set that got us into war in the first place.

    — Presidential candidate Barack Obama, (January 31, 2008)


  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)



    I think you’ll find it was the press who claimed it was locked up in the Bodleian, and of course Mr Dacre’s rag, has a long history of hit and miss.”

    You’re right, it was the press. So how did it get onto this blog? Why – through the good offices of none other than…..your good self, “Republicofscotland” !!

    You Trolls simply can’t get your story right, can you.

    Gamma minus, I’m afraid.

    And, btw, the link you gave was to the Independent and not the Mail.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “of my posts are {sic}Israel or Jew hating.”


    You don’t say!

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “None of my posts are {sic}Israel or Jew hating.”

    You don’t say!

  • Mark Golding

    Interesting Fred – my sources reveal David Kelly provided some advice on weaponized anthrax and may have provided advice detailing the necessary handling and vaccination procedures using Israeli Omer-2 project vaccine prior to the anthrax attacks of 2001.


    David Kelly also had detailed knowledge of experiments carried out on serviceman who had volunteered (£10 in your pocket) at Porton Down. No government scientist at Porton was ever prosecuted after Operation Antler but compensation was paid (we (Royal Navy) were told it was only testing common cold cures):


    The anthrax vaccine (AVP) is a bit ‘hit and miss’ and Porton had a number of antitoxins used and recommended by bio-weapons scientist Professor Harry Smith.

  • John Goss

    Thanks for that Mark Golding. Although I knew of the anthrax connections through a video I saw I have not seen your two links before. I only read the second because like the Financial Times and a few other outlets I am reluctant to pay for a subscription. It is something however I will post on the Dr David Kelly website to which I subscribe.

  • Frank Bowles

    Good to hear you’re coming home after all I reckon I must be due a pint or three; good to see you’ve shackled up in the effete East… Let me know when you’re visiting the West…

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Some people may think I am making this up..but its true.

    The band were seriously awesome tonight..She was just so Good..so I went outside for a smoke..and there was this bloke dressed as a Russian..and I asked hi ..where do you come from..He said I come from the Ukraine..I asked which part ..He said Kiev..I said Oh Yeh..What is Your Name..and He Told Me..He couldn’t Fake That…

    So I went back inside the pub..and said I have just met a Russian..well actually he is from The Ukraine..and he told me his name..

    I just was speaking RaW Lancashire..you see those Girls Dancing at The Front..well the one in The Middle is My Wife..She talks Lancashire too…

    Now in situations like this well You just Go Back in and See The Welsh Girl Sing..Seriously she is effin awesome…

    I only took two photographs on my mobile phone..I don’t usually have it with me…

    I did tell her a year ago…that she looked exactly my Ex Girlfriend who I have since met 35 years later..and it is true..She Really Does Look Exactly The Same..

    I showed my mate..I showed my wife..and I did show her…

    The Welsh Girl Has Got LIGHT Shining out of Her Eyes…

    She was not wearing Spectacles

    And after that you go outside for a cigarette..and he says no I am not really a Russian..I am from Italy..but he maintains his Russian accent..so we both go back in to see The Welsh Girl..and I try and introduce him to my Wife..but he just wants to see The Welsh Girl cos she is just so good.

    I do remember his name..he simply couldn’t fake it could he..I didn’t even try.

    And I thought Blimey..whilst walking home with my wife..was that really him..I have no idea what he looks like..

    wtf is he doing here in our little local pub?

    Well he has come to see The Girl..hasn’t he.

    She didn’t look like the Devil..She looked like an Angel From Heaven…

    Best Female Vocalist I have seen in the last 12 months…

    The Rock Stars..even The Vocalists..were asking her to do it..I mean she would be perfect for it..but I said she probably doesn’t even know the song…

    And he said..Well we do it…

    Yeh but You are From Yorkshire..and You are a Bloke…


  • guano

    Habba. α+ for improvement. Very polite. Well done.

    Considering how many sects there are within Monotheism, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a few bad eggs in the pile:

    The Prophet (sal Allaahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said: “The Jews split into 71 sects, and the Christians split into 72 sects, and this nation will split into 73 sects, all of them in the Fire except one…” up to the end of the hadeeth. So the question is: how do we reconcile this hadeeth with the number of sects (in our time) being greater than 73 sects?


  • Tony_0pmoc

    I am fairly sure that We Have Not Been Invited to An American Gig…I Have already heard The Details from The Best Young English Guitarist In The World whilst trying to Cross The Border From Canada into The USA..the week before he said to me Tony..We have got a Gig…in my local pub..maybe 100 people there..
    The Next Saturday Night..He Played…in Front of 80,000 people in Quebeck

    And They Said YES..You can All Come Into The United States of America..The Entire Band..Except That Bloke..He Looks Like a Terrorist…

    The Entire Band Looked Around..and Said To The US Border Officials..You Are Going To Let Us In..But You are Not Going To Let in Our Drummer..(he hinted..get yourself an American Drummer)

    So they went into negotiation..and they Seriously Would Not Let The Drummer In

    So The ENGLISH BAND said FUuC@K YOU To The USA..

    If You Won’t Let Our Drummer in The Entire USA Tour is Off..We are simply not going to do it…

    So All The Band Came Home To ENGLAND…

    I don’t think I have met his drummer yet.


  • Mary

    What a wonderful caring humanitarian we have in the form of David Cameron. Such good timing too, one day before we remember ‘the fallen’! What a shallow opportunist more like.

    8 November 2014
    Military widows will be allowed to remarry with pensions intact
    David Cameron orders change which could affect 3,000 military widows, at a cost of £120m over the next 40 years

    ‘Cameron said he had tasked officials to come up with a solution as part of the government’s commitment to the armed forces covenant. All spouses and civil partners who are beneficiaries will be able to remarry without losing the pensions from 1 April – when a new scheme is introduced.

    Cameron, who will meet forces’ widows in Downing Street on Sunday, said: “This is a long-standing grievance and I think one which is very justified – people who were married to someone in the armed services and that person died and so they lost their pension if they married again.

    “I think that wasn’t fair and I’m delighted that because we have a strong economy we can afford to make this change and give justice to these people.”

    He added: “This reflects our clear commitment to uphold the armed forces covenant which we enshrined in law.”’

  • DoNNyDarKo

    I read this morning Sofia that Russia had for the umpteenth time invaded Ukraine with 32 tanks ,personnel carriers and various support vehicles,all dutifully reported by the same British newspapers that reported the last Russian invasion in August.
    Ukraine has cried wolf(bear actually)6 or 7 times this year and the only vehicles caught on camera,despite reporters observing the invasions,have been the aid convoys that Ukraine has tried to hinder.
    OSCE are on the border and Russia has asked them to fly drones to patrol and report of any illegal incursions.
    At the same time as all of this is going on,Ukraine also announce that they killed over 200 rebel soldiers.Is this Ukrainian for “Ceasefire over”?
    Ukraine acts like a drunk in a bar picking a fight with the local black belt.

  • Peacewisher

    Excellent speech from Gorbachev this morning, close to the Brandenburg Gate. Live on RT, but noT reported on either Western media or Russian media.

  • Iain Hill

    Craig at his best!

    PS. Silly little box above does not permit the correct answer “one”. The problem is posed in text, not numbers, so why not.

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