Metaphysics 141

Listening to the BBC and Sky, and reading The Guardian, all on the subject of whether the UK establishment knew about CIA torture or not, the realisation dawned on me that I had imagined my entire life story and in fact I had never actually existed. For a little while it was like being in a particularly scary Japanese film.

Then fortunately, I started to look through the comments threads and discovered that even though every journalist in the mainstream media does not know that I blew the whistle on all this a decade ago, the general public do apparently know of me and know a very great deal more than the so-called journalists. So it seems I do exist after all.

That is really quite a relief, because I was about to cancel my walk to Sandy Bell’s on the grounds that if I was merely a metaphysical concept, I probably would not be able to drink anyway.

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141 thoughts on “Metaphysics

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  • Ben the Inquisitor

    No. I just think Craig thought better to leave this one alone. He does seem to have a hard time getting his face/voice out there.

    Craig; about that campaign manager? You may be trying to do too much yourself.

  • Ben the Inquisitor

    Based upon the evidence, anecdotal, but seems reasonable to conclude the Brands and Craig Murrays are being shut out for some reason other than coincidence.

  • KingOfWelshNoir

    Yes, it’s always painful to champion a view that is dismissed as ‘conspiracy theory’ by the establishment media, only to have them—as a consequence of some change in the Zeitgeist—pick it up and act as if they had been writing about it all their lives. And, of course, they never acknowledge those who really were banging on about it for years before. The sudden volte-face with respect to Jimmy Savile being a case in point.

  • doug scorgie

    Bunny la Roche
    12 Dec, 2014 – 7:35 pm

    “Good Lord, we appear to have someone who believes the QT audience represents a fair cross-section of public opinion!”

    Explain yourself in rather more detail if you can Bunny.

    I await your erudite clarification.

  • Anon

    Craig does sometimes seem to exist in an alternate reality in which his side won the Scotch independence vote.

  • Fedup

    Friedrich Engels was a millionaire too, but as ever it is not the message that matters and instead it is the messenger who gets the attention.

    This is akin to the debate, about the envelope that is a filthy, dirty and untidy looking item, never mind that within, it holds a winning lottery ticket for millions of Euros, lets not waste our time on the ticket and instead talk about who would touch that envelope and how on Earth such a filthy specimen can be posted into our fair post boxes of the privatised (extremely efficient fantastic Not post office), there should be a law against it!

    The establishment is falling over itself to wax lyrical about Russell Brand. All the while that pound shop Enoch Powell is getting the column inches about his fantastic new way (the same as before on steroids).

    This is interesting that Craig Murray is sacked and nearly killed and his dirty linen washed in public with C4 news (the other bbc) concentrating on his private life instead of the fact that the man had enough balls and humanity to stand up and shout; “I have had enough and I am not going to be part of the torturing regime that is boiling people alive just for the fun of it”.

    The disgraceful conduct of the pusillanimous stenographers who are kidding themselves; “trying to stay impartial and get to the truth”! Yeah, I should cocoa too.

    The only Journos who can be read are Alex Thompson, and Pilger and now and again Peter Oborne (despite his right wing tendencies). The rest are troughers who know they are onto a winner so long as they suck up and not mention anything that will rock the boat, they cannot afford too, only the likes of Russell Brand can manage to mouth off, and still find their bread of the night!

    Craig you have been vindicated, there is still hope that filthy lunatic and user of exotic substances one G. W. Bu$h will face some kind of justice along with his poodle on the make one Antony Miranda/whatever else bLiar.

  • doug scorgie

    12 Dec, 2014 – 7:35 pm

    “A set up?”

    Undoubtedly Mary. The guy came across as a typical BNP supporter to me, as did some of the other vocal anti-immigration ignoramuses in the audience.

  • doug scorgie

    Bunny la Roche
    12 Dec, 2014 – 7:39 pm

    “Seriously, though, Doug, could you flesh out a little what you mean by the “establishment narrative”?

    If you don’t know what “establishment narrative” means Bunny perhaps this blog is a bit above your intellectual paygrade.

  • Ben the Inquisitor

    Remember Adam Sutler’s words…

    “We demand UNITY”

    IOW’s The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  • Shadow

    @ DomesticExtremist (10:44pm)

    Thank you. That’s very odd. If I search page one of the comments now for “murray” I find two instances, but earlier I found none.
    This has done nothing for my habitual paranoia.

  • YouKnowMyName


    curiosity….twitter searches … no longer find the tweet

    Well, apart from UK having negotiated ‘super-user’ status for the social media networks, there is also a very efficient department somewhere that is able to really ‘clean the internet’, whether they are in Maryland or HMGC in Hanslope Park, I don’t yet know! More research required!

    (All my friends have moved from USA based tweeting to Russian ‘Telegram’ due the real encryption) & I’ve cloud/DNS blocked Twitter from my home due to its potentially nefarious uses for C&C. Craig’s views, should he existentially exist or not, remain welcome however!

  • Fedup

    Nigel Farage has never hidden his admiration for Enoch Powell, the Conservative politician whose 1968 Rivers of Blood speech overshadowed race relations in Britain for decades.

    Pound Shop Enoch Powell and his role model

    1968 in the past century somehow linked to 44BC, and evidently it is linked to here and now. Who said we don’t have social progress? It is only two thousand and odd years since the stuff happened as it was yesterday.

    The stagnant, morally, financially bankrupt regime tenuously hanging there with its finger nails and finds salvation in ruling through fear, foreboding and hatred. Now back to immigrants who come over here, and those…….bla…..h……political …….correct……blah….damn…..foreigners…….etc. All the fault of those going around and sewing political apathy as the good Lord Willy Whitelaw said.

  • Ben the Inquisitor

    ” sewing political apathy”

    I pictured Neo’s mouth being sewed-up by agents. I’m certain it has no relevance. 🙂

  • lysias

    I have just read two books that are both properly scathing about the use of the phrase “conspiracy theory”: Lance deHaven-Smith’s Conspiracy Theory in America and (for those who can read German) Matthias Broeckers’s JFK: Staatsstreich in Amerika.

  • nevermind

    Shame on the MSM and the BBC, Channel4, for promoting their pornographic kind of self denial on to the British public.

    The obscenity that underlies their fake moral indignation over torture is breathtaking.
    Ms May imprisoned an innocent man and doe snot want to name the stooges that can overrule courts and police.
    Straw tweets his heart out trying to counterbalance any arguments that might exist that he’s guilty of ordering innocent people being extraordinarily renditioned and tortured.
    According to Peter Thatchel tonight, the British Governments representatives met their US counterparts 24 times to talk about the torture report.

    George Tennant had lied, so has Cheney, Bush, and many others. The FCO is projecting this as bad news for the US, but not for us, honest, dear plebs, we didn’t know a thing.

    Watching QT last night was like panto, I do not know why Russell Brand even bothered, he should have walked out after 5 minutes, no better message than an empty seat were he once sat. Thing is he’s vain and full of himself, bless him, millionaire or not, what a daft point to raise by some wayward bunny boiler, when the point was about tax evasion of multinationals.

    ’99 pence Enoch featuring the bunny boilers’ sounds like one heck of a funk group.

  • mike

    Flare up of violence in Chechnya and Dagestan. Oil still plummeting.

    Nothing to do with hitting Russia? I’m not so sure.

    US fracking might suffer from low oil prices, but not as much as the Russian economy. Cheap gas will suit the US consumer, regardless.

    Ukraine is going Russia’s way. The Turkey pipeline deal was a bold move.

    Game on in the Caucasus.

  • Ishmael

    I actually met an old friend recently who seemed to know you. Either that or he was just playing it cool.

    I’d say you don’t exist in the same way most of the populating don’t to some. Even though they seem to spend a massive amount of time trying to convince somebody of something. These are people that exist. Yes sir no sir.

    Reminds me of school days when Germany won the world cup. I never asked anyone to be happy about it but just acknowledging reality seemed too much. Patriotism, the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, …Bless em, bloody hippy’s.

  • Herbie

    Just been listening to Craig’s interview. Thanks, geomannie. It’s really very good. Very wide ranging:

    Only quibble I’d have is that you need to find a better way of explaining how New Labour’s complicity in torture is especially distinct from any other British govt’s complicity in torture, over the years, and in other places etc.

    But otherwise, absolutely excellent conversation.

  • doug scorgie

    12 Dec, 2014 – 11:01 pm

    “Blue-haired woman’ has been identified by some on Twitter as campaigner Bunny La Roche, a Socialist Worker’s Party organiser and a Stand Up To UKIP member.”

    I suspect Mary that our “Bunny” is more likely to be a right-wing infiltrator of the Left who’s embarrassing outburst against Nigel Farage was designed to give credibility to UKIP and at the same time undermine anti-racist campaigners.

    Time will tell but the credibility of those on the left who seek a sensible debate on immigration has been damaged by this silly woman.

  • giyane

    Craig, you’ve hit the nail on the head about this time.

    In the Blair years USUKIS were torturing their own agents, and then like Belhadj and Shimon Elliott, they put them in power.
    The message that Islam is bad and mad is loud and clear.

    The NEWS is the message. Reality is a totally different thing.

  • jivss

    Don’t anyone be fooled by C4’s John Snow.

    He’s been a steerer boy for the spooks for many a year.

  • Ishmael

    Excellent podcast.

    I think the drive for independence should not be looked at as it is or isn’t. ‘legitimate’ is not as important as to do independent stuff, like in Catalonia, it seems that brings lot of confidence. And the knowledge that it is in fact largely true regardless of official documentation.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Sorry, this is even worse..

    If you had replied Shoot The F’ckers..i would have been more’s wrong with you ..are you an American or something??

    Vote UKIP

    You Know it Makes Sense

    (There is Another Way)

    We use The LAW To PROSECUTE THESE WAR CRIMINALS in our midst . We all Know Who They Are..but Seriously..If We are Going To Turn This World Back To Sanity..we have got to focus and use all our energies locally in all our different countries in the prosecute our own local war criminals at every level.

    I am Personally Trying To Do My Best on all the information I Have just to get Two..

    They Now Have To Go together…

    Nah The Yanks Can Do Cheney and all their Rest..(I love You Americans Really but wake the eff up English can’t do this all on our own – a bit of support please to take these fkers down)

    No 2 The “Right Honourable” “Jack Straw” John Whitaker “Jack” Straw (born 3 August 1946) is a British Labour Party politician


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