Metaphysics 141

Listening to the BBC and Sky, and reading The Guardian, all on the subject of whether the UK establishment knew about CIA torture or not, the realisation dawned on me that I had imagined my entire life story and in fact I had never actually existed. For a little while it was like being in a particularly scary Japanese film.

Then fortunately, I started to look through the comments threads and discovered that even though every journalist in the mainstream media does not know that I blew the whistle on all this a decade ago, the general public do apparently know of me and know a very great deal more than the so-called journalists. So it seems I do exist after all.

That is really quite a relief, because I was about to cancel my walk to Sandy Bell’s on the grounds that if I was merely a metaphysical concept, I probably would not be able to drink anyway.

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141 thoughts on “Metaphysics

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  • CanSpeccy

    Metaphysics has always been the best way to tackle political reality. People know virtually nothing in the political realm of their own experience, and when they do have any personal experience they discover that the news story is more or less an entire fabrication. This is not new, it has always been so. Hence, such apothegms as “believe nothing until it is officially denied,” and in war “truth is the first casualty,” etc.

    Today we have the Internet, which offers a different picture, but it is the home of every kind of crank and crackpot, as well as a legion of disinformation agents.

    Instead of political correctness, all schools should have a mandatory programe on “Epistemology in the Internet age.” Trouble is the politically correct would get at it and turn it into utter bollocks!

    Nice article by an old journalist here, explaining why he never reads a newspaper.


  • doug scorgie

    Your “non-existence” Craig is proof positive that you have rattled the political establishment and its supporters in the media.

    I’ve just watched Question Time on the BBC i player. The only supporters of what Russell Brand had to say were in the audience; the panel, to a man/woman, attacked him because what he had to say attacked those pushers of the establishment narrative; i.e. The Tories; Labour; UKIP; the LibDems; the City of London and the media.

    You don’t have to agree with what Russell Brand says but it seems anyone with any views that are not acceptable to the “powers that be” will be ignored or ridiculed.

    I imagine the same would happen to you Craig if you were invited to partake on the program on the subject of torture; not that I think you will ever be invited on the program.

  • Bunny la Roche

    Good Lord, we appear to have someone who believes the QT audience represents a fair cross-section of public opinion!

  • Bunny la Roche

    Seriously, though, Doug, could you flesh out a little what you mean by the “establishment narrative”?

  • Yeahbut

    You do exist and even persons only half-enlightened will surely know so. The publishing of M in S, in particular, was a massive eye-opener that will be given its due in future historical reckonings, even if some find its key messages inconvenient right now. Walk tall. (Nice to bump into you at the QH and welcome (back) to Scotland).

  • Republicofscotland

    I think you’ll find that all the journalist know you blew the whistle, but like the broadcasters, the journalists are way to wary of a backlash from the hierarchy to give you the credit you deserve.

    Where as the online social media and blogs face no such restrictions.

  • Bunny la Roche

    He’s not a zillionaire, Ben, that is incorrect information.

    He is a multi-millionaire.

  • Mary

    ‘Bunny la Roche’ (there’s a handle, almost as good as Lady Marmalade!) has been reading the Daily Mail and takes their word as gospel.

  • Bunny la Roche


    Russell Brand is indeed a multi-millionaire. Ludicrous, I know, for someone who professes his anti-capitalism so loudly, but that is the fact of the matter. I can understand and, for a while, shared your disbelief, thinking to myself, “Hold on a minute, no one could go on stage like that talking about profit being filthy whilst minting millions of capitalist pounds and buying a home in Hollywood – it must be one of his comedy acts!”.

    But there you have it. Russell Brand is a multi-millionaire. That the Daily Mail may also have said so is irrelevant.

  • Mary

    Have you direct access to his bank records and/or know the value of his property? If he owns a house in the UK, why is he paying £76k pa rent? Do you have any thoughts on the wealth of the Tories in the cabinet and in parliament?

    PS Many people have become ‘millionaires’ in recent times by virtue of the ridiculous rise in property prices.

  • Ben the Inquisitor

    I’m certain Bunny would chastise Mohandas for his peasant wardrobe whilst making ‘homespun’. It’s undignified. ‘Swings both ways”

    It’s a two-fer

  • Ben the Inquisitor

    Although most of the 1% poo-poo the necessity of ‘noblesse oblige’, it does seem to reflect christian values. The Good Samaritan and the Parable of the Talents show good works are part of the ideology, not to mention the ‘Golden Rule’. I digress.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “‘Bunny la Roche’ (there’s a handle, almost as good as Lady Marmalade!) has been reading the Daily Mail and takes their word as gospel.”

    As has Republicofscotland lately, by the look of it. The thread before last refers.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Although most of the 1% poo-poo the necessity of ‘noblesse oblige’, it does seem to reflect christian values. The Good Samaritan and the Parable of the Talents show good works are part of the ideology, not to mention the ‘Golden Rule’. I digress.”

    Such digressions are rather welcome, Ben.

  • Shadow

    I’ve just looked at that Grauniad page Craig linked to, and after reading a few dozen comments I decided to automate the process by searched for the string “murray” on all the pages of comment threads. That string was not found.
    If anyone had heard of you, Craig, their comment has gone down the memory hole.

  • thomaspotter2014

    Good on you Craig and this is only the start of the reckoning.
    Jack Straw and his co-accused can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time,but they can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
    Big wheels are starting to turn.
    And their complicity will out just like the Truth.
    About time!

  • Abe Rene

    Of course you exist, or how could the government lean on the UK media to prevent you being heard? Enjoy the whisky!

  • Squonk

    Here’s a metaphysical curiosity

    twitter searches for “Craig Murray Jack Straw” no longer find the tweet by Craig on the recent blog post (or at least mine don’t). It was the top of the search results until roughly the same time RT embedded Craig’s tweet on their website. Even more curious the last time I tried it still showed up in a US twitter search but not in a UK twitter search. Twitter still finds other people quoting Craig but doesn’t show the tweet that started it all. The original tweet currently has 63 re-tweets and appeared to be going viral until it was filtered out of general twitter display. Yes it is still there if you go to Craig’s twitter page but that’s about the only way you will see it.


  • doug scorgie

    What happened to the Morag thread?

    I tried to post on it and got “Sorry, you must be logged in to post a comment.”

    Now the whole thread seems to have gone.

  • doug scorgie

    Ben the Inquisitor
    12 Dec, 2014 – 10:18 pm

    “Craig deleted, Doug.”

    Thanks Ben, any explanation given?

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